Raw Exposure (3 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #interracial, #Contemporary, #bw/wm

BOOK: Raw Exposure
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And sit beside you? No way. You are too tempting for
own good.
“I’m fine back here. So long as you can drive a cart safely.”

“Trust me, sweetcheeks, you’ll never be in more capable hands.”

Affrica rolled her eyes as she heard Godric groan and mutter something under his breath. She desperately wanted to know what he said when Reeve chuckled.

His deep, rumbling laughter did something to her insides. There was a twinge of longing that settled over her. Her skin prickled, and it was almost as if she was taking photos in a dangerous place, as opposed to sitting in the back of a golf cart at a country club.

Reeve Leighton was a dangerous man. He wielded some kind of power over her, and she knew better than to try and figure it out. His kind was not good for her.

“Stop here,” Godric ordered.

Reeve did as he commanded. Affrica took in the sight before her. Her breath left her in a slow sigh. She had never had a use for golf courses, but she had to admit, this was gorgeous.

Reeve had stopped them along a stunning lake. The intense blue against the vibrant green of the grass created a beautiful image. Rolling hills, perfectly manicured, it really was breathtaking, in a non-natural, man-made kind of way.

Grabbing her bag, Affrica stepped off the cart and looked at the two men standing there. Godric was handsome but he didn’t do anything in the way of riling up her senses. He wasn’t as dark as his brother Reeve, nor was he blondish like Scott.

His hair was just a normal brown, and his eyes were a nice shade of blue, but again, his appearance did nothing to or for her. He was attractive but she was not in any danger of tripping up over her words around him.

However, if she cut her eyes to the left just a bit. That man…he did everything Godric couldn’t do for her. The hair, eyes she knew were deep, rich chocolaty brown made her insides quiver, the overconfident tilt of his head and the smirk on his face—all of it—just screamed sexy, hot, overbearing, and Affrica couldn’t believe how much this man turned her on.

As if he knew what she was thinking, Reeve tipped his head down so their gazes could meet and winked at her before pushing his sunglasses back up over his eyes. She shivered despite the warmth of the day.
Damn him.

She knelt down by her bag and opened it, taking out her camera. “Let’s get started.”


Reeve was glad he wore sunglasses. That way he could stare unabashed at Affrica O’Shea. She was so elegant, her moves effortless.

He sat on the cart and watched her interact with his youngest brother. Each time she sent Godric a smile, Reeve ground his back teeth together. He didn’t want her to like his brother. He wanted her to like him.

But he couldn’t make it so he didn’t insult her when he opened his mouth. It was like he tried to speak and turned stupid. Everything he said seemed to come out all wrong, an act that only succeeded in getting her dander up.

Not that I don’t admire that spark about her, but I want her to look at me as something other than the enemy.

“Get over here, Reeve,” Godric shouted.

Reeve did and was soon in the pictures as well. It didn’t take long, and he found himself relaxing and having a really good time as Affrica continued to snap away.

When they got back in the cart, he sat, in the back this time, and listened to the lighthearted banter going on between Godric and Affrica. Her voice, with her lilt, made him smile. Closing his eyes, he wondered what she would sound like in the throes of pleasure. How his name would sound coming off her lips. He groaned as his cock hardened at the image of him and her in bed together.

Affrica was entirely intoxicating. He really didn’t know how else to explain it. If how he felt was how Scott had felt when he met Alexis, then Reeve understood why his brother had acted like an idiot. Shifting his butt on the seat, he tried to will his erection to subside. It didn’t work. The wind blew the scent of Affrica’s shampoo to his nose. Or her lotion, he wasn’t sure. It smelled faintly like coconuts.

With a glance over his shoulder, he frowned as he saw her place her hand on Godric’s arm. That was not an acceptable move on her part. He bit back his initial response and closed his eyes again. Somehow, he knew saying even more stupid things wasn’t the way to impress the saucy vixen.

They stopped again, and Reeve remained in the cart and watched as she snapped more photos of Godric interacting with some of the patronage. A grin crossed his face as Reeve relaxed and chatted with a staff member who brought over some bottled water.

“You joining us, Reeve?” Godric broke into his conversation.

