Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (60 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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w would this secure anything?”

“I want you as my wife before this dawn falls. I’ve had a week of worry. It was only this morning that I had proof. Ella isn’t safe and you know it. I am, though. He doesn’t own me in anyway. He was lax in his thinking. I’m not his son, nor does he ha
ve Power of Attorney over me.”

“How doesn’t he?”

“You gave Grant custody of Niel and with his death, Father became his guardian. No one gave me away. I was Grant’s and he didn’t know it. Father raised me without rights knowing no one would doubt him. He saw me as a weak boy who he could manipulate. I don’t have the restrictions that Adelaide has placed on her because I’m not his child, legal or otherwise. And I’m no longer a child.”

“Marry me, let me adopt Ella. He won’t be able to touch the three of us. We’ll be safe. If something happens in the next three years we can fall back on this and he can’t hurt us. He’ll never hurt Niel. I know his plans for Ade and now that she knows my parentage I really worry. All he needs is an excuse and she’ll be in WinterCrest. If our moves
are flawless we will succeed.”

“I don’t know,” I whimper.

“Regina,” he says forcefully and grabs my upper-arms. He roughly shakes me. “This isn’t just about us. I know what you want to hear, but hear this first.” He shakes me again and I smack his hand away. He ignores me as if I was shooing a fly.

“This is bigger than us. This is about my mother,” He breathes deeply. “I mean my Grandmother. This is about Adelaide and Niel. This is about you, me, and Ella. This is about closure for Grant.” He sobs and hitches his breath.

His eyes are this saddest thing I’ve ever seen. My heart breaks and swells at the same time.

“Do you want me to say that it’s because I love you? I can do that, Regina. I can tell you that I love you with all of my heart and it wouldn’t be bullshit. It wouldn’t be to get into your pants or to use you. What the fuck is love anyway? It’s a bond. We’re bound by family and mutual survival. You can love a billion people and I know it wouldn’t diminish what you feel for me. So have lovers and I won’t care as long as you respect yourself. I don’t believe in soulmates because I know you loved Grant. I can see that you love Marcus. Hell, I think you love me, too. I saw your face when you were with Cort- you hated it. It’s time to stop living in stasis.”

“I…I-I-I,” I stammer.

“More? Do you need more convincing?” He grips me so tightly I know I’ll be bruised. “I can’t say that I would be proud to have you stand by my side as my wife.” I flinch and start to sob.
“I wasn’t finished, Regina,” he chastises me with another shake.

“I,” he says forcefully. “I would be proud to stand by
side. I would be proud to be called
husband. You are our Queen and I want to be your King. No one on this planet is more suited to be a Whittenhower. I would scream it to the world. I know I’ll never find a wife and have kids. It isn’t my lifestyle. Do you want to know why?” His big, blue eyes stare me down making sure that I’m not only listening, but hearing everything he’s saying.

“Because I already have a wife and two kids- I don’t need a replacement
set. More?” He arches a brow and waits for my reaction.

I blink until I can think clearly.

“What’s the plan?” Queen’s calculating voice erupts from my throat.

The look Whitt gives me halts my breath. He looks proud. He’s the first person who has ever been proud to accept me as I am. And I don’t mean this instant; I mean from the moment he met me. He’s never doubted me.

“Wife,” he bashfully says and blushes.

His power receded the moment he knew that he got what he wanted.

“We get married and tell no one. I’ll adopt Ella. Sunday morning Niel and I visit for breakfast. Every day I will take our kids to school. And then we wait. We wait until the day we can live as a family. We go about our lives as if nothing has changed. I’ll tell Father that you met me at Restraint. He would find it odd if we didn’t reconnect. I’ll tell him that you want to see Niel and it would put him in Niel’s favor if he could see you, too. We do nothing out of the ordinary and you tell no one. I mean no one. Not even our Master. If you get a lover, you don’t tell him either. I won’t tell mine if I manage to snag a fellow. We’ll most likely lose them when this comes out, but it’s for our survival.”

As he talks he becomes more forceful, his demeanor changes, his facial features harden. He takes on the look of a general leading a small army. I smile at him, barely hearing what he’s saying. He gives me an inquisit
ive look.

“What?” He asks as his
lips twitch up at the corners.

