Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1) (19 page)

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“Is everything alright? I’ve just walked in and the atmosphere is overwhelming, I could use a knife to cut through. Julie, what have you done?”

“Jared, Julie has done nothing; she was just looking out for you as big sisters do. She just needed reassuring that I’m not a gold digger, she has every right too.” He nods and they get back to chatting away about their child hood, some good memories, followed by bad memories, it’s familiar to me. They’ve just mentioned someone called Nick, Jared has never mentioned him before. “Sorry to interrupt guys, but who is Nick?” Julie looks puzzled, as if I should already know.

“You don’t know Danni?” She asks quite shocked.

“No! I don’t sorry; he’s not someone Jared has mentioned before.” Before Julie could say anything, Jared speaks up and giving of a very unusual vibe, secretive maybe?

“Oh, he’s our brother; we don’t really talk much of him, as he’s not all with it, certainly, not worth any of our time.” I wish I knew what the big secret was; Jared and Julie are glaring at each other, as if their minds are linked and they’re talking through their minds. Ok, this is annoying, I’ve they forgot I’m standing right here.

“Excuse me! Still here you know, what I’m I missing? Are you two ok?”

“Danni, could you give me a minute alone with my brother please?”

“Yes of course.” I walk off towards the girls, confused and really curious on what they’re on about. I keep watching them from a distance and their conversation is getting heated, I wonder if Alex knows. “Hey, Alex! Come here for a moment please.” He looks up and walks straight towards me.

“What’s up, Danni?” He asks.

“Do you have any idea what Jared and his sister are on about? His sister mentioned someone called Nick? Then she gave me this strange look, the same look you’re giving me right now? What is it? She was shocked that he’s not mentioned him to me before, it was kind of secretive, do you have any clue?” He steps back and goes to walk of backwards, hesitating to tell me. So I kick him in the shins, till he lets up.

“Ouch, Danni! That hurt, look I don’t know, all I know is that his brother is a bad person; he’s screwed them both over at some point in their lives, he’s a nasty piece of work. Jared, probably never told you about Nick, because he’s not worth talking about, nothing to worry about, alright.” Somehow, I do not believe him. As soon as he finished talking, he couldn’t wait to get away, so I couldn’t ask him more questions.

For the rest of the night it felt awkward, so I stayed a distance away from his sister. We all ended up having a sit down meal, well let’s say, dinner party. The poor children must have been so bored, but the good news is, they didn’t hate me, I still reckon his sister is unsure about me though. I’ll have to try proving to her, otherwise, that might not end well. I’m kind of disappointed my brother didn’t turn up; Jared said he invited him, but he refused and was pretty rude and dismissive. So I’m going to have to give him a call and see what’s up. I’ll do it in the morning, I can’t be bothered now, I just want this day to be over with already.

Chapter Sixteen



The next few weeks flew by; I had Darla over for most of the time. We had to go through some wedding arrangements. Where she’s getting married, the time, then where the wedding breakfast is to be held, the night time, the entertainment, the list was endless. Luckily, the wedding breakfast and night time are at the same place. We went through the never ending invite list, let’s just say, it was stressful and I weren’t even the bride to be. She was changing her mind like no tomorrow; it’s quite sweet really because she’s really excited. I have to wear a lilac dress for the maid of honour, I hate lilac, I don’t suit the colour, she will pay for this. If I ever decide to get married, I’ll put her in dark pink because she hates that colour.
Oh crap
I remember that I was supposed to call my brother; I’ve been so wrapped up in everything else, I best call and see what’s being up with him and why he refused the get together. It rings for a while, typical Adam, he never picks up straight away. Eventually he picks up.

“Hello.” A deep voice says on the other side.

“Hey, Adam! It’s Danni, how are you?”

“Oh.. Hi, I’m good thanks, how have you been? Well considering everything.”

“I’ve been ok, still on edge though, but that’s expected. I’m on house arrest, it sucks. I was ringing to ask, why you refused to come around the other week, with everyone. Didn’t you want to see me? Have I done anything to upset you?”

“Of course not, you’re my baby sister, don’t be silly.”

“Then, how come you didn’t come around?”

“To be honest, I was busy and well I don’t really like Jared, he brings a lot of attention your way, especially at a time like this, when that crazy lunatic of an ex of yours is running free, it can be dangerous for you. Plus, I don’t want you being one of Jared’s conquests.” How rude of him, I cannot believe he has just called me a conquest.

“Adam, that’s a horrible word to call me, for one, I’m not a conquest. That is really disrespectful and for two, Jared is not like that, well not with me. He is actually a really sweet guy and you can’t judge someone if you haven’t met them, let alone even know them. That’s something you taught me, remember?”

“You’re right, I apologies! I shouldn’t have called you a conquest. It’s just the last guy you fell for, turned out to be a monster, I do not want you making the same mistake twice.” He always has to bring that up, it really pisses me off.

“I know, Adam. You do like to remind me every time, it gets old.”