“Where to?” he asked, even though he knew he was going wherever she would be.

“Lunch. But only if you promise to behave yourself.” Godric’s blue eyes narrowed at him.

“I’ll be on my best behavior. Scout’s honor.” He held up three fingers by his shoulder.

“I didn’t know you were a Girl Scout, Reeve.” Affrica’s lilting voice wound around him and sparked his desire.

He snapped his gaze over to her. “If I spent time with Girl Scouts, it wasn’t because I was one.” He leered. “Why would you say that?”

She shook her head. “You’re giving their salute.”

“How would you know? Were you a scout?” He grinned, took off his sunglasses and winked at her. “I bet you would make that look hot.”

She stuck her tongue out at him, and his heart felt lighter than he could recall it being in a long, long time.

“I was ne’er a scout. I’ve just taken lots of pictures of them.”

He smiled. “Can I see those pictures?”

Godric interrupted, “Let’s go eat.”

Reeve didn’t like the way Affrica turned her gaze to his brother. She sent Godric a smile that only solidified the hardness in Reeve’s slacks.

He sat there and watched as they walked off together toward the main building. His eyes situated themselves upon her swaying ass as it moved in her black cargo pants.

The increasing pressure in his own alerted him to the idea he should not do that. Shoving back his lust, Reeve got out and jogged over to them, positioning himself next to Affrica as they entered the dining area.

She stiffened beside him, but she never said a word to him about how he crowded her. In fact, she never even spared him a glance, just walked silently and proudly between him and his brother.

“So how long have you been in photography?” Reeve asked as they waited for the server.

“Since fore’er, it seems,” she said, taking a sip of her ice tea with lemon. “I dunno, really. I just know that me da gave me a camera one year, and I loved it. And so made a career out of it. Seemed the logical thing to do.”

“And they’re okay with you going into those dangerous areas to get those shots?” Godric asked.

Affrica smiled, and Reeve’s heart skipped a beat.
Why couldn’t she be smiling like that for me?

“Well, not always. But I do my best to be careful. I just remind them that their son does much more dangerous things than I do on a regular basis.”

“That doesn’t matter,” Godric said.

She frowned. “Why not?”

“Because, you are their daughter,” Reeve answered. “And should be protected and safe at all times.”

“I’m sorry, but I dinna believe my life is worth more to my parents than my brother’s.” She moved her drink when the server came with her lime-grilled shrimp salad on spinach. “
Go raibh maith agat

“What did you say?” Reeve questioned.

She blinked a few times. “Thank you. I’m sorry. I don’t always remember people don’t necessarily speak Gaeilge. My apologies.”

How would it sound to have her whispering in that language in my ear as we made love?
Reeve shifted on his chair and tried to focus on his steak. Unfortunately, for him, the image of her full lips closing around her fork wouldn’t give him any respite.

A sharp kick in his shin snapped his attention over to his brother who glowered at him. The message on Godric’s face was clear; it told him to stop staring at her. With a sigh, Reeve tried to focus back on the conversation. She was telling of some past trips she’d done.

Reeve noticed she was much more open and relaxed with Godric. She didn’t ignore
questions, but there was a definite terseness about her when she answered Reeve. He also knew Godric had noticed but thankfully was being silent about it and not bringing attention to that fact.

They ate some dessert, and again, Reeve found himself wishing he was the utensil she used. His cock throbbed painfully in his slacks, and he was glad he was at the table.
Liar, you wish you were somewhere alone with that delectable looking woman,
his brain taunted.

“Thank you, Affrica,” Godric said as he stood, “for doing this for me.”

“You’re most welcome. I’ll send the photos to you in a few days, and then you can okay the ones I think would be best for the article.” She also got to her feet, and Reeve swallowed then took another drink of his ice water.

“It’s been a pleasure getting to know you,” his brother told her.

“It has been a pleasure. You have my card, so if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give me a call.”

She turned her gaze to Reeve, and he held her stare, loving the almost patchwork of different browns her eyes held. He never let his gaze leave hers as he, too, vacated his seat.

“I’ll walk you out,” he announced.

“Not necessary,” Affrica told him.

