Punk Rox Warrior (7 page)

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Authors: Rachel Cron

BOOK: Punk Rox Warrior
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around him. She engulfed him, completely. Just washing her was

more pleasure than he’d experienced in…well, ever. Just this simple

act was enough to make him want more, more touches, more glances.

He just wanted to be near her.

* * * *

Standing under the spray, feeling his strong hands washing her,

Rainne battled with her arms to not cover herself. The water felt so

good. His hands felt better. She had never stood naked in front of

anyone before. It made her feel self-conscious.

“You are so beautiful. Relax, baby. Let me wash you,” he


Rachel Cron

whispered as he caught her gaze.

She forced a nervous smile and nodded faintly. She tried

desperately to relax as his hands moved expertly and efficiently over

her body, like he’d done it a thousand times.
Of course he’s done this
a thousand times. Stupid! He’s probably got a girl for every day of the
week. Look at him for god sakes! He’s a beast, strong, confident, and
male, all male. Stop!
Don’t do this to yourself. When he leaves, it will
just suck all the more. Just enjoy this. He’s caring for you. It’s sweet.

Stop fucking it up!
Snapping her out of her mental war was James towering over her, handing her the loofah.

“You know the old adage.” He smiled down at her with the sexiest

grin. “I wash your back...” Rainne took the sponge from him and very

timidly started to wash his chest.

* * * *

He couldn’t believe how good her hands felt. She almost seemed

afraid of hurting him. Her touch was like the softest feather. She

seemed to be exploring every inch of his body as she cleaned him.

“That feels so good,” he said softly.

* * * *

“Th…Thanks,” she stammered. “I’ve never washed anybody,

under the age of sixty, before.”
Wow, way to kill the mood. Let’s just
bring the image of me washing an old raisin!

Pulling her into his chest, he whispered into her hair, “Me either.”

Rainne felt a knot rise in her throat. Why was him acknowledging

that so important to her, she couldn’t know. It made her happy to

believe it, none the less, even if he was just saying that to be nice.

* * * *

Punk Rox Warrior


After finishing their shower, Rainne threw on her robe and

proceeded to make breakfast. She wasn’t really hungry, but history

had taught her to eat a big meal before her mom’s parties. Even if she

didn’t lose her appetite at the pretentiousness of the party itself, she never again wanted her mother to see her eat.

James entered the kitchen and sat at the table as she placed a stack

of blueberry pancakes in front of him.

“Dig in,” she chimed, bouncing back to the counter and retrieving

her own plate.

Sitting across from him, after last night and this morning,

What should I say? Does he think the breakfast is some

sort of fat girl payment for sex? Does he realize that in fourteen

states, sex the night before then breakfast together the next morning
make us common law married? Why can’t I get my brain to shut


* * * *

“Stop thinking so hard,” he said, taking a sip of coffee.
is so
adorable, probably racking her brain over unanswered questions. She

is so complex, her brain always churning, always wondering. It’s

fascinating to watch.
“So what’s with the banquet?” he asked with a grin.

Clearing her throat, she flushed. “Well, it’s best to eat beforehand.

I either can’t recognize the food they serve, can’t pronounce it, or

can’t see it because it’s so small.” Grimacing, she took a bite and

chewed nervously.

Watching her, he knew there was something else. “Is that the only

reason?” he asked, tilting his head.

Averting her eyes from his, she murmured, “I don’t eat in front of

my mom.”

He was a master at reading people, repetitive patterns, body

language, and facial expressions. He could tell when someone was


Rachel Cron

holding something back or lying. It was obvious she didn’t want to

talk about it. She was already a bundle of nerves, so he decided not to

push the subject. “So what’s this party for anyway?”

She smiled. “Don’t ask me. My mom throws parties like other

people change their underwear.” Rolling her eyes, she continued, “My

mom’s friends, her employees, and investors will be there. Hopefully

we will be able to sneak out early.”

Rising up from his chair, James started clearing his dishes. “Why

is it so important that you be there?”

“Take your pick...She says it’s to show me off, but I suspect it’s to

suck me into her life. She knows I hate her lifestyle, the people, and

the excess. She doesn’t understand why I’m not clamoring to be a part

of it.” She followed suit with her dishes.

As he watched her fill the sink with water, James could tell there

was, again, something else. “And?” he urged.

Sighing regretfully, her shoulders slumped. “I think she’s trying to

marry me off to one of those spoiled, pampered, egotistical pieces of

shit she calls colleagues. She seems to think it’s important for me to

marry well. I told her that
I get married, I need it to be for love, not status. She said that love is overrated, that I was a fool. It sucks. She makes me mingle, and all the assholes line up to dance with me. It’s

awful. They’re not interested in me. They just want my mother’s


The sound of James’s phone broke the conversation. He plucked

the cell from his belt and answered it. “Hey, Alton.”

“We have movement on the e-mail account. It’s pretty graphic. He

intends to strike...and soon.” He sighed heavily.

“Were you able to trace the feed?” James could feel his blood

pressure skyrocketing.

“Yeah! But...” Alton sucked a breath in through his teeth.

James was quickly losing his temper. “But what, Alton!”

“He ran it from an Internet Coffeehouse downtown on Fourth

Street. We have him on tape, but he used a stolen credit card. The

Punk Rox Warrior


owner of the card died two days ago in a suspicious car crash. The

sheriff said someone cut the fucker’s brake line.” His voice raised an

octave. “We got a trace on the card. I’m sending you the contents

now. You should have it momentarily.”

“Alton, I’m going to need the team here first thing in the

morning,” he said, running his hand through his hair roughly.

