Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans (31 page)

Read Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans Online

Authors: Gerry Bartlett

Tags: #Glory St. Clair#8

BOOK: Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans
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“You serious?”

“As a heart attack.” He settled half on top of me, his body fitting in a way I wanted to arch into. I resisted, still not convinced this was a good idea. “Look into my mind.” He stared down, intense, his thoughts very open now.

I did see more there. I saw the Ray who had woken up lost and confused, the man who totally understood what I was going through now. Who got that suddenly not knowing who or what you were shook your world until you weren’t sure if you could even live there anymore.

At least he’d been lucky. He’d had an angel by his side after he got over the initial shock, someone he could count on to guide him through this new life that he had to live in the dark. It wasn’t a magic spell or even gratitude that made him want to hold me and comfort me. No, he just wanted to be there for me, like I’d been there for him. Yeah, he was new to this vampire gig, but he’d love a chance to be
anchor for a change. Did I trust him enough to let him try?

“Thanks, Ray. Yeah, I trust you.” I pulled his mouth down to mine again. Our kiss was something special. I let him know that it meant a lot to me that he wanted to help me. That we were both survivors and maybe it was right that we were here together tonight. And if I
a Siren, then there was one surefire way a Siren knew to celebrate life.

Ray pulled back and grinned. “You don’t have to tell me twice, Glory girl.” He drew my sweater up and off to toss it across the room.

“Fancy underwear.” He laughed when he saw my bra and I hit him.

“I didn’t plan to let anyone else see it when I got dressed this evening.” I tried to cover what even Goodwill would have rejected.

“Then we’d better get it off fast.” He quickly unhooked the back and ripped it off me, then turned and aimed for a small trash can. It hit with a clang, falling half out of it like a sad flag of surrender. “You will let it stay there, won’t you?”

“Absolutely.” I reached for him again, shivering as he kissed a path from one nipple to the other. He traced an erotic journey with his fangs then drew on each peak until I shuddered and almost tore his shirt off in my eagerness to get his chest bare to my touch.

“You’re not going to stop me this time, are you, babe?” He had his hand on the waistband of my skirt, ready to send it to my feet.

I knew as well as he did that we’d been to this point before and I’d called a halt. It wasn’t fair or kind to keep doing this. I did a gut check. Jerry was gone, abandoning me without a
thought to how I was dealing with the news of what I was. He’d just taken off and never looked back. Was that love? I’d told Rafe to move on and I’d meant it. I didn’t want to ruin his life by holding him with a spell. What did that leave for Glory? An empty apartment and a hot guy who wanted her.

Ray understood what I was feeling too. That peek into his mind had resonated like nothing else could. We’d both had our very foundations rocked. He’d turned to alcohol and a search for oblivion. Was I turning to meaningless sex? I met his gaze and knew nothing with this man could ever be meaningless to me. We had a soul-deep connection that included friendship and a binding of our blood that would help us get through this together. I pushed my horrible skirt and thong down, kicking them away until all I wore were my boots.

“All systems go, captain. Let’s blast off.” I shoved him off the couch and onto the floor where I landed on top of him with a throaty laugh. After a long kiss that left us both breathless, I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and opened them wide.

Oh, wow, did I remember this. Ray had always liked to strut his stuff in front of me when we’d pretended to be engaged a few months ago. I’d seen the piercing before and now it glittered with a diamond that just begged to be kissed. It jutted boldly from that open zipper and I leaned down to tease it with my tongue.

“Glory.” Ray groaned and reached for me.

“Not here. With the windows uncovered? I bet Laurie does a regular walk around the perimeter. I don’t want her for an audience.” I glanced at that spectacular view outside then down to the one below me. I let my hair brush his erection and saw Ray shudder. Nice.

“She won’t. But if we’re playing spaceship or
Star Trek
, I have some, um, toys.” Ray grinned up at me. “I have this fantasy…”

“Hmm. I know. Yes, I saw a little of that when I was doing the mind sweep.” I grabbed the hems of his jeans and
jerked them off to fling them across the room. Then I stood and put my hands on my hips. When had I lost all my inhibitions? Sure I had figure flaws, but a handsome, man-of-my-dreams rock star wanted me. Lucky had gotten one thing right. The new vampire she’d had dropped into my bed had been my fantasy man for a long while. Time to make that fantasy a reality. No tricks, no long-term complications. I’d think about those other short-term issues later. For now, I was more than ready to have fun.

