Punk Rox Warrior (6 page)

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Authors: Rachel Cron

BOOK: Punk Rox Warrior
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place the discarded clothes on the floor. Rainne sluggishly climbed

into bed and tightly closed her eyes.
Disheartened isn’t the word, but
it’s close.
Am I next? When is all this going to end?
She knew her

Rachel Cron

questions and worries wouldn’t be answered tonight, but she couldn’t

stop them from flowing into her mind. All that was left to do was

hope sleep would steal her for a few hours and maybe the answers

would come tomorrow.

* * * *

Late into the night, James found himself wide awake. He’d lost

hope of falling asleep hours ago. He was trying desperately to ignore

the tent his erect cock was making in his once loose-fitting

sweatpants. The only sound was the restless shifting, soft moans, and

mewling sounds coming from Rainne as she slept. He wondered who

was invading her dreams.
What fantasies would make her make those

noises? Would she make those noises underneath me?
H He scoffed at that. He’d make her scream for him.
I’d kill to make her scream
right now

* * * *

Waking up from her dream, drenched in sweat, Rainne rose

shakily from her bed. She padded to the bathroom and glanced in the

mirror. Her face was flushed. Getting a sip of water, she tried to keep

her heart from thumping through her ribs. “What the hell is going

on?” she asked silently.
How could James make my body react like

this? After just a few days I’m ready to rape him. Maybe Annie was
right. Maybe I do need to get laid
, sh i
f that dream was any
indication, Annie was right on the money
. She figured she’d better forget about sleep for tonight. She might as well try to get some

writing done on her new song.

Creeping softly past the couch to get her notebook, Rainne spied

James. Rather, she spied the huge baseball bat sprouting from under

his pants.
I had no idea that dicks could get that big.
Her body instantly reacted. She could feel her stomach heating, instantly

Punk Rox Warrior


wondering what it would be like to touch it. Unconsciously, before

she could stop herself, she reached out her shaking hand to embrace


James’s hand speared out, clamping down on her wrist, he jerked

her down on top of him. Before she could gasp, James wrapped his

big arms around her waist and stole a heated kiss. She braced her

hands flat against his chest and pushed, trying to free herself, like that was going to happen. He ignored her struggles as he forced her lips

apart to accommodate his tongue. This wasn’t a kiss. It was a

demolishment of her will, her very soul. He would melt her. She had

never been kissed like this, never dreamed anyone could ever be

kissed like this. After what seemed like forever or a millisecond, she

couldn’t be sure, he pulled back. “Be very sure you want what I can

dish out, little girl.” His face was savage, and his voice harsh and


She couldn’t do anything but whimper as one hand slid down her

back and feathered against the crease of her ass until he got to the

glaze soaking through her panties. Except for the vibration radiating

through her body, she was still, frozen in place.

“Mmm, I bet you taste like a peach, too.” Sliding his thick fingers

under her panties, he groaned. “Is that for me, Rainne? Did you get

that sweet pussy wet for me?” Bringing his fingers back to his face,

he sucked on them.

Her eyes widened. She had never seen anything so naughty. Never

heard words so explicit directed at her. She couldn’t comprehend

what to say or do. Before she could unravel her thoughts, he flipped

her onto her back and hovered over her.

“You do taste like peaches,” he whispered in her ear. “I love

peaches.” His voice was husky, lust filled. Running his hands under

her T-shirt, he pulled it over her head.

She couldn’t make sense of what was happening. She couldn’t

sort out the different sensations. Her body was rioting. She heard a

low, seductive moan rise from her chest when he wrapped his big


Rachel Cron

hand around her breast and licked it vigorously with his tongue.
that me?
A low chuckle escaped his lips before they locked around her nipple, making her arch to him. “I knew you’d be soft as a kitten,”

he moaned, his lips moving down her abdomen.

Shivering at the compliment, Rainne tensed.
What am I doing?

What is he doing? I have to stop this.
A high-pitched squeak escaped her lips as he gave her panties a strong tug and ripped them from her

body, throwing the tattered material aside.

Moving between her thighs, his breathing hitched.

“What a pretty pussy.” Rainne sat straight up like someone shot

her with a Taser. Staring at James, her mouth opened to say

something, but then just snapped shut when nothing came to mind.

She jumped off the couch, only to be caught around the waist by his

bulging arms. Holding her in a death grip against his huge body, he

wrestled her to the floor. She had no hope of escape as his weight

crushed her into the padded carpet. His thigh coming up tight against

her weeping pussy, she could feel his rock-hard cock against her

lower belly.

“Where ya goin’?” he asked, his face flushed. He looked almost


“Away,” she whispered, her body trembling so bad she feared a

seizure. The instinct to run was so overwhelming, yet she couldn’t

wait to see what came next.
What the hell is wrong with me?

“Just relax, baby.”

“I can’t...um.” Panting for air, she could feel a heated blush move

across her face. “No one’s...ever.”

His body shifted to the side, releasing her from his weight. Laying

his palm on her trembling stomach, he gazed into her eyes as he

frowned deeply. “Are you a virgin, Rainne?”

“No,” she said, her voice cracking. “It’s just no one ever did that

before. It took me off guard.”
God, how mortifying!

His brow sunk into a frown. “You’ve never had your pussy eaten?

What about Phillip?”

Punk Rox Warrior


Rainne vigorously shook her head. That thought churned her


“What about the others?” he asked, gazing down at her through

his thick lashes.

* * * *

Her glance met his with a wide, doe-eyed expression. “There

weren’t any others. Phillip is the only man I’ve ever been with. On the

rare occasions we did have sex…it didn’t involve a lot of extras.”

