Reckless Exposure (10 page)

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Authors: Anne Rainey

BOOK: Reckless Exposure
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A tear slipped down Lucy’s cheek and her lower lip quivered.

“Oh, Rand, I’m not going anywhere. How can I possibly leave my heart behind?” She rose up on her toes and kissed him. It was gentle, but filled with promise. She started caressing his chest as he swiped the tear away with his thumb. “There will never be another man who fills me the way you do,” she swore.

“I’m bringing a load of baggage into this relationship,” he muttered, wishing like hell he could change his past.

Lucy reached down and cupped him through his jeans. She squeezed and Rand’s mind went blank. “I can handle baggage. I won’t break. Just love me. That’s all I ever needed.” Excitement laced her words. It was music to his ears and a balm to his heart. “I do love you. I always have, baby. You own me, body and soul.” He kissed her firmly, thrusting his tongue between her lips, causing her to tremble and sigh as he crushed her to him. She was giving him a chance. He wouldn’t let her down.

Another voice intruded, and Rand realized he’d forgotten Trey was in the room, witnessing their tender moment.

“Since we’re all happy now, any chance you two are up for an encore?”

Lucy laughed and Rand just shook his head. “Sorry, buddy.

From now on, she’s all mine.”

Trey shrugged and moved toward them. He tugged Lucy away and Rand let her go, albeit reluctantly.

“I’ll always remember you, cover girl,” Trey whispered as he brushed his lips over her forehead. “Thank you, for everything.” Lucy blushed and looked down at the floor. “It was my pleasure.”

Trey chuckled and smacked her ass.

Rand made a low noise in his throat and pulled Lucy in close, tucking her under his arm where she belonged.

Trey held his hands in the air and said, “Okay, okay, I can take a hint. I’ll see myself out.” He started toward the living room where the rest of his clothes were strewn about.

“Hey!” Rand called after him.

Trey turned, his expression unreadable. “Yeah?”

“Are you coming over next Saturday for the game?” Rand suspected what the answer would be.

“Maybe.” Tray slipped into his shirt and bent to put on his shoes. “Let’s see how things go.”

Rand knew he wouldn’t be seeing the other man again. It was there, in his stiff posture and haunted eyes. Whatever Trey was running from, or running to, his time in New York was done.

Trey left the apartment as quietly as he’d come into their lives.

Turning to Lucy, Rand watched for signs of embarrassment over what the three of them had just experienced. He witnessed only love and acceptance on her face. He’d found his soul. The day she first walked into his studio, he should’ve known his life would never again be the same. “I love you, angel.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and murmured, “It’s a dream come true. I’ve imagined this moment for so long I just want it to last forever.”

“Forever, huh?” Rand smiled. “Hmm, I like the sound of that.”

“Tell me again,” she pleaded. “Tell me you love me. Say it over and over while we make love.”

His temperature spiked. “I will, I promise.” Then he thought of the wild encounter and knew they needed to at least address it, or they’d forever avoid it. “Are you okay with everything? Any regrets?”

Lucy kissed the side of his neck. Then she bit him. His cock hardened. “No regrets,” she said, her voice ringing with sincerity.

“But I do think our sharing days are over, don’t you?” He thought back to his conversation with Trey, recalling the fantasy of having Lucy and another woman at once. It didn’t give him the same thrill the way it once had. The only thing that gave him that type of buzz was the woman in his arms. “Yeah, our sharing days are over. You’re all mine, baby.”

She sighed and melted against him. “I like the sound of that.” He dipped low and slung her into his arms. He carried her to the bedroom, bypassing the bed for the bathroom. He sat her gently on the sink and turned on the shower, adjusting the water temperature.

When it was perfect, he reached a hand toward Lucy.

She took it, trust and love shining in her eyes.

He took the vanilla body wash from the shelf and spent several minutes pampering her. It wasn’t long before she was climaxing for him again. Afterward, he brought her to the bed where they passed the rest of the night making love.

When the morning sun filtered through the curtains, shining down on Lucy’s sleeping form, Rand knew it was true. She really was an angel. A beautiful dark-haired angel, and she was all his.