“Game on. What about my boots?”

“They look good. Keep ’em on, definitely. The launch pad is down the hall.” Ray jumped to his feet and pulled me after him as he ran toward what I assumed was his bedroom. I laughed as I imagined what was in store for me. Ray did have a reputation. But, honey, when I saw what was in that room… The tabloids didn’t have a clue.

this room?” I stared around in wonder.

“My playroom. I’ve been collecting since I was a kid. Nate and I have an agreement not to bid on the same things or we end up jacking prices against each other online.” Ray didn’t seem to have any qualms about strolling around naked as he showed off his collection of comic books,
Star Wars
figures and everything to do with superheroes. I had a hard time concentrating on his toys when he was the main attraction as far as I was concerned.

“Is this Captain Kirk’s chair?” I didn’t dare sit in it naked but recognized it instantly.

“Are you a Trekkie?” Ray grinned. “Reproduction. Sit. It’s okay. No, wait. Let me go first.” He dropped into the chair then pulled me into his lap. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

I snuggled my bottom against his eager erection. “Hmm. Seems like there could be a better way for me to sit than this.”

“Oh, yeah. But not yet.” He eased me off his lap. “We’ve got to take full advantage. Stand in the middle of the room.”

Suddenly I was self-conscious and grabbed what looked like one of Luke Skywalker’s jackets and slipped it on. Ray
hit a switch and the lights dimmed. I looked up and gasped. We were in an alternate universe with stars above us in a night sky projected on the ceiling.

“This is awesome.” I loved the way the mysterious blue glow made everything seem more beautiful. Though Ray’s body didn’t need the help, it would definitely make it easier for me when I had to drop that robe.

“Wait for it.” He hit another switch and soaring music filled the air. “It’s a special remix Nate and I have been working and reworking since we were teenagers. You’ll definitely recognize some of the tunes.”

I was still caught up in the magic of the stars and sound when Ray slapped a lightsaber into my hand. He’d donned a Darth Vader mask.

“What? Are we fighting?”

“Why not? Want to see if you can score against me?” Ray lightly tapped me on the hip, then used the saber to open that jacket. “Nude fighting is more fun. Getting shy on me?”

“A little. And I’d like to see your face. Those creepy breathing sounds coming from your mask aren’t sexy.” I got in a few hits with my saber on his arm and hip.

“Then I lose it.” He carefully laid it on a shelf, then turned back. We did a few minutes of fake swordplay until he managed to knock my saber across the room. “Gotcha.” He moved in and slid his hands under my jacket. “Mmm. I get a reward for that.”

“What kind of reward?”

“This.” He leaned in and kissed me breathless, shoving my jacket off at the same time. He finally eased back and looked me over. “Did I ever tell you how much I love your breasts?” He nuzzled each one of them, his thumbs pressing against my nipples. “The real deal. Man, I love the real deal.”

I sighed, very grateful that I pleased him. Then I walked him back until he was sitting in that captain’s chair. I’d worked up a fantasy of my own.

“Now I wonder, Captain. Will you let me take over the controls?” I ran my hands down his chest, my mouth following.

“If you promise not to let us crash and burn.” He leaned back, his legs spread. “But listen first. Glory, you have got to know that this Siren shit is stupid. You are quite a woman all on your own.” He moaned when I licked my way up and down his cock. I stopped at the diamond ring piercing. Some devil made me grab that ring with my teeth and tug.

“God, yes, Glory.” He slid his hands through my hair, eager to keep that going, but I released him and scooted out of reach and across the room.

I was very aware of his eyes on me. Ray made me feel sexy like… Wonder Woman? No, too obvious. So many of these superheroes were men. And
Star Trek
had featured very few women. There was a rack of their tiny minidresses in various colors but none of them were close to my size. Princess Leia. Ah. A sexy harem costume she’d worn in one of the Star Wars movies. Seemed appropriate since I’d escaped from a harem myself. But her tiny bra top was designed for hills, not my mountains. I finally settled on her headband and wore it like a crown.