Her eyes broke contact to stare off into nothing. Her

embarrassment was evident. Gripping her chin firmly, he again caught

her gaze. “Did Phillip ever make you come, baby?”

Averting her eyes, she mouthed the word “no.” A tear slid down

her blushing cheek.

Without any warning, his lips came down on hers, possessing her

in a kiss that she couldn’t have ever dreamed existed. His moan

echoed around her as he broke away. “That should be fucking illegal.”

Positioning his body over hers, he kissed a path down her body,

setting a fire wherever he touched. Moving lower, he maneuvered

himself between her quivering thighs. “Just relax, Rainne. I’ve got


Jutting up onto her elbows, she stared down at him through heavy-

lidded eyes. She felt high, weak.
God, my name on his lips alone

could make me come.

Smiling seductively, he lowered his head. He slowly ran his

tongue from her seeping entrance to her swollen clit, circling it

slowly. “I’m going to lick you like an ice cream cone.” He moaned

against her.

Floating flat to the floor, Rainne cried out at the sensation.

this should be illegal. S
he was helpless against that tongue. As he suckled her clit, abusing it with his tongue, his name screamed from

her throat.


Rachel Cron

Rising to hover over her and balancing his weight on his hand, he

leaned down and rolled her nipple between his teeth. “You are so wet,

baby.” Running his fingers between her folds, he circled the entrance

to her pussy and slowly pushed inside. “Such a tight little kitten,” he

whispered against her nipple.

Rainne’s back arched to a sensation she’d never felt. Like birth

and death all in one. Closing her eyes, she dug her nails into James’s

shoulders. “Oh God, James!” Holding her breath, her body began to

shudder. With a strangled whimper, she went limp, sprawling onto the

floor underneath him.

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Chapter 5

Rainne’s eyes fluttered open, instantly aware of the fact that she’d

never slept so soundly. She felt rested, energized. Secondly, she was

aware of the intimidating erection pressed between her butt cheeks.

They flexed unconsciously. Her eyes widened as she felt herself being

rolled onto her stomach.

Laying his body atop hers, he kissed the nape of her neck. “Good

morning, kitten.” Pressing his thick cock through the crease of her ass

and bracing his weight on his elbow, his other hand ran along the

underside of her body. He found her creamy fountain and slowly

stroked her clit, making her buck against him.

Rainne couldn’t control her body. She could feel the wetness

trickling out between her thighs. Raising her hips slightly,

instinctually she gasped as she felt James’s broad member press

against the entrance to her cunt. “Relax, baby,” he crooned. “Relax

that pussy and let me in.”

Slowly, she felt him ease inside her, inch by inch, stretching her

tight entrance. “Oh God, James!” She tried desperately to fight the

panic welling in her body. An urgent need to flee was clawing at her

from the inside out. Her body burned pleasantly for him. She had

never been so wet, so needy. Her head told her this was a bad idea,

but her body was screaming for more.

* * * *

“Good girl,” he moaned in her ear. He could feel her in inching

away from him. He grasped her shoulder to anchor her in place. He


Rachel Cron

needed her to relax. His fingers sped up, vigorously circling her clit,

feeling her pussy juice drip down his balls. James’s control

disappearing quickly, he drew back, an inch from exiting her

completely. Pausing for a moment, he could feel her squirm

underneath him and finally relax. He filled her to overflowing with

one swift motion of his hips. “God, Rainne. You’re so tight. You’re

going to cut the circulation off to my dick.”

A scream escaped her lips as she struggled to take his girth.

“James...” she whimpered.

“Yeah, come fo r me, kitten. Come all over that cock,” he hissed

as he felt her juice drip onto his fingers. He started to thrust, slow and deep, inside her.

* * * *

Rainne had never felt anything like this before. She couldn’t tell if

it was pleasure or pain, but she could tell she wanted more. Pivoting

her hips to meet his thrusts, she cried out, “Yes, God, yes!”

Increasing the pressure on her sensitive clit, an animalistic growl

rumbled in his chest as he picked up his pace, driving harder into her.

Rainne’s head snapped back, her eyes wide.

screamed, her body quaking underneath his as her orgasm overtook

her senses.

“Good girl. Take that dick, baby!” He groaned. Rocking back on

his haunches, he grabbed Rainne’s hips, pulling her to her knees.

Holding her tightly, he leaned back and proceeded to slam into her

tight cunt.

Rainne forced her body to relax, forced it from pulling away out

of instinct. Nothing had ever felt so good. She could hear her screams

mixing with James’s. Suddenly her body felt hollow, as James pulled

out. A manly shout surrounded her as he showered her lower back

with his pleasure.

As they collapsed onto the floor next to each other, their chests

Punk Rox Warrior


were heaving, fighting for enough oxygen to move.

“Wow!” Rainne exclaimed.

“What?” A harsh breath escaped his lips.

“Annie was right.” Giggling, she turned to look at him. “You are

the coolest thing my mom’s ever bought me.”

James laughed out loud. “Well, I’ve been told I’m worth every

penny.” He slowly raised himself from the floor and strolled toward

the bathroom.

Rainne heard the shower start as she sat up. She could feel the

soreness creeping over her body. Moving with slow, methodical

movements, she rose from the floor to walk toward the bedroom. As

she walked past the bathroom, James held his hand out to her.

Clasping it, he pulled her into the shower.

* * * *

Maneuvering her under the spray, gently washing her, he racked

his brain for an explanation for his actions. He never got involved

with his clients. He never lost control with his women, never. He

couldn’t help himself around her. He was like a horny teenage boy.

She was so soft, innocent. He’d never had such a tight pussy wrapped

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