Razer's Ride (3 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

Tags: #The Last Riders#1

BOOK: Razer's Ride
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“You know you’ve placed Loker in a bad position Ton.”

“It won’t be the first time and definitely won’t be the last Razer.” Ton raised his glass unconcerned, “Besides Loker can take care of himself.”

Razer lifted his beer to his lips. Beth couldn’t help but notice how sensual they looked as he took a drink. He was a good-looking man and from his attitude, he was well aware of his attraction to the opposite sex.  He was not surprised to find Beth staring at him.

“After he finishes his drink, you need to get him out of here. If he mouths off to Knox again, nobody will stop him.” He casted a warning look to Ton while talking to Beth.

“I’m going.” Ton stood up shakily from the table, “Not because I am scared of that.”

“Ton don’t.” Beth pleaded.

Not to be stopped “But I have to get Beth home. She doesn’t belong in this dump.”

Beth wanted to yell at the man herself for insulting Mick’s business. He had saved the ornery man’s ungrateful butt. Seeing Mick stiffen behind the bar, Beth knew Locker would be making amends not only to the bikers.

Beth rose from the table and moved to follow Ton towards the door. Taking her hand, Razer spoke to her for the first time. ”Why don’t you drop off Ton and come back. Have a drink with me.”

Beth’s mouth dropped at the arrogance of the man. He was definitely used to the women being available to him.

“I don’t think so. Thanks anyway.”  The polite Christian girl inside her refused, while the wild woman she used to dream about being begged for release. Jerking her hand from his, she hastily followed Ton outside with Razer’s laughter following her. He had seen her indecision.

“What the fuck was that about?” Samantha said walking up to the table.

Razer knew she had overheard him. “It’s none of your business.” Giving her a hard look, letting her know that he wouldn’t take her shit.

“Come on Razer. I’m horny, let’s head home."

“What’s the matter, Shade not in the mood?”

“You know I can handle you both."  Leaning against his back, she rubbed her breasts against him. Her hand trailed down his chest until her hand covered his crotch. Squeezing him through his jeans, his cock hardened against her experienced fingers.

Pulling her to the side, he jerked her down for a rough kiss. “Get Shade and meet me outside. I’ll pay the bill and be there in a minute.”

“Why pay Mick, he said it’s on the house? If you want to blow your cash, give it to me.” Razer became ice cold. “We always pay our way. Mick isn’t responsible for Ton. Quit being a greedy bitch and go outside and wait or I’ll ask Jenna if she wants to play. Makes no difference to me,” he ordered.

              Sam bit back the sharp retort she wanted to make, but knew she would make Razer angry with her and she wanted him too badly for that. She had seen the interest in his eyes when he sat down next to the goody two shoes Sunday school teacher. She knew he didn’t stand a chance in hell in getting into those panties, but Sam had seen the slight hesitation in Beth when he had asked her for a drink. Determined to give him a night he would never forget, she went to get Shade and wait outside.





“Get up sleepyhead.” Beth burrowed further under her pillows at her sister’s demand.

“Go away.” She felt like she had just closed her eyes. It had taken her over an hour to get Ton taken care of, and then she had to place the call to explain everything to Loker James who had been surprising calm at her description of the events. He had always been a mystery to her. In his late thirties, he was not a handsome man. He was known to be harsh and unfriendly around town, but it didn’t matter because he was a well-known businessman who had made Treepoint his home when his father had retired here after retiring from the Army. He had hired Beth when his business trips had began lasting longer than several days. Ton was a well-known rebel rouser around town when he was drunk, but he also had several medical conditions that needed careful monitoring.  Beth was amazed he had managed to make a career out of the Army with his behavior. Lily bounced up and down on her bed, pulling her away from her thoughts.

“Let’s go swimming.”

Usually her weekdays were full, but Beth kept her weekends free to spend with Lily.  Her departure in two months for college was looming, Beth wanted to spend what time she could with her before she left. Sadness clutched at her chest at the knowledge things were about to change. They had such a close relationship and Beth did not want them to grow apart.

