Red Letter Day (38 page)

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Authors: Colette Caddle

Tags: #FIC000000

BOOK: Red Letter Day
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'I doubt it,' Richard said. 'To be honest, Rose, I think Fergus has found himself a girlfriend in your absence.'

Celine stared at him and he nodded slightly.

'Why didn't you tell me before, Richard?' Rose protested.

'Ah, Rose, the last thing the lad needs at the moment is an interfering mother.'

'Bloody cheek, I never interfere!' She smiled. 'To be honest, I'd be delighted if he'd found himself a nice girl. Ooh, I wonder what she's like.'

Richard steered her towards the door. 'You must promise to say nothing until he tells you, Rose,' he warned.

'Of course not, what do you take me for?'

They left after much kissing and hugging and then Kay went in search of her handbag. 'I must be going too.'

Marina linked her arm through her mother's and walked out to the car with her. 'Thanks, Mum, you've been great.'

'Pleasure, love.' Kay kissed her cheek before getting into her car. 'Now, what time are you picking me up tomorrow night?'

'Sevenish?' 'Fine.'

'And don't forget your overnight bag.'

'Are you sure Josh is going to be okay with that new babysitter?'

'Oh, yes, he adores Jenny. She lets him play with the games on her phone.'

'Right then, dear, if you're sure. Good night.'

Dominic came out to the gate. 'Good night, Kay, drive carefully.'

Marina stepped back from the car and waved. "Night, Mum.'

After she'd driven away, Marina slipped her hand into Dominic's and they walked back into the house. 'What's going on, Dominic?'

'Let's see to the dresses and then I'll fill you in.'

They went back upstairs and Marina sighed as she gazed at the gowns. 'Aren't they beautiful?'

'Beautiful,' he agreed. 'But I think we'd better put them in the living room and lock the door or Josh may decide to add some touches of his own!'

Marina laughed. 'Um, yes, good idea.' After they'd carefully moved the gowns downstairs, Marina led the way into the kitchen. 'So?' she prompted, sitting down.

Dominic sat down opposite her and told her what Richard had told him.

'Why didn't you tell me before?' she asked, looking hurt.

'I only found out myself this evening. Celine let something slip. And don't give her a hard time about it,' he warned, 'because the police told them to say nothing. The more people who know about this the more dangerous it gets.'

Marina shivered. 'And now he's missing.'

'We don't know he's actually missing. Maybe he just forgot to recharge his phone.'

'He wasn't at work though,' she pointed out.

Dominic sighed. 'No.'

'You're going to have to tell Rose. She deserves to know what's going on.'

'That's Richard and Celine's decision.'

'I don't envy them.'

'No, neither do I. For God's sake, Marina, don't mention this to anyone. Not even Richard or Celine.'

'Of course I won't.'

'Good. Now, let's go to bed. I promised Cathy I'd be down at the centre first thing in the morning to help clean the chairs.'

Marina pretended shock as she stood up. 'But you're the star of the show!'

Dominic didn't laugh. 'It all seems so frivolous when you consider what Fergus might be going through.'

Marina put her arms around his neck and kissed him. 'You can't think like that. You have a full house tomorrow night, people have paid money to come and see this show. Put everything else out of your mind and give it your best shot.'

Dominic kissed the tip of her nose. 'You're much too sensible for a dumb blonde.'

Marina pushed him away, laughing. 'That's a lovely way to talk to your fiancée!'

Chapter 49

On the other side of town, Fergus stood outside a shabby town house trying to work up the courage to knock on the door. He had, as the police had instructed, sat tight for days but his nerves couldn't take it any longer. If Mick wouldn't come to him, then he was going after Mick. He had started his search early in the day but had no luck until he stopped off in one of the seedier pubs in Sandhill. He was nursing his second pint when the door opened and a guy came in that he recognised from his schooldays.

'Can I buy you a drink, Robbie?'

The other man whirled around at the sound of his name and a smile slowly started to spread across his face. 'Fergus? Fergus Lynch?'

Fergus stood up to shake hands. 'That's me.'

'God, it's been years, man, howaya?'

Fergus grimaced. 'I'd be grand if my memory wasn't so lousy. What are you having?'

'A pint of lager. Why, what's wrong with your memory?'

