Razing Ryker (Dissonance Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Razing Ryker (Dissonance Book 1)
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“Well, good,” he said, filling the silence and pushing out her presence. “I’ll have my agent call yours and handle the business side. They’ll settle your compensation and draw up the contracts.”

“Okay, great. Thank you again, Jace. Or…  I should call you Mr. Ryker?”

“No. Jace,” he said, tasting the warmth in his mouth again. “Call me Jace.”


“You rang?” Samantha asked seductively.

Cameron grinned at her framed in the doorway. She was wearing spiked high heels, a slinky red dress, and her lips were painted a crimson color to match. Her long bottle blond hair fell around her face in perfect straight strands that begged to be wrinkled by his fingers.

“Come in,” he told her, opening the door wider to let her in. “Do you want a drink?”

“Nope.” She tossed her purse on the small kitchen table and spun around to sit on top of the scratched surface. “I want to fuck.”

Cameron smirked. “Don’t beat around the bush, tell me what you really want.”

“I want your cock beating at my bush, that’s what I want.” She lifted the skirt of her dress, showing off her creamy inner thighs and the fact that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. “Isn’t that what you want?”

“It sure as shit is now.” Cameron crossed the small space between them and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her forward on the table until she rested both feet on chairs and spread her legs wide.

“Kiss me,” she whispered.

Cameron leaned in to lay his lips on hers, but she pushed him away roughly.

“Not here,” she said, touching her lips. She drug her hand down her body, between her breasts, down her stomach, and into her core. “Here.”

He smiled as he knelt on the floor in front of her. He was eye level with her heat, with her heart, and he braced his hands on her thighs to push them even wider. He’d seen her dance, he knew how limber she was. He knew how far she could stretch and when she was opened wide to him, he licked his tongue slowly up her center where her rich scent filled his nose and made his dick rise in his pants. She sighed, her fingers finding their way into his hair and holding him to her as he lapped at her fold, savoring the taste of her want. He found her head and licked her clit in firm, languid circles that made her jerk and gasp. He brought her to the edge and pulled away, then took her back again until she was pleading the way she had been the last time they’d fucked.

“Make me come, Cam. Jesus, please, make me come.”

“Not yet,” he told her. He slid one finger insider her and curved it, finding her G-spot and twitching, caressing against it.

“Fuck!” she cried, falling back against the table. She writhed and squirmed as he worked her from the inside out, licking her clit as he fondled her. “Please, please, fuck!”

He pulled out his finger, thrust in three, and sucked hard and fast on her clit.

She blew up. Her body seized and she whimpered as the pleasure took her over. He pulled back, watching his fingers fucking her and coming back wetter with every thrust. Finally he pulled out completely and slipped a condom on his dick. She was still panting on the table when he thrust inside her and made her shout again.

She wrapped her legs around him and her heels dug into his ass, but he didn’t care. He drove into her and watched her breasts bounce with every thrust. She reached up and took them in her hands, pinching her own nipples and squeezing her full flesh. She pushed them together and he imagined fucking them. He imagined coming all over them, on her stomach, on her red mouth. He imagined her lips around his cock sucking him off and he nearly lost his shit right then and there.

Samantha sat up suddenly and pressed her mouth over his, tasting her own desire on his lips and licking it clean from his mouth. She bit down on his lip the way she had in the studio.

“Fuck me until I’m sore,” she moaned against his mouth. “Fuck me raw. Fuck me ruined. Make me come around your cock until it hurts us both.”

“You’re fucking crazy,” he panted, loving every word from her dirty mouth.

“I’m fucking serious, Cam. Take me. Make me yours. You want me, don’t you?”


“Then fucking take me,” she growled.

He pulled out of her, surprising her, then he spun her around and pushed her down on her stomach on the table. He thrust back inside her as he reached around and felt for her clit, his fingers dancing over his own dick where it pushed in and out of her. He found her swollen nub and rubbed it vigorously. She yelped and groaned as he thrust harder and harder inside of her until she began to shake and tremble. He came inside of her as she clenched on his cock but he didn’t stop. He pounded into her as long as he could. He pushed and pushed until his dick went soft from exertion and he couldn’t go any longer.

“Like that?” he asked, panting and sweat soaked.

“No,” she answered in a content whisper, her face flat against the table and her hot breath fogging the surface. “But we’ll get there.”

Four times. It took fucking her four times to get her to leave him alone. She was insatiable. At the end of it his dick was raw and angry at him and she’d come seven times as far as he knew. May have been more. He was lucky his roommates were all gone for the night because they’d done it on every surface of the apartment, including their beds. Samantha was a freak. He was pretty sure he’d be in love with her if he could be.

If his heart hadn’t been devoured by a damn demon.

“What’d you mean by ‘it sure as shit is now?’” she asked breathlessly.

They were laying on the floor stark naked and staring at the ceiling after having done it missionary just to mix things up. You know you’re having a good day when missionary feels like a new adventure.

“What?” Cameron asked, dazed.

“You said fucking was what you wanted to do now, but what did you want before that? Why’d you call me over if not to get laid?”

“I wanted to celebrate.”

“Well, we kind of did.”

“Yeah, we did.” He raised his hand and she slapped him a limp high five before they both dropped their lifeless hands to the ground.

“What did we just celebrate?”

“I got a job,” he answered sleepily. “Not a great one, but it’s a good opportunity. Could be something.”

“I got one too.”

He turned to look at her, smiling at her beautiful flushed face. “Really? That’s great. What is it?”