“They’re on their way, James. Check out the e-mail, bro. I’ll call

when I have more.”

James heard the phone click dead and raced for his laptop.

Rainne seemed fixed in the kitchen, her eyes glued to him.

Opening the e-mail, James was taken aback at the aggression.

Don’t think for a minute that your new boyfriend and his friends

are going to chase me away.

You’re mine!
Make no mistake about that, Rainne!

You shouldn’t deny me, Rainne. I’d hate to see anything happen to

Merlyn, your friends, or your precious clients. I’ll be seeing you very
soon, my little freak. I can’t wait to hear the new song. Be sure to
wear the blue skirt. I’ll enjoy peeling it off of you later that night.

The e-mail was accompanied by a few pictures of his penis and

assorted sexual torture devices.
This guy is definitely a sicko,
James thought angrily. “Rainne, where does your band practice?”

Looking up from chewing her fingernails, she bucked off the

counter she was leaning against and walked over to him. Bending

down to study the e-mail, she gasped. “A


downtown...wait,” she exclaimed. “How does he know about the new

song?” Her eyes narrowed.

“I think he’s bugged your practice space. My team will be here in

the morning. We need access to the warehouse.” His chest tightened

with a possessive fury he’d never felt before. He’d be damned if this

guy would come within a hundred yards of her. He’d kill him first.

Jesus, he had never been a jealous man, but between Phillip, the


Rachel Cron

unknown men she’d have to dance with tonight at the party, and the

sick bastard stalking her, James was pretty sure he would be bald

from tearing out his own hair by the time this mission was finished.

Staring wide-eyed at the disturbing images, she nodded absently.

“Sure...Sure, not a problem. I have practice tomorrow anyway. Your

team can crash there if they like. It’s pretty big, and it’s loaded with furniture. Shit, is that the time? I have to start getting ready.” Jumping up, she headed towards the bedroom.

Looking down at his own watch, he marveled. “We have hours till

we have to leave! What’s the rush?”

“It will take me that long to be able to pass Carol’s inspection,”

she called from the other room.

Punk Rox Warrior


Chapter 6

James stood in the living room buttoning his suit and adjusting his

cufflinks. “We’re going to be late. Are you ready yet?” he asked

impatiently, ready to get this night over with.

“I think so,” Rainne said nervously.

James looked up to see Rainne come out of her bedroom. His

breath halted. She was dressed in a floor-length, fire-engine red dress, long-sleeved, with the neckline just hinting at the top of her shoulders.

His gaze flowed downward to see delicate-looking high heels, of the

same color, carrying her forward. Her deep brown, riotous curls

cascaded down her back, being held from her face by platinum and

diamond butterfly clips. Around her neck she wore a matching

diamond pendant. She was radiant.

Applying an even layer of lipstick, she smiled timidly. “How do I


James had no words. He’d never seen anything so beautiful.

“Wow!” he exclaimed. “Red is definitely your color, kitten.” Taking

her hand, he led her out of the apartment.

James paused at the door for a moment and spoke into his sleeve.

“We’re on the move,” he stated authoritatively.

Looking around bewildered, Rainne grinned. “Who are you

talking to?”

“My partner Alton is in the mobile unit keeping tabs on us

through GPS,” he said as he led her into the elevator.

“Where is he?” she asked, fidgeting.

“He’s on a bus in the parking garage.” Taking her hand as they

exited the elevator, he motioned towards the very bus he was referring


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to as he pressed a keyless entry unit and a ‘beep, beep’ echoed

through the parking complex.

Rainne paused as James opened her door for her. He was holding

open the door to the biggest Hummer she’d ever seen. “Do you know

how much gas this thing burns?” she scoffed. “That is the biggest

environmental plight on the road.”

He motioned with his free hand. “Just get in.”

Stepping up to the vehicle, she paused. The seat came almost

parallel to her breasts. Before she could wonder aloud, he gripped one

hand under her arm and the other on her hip. Placing her foot on the

step, she jumped in. As he closed the door behind her, she leaned over

the seat and opened his door for him.

James paused behind the Hummer, hearing the door open. He

instantly remembered something his father told him. “Always open

car doors for the ladies. If she returns the favor, she’s a keeper.”

Chuckling softly to himself, he entered the driver’s side and fired up

the engine.

* * * *

Rainne looked around the interior of the vehicle and was amazed

at the complexity of it all. “Holy Starship Enterprise, Batman,” she

chimed, giggling. She had an overwhelming urge to start pushing


James glanced at her, a smile dawning on his face. “Yeah, it’s

pretty high tech. We travel for work, and it helps if we take the fewest vehicles possible. We normally take this one and the bus.”

“It must be cool to travel all over.” She was desperate to hear his

voice. It seemed to caress her, it didn’t matter what he said. As long

as she heard his voice.

“You must’ve traveled all over the world with your folks,” he


“Not likely,” she snorted. “My folks never took me anywhere.

Punk Rox Warrior


Their trips were for business, and my clients rarely leave their house.

I’ve never been farther west than Colorado.”

* * * *

He couldn’t imagine not traveling. “What exactly do you do for a living?” He couldn’t help but ask. Her mother had said she was a


Rainne cleared her throat. “For the ones that live in their homes, I

cook and clean, I do their shopping and banking. Take them to

appointments. Take care of their animals. Whatever needs to be done.

We have a few who are in nursing homes, and their kids pay us to

keep them company. We go a few times a week and play bridge or

have lunch with them.” A small smile graced her face.

James couldn’t miss the resolve in her voice. She loved what she

did. “That’s very noble. Is it hard emotionally? When they die or

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