After ordering the drink, Fergus beckoned Robbie to come closer. 'I was supposed to give Mick Garvey a call, he has a bit of business for me, and I can't remember the bloody number he gave me.'

Robbie laughed. 'Ye stupid gobshite, Mick'll kill ye!'

Fergus rolled his eyes. 'Don't I know it. I wouldn't mind but I could do with the cash. I don't suppose you have any idea where he hangs out these days?'

Robbie shrugged. 'Mick doesn't stay anywhere for long, mate, if ye know what I mean.'

'Yeah, that's what I thought. Oh, well, that's it then.'


'Yeah?' Fergus wondered if Robbie could hear his heart beating in his chest.

'He could be at the girlfriend's.'

Fergus struggled to keep his voice normal. 'Oh, yeah?'

'Yeah. She's got a place down on Templar Row.'

'I know it. I don't suppose you know what number?'

'Haven't a clue, mate, but the front door is the most disgusting colour orange — it's hard to miss.'

Fergus beamed at him. 'I think, Robbie, you may have saved my life. How about a chaser?'

'A Jameson would go down nicely,' Robbie agreed.


And now here he stood at the orange door. Fergus raised his hand to knock but before he could, the door was thrown open and he was confronted by a young girl with a white tear-stained face. 'Who are you?'

'Gus. I'm a friend of Mick's. Is he in?'

She let out a strangled sob and went down the hall. Fergus stepped in, closed the door and followed. 'Er, are you okay?'

'No, I'm bloody terrified! Two fellas came to the house about an hour ago. They took Mick away.'

Fergus stared at her. 'Were they cops?'

'I don't think so.'

'What did Mick say?'

'He just told me not to worry.'

Fergus shrugged. 'Then I'm sure he'll be fine.'

She shook her head. 'I watched them from the window. They shoved him into the back of a car. They weren't mates, no way.'

Fergus thought quickly. 'Okay, love, calm down. Why don't you tell me all you can about these guys and their car and I'll put the word out. Someone will know what the story is.'

She nodded gratefully and stammered through a reasonably good description of the men and a vague one of the car.

Fergus smiled at her. 'Well done. Can I use your phone?'

'It's through there.' She pointed into the other room.

'Great, er, any chance of a cuppa?'

She nodded and went to put on the kettle while he went into the next room and closed the door.

He dialled the number that by now he knew off by heart.

'Detective Murphy, please.'


After Fergus had given the detective all the information and the address of Mick's girlfriend, Declan upbraided him for not following orders.

'I've made more progress in one day than you have all week,' Fergus retorted.

'Right then, Rambo, stay put and leave the rest to us.'

'You want me to stay here?'

'Yeah, just in case Mick comes back or anyone else turns up. I'll be in touch.'

'You'll have to phone the house number, the battery's flat on my phone.' Fergus gave him the number written under the keypad and then hung up. He went out to the kitchen to find Mick's girlfriend — God, he didn't even know her name! 'Okay, er, sorry, I don't know your name.'


'Right, Lindsay, I've talked to some of the lads and they're going to keep an eye out for Mick.'

She nodded. 'Okay, thanks. Is there anything I can do?'

He grinned at her. 'Any biscuits to go with that tea?'

Her anxious face brightened. 'Are you staying, then?'

'Of course I am. Sure Mick would never forgive me if I left you on your own in this state.'

'You're very good. Thanks,' she said and went in search of some biscuits.

Fergus felt a pang of guilt as he watched her. It wasn't in his nature to be so devious but he didn't have much choice. Until he knew exactly where Mick was or who had taken him, Fergus had to maintain the illusion that he was a mate. He just hoped that the cops would hurry up and find him.


By one in the morning there was still no news and Fergus persuaded Lindsay to go to bed.

'But what about you?' she asked.

'I'll be fine on the sofa, sure it's as good as any bed.'

'Okay, thanks, Fergus. Good night.'

He wasn't sure what time the phone rang but there was some light in the sky and the cramp in his leg told him he'd been asleep for some time. He hopped to the phone, shut the door and jammed the receiver against his ear. 'Yeah?'

'Fergus? It's Detective Murphy. Get yourself down to the station.'

'What about Mick? Did you find him?'

'Yeah, we found him.'

'Is he . . .?'

'Let's say he won't be bothering you again.'

'Jesus! What happened?'

'I'll fill you in when you get here.'