“Tell you what, next time you all are meeting up again, I’ll be there, deal?” He says that until next time actually comes. Then it’s like, oh sorry, I can’t make it, maybe next time. I huff, but instead of going on, I just say sure ok, as I can’t be bothered with a lecture.

“Anyway, Danni! I’ve got to go, send my love to Andi, goodbye.” Before I could even say goodbye back, he hangs up. I really don’t know why I bother half the time; something has really bit him in the ass.

              I don’t know what happening later, Jared said he has a surprise for me, so I can’t wait, I hate surprises. So I literally begged him to tell me, but he’s having none of it. Bloody, stubborn ass men.

It’s a little after eight and for some reason; I’ve been feeling really woozy. It came over me unexpected and to top that, I’ve had a bad feeling in my stomach all day. Maybe I’m coming down with something. Jared got home at seven, that’s earlier than usual. He’s getting a quick shower while I’m getting changed in my good old pyjamas, the hairs on my body has just risen, with a sound so familiar. I can’t make the noise out? Is that heavy breathing coming from the walk in closet? Shall I walk over and check it out? Even though, my instincts are telling me to scream? I have a quick glance across the room and nervously walk towards the closet ready to grab the handle to quickly open them. As I opened them, my heart jumped so high, I could’ve had a heart attack, as a pair of shoes fell on me. A sigh of relieve lets out in my breath, but I still can’t shake this feeling that I’m being watched?
There is nothing there, Danni. It’s your bloody paranoia kicking in.
My inner person keeps telling me.

“Are you alright, Danni?” Jared’s voice startles me, as he entered the room, come on Danni, seriously? Soon as I look over at him, my face goes from crazy paranoia freak to, wow I’m one lucky girl, as my man is standing there dripping wet, showing of his tanned muscular body, all in just a towel.

“Yeah! I’m ok thanks, I got attacked by a pair of shoes and I’m pretty sure I’m going crazy hearing noises.”

“Just a normal day for you then, could you throw me those trousers from over there, please? I need to run down stairs.”

“Well, aren’t you are sarcastic one, do I have too? I kind of like looking what’s in front of me.” Disappointedly, he rolls his eyes at me, as if he means business and says.

“Yes, you do, now pass them here.”

“Oh, fine.” I throw them towards him and completely miss, that was such a bad aim. I go and pick them up before he moans at me and grinningly say, because I just can’t help myself.

“Here! You know that you’re supposed to catch right? Pretty lame dude.”

“Well, aren’t you in one of your mischievous moods, get your ass here.” He grips me with his firm hands and flings me on to his shoulders to carry me to the bed, where he throws me straight onto the pillows and sits on top of me so I’m pinned. My word, he’s heavy. Trying to get my words out through giggling, I manage to gasp out.

“Please, get of me; you’re too heavy, you win.”

“Ok, only because you asked so nicely, I’m going to run down stairs, I’ve forgot something, don’t you move young lady.” Before he jumps of, he gives me a quick peck then runs for the door, but his feet get the best of him and he trips right over and lands straight on his face. Oh my god, that was hilarious! I’m trying so hard not to laugh, but I can’t help myself, that was comical. That’s it, I can’t hold it in much longer and the burst of laughter booms out. I jump of the bed and walk towards him, to make sure he’s alright; I manage to spit the words out.

“Are you ok?” Before he says anything, he grabs my arm and drags me down on top of him.

“Do you think that’s funny love?” He grips my ass and slings me around, so he’s on top and bends down, strokes his nose against mine, so then our lips meet mmm. “Mmm that’s better; I do like seeing a pretty face beneath me.” I smile and shake my head at him.

“Come on, get up! Go and get what it is you’ve forgot, I’ll wait for you in bed.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He jumps up and on his way, pulls me with him. He cups my face and we start kissing as I’m walking backwards towards the bed, in which Jared has to guide me. Every inch of him is intoxicating; every time we kiss, I never want it to end. He starts on my neck, which sends tingles shooting throughout my body, my head is spinning, mmm his touch, then he stops, dissatisfied I say.

“Hey, don’t stop, I was enjoying that.”

“Sorry, babe! But I have to run down stairs.”

“Can’t you get one of your servants to get whatever it is?” I drag him back trying to persuade him, by trying to kiss him again.”

“No, I gave them all the night off; I will only be a few minutes.” I start to pout for not getting my own way, which has pissed me of a little.

“Fine.. You’re a big tease.”

“Hey, I’m only doing what you do to me, every time I’m around you, I can’t keep my hands of you. Now stop pouting otherwise, I will never be able to leave this room and I have too. Or would you rather me start giving you my pouting look and you know that always works.” He grins and starts pulling his very cute, but sad pout; I close my eyes and turn my head gesturing towards the door.

“Ok, ok, go.. I can’t look at that.” He quickly runs back over to me, to give me yet again another kiss, I return the kiss back he says.

“I love you, Miss Shaw.”

“I love you too, Mr. Hall, now go.” Finally he’s left, so I’ll go and lie on the bed to wait for him. Actually, scrap that! I need to go the bathroom first and freshen up.

