Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (105 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“I’m sorry. Pl
ease forgive me,” he whimpers.

“I understand. I do forgive you, but you need to apologize to everyone, prove to me that you mean it, and take your punishment. You’ll feel
better afterwards,” I assure.

“I understand. I’m a disrespectful, evil abomination,
” he cries and I roll my eyes.

“Oh, shut it!” I shout and shake him out of frustration. “Your punishment is for six months- every day. You will sit with your father for one hour and afterwards a half hour with Roman. You can say nothing or you can heal.”

“Why?” He looks at me with green eyes filled with glittering tears.

“Jamie- he needs you as much as you need him and you need to know him. Roman is a counselor for troubled kids and addicts, and any child of mine will be troubled,” I snicker. “No, Roman is my oldest friend. Niel, I do understand. I have
parents. My only family is the one I created; they are people who I love and chose. My only blood relatives are you and your sister. You can use this complex you’ve created or you can be thankful that you have a huge family that loves you. Your start in life was because of your father and me, and it didn’t have a damned thing to do with you. You want to be a strong man- stop acting like a child and playing games. BE YOU- don’t be Daniel Whittenhower III- be Niel. Find out who he is, and then I want you to look me in the eye, and trust me, your mother will be looking back. That is why you need to talk to Jamie and Roman. It’s not your punishment- it’s your salvation!”





Chapter Thirty-Eight



Elegant fingers snare my wrist and glacier eyes glare back at me.

is mouthed while his fingers painstakingly spell the word out letter by letter.

I smirk because I feel alive. Adrenaline roars through my veins. It sings sweet nothings in my mind- and by sweet nothings I mean: resentment, anger, frustration, and lust-filled violence.

Jamie snarls his gnarled upper-lip at me and squeezes my wrist. He’s abnormally strong for someone of his size. Lanky men shouldn’t be able to hurt me. I roll my eyes at him and step away.

“Ugh!” I gr
unt and fall to the ground.

I gasp in shock as I lay on my back on the hardwood floor of the Brownstone’s living room. I’m glad Roman is at my house playing with Kris and Cassie. He doesn’t need to see this- no one does. In fact I always put the security feed on a loop that repeats until I make it go live again. Yeah, it’s always premeditated, and yes, we’d be ashamed if anyone knew what we do for release.

You went for the face. RULES, Regina!

I flash him a snide smirk and caress the bright-red handprint on his perfect, beautiful cheek. His eyes drift shut causing his eyelashes to form half-moons on his cheeks. He’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen- the disfigurement gives him a tortured artist/badboy appearance. The fact that he just yanked my hair and shoved me to the ground shouldn’t turn me on, but a strong Jamie is an aphrodisiac. Weak Grant has nothing on Jamie- My blood boils with every emotion that I can name, and a few I have no name for. I simply call this storm of feelings- Jamie.

“Jamie… Jamie, I’m an expert at this. The rule is for you. You didn’t train to know how much pressure you can exact without leaving a lasting mark,” I arrogantly taunt, like he’s less because he’s submissive. It’s bullshit, and we both know it.

I pat his cheek a few times and…

His blue eyes go wide with lust, and then turn into a Cyclops as
he head-butts me. 

“Ungh…” I gargle as I roll around the floor riding out the stars bursting in my mind.

Jamie sits on my chest, pressing his arousal between my breasts as I roll around in agony.

“Mother fucking bastard,” I hiss. “Point to you- that was a good one,” I praise him and he gives me that deep, raspy, growl of a laugh.

He lets me come to while he continues to get his jollies off on my chest. We’re both clothed, but he’s dry humping my breasts like a dog. I close my eyes and moan, and it’s not from pleasure.

We’ve been doing this for a while now. We don’t self-punish, we punish each other. Half the time I hate him and he hates me too. We both know why, and we accept it. We hate that we love each other and despise that we want each other. We don’t make love or cuddle, or even fuck- we beat the living shit out of each other and it’s fabulous.

Grant was wounded- Jamie is a twisted shit…

“Gawww…” sounds from his chest when I fist his bulge beyond the point of pain.

His face turns white as a sheet. His eyes roll back in his head. Tremors radiate down his torso, and it’s fascinating to watch him try to contain the pain. I’d feel bad that I hurt him that badly, but his cock is beating its own drum solo. I snicker while he struggles not to cum.


It amazes me how Jamie and I can have an entire conversation with our eyes. One word mouthed and I know exactly what he wants. Our connection is creepy. It’s why I don’t want anyone to know what we do. It’s tainted, and sick and twisted, and wrong on so many levels.

“Niel was inappropriate with Ava. She pushed Marcus and he pushed back. Our families were disrespected by them in front of an audience. It’s our fault. We destroyed our child,” my voice reaches the depths of hell in desolation. 
He’s not ruined,
Jamie signs and palms the spot he head-butted moments ago.

“I punished him,” I say and Jamie’s blue eyes widen in shock. I’ve walked on eggshells for so long. It’s the first time since he was four th
at I’ve given him a reprimand.

“Every day for six months he has to sit with you for an hour, and then a half hour with Roman. I guess both of you could just sit with him for an hour and a half. It’s up to you. I need Roman to counsel while you bond with our son. You both need it.”

Thank you,
he mouths and then kisses me softly. As the kiss evolves into passionate I rove my hands up his back and tangle my fingers in his silky, fine hair. I moan into his mouth from the intense sensations racking my body. Torturous, exquisite pleasure fires every nerve in my body.

“Jamie,” I hiss as I yank his hair, and he bites my lip until it bleeds. The kiss was too gentle, and then it evolved into passionate. It was about love, not anger. This is what we do. If it feels like it did when he was Grant, we punish the hell out of each other.

