Reckless Exposure (7 page)

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Authors: Anne Rainey

BOOK: Reckless Exposure
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He leaned back on his haunches. “On your hands and knees now.”

“I can’t move, Rand. It’s impossible after that climax.” He chuckled at Lucy’s drowsy tone. “Sure it is, angel.” She looked so sweet and vulnerable in that moment right after a climax.

Her defenses were shredded. His protective instincts kicked in. He slid his fingers over her torso as if memorizing her. Their suddenly very unknown future had him anxious to capture and treasure each moment with her.

He made his way to her breasts, pinching one raspberry nipple between his finger and thumb. Lucy whimpered. He leaned down and licked the other, suckling her silky flesh. She pushed her tits against his face as if aching for more. He cupped both tempting orbs, pushing them together, and nuzzled her cleavage. “So sweet and soft. I love your pretty tits.”

“I love you, Rand.”

Every muscle in his body pulled tight at those precious words.

Each time she said them it tore a path through his soul. He wanted to say them back as much as he wanted to take his next breath. But his past reared its ugly head every time, so he always held back.

And he’d called her the coward! He was a spineless ass for letting the woman of his heart even consider walking away, and all because he was so fucked up that he couldn’t even tell her how he felt.

Rand forced everything out of his mind save for cherishing Lucy. He wrapped his hands around her middle and turned her to her stomach before forcing her up to her knees. With her ass facing him, his cock flexed as if desperate to sink deep.

“Now, Rand,” she moaned. “I need you now.”

“The first time I saw you, I wanted to fuck you,” he told her.

“Did you know that?”

“No,” she said. “I didn’t know.”

He reached for the condom he’d pulled from his pocket earlier and sheathed himself. He stroked her ass cheeks, then swatted her.

She yelped. “I watched you walk. Your sexy ass teased the hell out of me. I ached to reach out and squeeze.” Positioning his cock against her slick folds, he rubbed up and down, barely grazing her clit. Then he slipped inside a scarce inch before moving back out and doing it all over again.

“Oh, God, Rand! You’re driving me crazy. I want you inside me so badly.”

He watched as he moved his cock in a slow, gentle glide that nearly had them both rocketing out of control. “Not just yet, baby.”

“Damn you! Fuck me, Rand.”

He swatted her ass once more, mesmerized as much by the sounds coming from Lucy as the flesh of her ass turning a pretty shade of pink. “You like that?”

“You’ve never been like this before. Stop teasing me.” He used his other hand to reach beneath her and fondle her breast. “You’ve never threatened to leave me before. I guess it’s a day for firsts.”

Lucy stayed silent as she pushed against his cock, attempting to take her own pleasure. Rand swatted her two more times, then leaned close to her ear and demanded, “Admit you like it, Lucy.

You like it when I get rough. Say it.”

“You turn me inside out. You make me want things, forbidden things.”

He smoothed her hair away from her face and kissed the side of her neck. “Sometimes it feels good to be a little naughty. Sometimes gentle just isn’t enough.”

Rand lifted back up and plunged deep. Her tight pussy closed around him like a vise, and it was all he could do to keep from coming. She pushed backwards, impaling herself further, and he lost the last thread of his control. Rand thrust into her, hard and fast, fucking her with more force than he’d ever used with any woman. He held her still as he slammed against her hips, bury-ing his cock inside the warm depths of her body. Her lush curves trembled and vibrated just for him. All for him.

“Lucy.” Her name and nothing more. It was all he was capable of in that moment. She had him in her fiery grip. Lucy spun out of control, her sweet cream bathing his cock, and Rand let himself go in a driving need to fill her, mark her. Three more thrusts and he was spilling his come deep.

He collapsed over her, exhausted and spent. She wiggled and he forced himself to loosen the hold he had on her body. As he lifted away, she rolled to her back and stared up at him. Her flushed cheeks and sated body had his heart swelling. She was so gorgeous. So perfect for him. How would he find the strength to let her go?

“You’re a wild man.”

Her husky voice had him grinning. She would have a sore throat after all the screaming she’d done. He knew she referred to the spanking he’d given her. She liked it, though she wasn’t quite ready to admit it yet. He placed his hands on the bed either side of her head and leaned down. “It’s your fault. With that yummy body and those wicked chocolate-brown eyes, a man is helpless.” When he kissed her, she wrapped her arms around his head and opened for him. He didn’t plunge into her mouth, but rather teased her lips and let her come to him. As her tongue dipped shyly into his mouth, he knew a truth he’d been denying himself. Somehow, some way, he’d have to face the past. If he didn’t, he was going to lose everything that mattered.