“Oh, I think it is. Godric, thanks for lunch; we’ll be leaving now.” Reeve bent down and picked up her bag, amazed at how heavy it really was. “Let’s go.” He gestured toward the door and gloated inside as she didn’t offer up any more argument and just did as he had told her.

Affrica walked in silence beside him, and when they got to a mud-splattered older model Jeep, she stopped. “This is me.”

Reeve noticed the military decals on the windshield and couldn’t stop the question that popped out of his mouth. “Whose vehicle is this?” It was a five-speed stick shift.

Affrica looked at him and arched a brow. “That’s not any of your business.”

“Sweetcheeks, it most certainly is.”

“Whatever. I dinna think you’d drunk anything at lunch, but perhaps I was wrong. Can I have my bag please?” She held out one hand.

“Tell me whose Jeep this is.” He leaned in closer.

“Why, looking to trade up from your Enzo?”

“How’d you know what I drove?” He held her gaze and her bag.

“I saw it at Harrier’s, and I know those men. No one has anything to prove there. So I knew it had to be yours.”

“How well do you know them? Especially Maverick.” His words had grown low and cold.

Her lashes lowered, shielding her gaze from his. “Well enough,” she hedged. “Now, I have to go. I’ve already delayed my plans to help out your brother. Can I have my bag?”

Well enough. What the hell did that mean?
“What’ll you give me for it?” he asked.

“It’s my bag. Why would I give you anything for it?”

“Because, sweetcheeks, I’m the one holding it,” he whispered in her ear. The gentle smell of coconuts washed over him again.

“Fine, what do you want?”

What a loaded question.
“One kiss.”

“Not on your life,” she snapped. “I don’t have time for this. I have a bus to catch. Give me my bag.”

“What’s so wrong with me?” he queried as he drew back to see thunderheads forming in her eyes.

“For all I know you have some disease. I’m not about to kiss you to get something that already is mine. I’m not some
that will do anything you wish just because you have money. Dinna insult me.”

The fury in her voice shocked Reeve. She was seriously offended. But then, so was he. He knew he had no disease.
How do you think she would know that? You haven’t exactly put your best foot forward when it comes to her.
Regardless of the fact he didn’t know what word she had said, he only took it to mean something disrespectful.

“I didn’t mean to insult you,” he said. And he meant it. “I was only teasing.”

“My bag,” she commanded, her hand out between them, no forgiveness on her face.

Placing it in her hand, he leaned in and brushed his lips over hers before she could move away. “I like your fire, Affrica O’Shea. I don’t have any diseases. And I
how your lips feel under mine. We’ll have to do that again, just a bit longer and with much more exploration.”

Reeve walked away before he forgot he was at his brother’s business and took Ms. O’Shea up against the side of her vehicle. He was wound so tight it was amazing he didn’t burst out of his slacks.

He never looked back, knowing if he saw her again, he would forget who her brother was and do his damndest to get her in his bed.


Affrica watched him leave. Her body shook with desire. The kiss was nothing more than a simple brush across her lips but she felt it deep within her.

Damn him for being so desirable. He confused the heck out of her. Arrogant, caring, jealous. Who knew what side she would be exposed to?

Willing some movement into her legs, she tossed the bag in the Jeep and drove away. She had to get herself to the bus so she could meet up with Miles then get the Jeep back to Dimitri “Merlin” Melonakos. Miles was stopping in town for a few moments on the bus passing through. He had asked her what she was working on, and she’d told him, knowing full well he wouldn’t be interested in covering it. It wasn’t headlines.

Miles Horne was a reporter who loved to follow her when she went outside the country. People seemed to trust her a bit more in Africa and would normally give her a different look of what was going on than others. So Miles went and reported. Front page was always his goal. However, he supposedly had something for her, and the bus was stopping here so she said she’d meet him.

Still, as she drove to the bus station, her mind was on the handsome Reeve Leighton. Her skin prickled as memory of his light touch washed over her. What would it be like to go to bed with him? She shuddered and rolled her head on her shoulders to try and regain some control. Her pussy grew wet at the thought of spending one night with Reeve.
Damn it! Why couldn’t I be attracted to Godric?

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