He straddles my chest again. He smirks down at me with playful eyes filled with hunger. His fingers flirt with the zipper on his jeans- Grant didn’t wear jeans.

he silently enunciates and slowly drags the zipper down. He pops out hard, hot, and perfect. Eight and a quarter inches of uncircumcised rosy perfection await my eager lips, tongue, and throat. Grant said that quarter inch was important- I agree. I love it shoved down my throat- the burn.

“Are you sure?” I patiently ask, but my eyes are begging him. My mouth is already parted and I my eyes are dilating. He doesn’t ans
wer me and he doesn’t have to.

My tongue cover the tip of his cock as precum shoots out with the force of an actual release. It’s a genetic thing- father and son both treat me with this intoxicating phenomenon. Neither needs down time either. I am truly blessed.

I toy with him. It’s been years since I’ve given a proper blowjob. This is our first sexual contact during the pain-game. Oh, we both get off, but it’s while we’re cringing in pain.

I nibble down his shaft and he wiggles in delight. His cock is pounding a rhythm against my cheek. Jamie fists my hair so tightly that strands break. I cry out in pain and he shoves his cock down my throat, and then abruptly pulls out before I can bite in retaliation. My face is smashed against the buttery-soft flesh of his sack. I gently engulf the left, and then the right in my mouth. His knees go weak as my mouth warms his most tender flesh. I clamp my teeth around his right testicle and he silently screams.

“Ugh!” I grunt when he punches me in the same spot that he head-butted me. He didn’t pull his hit either- it was full-forced fist action. I see stars again as I writhe in pain. Jamie’s fingers plunge into my pants and painfully enter me. Four fingers fuck me while I writhe in pain from the bursts in my head.

Jamie angles his hips so that he can press back into my mouth and still torture my pussy. He skullfucks me as he tries to get his entire fist inside my underused pussy. I cry out a blood-cur
dling scream it hurts so much.

I suck him so hard that his cock will be one large bruise. He hisses between clenched teeth as I attack him and as he assaults me.

Fingers grip my chin and turn me to read his lips.

He aggressively mouths the words and silently growls.

I bite the base of his
cock, his entire length is shoved painfully down my throat. I slowly apply more pressure in a vice-like grip of my teeth.

Harder! Hurt me!
He silently screams the words.

And hurt him I do… I bite until my teeth sink in and pop his flesh. I scream around his cock when one hand twists my breast and the other brutally pinches my engorged clit.
I cum instantly- the most painful, primal release of my entire being. My skin enflames, my nerves shoot lightning, and I cease to think. Tremors roll through my body with the force of a nuclear bomb.

I bite harder, he pinches and twists harder- it’s a vicious circle of hatred- self-hatred that feels mind-altering. The pleasure is a shot of heroin to the system.

Wave after wave of orgasm rolls through me as he grunts a garbled sound and shoots jets of his nectar down my eager throat. I groan from the taste. Nothing has ever tasted as fantastic as his essence. I can’t hate him because this life-giving fluid gave me my children.

I fall back on the floor, blindly staring at Jamie as he sucks his fingers clean and grins down at me. He gives me no respite. I’m yanked to my feet and kissed violently. His taste and mine mingle on our open lips as we eat at each other’s mouths.

He yanks away and glares at me. Before I can register the shift in his attitude, he hauls off and punches me in the cheek.

I stare at him in stunned silence, and then I bre
ak out in a full-bodied laugh.

“Point two for you,” I chuckle. “I don’t know what got into you tonight, but you were fantastic. Hit me outside of the pain-game and I will thoroughly kick your mute ass,” I threaten.

Bring it, Cunt!
He silently enunciates and painstakingly signs. Jamie captures my gaze and gives me a mind-boggling smile- dimples, big white teeth, and rosy-red pouty lips. I’m gobsmacked. My mouth falls open and I shake my head.

I ought to make you suck it again…
I’m fascinated by the way his mouth says suck it- his perfectly gnarled lips forming the words. He was born to be mute. It agrees with him. He’s more outspoken now that he can’t speak then when he had a voice.

My eyes follow where his fingers point and I gasp. His aroused cock is purple and covered with bite marks from my teeth. Blood flows from a chain of marks around the base.
I’d hurt him like he’d begged.

That was incredible. Thank you!

“I don’t know if I should applaud or kill you both,” Marc’s confused voice filters into our altered-reality.

We turn like innocent teenagers in a horror flick. “Shit,” I
hiss between clenched teeth and Jamie mouths

“Are you both finished torturing yourselves for the night?” His voice is sarcastic- not expected.

I can’t look away from the amber fire of his eyes. I want him more after what I just did. It didn’t feed the hunger I always hold for him. His face softens and I know that he just read my thoughts as they flashed across my face.

“Cort,” I say in greeting, but I can’t look away from our Master.

“Your mouth will never touch my cock,” Cort says in awe. “Holy fucking shit!”

Jamie cockily props a brow and tucks his bloodied and bruised erection back in his pants.
In your dreams, skullfuck!

Cort’s mouth drops open, and for the first time ever the word-weaver is speechless. I chuckle at his mystified expression.

“Did you shoot him up with testosterone?” Marc asks me and his eyes never leave my face.

“Um… no… It’s just how he is after we do this,” I gesture around not knowing how to explain what this is. “Side effect,” I explain.

“Interesting,” Marcus muses and Cort asks, “You fucking him?”

“No!” I shout and Jamie throws his cellphone at C
ort, hitting him in the chest.

We all stare down at the phone in shock. Jamie walks over and picks it up, and then innocently shrugs and rolls his head on his neck. He even pops hi
s knuckles as an added threat.

“Dude… what the fuck?” Cort sputters.
Jamie’s response is a pair of one-finger salutes and he mouths,
Get your daughter in line or Mistress will do it!
And with that he walks out of the room.

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