“Okay." Laughing, they scurried into their suits, covering them with shorts and t-shirts. Beth enjoyed her relaxed attire. Usually, she dressed professionally when about town dealing with her clients.

After eating a quick breakfast and packing a light lunch, they got in Beth’s car and headed to the small lake nestled in the base of the surrounding mountains. Usually, this time of the year it wasn’t busy, but Beth and Lily had discovered a small nook with a small beach that no one ever went to. They frolicked and played for over an hour before getting out and lazily eating their lunch.

“Ready to go back in the water?” Lily asked.

“You’re supposed to wait twenty minutes or you will get cramps,” Beth replied, stretching out and relaxing on the soft blanket they kept in the car for such occasions. Both sisters were avid swimmers and the cold water was never a deterrent.

“That’s an old wives' tale.”

“I don’t think so, sounds true to me.”

“Lazy butt, you just don’t want to get up.”

“I’m not seventeen with boundless energy. I am old.”

“You’re twenty-four. That’s not old, besides, I’m nineteen remember?”

“It feels old and you act seventeen.”

“You’re only tired because you got in so late last night.”

“How do you know what time I got back? Your light was off when I got home.”

“I wasn’t asleep. I can’t sleep until I know your home.” Lily confessed.

“It won’t happen again. I am sorry.”

Lily shrugged. “It’s not your fault. I need to get used to being on my own. I could go to the community college in the fall and it would be closer.” Lily watched for her sister’s reaction.

Beth shook her head negatively. “I told you it would be good for you to go to a college further away from home. There is a whole world out there for you to discover. Give it a couple of semesters if you’re truly unhappy then come home. You know if you want to be a social worker then you need the advantage of a broad spectrum of experiences.”


“Give it a try.” Beth smiled.

“Alright, but if I am unhappy, I am coming home.”

Laughing, Beth jumped up and grabbed her hand “Let’s go swimming.”

“What about waiting?”

“Let’s live dangerously.”  They giggled as they ran into the cool water, taking turns dunking each other and just spending time together.

Finally frustrated at being unable to catch her slippery as a seal sister, Beth headed back to their blanket.

“I will pack up if you want to swim a little longer.” She said over her shoulder.

“Cool.”  Lily lazily floating on her back waved her sister away. Smiling, Beth was kneeling on the blanket putting away the remains of their lunch when she heard the loud motors coming their way. She began praying they would pass by. Her prayers remained unanswered as the large group of bikers rode into the small nook.

Beth remained frozen as she watched them get off their bikes. Pulling beer and towels out of the side bags attached to the motorcycles. Beth recognized Razer, Knox, and Samantha, but was unfamiliar with the rest of the group of twelve. Sam and five other women had ridden in on the back of the bikes. Beth recognized the biker she had rode behind from the bar last night, his heavily tattooed body made him impossible to forget. He had dark hair like Razer’s, but cut shorter, he was also leaner with an air of menace that clung like a glove. His eyes were covered with
sunglasses, yet Beth could sense his taking in the position of both Beth and Lily.

Her eyes turned to Lily who had been swimming back toward the shore when the motorcycles had turned into their isolated spot. She, like her sister, had frozen in place, Lily’s beautiful face showing her terror.

With her eyes on her sister, Beth felt someone approaching her as she sat frozen on the blanket.

“Mind if we join you?”

“Not at all, but as you can see we are about to leave.” Beth kept her voice even, to keep from frightening her sister. She was terrified enough. Beth didn’t think the group would accost them; word would have gotten around town if they had a reputation of bothering women. In fact, it was the exact opposite. The shortage of available males in the community provided them with plenty of women to choose from.

Razer’s direct gaze pinned her to the spot. “We can’t tempt you to stay?”

“No. We have been here awhile and the sun is getting to us.” Razer studied the woman sitting on the blanket. Her pale blond was beginning to dry; parted down the middle it framed her face before curling underneath. The thick mass was long and silky. Her pale skin was a faint red showing that the sun was beginning to take its toll. The pale curves of her full breasts were barely hidden from the pale blue one-piece suit she was wearing.

