Rachel's Accident (13 page)

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Authors: Barbara Peters

BOOK: Rachel's Accident
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He just grinned at me like a naught boy.
Then he took the plates and silverware he had in his hands over to the table and stood behind me while I was serving the portions. When I was finished he grabbed me around the waist and situated me in his lap. His stiff member was lying right between my folds, but not penetrating me.

I squirmed trying to get him inside me, the food completely forgotten. But he had other plans. He held me still with one arm as he scooped up some food off the plate with the other. Then he proceeded to alternate between feeding me and himself.

As he led the first bite to my mouth he slowly slid into me, making me almost choke on my food. I had to concentrate hard to chew and swallow. When it was his turn he slowly pulled out of me again, inch by agonizing inch, until he was finished chewing and swallowing. Then it was my turn again.

By the time his plate was empty I was begging and pleading for him to move faster
, but he wouldn’t relent. He used his sheer will power to keep us both under control. It was much more cruel torture than the heavy petting in front of the stove had been. I was already near tears from the frustration at not being able to come alone.

Halfway through my plate I couldn’t hold the tears back any more. They just spilled over without my permission, ruining the good mood.

“Rachel, I’m sorry. Please, don’t cry.”

He pushed his chair back and pulled me off his lap, which made me cry even more. But then he turned me around and sat me down again, so I was facing him this time. He kissed the tears away and then brushed his lips gently over my eyes.

I moved over his erection, pleading again. And this time he relented. He pulled me up again and heavily sat me down on his throbbing length. We both groaned and I was delirious with delight.

He moved decidedly rougher than before, but still kept his pace slow. Of course, it felt like the speed of light in comparison to before. We both came within seconds, not being able to hold it in much longer.

As I sagged against him he nuzzled his face in my neck and gently stroked my head with his big hand.

“I’m sorry,” he said again

“It’s okay,” I mumbled back sleepily.

I was so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open anymore. But I was deliciously spent and sated and my body felt like jelly. I
asleep right there in his arms, too tired to move a muscle anymore.

I was jolted awake again when Ethan gently laid me down on his bed and made
comfortable beside me. He still had a worried look on his face and I smiled at him i
n reassurance. A look of relief
crossed his face before he pulled me close to him and we fell asleep together.

Chapter Eighteen

I woke up early
the next morning, completely content and sated.
In spite of the fact that he had woken me a few more times to make slow, passionate love to me during the night I was well rested.

slipped out of his arms, careful not to wake him. He grumbled a little in his sleep and stirred. I held my breath and kept my body completely still. But he just grumbled some more, turned around and continued sleeping.

I let out my breath and
moved out of
silently. I went down a door and got into what should have originally been my new bedroom. There I took a shower and finally put on fresh clothes. Then I made my way downstairs and started breakfast. We were low on food again and had to go grocery shopping later.

Or maybe I could do that now. It seemed still too early for him to wake up anytime soon.
I quickly grabbed my keys, and purse and was out the front door. I pulled out of the driveway in my new car. I still had to get used to the thought of owning it, but it wasn’t exactly hard to enjoy driving around in it.

Not to mention I had been using it for the past two of three months despite my earlier protests. It had just been there whenever I had needed it. When we had driven to the hospital multiple times or when I had to get fresh groceries and couldn’t leave him alone too long during the time I had taken care of him because of his injuries.

Now I quickly hurried through the aisles and collected what I needed for the next several days. I stopped at the hygiene aisle as I spotted something that caught my eye. I stood there for over I don’t know how long, staring at the packages of condoms on the shelves.

I couldn’t believe I had been so stupid as to completely forget to use one. But then again who could really blame me. We had been so wrapped up in each other we had
entirely disregarded the outside world and any possible consequences of our actions.

We had had sex five times yesterday and not once had either one of us thought about using protection. I wasn’t on any contraception, either. This was a nightmare. My period was due in two weeks, which meant I could very likely be pregnant already. But I wouldn’t know that until a few weeks into it. At the very least when my next period didn’t come.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. Well, there was nothing I could or would do about it now. Abortion wasn’t an option for me, ever. I would not kill an innocent child, who hadn’t even had the chance to live its life. So, waiting it was until I would know for sure.

For now I just kept calm and gathered the rest of the groceries on my list, and then made my way to the checkout counter.

I packed the bags into the backseat of the car and
drove back to Ethan’s house. I contemplated on whether I should tell him about my concerns, but decided against it until I knew for sure.

Before I drove up the long road to the house I stopped, intending to take the mail with me. The mail box was slightly off to the side, so I had to get out of the car and move over a few feet to reach it.

For the first time I registered the name written there. Until now I had never come near enough to actually read it. Not that I hadn’t been curious, of course, but I just hadn’t thought of it. The mail box wasn’t just standing on the side, but slightly hidden behind the swaying branches of a weeping willow.

‘ROWE’ stood in proud letters in the teal colored mail box. I couldn’t believe my eyes at first and tried to rub at them a couple of times. It didn’t help, though. The damned name was still standing there.

I couldn’t believ
e this was happening.
sweet man, who had made love to me only hours ago
the owner of the reconstruction company that had taken away
and Jess’ home.
He was the reclusive billionaire architect the whole world was raving about. How had
not realized?