I took longer than I thought in the shower, but hey I am a girl after all. Once leaving the bathroom and I head back into the bedroom, I notice candles have been spread out all around the room. Awe how romantic, I love all these little sweet ideas. Although, I sculpt the room and there is no sign of Jared. Where the hell is he? He was only supposed to be gone a few minutes and I’ve been thirty minutes in the bathroom. Maybe he has popped out? I should shout him.

“Jared.” I get nothing back; maybe he’s in the guest room. I go towards the guest room to see if he’s in there, but he’s not, it’s empty, what the hell? I shout again, this time louder.

“Jared, this is not funny anymore, come out, you know I hate these games.” Ok, this is really starting to make me feel nervous and getting really worried, I hope he’s ok. All of a sudden I jump at the sound of a creek outside the guestroom, followed by a shadow going past the door. Oh, thank god, there he is. “Jared, what the hell are you doing? Stop ignoring me.” I head out the guestroom into the hallway and walk down towards my bedroom. As I walk in, there is a trail of red rose petals, heading straight towards the bed, I follow the trail and on the bed is a note saying ‘
turn around darling.’ As
I’m turning around I say confused. “Jared, this is weird, what are you playing at? Oh no.” My whole body turns numb, terror has took over my body, the colour from my face has drained and I can’t breathe; I’m in that much fright, I can’t move I feel paralyzed. The tears start dripping down my face. No, this can’t be happening, the one nightmare I’ve feared since I have woke up from the coma, my biggest fear coming to life right before my eyes, it’s him. How can it be? Dillon, how did he find me? That evil gaze that will forever haunts me, He says, just before he raises his fist.

“Hey hunni, I’m home.” Followed with a blow to my face, that knocks me out cold.



“Wakey, wakey.” That’s all I hear, as I’m trying to regain conscious. Oh please, let this just be a really bad dream. Wait what! I can’t move my hands, their tied behind my back on the chair. “There you are, let me see that face, not as good as I remember. Don’t worry baby, it will do.” I turn away in disgust, I can’t look at him, I can’t stand the sound of his voice, it’s creepy. He still looks the same, tall, light brown hair, that curls up, piercing blue eyes, an unshaven face and his slim figure, he looks as evil as ever.

“How did you find me?” I ask.

“Well, it wasn’t hard seeing as you’re with bachelor number one, it was pretty easy. I have to say, seeing you two together all over the news, makes me sick. You’re my woman; I don’t like seeing his grubby hands all over you.”

“I’m not your woman.” I exclaim. Ouch, he smacks me again, my face flown sideways with the impact of the back of his hand, that’s my face starting to burn. He shouts

“Watch your tone with me, alright.”

“I see things haven’t changed.” I manage to say, trying my best not to show him the fear flowing through me, although it’s screaming inside of me. I find myself repeatedly saying to myself,
I’m going to die, he’s come back to finish me off
. Wait, a horrible thought has just occurred to me, where is Jared? Oh my god, please say Dillon hasn’t hurt him. I snap at him. “Where is Jared?”

“Oh, yeah.. The boyfriend, I don’t have to tell you that. Anyway, what does he have that I don’t?” What a smug, arrogant piece of shit. I intake a deep breath and build the courage to say.

“Let’s see! He’s sweet, kind, good natured, good hearted, really handsome, amazing body, great in bed, oh and he don’t beat the shit out of me. See, he’s a real man not like you.” He’s going to kill me, but at this moment I don’t care, I need to distract him while I’m trying to loosen my hands, so I shout. “So, where is he?” He is mega pissed now; I can see the frustration in his eyes. He comes roaring towards me and wraps his hands around my throat shouting.

“Stop asking, you horrible bitch, you don’t look or talk to me in that tone. You’re never to see that so called of a man again, have you got that?” He pauses himself, for a slight second and shines that crooked side smile, in his evil manner. Which I remember, it’s hard to forget that look. “Besides, after what I did to him, I doubt he’ll wake up.” I shake my head in disbelief, this can’t be true. No, just no, please don’t be dead. That’s it, all the fear has gone and I’m consumed with rage. I spit into his face in disgust and scream at him.

“You monster, I swear I’ll kill you, you repulse me.” There it is, the malevolence in his face, the same look he had when he stabbed me. He grabs my throat and throws me to the floor and starts kicking me in my sides. I’m screaming in excruciating pain.

After a few more boots, he turns me around, at this point my hands are loosening up, so to distract him, I try and say. “So, this is what it has come too, beating me up while I’m tied against a chair? You’re losing your touch Dillon.” I start to cough up blood from the impact of his kicks; he grins and pulls out a knife. He points it towards me.

“Do you remember this? It’s like déjà vu all over again.” I close my eyes and pray it’ll be quick, as giving up is so much easier. As I’m praying, a memory comes flashing back to me, it’s a memory of Jared saying,
no fear!
I whisper to myself ‘no fear, Danni.’ I need to fight this for Jared, you can do this. I say it once more ‘no fear’ he hears me. “What is that you’re saying?” Through the pain, I laugh to myself, with the joy of them words and repeat myself.

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