Rand lifted away and went to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He came back and sprawled on the bed next to Lucy, dragging the blanket over them both. As he pulled her to his side, he felt himself relax. Just before she slipped into sleep, he said,

“Trey’s coming over tomorrow night.”

Lucy stiffened. “He is?”

Interesting reaction. “Yeah. I thought we could get some stuff from the store, maybe make margaritas. Sound good?” Several seconds passed before she nodded. “It sounds like fun. I can make fajitas, too, if you want.”

Rand’s arm tightened around her before he was even aware of it. His possessive instincts were already kicking in, and they hadn’t even gotten to the threesome. Fuck! He forced himself to relax. It would all work out. It had to. He could give her this fantasy. He was man enough to put his baggage aside and think only of Lucy.

If he told himself that about a million more times, maybe he’d even believe it.

Reckless Exposure: Chapter 5

After several fajitas, Rand sat back and patted his stomach. “I’m stuffed. That was damned delicious, Lucy.” Trey swiped a napkin across his mouth and nodded. “The best I’ve had yet. You’re a good cook.”

Lucy beamed and stood to clear the dishes. “My mom taught me everything I know. She’s wonderful in the kitchen.” Rand and Trey stood as well, and soon the three of them had the table cleared and the dishes in the dishwasher. Rand moved to the refrigerator, grabbed the pitcher of margarita mix and poured them all a second glass. Lucy shook her head when he handed her one.

“No way. You know I can’t handle more than one.” He came closer and cupped her chin in his palm, forcing her to look at him. “Let your guard down, angel. You can trust me to take care of you.”

Lucy stared into a pair of the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. She’d once thought Rand wore colored contacts because the shade of his eyes just seemed too unreal. It hadn’t taken her long to discover that every part of Rand was the real deal. There wasn’t a single thing phony or fake about him.

She looked over at Trey, who stood to the side holding out a glass filled with the sweet, potent mixture. She surrendered. Lucy took the glass from his hands and smiled. “Fine. But if I get tipsy, it’s all your fault.”

“I’ll take full blame if you start dancing on the kitchen table.” Lucy laughed, feeling light and free for the fist time in months.

She’d been so wrapped up in worries about the future, interning for George, and wondering if she’d ever get Rand to say the three words she most craved to hear,
I love you
, that she hadn’t been having any fun. It was time to shuck all the stress. Tonight she aimed to enjoy herself.

“I rented a few movies,” Trey announced as they left the kitchen and entered the living room. He leaned down and grabbed two DVDs off the end table and handed them to Rand. “I hope you two like romantic comedies.”

Lucy turned off the kitchen light, which only left the small table lamp illuminating the room. As she took the DVDs out of Rand’s hands she realized she’d already seen one with a friend from school, but the other was new.

“Good choices,” she said as she took the one she hadn’t seen out of the box and put it in the player.

Rand picked up the remote and shot Trey an annoyed glare.

“Dude, romantic comedies? Was all the good shit taken or what?” Lucy smacked Rand on the arm. “It won’t hurt you to watch something that doesn’t involve blood and violence for once.” Rand rolled his eyes and plopped onto one end of the couch, Trey sat at the other end, which forced Lucy to sit in the middle.

She took another fortifying sip of her margarita and let Rand pull her in close to his side. He wrapped an arm around her and pushed play on the remote. The movie started and they all fell silent.

Halfway into the movie, Lucy realized she’d caught maybe two minutes of it, and that was being generous. She’d been too dis-tracted by Rand, or more specifically Rand’s hands. He had one flattened high on her jean-covered thigh, and the other massaged her nape. She looked over at Trey and realized he wasn’t watching the movie. He was watching her.

Rand’s fingers inched higher, nearly grazing her mound. Her temperature spiked and she grabbed his hand to hold it still.

He leaned close to her ear, licked the sensitive shell, then whispered, “Let me play, angel.”

She swiveled her head.

“We have company.”

Rand’s gaze burned into hers. “I know.”