'But what about Lindsay, Mick's girlfriend?'

'We'll send someone around to see her. You just get over here, okay?'

Fergus let himself quietly out of the house. He felt bad not saying goodbye to Lindsay but what could he tell her? He walked the two miles to the station in town and asked for Declan Murphy. The sergeant nodded. 'Fergus, is it? Yeah, he's expecting you.'

Chapter 50

Celine slept late the next morning and had to throw on her jeans and shirt to go down and open up for Sadie. She had just switched on the lights when the woman arrived.

Sadie looked at her clothes and sniffed. 'You'd better go before any customers see you.'

Celine rolled her eyes. 'I'm sure they won't decide to shop elsewhere just because I'm wearing jeans.'

'Will you be back in later?'

'Yes, Sadie, I told you I would. But I'll be leaving early to go to the community centre.'

'What about the alarm?'

'Richard will drop by to shut the shop.'

'Oh.' Sadie looked slightly mollified.

'Anything else?'

'No, you go on back to bed.'

Celine bit her lip to prevent herself saying something she'd regret. 'Rose is up to see the show tonight,' she said when she could trust herself to remain polite. 'She may drop by to see how you're getting on.'

'Oh, right.'

'See you later.' Celine left, chuckling quietly as she ran back up to the flat. That should keep Sadie on her toes. Now that she was up, Celine didn't feel like going back to bed. Though she felt very tired she couldn't get Fergus out of her head. Going to the phone, she called Richard. 'Did I wake you?' she said when he answered.

'Nah, I've been up for a while.'

'You're worrying too.'

'It's hard not to.'

'Why don't you phone your inspector friend?'

'Already did, but he's not available. God, it's so frustrating.'

'I think we should tell Rose.'

'Not yet, Celine, at least let her enjoy the show.'


'What are you doing today?'

'Nothing much. I have to put in a couple of hours at the shop later and then I need to be at the centre by six.'

'Let's have a leisurely breakfast at the Napoli,' he suggested.

'Yeah, why not?'

'See you there in five.'

He'd hung up before Celine could tell him she wanted to shower first. 'He can wait,' she decided, pulling off her shirt.


Richard was on his second cup of coffee when she walked in. 'And about time,' he said, putting down his newspaper.

Celine raised an eyebrow as she slid into the booth opposite him. 'You should know that it takes a woman more than five minutes to get ready.' She looked pointedly at his tousled hair and crumpled shirt. 'Some of us have standards.' She turned to smile at Tracy, who'd followed her to the table. 'Hi, Tracy. I think you'd better give this man the works, he's a terrible grouch this morning.'

Tracy laughed. 'Aren't they all?'

Richard growled. 'Enough of your lip, woman! I want the full Irish breakfast and quick about it!'

'Yes sir!' Tracy said, laughing. 'How about you, Celine?'

'Toast and coffee, please.'

'You can't start the day on just toast and coffee,' Richard protested.

Celine winked at Tracy. 'Oh, okay, I'll have the works too!'

'Right away. I'll bring your coffee first.'

'Thanks, Tracy.'

Richard took Celine's hand. 'Did you sleep well?'

'Yes, although I was a bit lonely.'

'You were exhausted and I was afraid you wouldn't get any sleep if I spent the night.'

'That's okay, you can make up for it tonight. After one of Bob's breakfasts you should have energy to burn for days.'

He laughed. 'Ah, yes, except Dominic's roped me in to help out at the centre.'

'He's a persuasive man. What time are you picking up the food for the party?'

He clapped a hand to his head. 'I forgot completely about that!'

Celine stared at him. 'You did organise some food?'

'Of course I did, I just forgot that I had to pick it up. I'll give them a call and ask them to deliver.'

'And who'll let them in?' Celine asked, wide-eyed.

'Shit! Would you—?'

She smiled. 'Seeing as you asked so nicely, yes I will. But tell them to come before one.'

'You're an angel. And, by the way, you're also an incredibly talented designer.'

Celine's eyes were anxious. 'Do you honestly think so?'

He squeezed her hand. 'I do. I felt so proud of you last night. Those dresses would look good on any catwalk.'

'What do you know about catwalks?' Celine scoffed, but her cheeks were flushed.

'I know what I like looking at. Although I don't think someone like Mary Boyle is going to do justice to your creation.'

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