Punk Rox Warrior

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Authors: Rachel Cron

BOOK: Punk Rox Warrior
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Punk Rox Warrior

Life is about to get interesting for Rainne.

Rainne Stanton is a young woman who lives by her own rules. She

has her band, she has her little business, and now she has a

stalker. Her world is turned upside down when her mother gets


James Decker is competent, lethal and Rainne's new shadow.

Hired by her mother to find and eliminate Rainne’s stalker, he

never anticipated what was waiting for him.

Their passion was something neither one expected or welcomed.

Together, can they clear the haze of deception surrounding

Rainne? As James begins to unravel the mystery that is Rainne

herself, what he finds will forever change him in ways he never

could have anticipated.

This book contains anal sex.


46,210 words


Rachel Cron


Siren Publishing, Inc.



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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


Copyright © 2011 by Rachel Cron

E-book ISBN: 1-61034-140-6

First E-book Publication: March 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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Punk Rox Warrior
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For Jim, till the mountains crumble and the trees burn, I will always

be your kitten. To my children (Phish n Ducky) who are the catalyst

for everything I do and every breath I take.

Thank you to my parents for always standing behind me and never

blocking my chosen path.

Suzie Q and Thing 2, I could not have asked for two better friends and

for all the other people in my life who make the mayhem bearable.

Last but most definitely not least, to everyone who isn’t afraid to bask in their own light. Shine on people, shine on.



Copyright © 2011

Chapter 1

“You did what?” Rainne shrieked while pacing violently back and

forth in her cluttered studio apartment. This was not the way she

wanted to start her morning. She hadn’t even finished her second cup

of coffee yet. “This is ridiculous! I’m not a child! I don’t need a


“Well, obviously you do, Rainne,” her mother yelled back. “This

lifestyle you insist on living will get you killed one day. It’s bad

enough that you want to waste your life doing nothing, but I’ll be

damned if I’ll let your carelessness spill into the rest of our lives! This is all your fault. You’re damned lucky that I’m even willing to help

you fix the mess you’ve made! Besides, he’s already been paid. You

have no choice in this matter. That little stunt at my banquet the other night was the last straw!”

Rainne was getting tired of rolling her eyes at the ridiculous

claims her mother made. It was the same crap she’d heard time and

time again. Rubbing her forehead with the palm of her hand, she

breathed out exhaustedly. “Fine, when will he be here?”

“This afternoon. I expect you to cooperate with him,” she

muttered sternly. “And Rainne, don’t sleep with him, too!”

Screaming in frustration, Rainne slammed down the phone. “

What the fuck did I do to deserve that bitch as a mother?”

Punk Rox Warrior


sleep with him!”
Her mother’s words swam around her head. She snorted in disgust.
Please! It’s not like I’m the Whore of Babylon,
she thought angrily to herself.

She loved her mother, dearly, but couldn’t fathom how they could

be so different. They had never been close. She had been a daddy’s

girl, through and through. After the death of her father she had hoped

that they would become closer, only the opposite had happened. Her

mother had become even more distant, almost hateful toward her.

Rainne’s father had taught her that family came first, always. It broke

her heart that they were more like strangers rather than mother and

daughter. She often felt torn between family obligation and what she

thought her father would have wanted, or washing her hands and

walking away from her mother’s world altogether. It had been an

internal battle for years.

Looking at the clock, Rainne let a curse slip through her lips. She

was going to be late for her shift at the dragon lady’s house. Throwing

on her favorite Mary Janes, she grabbed her keys and her satchel and

raced for the door. There would be hell to pay if she was late, and

she’d be damned if she’d get bitched out twice in one day.

In Rainne’s haste to lock the door, she dropped her satchel in the

hall. As she twisted up from the floor, crap in hand, she slammed into

a human wall just to bounce back down on her ass, spilling the

contents all over again.

“What the hell, man!” she hollered out. Just then her view focused

on what was probably the most menacing man she had ever laid eyes

on. He was huge, at least six feet, five inches tall, with dark brown

hair that waved just above his crystal blue eyes that were staring

down at her with a savage glare. His suntanned skin covered what

looked to be chainmail armor rather than muscles. The skintight,

white T-shirt that was tucked neatly into a pair of military camouflage

pants just accentuated the effect. Glancing down at his combat boots,

she instantly felt small, but part of her wondered where she could

acquire a pair.


Rachel Cron

He bent down, grabbing her under her arms like a toddler, and

with one swift motion she was back on her feet. She swayed, grasping

onto him to keep herself from the floor. Handing her things to her, he

growled, “Name’s not man. It’s First Lieutenant James Decker,

Special Forces.”

“You must be the babysitter Carol sent. Nice,” she scoffed. “Well,

hate to cut this meeting short, Jimmy, but I’m late for work.”
This is
such bullshit, not only am I not in the mood for this right now, but you
are almost four hours early
. She was not ready for this, not yet, and by the looks of him, maybe not ever.

* * * *

As she spun to walk away, James grasped her upper arm, pushing

her against the wall, with his broad hands moving to her shoulders.

Her mother had warned him about her lifestyle, the wild parties, the

drugs and sex, the lowlifes she surrounded herself with, the sarcastic,

unpolished attitude. By the looks of her, the woman who hired him

wasn’t far off. She was dressed in a black T-shirt with a thin, long-

sleeved, red blouse underneath it. The black skirt she wore came

halfway to her knees and had red ruffles peeking out underneath it.

On her feet were big, black, chunky heels. She was tall for a girl, even without the four-inch heels. She was five feet, eight inches tall, and a little on the chubby side, but perfectly proportioned, smooth. Her hair

fell around her shoulders in chocolate brown, spiraling waves. It made

her look even paler than she really was. Her big brown eyes were

glaring up at him while the dark blue lipstick that adorned her bowtie

lips formed an over exaggerated pout.

James released his hold on her. Standing back and crossing his big

arms over his chest, his lips turned into a snarl. He proclaimed, “First of all, you look like Halloween gone wrong! Furthermore, my name is

James not Jimmy, and I’m no babysitter, girly-girl. I’m also not here

to put up with your bullshit. I’m here to keep your ass alive! Starting

Punk Rox Warrior


now, I’m in charge, and you’re not going to work today. Your mother

already informed your partner of your situation, and you have the next

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