Then I picked up a small whip with leather thongs a character from a comic must have used and hit it against my hand. I turned to face Ray and strutted toward him, stroking that whip lightly up and down my body. I figured it was a good distraction from my figure flaws.

“Tell me, Captain, are you certain you will allow me to control the ship and, um, you?” I ran the whip down Ray’s chest, teasing his nipples.

“For you, Leia? Of course.” He grinned. “Come closer and I’ll be happy to do whatever you wish or I’m afraid I’ll suffer the consequences.” He nodded at the whip. I saw him swallow when I brushed the thongs across my breasts.

“Then you must obey my commands. Now kiss my breasts, only my breasts, and nothing else. And you will stop when I tell you to. Understand?” I walked around him, the whip brushing his ear and my nipples grazing his biceps.

“Yes.” The word came out hoarse and I gave an evil laugh of triumph.

“Now begin.” I sat on his lap and presented one breast to his mouth. Ray attacked it like it was his only birthday gift. Oh, yeah. I braced a hand on his shoulder and tried not to moan as I felt the pull of his mouth all the way to my toes. I smacked his arm with my whip. “No hands. I did not say you could use your hands.” He gripped the armrests like he was about to launch off the chair. I would have laughed but I was about to leap into the air myself.

So I finally scrambled away, gathering my dignity and trying not to show how he’d affected me. I stalked around the room, hitting my thigh with the whip until I changed directions. “The other breast now. Take care of it,” I ordered, sitting in his lap again.

Who was I torturing? He latched on and I squeaked when he pierced me with his fangs. It was heavenly hell. His hand crept to my hip and I hit him again. “Bad boy. I said no hands.” He actually obeyed me. We were really into this but I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. His erection was rock hard against my hip, the diamond scratching me. I smelled fresh blood. Mine. I shoved his face away from my breast.

“Glory,” he groaned as he looked up at me, my blood smeared on his cheek.

“Quiet. I am almost ready for liftoff, Captain.” I wiped away the blood and stuck my finger in his mouth. He closed his eyes as he licked it clean. I slid off his knees and stood.

“Now. Our destination is Orgasmis. Have you been there before?” I eyed his cock when it jerked against his stomach.

“Yes, but not with such a skilled crew. I’m thinking it will be a short journey this time.” He still held the arms of the chair as if afraid to let go.

I strode to the center of the room where I turned to face him. “I’m sorry to hear that. I like long, slow trips with lots of sightseeing when I travel, Captain. I hope you will not disappoint me by rushing this. I want the scenic route.” I reached between my thighs, slowly sliding the whip handle between them.

Ray watched my every move and I saw him swallow again.
Was he finally going to give in and jump out of that chair? No, he stayed put but I could see the muscles in his arms quivering. I made a show of examining the damp handle.

“Why, I believe I am almost ready for departure.” I sauntered up to Ray and waved the handle a few inches from his nose. “What do you think, Captain? Are all systems go?” His nostrils flared. “Shall I come on board?”

“God, Glory. Let me taste you.” His eyes narrowed on my hips hungrily.

“Perhaps next trip. If this journey is to my liking.” I tossed the whip aside, more eager for that ride than I wanted to let on. Surrounded by the scent of our arousal, I quivered with wanting him. I reached for his cock, desperate to feel it inside me. Games. I looked up into his eyes and grinned. Why not?

“It will be to your liking, woman, or I will die trying.” His voice was little more than a growl as I leaned closer and slid my knees alongside his. My breasts pressed against his chest and I gave him an openmouthed kiss that seemed to go on for decades. Finally, I leaned back.

“Then I’m glad we’re immortal.” I picked up his hands and slid them around my waist. “Prepare for boarding, Captain.” Before I could say another word, he lifted me, giving me just enough time to grab the back of the chair and spread my legs to accommodate him before he settled me onto his lap. When I felt his cock finally glide into me, I couldn’t bite back my moan of pleasure.

Oh, God, but it felt good. I spared a moment to wonder about that diamond but it only added another level of excitement, a new thrill that I savored as he filled me. My knees settled onto the leather seat on either side of his narrow hips.

“Don’t. Move.” Ray put his hands on my face and stared into my eyes. “Look at me and listen. You are an incredible, amazing woman, Gloriana St. Clair. And I want you to know that I have never brought another woman here, to my playroom. Do you believe me?”

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