“I bet that isn’t all that’s getting to you.” Sam said snidely, brushing up next to Razer, her sharp gaze looking pointedly at Beth’s swimsuit top. Beth blushed aware the girl saw her pointed nipples through her still damp suit.

“Ignore her. She’s a bitch, but I am sure you know that since you’ve lived around her longer than I have. Hi, I am Evie.”

“Hi.” Beth acknowledged the pretty brunette, again not taking her eyes off of Lily. Beth stood pulling on her shorts self-consciously, she was about to reach for her t-shirt, but Razer already had bent down to get it. Holding it in his hand, she reached to take it, but wouldn’t let it go at her sharp tug.

“Everything alright?” He was staring at a still frozen Lily.

“Yes, everything is fine.” Hastily pulling her shirt from his grasp, she put it on,  bending to pick up the blanket.

“She okay?”  Evie looked in concern toward her sister who was beginning to tremble. For the first time, Beth took her eyes off her sister to look at the men. Their expressions were hard to hide. It wasn’t what Beth thought she would find. They were all concerned. Beth’s worry about their appearance disappeared.  Lily was wearing a tiny pink bikini that showed the maturity of her figure, for them to see the fear she was exhibiting and not salivating gave her peace of mind as to their intentions.

“Hey we can leave.” Razer offered.

“No… No it’s fine.” With the blanket in her hands, Beth walked slowly towards her sister. “Lily, I finished packing everything.  Are you ready to leave?”

Lily backed away from her, back into the water. Her hands crossed to cover her breasts, which only pushed the firm flesh higher. Beth stopped. This had happened once before when an intoxicated parishioner had shown up at her parent’s house carrying a liquor bottle. It had taken Beth several hours to get Lily out of her daze. Beth didn’t have to guess the nightmares she was reliving. She knew, it was why Lily was determined to be a social worker; the dedication she had the only thing that could lure her away from the safety she had found in the mountains.

“Lily please, they won’t hurt you. They haven’t even started drinking yet.”  Which Beth hoped was true. “You have nothing to be afraid of from them. Have I ever let any harm come to you?”

A small moan passed Lily’s trembling lips, taking a hesitant step toward Beth. “That’s it sweetheart," Beth praised.

“For heavens sake, leave bitches. No one wants you here anyway.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Beth noticed Razer motion for Evie to get Sam quiet.

“Why do I have to shut the fuck up; that skinny slut think she’s better than us…” Beth heard a sharp yelp as Evie’s hand smacked Sam’s mouth.

“I told you to shut up.” Finding herself surrounded by the other women, Sam shut up.

“Beth…” Lily’s broken voice tore at Beth’s heart.

“Come on sweetheart, a few more steps.” Beth waited patiently on shore, aware the bikers stood immobile. Finally, she walked within reach; Beth wrapped the blanket around her shivering form. Tugging her from the water required every ounce of strength she possessed. As they drew closer, the men in the group pulled back, giving Lily the space she needed. Finally, Beth was able to maneuver her into the car. Hastily she moved towards the driver’s door, Razer stopped to hand her the towel and basket she left behind.

“Thanks," she said.

“She going to be ok?”

“Yes, she will be fine when I get her home.” Beth tried to explain, trying to be tactful. “It’s not you guys, it’s the liquor.”

Razer smiled, showing that he knew she was lying. “I think probably a rowdy gang of bikers didn’t help the situation.” When Beth would have denied it, he forestalled her.“It’s cool. No offense taken, we scare everyone in this small town. Two lone women on an isolated spot; would be crazy to have no concerns when we invaded your space."

Beth smiled at him naturally for the first time, blushing as he grinned back. Not wanting to keep Lily waiting longer, Beth got inside the car, giving her sister a concerned look, she drove home. When they arrived, she made a hot bath for Lily and a light dinner of chicken salad. They sat quietly munching, not talking. Beth left her to her
thoughts; Lily had demons in her past that events triggered. Beth had learned long ago it was best to let Lily battle it out herself, usually without Beth’s aid she realized it was an over reaction and strove harder next time to keep better control of her fears.

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