Reckless Exposure: Epilogue

His thoughts on Lucy and Rand, Trey swiped a towel over his face. As always a tinge of envy shot through him. Sure, he was grateful that the couple would have their happy ending. But where did that leave him? Alone. Each time he helped another pair of lovers, he bonded with them, left a chunk of his soul behind. Lucy and Rand were no exception. They’d accepted him into their lives with open arms. He’d miss them.

A tingling sensation shot up his left arm and he looked down to see a link disappear. Another day closer to breaking the blasted curse. He should be happy. He’d helped two people find their way out of the darkness. He was that much closer to reaching his own happy ending. But he felt hollow inside.

He switched off the light and let his mind search out the pair of lovers whose bed he’d just vacated. They were in the shower, touching and talking about the future. For a second he imagined himself joining them, but he quickly banished those thoughts. That wasn’t the way of things. He pushed his fingers through his hair and groaned. It was time to move on. A new city. A new couple.

Perhaps a new time. Another link closer to salvation.

As he climbed into bed, he thought once more about the couple down the hall. They were loving each other. It wasn’t like what he’d experienced with them. This time it was sweet, two souls touching, joining. He created a wall to shut out the beautiful images rolling through his mind.

Shit, it was going to be a long night.

About the author:

Anne lives in a small town way out in the middle of no-where-ville. She is a gorgeous blonde with wonderful curves and a money
tree in the backyard. Clearly, Anne is a mere figment. A ghostly
figure that pops in and out of my head like a drive-by author.

Nevertheless, I do so love it when she’s visiting, because her
imagination really is wickedly delicious! She’ll bring you fantasies
and erotic delights that will have you grabbing the ice water! Feel
free to email Anne at [email protected].

All About Anne

I’m a 39 year old mother of two and happily married to the man of my dreams. I live in a small town way out in the middle of no-where-ville. I have a houseful of animals, which include: three Boxers, two cats, and our newest addition, Max, a kitten we found on the side of the road. Oh, and a fishtank. When I’m not feeding, walking, cleaning, and petting them, I’m writing spicy romance stories under the pen name Anne Rainey.

As it happens, Anne is a gorgeous blonde with wonderful curves and a money tree in the backyard. I never want for anything and I always love everyone. Of course, I wasn’t always this way. It all started on one Rainey day, as I was sitting on my comfy couch, reading a romance novel and sipping a hot chocolate. I realized the book I was reading seemed to lack a certain ‘va-va-voom!’. Thus, the talented, beautiful (and rich) Anne Rainey was born.

Clearly, Anne is a mere figment. A ghostly figure that pops in and out of my head like a drive-by author. Nevertheless, I do so love it when she’s visiting, because her imagination really is wickedly delicious! She’ll bring you fantasies and erotic delights that will have you grabbing the ice water!

Interests: Writing, reading, hiking, swimming, spending time with my family, shopping, and chocolate (yes, chocolate is an interest!).

Ten Questions With Anne Rainey

1) What got you interested in erotic romance?

This one is easy. Lori Foster! LOL! I started reading some of her
Harlequin Blaze
titles and I realized I liked the heat. I branched out and started reading other stuff, like the
Secrets Volumes
(I have all of them, LOL). When I started writing, it seemed natural to write what I like to read.

2) What do you like to read?

LOL, I sort of answered this, but I can expand on it a bit. I read a lot of different authors and a variety of genres. Contemporary romance, like Lucy Monroe and Janice Maynard, but also thrillers and suspense, like Greg Iles and Stephen King. Also, some vampire romance such as J. R. Ward and Christine Feehan. Didn’t I tell you I like variety? :)

3) Did you ever think you would be doing what you do?

Absolutely not! When I was younger I hated to read. I never sat still long enough. I was outside playing football with my brothers more often than not. It never even occurred to me that I’d be an author someday. My mother is very proud that the kid who hated books ended up an author.

4) Of all the heroes you’ve created, which is your favorite and

This is always hard to answer, but the truth is I do have a few favorites. One is Kevin Haines in
Scandalous Behavior
. His story comes out in December in the
Secrets Volume 25
. He makes my top three heroes list because he’s so dominating and aggressive. I love the way he goes all caveman over Tess. It’s so sexy to me and Tess just eats it up!