“I’m Regina most of the time. Queen infuses me with strength, but sometimes it feels like we’re separate people, she and I. Sometimes it’s all her, sometimes it’s all me, usually it is a mix as she fortifies us. You’re Whitt or a combination of Whitt and Daniel. When you’re at your strongest I bet you call yourself Daniel. It’s fucking weird. It was the same with Ezra and his Master Ez, and as it is with Marcus versus Master. I’ve never noticed with Cort and I don’t know Dexter well enough. Syn is so hardened that she’s probably always Syn versus Faith. It’s intriguing.”

“Do you like Daniel?” He blushes and it transforms him into an angel- an angel that will either guard us or fall for us.

“I do. I respect Daniel. I could find him arousing,” I say as I flush red from embarrassment.
Why did I say that?
I gently caress his cheek. “But I miss Whitt. It’s him that I love. I love my Sunshine. I always have. I’ll be your wife, Daniel.”

Huge round eyes well up with tears. His bottom lip quivers as his breath hitches. He
calms himself and finally smiles at me.

“I’ve waited a long time to do this, Queen,” he says excitedly with twinkling blue eyes. 

I get scared. I’m not having sex with him in our Master’s miniature dungeon. No fucking way.

“No sex, Whitt,” I command. 

“My virtue is safe until we’re married,” he grins at me innocently. “And only until we get married,” he stresses.

His long fingers capture my chin and hold me immobile for fear that I’ll turn away. His eyes linger on my lips and I involuntarily moisten them with my tongue. I don’t want to admit it, but I want our engagement sealed with a kiss. He kisses like no other. A kiss from him is as intense as sex with someone else.

“I’m finally man enough to kiss you goodnight, our Queen,” he teases with a sharp edge of seriousness. 

As his face slowly comes nearer I realize that he is my sunshine- the sunshine that lights my soul. Is he my soulmate? No. But it wasn’t Grant’s death that took the light out of me. The light Whitt brings to me left the same day Grant passed, for he is my sunshine. I instinctually know we’ll be okay. He and I will bring Grant’s vision of a happy Whittenhower family to life.

~Turn the page for Checkmate~







Copyright ©2012 Erica Chilson

First Edition: December 2012


***Note to Readers***
Make sure you’ve read the Revised Editions of Restraint, Unleashed, Dexter, and Dalton.

The story is drastically different during Dexter and Dalton from their first editions. You can download the revised editions for free from B&N & Amazon if you purchased the first edition.



Mistress &
Master of Restraint
The story of Restraint began with Katya Waters. We followed her journey of self-discovery as she merged the mysteries of her past with her twisted present. Join the characters of Restraint as they tell the story from their points of view. The following book delves into the mind of Queen, Mistress of Restraint. Join Regina Regal as she tells the tale of Restraint-Dalton through her point of view.


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Publisher Notice:

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.





This is a work of erotic fiction. The author does not endorse nor condone any of the behavior enclosed within. The subject matter is not appropriate for minors. Please note this novel may contain explicit sexual situations that include but are not limited to, dubious consent, BDSM activities, bisexual acts, ménage, and multiple partners. If any of the above mentioned acts offend, please do not read. Readers, please play safely, responsibly, and consensually.




Titles by Erica Chilson

Mistress and Master of Restraint
series order






Queen Omnibus*






The Playroom

Good Girl


Coming soon:
Shattered (Atticus Fox)


Chrysalis (The Lilies)
Coming early 2013







My parents for their support as my life shattered around me. They allowed me to the pick up the pieces and put myself back together again in the warmth of their unconditional love. No words could express the depths of my gratitude. Thank you both for allowing me to chase my dream of bringing my imagination into reality.
Thanks to my lovely sister for her contribution of the cover art.


My Wicked Readers, I want to thank you for enriching my daily life. You bring entertainment, joy, and a ton of laughs. I want to thank all of my betas! Kris, Amber, Sass, and Cassie, I couldn’t do this without all of your help. You keep me sane when the muse is in overdrive. Thanks for all the advice and a shoulder to
vent on!


~May you reach true Empowerment and thrive during your journey of Self-Discovery~


I thank the readers for sending me encouraging emails and comments. Writing is my passion, but entertaining even one person with my imagination is a massive rush.

Please contact me via email:
[email protected]


Table of Contents:

Copyright Page


Titles by Erica Chilson


Chapter One

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

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