Samantha didn’t look at him. She continued to stare at the ceiling, biting the inside of her cheek. “You’re not going to like it.”


She sighed, finally turning her head to look at him. “It’s with

“What?!” Cameron sat up, suddenly wide awake. He stared down at her, stunned. “You’re kidding, right?”

She stared back at him calmly. “No. I’m serious. They called me today and said they’d lost one of their people to another project. They need a replacement ASAP and… and Eve recommended me.”

“Fuck,” Cameron growled, standing up and stalking out of the room.

“I knew you’d be mad.”

“Of course I’m fucking mad, Sam! How could you join up with her?”

Samantha stood up and started gathering her clothes. “Because it’s a good job.
is dead and who knows when another opportunity to be on Broadway will come up? I need to take the chance while I can.”

“So you’re in it for the spotlight? Just like she was?”

“Oh, fuck you,” she snapped, annoyed. “We’re all in it for the spotlight. It’s why we’re performers. Don’t get all high and mighty with me. You’re not mad that I’m trying to stay on Broadway, you’re mad because it’s Eve.”

“Of course I’m mad because it’s Eve. She screwed us all.”

“No one as much as you.”


“Right, which means no one is as mad at her as you are. Try and get some perspective.” She pulled her dress over her head and stepped into her shoes, shaking her head angrily and heading for the door. “Try being happy for me, asshole.”

She slammed the door behind her leaving Cameron standing in the center of his world in the nude wondering at how quickly a good thing could turn bad.


an asshole,” Greer told Cameron, stretching out on the floor of the studio. It was different than the one they’d been in for
. Smaller and older, but they’d only be in it for a couple of weeks as they learned Jace’s songs and dance routines. His choreographer was supposed to be there soon and Greer wondered briefly if Jace would make an appearance. Her stomach flipped at the thought of seeing him again.

Cameron scowled at her. “You’re supposed to say Samantha is crazy and an idiot for taking that spot with

“No. You’re an asshole.”

“Thanks a lot, pal.”

Greer shrugged. “You came to me because you want the truth. Don’t get mad at me when you get it.”

“No, I came to you because I wanted pity.”

“Then you shouldn’t have come to me,” she laughed. “Go to Anna or Bryce if you want a pity party.”

“Bryce is not comforting.”

“No, but he loves drama and he loves to sulk. And he loves to hate Eve.”

“That’s true.”

“You can’t get mad at Samantha for not hating her. They were friends. Good friends. It’d be like asking me to hate you.”

“If I did to someone what Eve did to me, you’d have every right to hate me.”

“But I wouldn’t.”

“That’s because you’re loyal. And don’t compare us to Eve and Samantha. We’re more than that. We’re family, not friends. We shared shelter and our last bites of food with no idea when the next was coming. The most they’ve ever shared is gossip over a mani-pedi.”

Greer stopped her stretching to put her hands on his shoulders, pull him close, and press her forehead to his. “I love you. More than anyone. And I think you’re an amazing man and an incredible friend.”

“And good looking,” he reminded her. “Don’t forget good looking.”

“Godlike. It’s stunning and distracting. Women swoon at your feet.”

“Thank you.”

“But you’re being an asshole.” He growled in annoyance and she shook him, bouncing his head against hers. “Stop being a dick and see it from her side. We all need jobs. No one can afford to be without work. You’re taking this opportunity, she’s taking hers. If you want to keep speaking to her you have to let this slide. You don’t have to be happy for her, but maybe don’t be a dick about it either. Neutral. Switzerland. Everybody loves Switzerland.”

“They do have great chocolate,” he agreed glumly.

She tossed him back from her, returning to her warm up. “Took you long enough to tell me you were sleeping with her.”

He blinked. “I hadn’t realized I had.”

“Give me a break. I know you. I knew you were fucking her the second you fist bumped her in the bar.”


The door to the studio swung open, a middle aged man dressed in workout gear smiling to them all as he stepped inside. Greer stood quickly, swatting at Cameron to get his ass in gear.

“Because I’m magic,” she told him. “Never forget it.”

“Hello, everyone! I’m Bryant, Ryker’s choreographer,” the man addressed the room brightly. He lifted a slim CD case, waving it in the air. “I have Ryker’s song selections here. Great stuff. A good mix of his classic songs with some of his contemporary. There’s already choreography built around a lot of this, but since not all of it is mine we’ll be revamping a lot of it.”

The small crowd of six dancers – two men and four women – chuckled, relaxing into the easy atmosphere the man created. Greer glanced around to take stock of who had arrived.

Cara from
wasn’t a surprise since Cameron had just been telling him about Samantha sliding into her spot. Mia, another member of the
ensemble, stood at the edge of the crowd making three of them from their show. Only one other guy was there, dark haired and olive skinned looking like the polar opposite of Cameron with his brown hair and fair skin. Next to him was a girl about as tall as Greer and Mia with black hair and ebony skin. Greer couldn’t remember her name but she knew her by reputation. She’d been a star ballerina as a kid but she’d grown too tall, too broad, and the culture forgot about her. She had a solid spot in
Incidental Intersection
and Greer very much doubted that she’d given it up the way Cara had let her spot slip away.

“I’m glad you had a chance to meet Ryker at your auditions because he won’t be with us today, but he’ll be here tomorrow and hopefully every day afterward. Personally, I’m hoping he’s working on a surprise for us. He’s left an optional slot in the production.” The man winked with a smile. “Who knows what he may fill with it.”

He made his way to a small sound system in the corner and put the CD inside. He tucked a remote control into his pocket and spun around to face the mirror.

“Let’s begin!”

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