I felt the lump in throat and the tears welling in my eyes.
How could such a sweet man be so infinitely cruel? We weren’t the only ones who had lost their homes. Now, dozens of people, families with children among them, were forced out on the streets, some with no prospect of any other place to stay.

My tears spilled over as I stood there, staring at the plaque with his name on it and thinking about what a terrible father he would make. I couldn’t live with a person that could act nice and sweet in front of me and then turn around and be so cruel behin
d my
He was a lying

I wouldn’t let a man like that ever be the father to my child. He didn’t have the right to be graced with the blessing of children. And he certainly didn’t have the right to raise my child.

I stood there for a few more minutes until I had pulled myself together enough to drive. I couldn’t have a repeat of all those accidents, where I hadn’t paid attention. If I really had a life growing inside me I had to be
careful to protect us both.

A few tears still couldn’t be contained as I drove away
from the huge mansion that had so easily become like a second home to her. But she couldn’t think like that now. I held my head up high, determined to move on, even though, it shattered my heart.

In the few months I had known him I had come to love him from the bottom of my heart. It didn’t seem possible that I would only now realize my full feelings toward him. But I was sure had I known the extent of my feelings before that it would have been even more devastating.

Yes, I had known that I was in danger of falling in love with him. That had been almost the entire reason for me to fight my attraction to him so much.

I had known from the very beginning should something happen between us that it wouldn’t end well. But never in a million years would I have thought he would betray me to this degree. I had estimated he would break it off or fire me, but no this.

I pulled over onto the side of the road and rooted around my purse for my phone. Of course, in my rush to get out of the house and be back as soon as possible I had completely forgotten it on the side table in the entrance hall.

Well, tough luck
. I sure as hell wouldn’t go back, so that betraying bastard could ensnare me again. I drove off again and kept an eye on the lookout for a phone box. In this day and age, though there
were hardly any phone
boxes left.

I had no other choice than to pull over at the next store and ask the clerk there to please let me use their phone.

I called my best friend and waited for her to pick up the phone. She was always suspicious of numbers she didn’t know or such that didn’t show on her caller ID. She finally picked up after the fifth ring.


“Hey, Jess, it’s me.” I sounded like I’d been crying even to my own ears.
My throat was raw and produced a husky, scratching sound.

“What’s wrong? Where are you calling from?”
asked concerned.

I cleared my throat and tried once again. “I’m fine. I can’t really talk right now I’m in a hard ware store.” Before she could say anything I quickly went on. “Listen, I need a place to stay
. I can’t stay at Ethan’s any longer.”

“Wait a second
ask my aunt.”
She was seriously the best friend ever. She didn’t pry anymore and just tried to help me as best as she could.

I suspected she was holding her hand over the receiver as I heard muffled talking over the phone. Then she audibly moved her hand away again and voiced what I had hoped she would say.

“She says
if it’s okay for you to sleep on the couch
you can stay with us.”

“Thank you so much,” I said as the tears started welling again. I had been so afraid they didn’t have any room for me.

“Are you crying?” Jess asked alarmed.

“No,” I said through a sniffle, “Those are just allergies,” I said emphatically so she would stop asking.

She got the hint. “It’s okay if you can’t talk right now, but I want to know what happened as soon as you get here. Promise me,” she pleaded.

“I promise,” I answered softly. “See you in a few hours.”

“Okay, see you then. Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Before I could start another sob fest I hung up the phone, thanked the clerk and gave him a tip. Then I moved back out to the car I now despised like the man, who had given it to me. I got behind the wheel and drove west to Jess’ aunt’s place.

It took me a while to get there since it was about 300 miles away and in the middle of nowhere. I turned
the wrong way a few times and had to get myself oriented again. It had been a while since jess and I had visited her aunt.

Chapter Nineteen

When I arrived it was late afternoon and I was starving. My stomach grumbled in displeasure. I chuckled dryly at the reminder of our shared laughter over the little monsters in our bellies. I couldn’t really find much humor in it now.

I parked the Mustang behind Jess’ car and got out of the seat, stretching my aching muscles. Jess must have heard my car approach the house because she was coming down the stairs in a sprint and throwing herself into my arms.

“I missed you so much,” she cried.

Tears welled in my eyes again. They just wouldn’t stop today. Stupid tears, I thought grudgingly as I hugged her back tightly.

“I missed you, too,” I breathed in her hair. It smelled like coconut and vanilla, home.

She ushered me into the house and I was greeted by her aunt and uncle and five cousins. It was a really big family. I wished I had had one of those growing up. They were always nice to me and treated me like family.

I made my round, hugging every last one of them. Little Tommy complained that I was squeezing the life out of him
. I laughed and apologized immediately, but he wasn’t really hurt. He smiled at me sweetly and then ran off to play with the others.

I imagined having a little one of my own and the tears sprang back into my eyes instantly. Jess guided me to her room, so we could have some privacy and asked me again what had happened. I told her absolutely everything.

About the attraction I had felt for him from the moment I first woke up in the hospital, about the times I had worked with him and the times I treated him back to health after he had burned his hands so badly. The hardest thing to tell her was about what had happened today. I told her about the incredible day we had had yesterday.
The sweet and caring man, who had made love to me.

Now looking back I wondered again how I could have possible not connected all the dots in front of her. It was staring me so obviously in the face. He almost never left the house, was rich beyond believe, an architect to boot. I had worked with the man on a few of his many projects. I now remembered a particularly interesting one he had shown me.

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