5) Who has influenced you the most in your writing career?

Influenced me? Hmm, several people have influenced me. Some authors, others readers. Nevertheless, I’d have to say my mother has influenced me the most. She’s always been very encouraging, even though she’s not into erotic romance. She raised us to think for ourselves, to stand up for what we believe and to dream big.

She always made me feel like I could do anything I set my mind to.

6) How many times were you rejected before you sold that first

Do I have to admit this? LOL! Hmm, let’s see. I wrote one full-length story, then set it aside. I never submitted it after I wrote it because I started doing my homework and realized the story I’d written was crap. (First rule of writing, be critical of your own work.) After I did some heavy homework, I wrote another full-length story, submitted it, and got rejected. Then I wrote a novella, it too was rejected. However, the rejection letter this time was very encouraging, personal, and gave me some terrific advice. I wrote another story and submitted it. Voila! I sold! Yay!

7) Any advice that you think would benefit newbie writers?

Yes, sit down at the computer and do some research. Find out what’s selling, buy some books from the publisher your trying to sell to, and learn your craft. There’s tons of free information on the internet and its pure laziness not to do a bit of homework before submitting a story that might not even be what the publisher is looking for.

8) Any plans to step out of your usual genre?

I already have. I’m working on a vampire series for another publisher. I write predominantly contemporary romance with a lot of steam. But this series isn’t erotic. There’s lots of action, fight scenes, dark heroes with issues and heroines who are strong and independent. It’s been great fun to write a paranormal series like this. That’s not to say I’m going to stop writing erotic romance though. That’d be like saying I’m going to quit eating chocolate.

Not. Gonna. Happen. LOL

9) You write wonderful sex scenes. What makes a sex scene
really sizzle?

Length… and no, I don’t mean that type of length. ;) I personally think a sex scene really sparks when there’s a slow, hot buildup.

Page after page of foreplay if you will, so that by the time the reader gets to the big show, they’re already grabbing the ice water!

10) Is there anything you want to say to your readers?

I hope you enjoy my first Red Sage release,
Forbidden Fruit
. It’s a personal favorite of mine because Ava is such a true tomboy.

She’s got all these hang-ups and insecurities, but she tries to be tough. Luke is just the man to show her that she’s perfect just the way she is. If you have the time, you can drop me a line at anne@ I’d love to hear from you!

Anne Rainey’s Easy Alfredo Sauce

To make alfredo sauce, you’ll need:

½ stick of butter

½ cup parmesan cheese

Heavy whipping cream

A pinch of garlic salt

1tsp. corn starch

Melt butter on low heat, then add the parmesan cheese. After well blended, slowly pour in heavy whipping cream. Continue adding until the right creamy eggshell color is achieved—approx. ¾ cup or so. Turn heat up slightly and add the corn starch, then stir until desired consistency. You might want to add a little more, depending on how thick you want your sauce. Garlic salt to taste.

Pour over your favorite pasta. I prefer penne pasta (al dente). This is a great hit with the kids. It also makes a delicious dipping sauce for breadsticks!

Happy eating!

If you liked this story, you might also like Anne Rainey’s other books!

Forbidden Fruit
by Anne Rainey

Available in e-books!

Veterinarian assistant Ava Sweet has lusted in secret after bad boy Luke McGiffin since high school. Years pass, but she never loses hope that he will come to see her as a desirable woman.

Then one day she overhears Luke scorning her. “Dr. Doolittle?

Sexy? How can you tell when every piece of clothing she owns is big and baggy and ugly as sin?”

That’s it. No more of him treating her like a kid sister. It’s time to show the hunky roofer her feminine side. The plan? Step One: arrange a fake date right under Luke’s nose to drum up some jealousy. Step Two: let her best friend Jen give her a seductive, innocent-vixen, miniskirt makeover. Step Three: tempt Luke right out of his sexy jeans.

But can Ava handle a man with such strong appetites, or is she in over her head?

Scandalous Behavior
by Anne Rainey Available in paperback in
Secrets Volume 25

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