Huh? He wanted Trey to watch? “I’m not okay with this,” she said, though her words lacked conviction. She meant to sound more forceful. Instead she sounded turned on.

“You sure about that?” Rand slid his palm higher, cupping her possessively. Her pussy flooded with heat as he started to stroke her clitoris through her jeans.

Lucy turned and looked at Trey. He leaned against the arm of the couch, facing them, his hands clenched into tight fists as if attempting to hold himself back. It wasn’t the large erection she could see pressing against the fly of Trey’s jeans that made her give Rand’s hand free rein. It wasn’t even the intensity in Trey’s dark eyes as he stared at her as if he wanted to devour her whole. It was her own desires. She’d fantasized about both men taking her at once. She’d never dreamed it would ever happen, but here was her chance to taste the forbidden. Once in her life, every woman was given the chance to toss caution to the wind. This was her chance.

She was damned well going to take it.

She let her legs drop open, giving Rand a green light. Staring into his eyes, she saw surprise and hunger.

He kept his gaze locked on hers. “Take your clothes off, angel.

Let me see that pretty body.”

She sucked air into her lungs as nervous jitters flitted around in her stomach. “Rand,” she murmured.

In an instant, he moved off the couch and crouched on the floor in front of her. “Relax, baby,” he crooned. He started inching her yellow sweater upward, exposing her belly little bits at a time. She could only watch as Rand’s gaze zeroed in on the flesh he uncovered. A muscle in his jaw jumped wildly and his gaze turned a darker shade of blue. He leaned in and kissed her lower abdomen, and then dipped his tongue into her belly button. Lucy’s body re-sponded with a flood of heat to her core. She grabbed his head and closed her eyes, relishing the sensation of his velvety tongue on her flesh.

As if floating in a dream, she felt her shirt being pulled over her head. Rand’s lips never broke contact with her skin. Her bra soon followed. Now her upper half was completely bare. Her eyes flew open and she tried to cover herself as she looked over at Trey. Rand grabbed her wrists and held them at her side.

Trey hadn’t moved from his position on the end of the couch.

He licked his lips and watched her with hungry eyes, but he never made as if to touch her.

“He’s just going to watch for a bit,” Rand reassured her. “It’s up to you if you want him to join us. This is for you, Lucy. You call the shots.”

She was way out of her element here. She’d never taken charge during sex and she didn’t know what to do. Rand had always directed their loving. When she began to protest, revealing her fears of inadequacy, Rand dipped his head and swiped his tongue over her nipple.

“Oh, God,” she groaned as she relaxed her hands.

Humming his approval, he released her wrists and sucked the hard tip into his mouth while his hand came up to massage her other breast. She was lost to the sensations flowing through her.

Tingles skittered up and down her spine and her pussy throbbed, aching for relief. When he bit her gently, her hips shot off the couch. Rand pulled away, watching her closely as he released the button on her jeans and slid the zipper down. She chewed at her bottom lip when he parted the material.

“Lift your hips,” he instructed.

Knowing what was about to come, Lucy raised her buttocks and let him tug her jeans down her thighs to her calves. Soon she sat with nothing but a pair of red thong satin panties covering her. Fear kept her from looking over at Trey.

Rand grinned and stroked his index finger over her clit through her panties. “You’re soaked clear through, baby. You like having Trey watch us? Does it turn you on knowing he’s as hard as a rail-road spike right now?”

She could only speak one word in that moment. “Yes.” Rand chuckled. “Mmm, I had a feeling.”

Lucy shored up her nerve and dared a glance at Trey. He grinned at her and cupped himself through his jeans. “You look good enough to eat, Lucy.”

Her cheeks heated, but she didn’t look away. She wasn’t sure if it was the two margaritas or the look on Trey’s face that made her bring her hands up to cup her own breasts in her palms. His grin slipped as he watched her fondle herself. When she pinched her own nipple, his eyes narrowed and his hands went to the button of his jeans. This time it was her turn to watch in wild fascination as Trey revealed all that power and strength to her. The chain tattoo she’d spied earlier on his forearm extended all the way up his arm, coiled around his deltoid, and ran down his pectoral muscle to link to an intricately designed red heart. She wondered about it, but as her eyes took in the rest of him, completely nude, his hand wrapped around his cock in a tight fist, she forgot all about the beautiful art work.

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