Red Red Wine (Tastes of Seduction) (15 page)

BOOK: Red Red Wine (Tastes of Seduction)
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“But he became my friend,” Tori argued. “He became a part of my life through Declan.”

“Maybe so. But by the very nature of his relationship with Declan, he has to remain loyal to the opposition. So yeah, broken egg for you, but he doesn’t count. Next?”

She smiled at him, even though her heart was aching. “You think you’re smart, don’t you?”

“Don’t think, I know. Next?”

She lost the grin. The next egg Andrew could never fix, no matter how hard he tried. “My future.” She closed her eyes. “It’s not just broken, it’s gone.” The entire life she’d planned with Declan had evaporated in an instant. Or to be more specific, in an instant message.

“Now there I have to disagree wholeheartedly. Long as you wake up every morning, you have a future. True, it may not be the one you thought you’d have, but it’s still there, just waiting to be discovered.”

She looked at him, not bothering to hide her disbelief.

“Your future with Declan may be all scrambled…” He gave her a impish smile. “Get it? Scrambled, as in eggs.”

Tori rolled her eyes. But she did get it, and was again amazed that this man could make her want to laugh under the most somber circumstances.

“But you still have a future. In fact, the world’s pretty much your oyster. Your tomorrows are no longer restricted by your commitment to one man. All you have to do is work out what you want and fight for it. Make it happen.”

Her heart warmed even as she sighed out loud. “Why couldn’t it have been you instead of Declan?”

He frowned. “You’d rather I broke your heart?”

“No. I’d rather have met you before him. Planned to marry you, not him. You wouldn’t have hurt me like that, would you?”

“Not even if Scarlett Johansson threw herself at me naked.”

“Scarlett Johansson?”

“Hey, she’s hot.”

“And you’d reject her in favor of me?”

“In a heartbeat.”

“You’re sweet.”

He shook his head with a snort. “You’re just determined to see the good in me, aren’t you?”

“It’s not hard. All I need to do is open my eyes and there it is.”

“So tell me this much. Is it sweet when a man takes advantage of a woman with a broken heart? Is it sweet that all he can think about is fucking her six ways to Sunday? Is it sweet that you’re sitting here, pouring out your troubles to me, and all I really want to know is how your breasts will look swinging free of that bra? Or how your pussy might taste after you’ve come three times in one night? Is it sweet that the whole time I’ve been talking, I’ve been edging the sheet down over your legs because I want to see every inch of your naked flesh in the light?”

Andrew trailed his finger all the way down her spine and lower. He leaned in and nipped her ear. “Is it sweet that I’m dying to know how hot and tight your ass will feel when its finally wrapped around my dick?”

Tori’s breath caught. No. That was decidedly unsweet of him. It was also decidedly erotic, making heat flood her cheeks and her belly. “If you wanted the bra gone, you could just have asked.”

“I want the bra gone, Victoria. Will you take it off?”

She reached behind and unhooked the clasps, shrugging the lace off. Then she held it out to him. Her hands shook, and it wasn’t from disappointment or anger. “I suppose you’re going to keep this too?”

He tossed it straight over his shoulder. “You suppose right. But it’s not the bra I want right now.”

And just like that Tori found herself on her back, staring up into Andrew’s face. The raw hunger and undisguised admiration were back in his expression, and once again they were her undoing.

How the hell had he turned her on so quickly? Seconds before, she’d been bemoaning her ruined life. Now she squirmed on the bed, her breasts swelling beneath his gaze. And that wasn’t the only part of her reacting to Andrew. Not by a long shot.

“Do it,” she begged. “All of it. Look at me naked. Taste my pussy. And God, please God, find out how my ass feels wrapped around your dick.”

“Ah, sweetheart, I plan to do exactly that.” His gaze traveled the length of her body, from her nose down to her toes and then back up again.

By the time he met her gaze again, his eyes were black as night and goose bumps had erupted over her flesh.

“I think,” he whispered reverently, “that you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.”

“B-better than Scarlett Johansson?”

“Scarlett who?” His gaze returned to her breasts, and his chest heaved. “You take my breath away.”

Tears filled her eyes. “Y-you make feel beautiful.”

“You are beautiful.”

“I’m broken.”

He shook his head. “A few of your eggs are broken. That’s all.” For long moments he looked his fill, his gaze so hot, her body sizzled wherever it touched.

She squirmed beneath it, needing to feel his touch. “I’ve come three times tonight,” she reminded him.

Andrew’s tongue touched his lower lip, licked along its length, and moisture pooled between her legs.

She drew her leg up, inviting him to taste her.

His gaze landed on her pussy, and a muscle twitched in his cheek. “Soon,” he promised. “Very soon.”

A wave of frustration swept through her, and she bit back a curse. Very soon wasn’t soon enough.

A hint of amusement lit his eyes. “Roll over, sweetheart. I’m not finished drinking you in.”

Tori rolled.

The cotton sheets felt good against her painfully distended nipples.

Long moments passed. Or perhaps it was mere seconds. She couldn’t tell. All she knew was time seemed to stretch out endlessly as she lay there, her face buried in the pillow, her back exposed to Andrew.

He looked. God knew he looked. She could feel his gaze all the way up her spine. The knowledge left her lightheaded. And aroused. And bereft of his touch. She stiffened her shoulders and clenched her buttocks, trying uselessly to stem the flow of desire. When it didn’t work, she ground her hips against the mattress. If the sheet felt good against her nipples, surely it’d feel good against her pussy.

It didn’t. Not good enough, anyway. It couldn’t touch her the way she wanted to be touched or satisfy her the way Andrew could—no matter how hard she ground.

She whimpered, then almost hit the ceiling when Andrew trailed a finger ever so lightly down her spine.

Hot chills spread wherever he touched.

“A sweet man would never do this.” Again he brushed his finger down her spine, but this time he didn’t stop at her waist. He trailed that finger right down, into the cleft of her ass and lower, dipping it in her pussy, right where all that liquid heat had pooled.

“He would too,” Tori argued vehemently. “And he’d do it more than once.”

“Like this, you mean?” He repeated the action, trailing his now-wet finger down her back, teasing her ass as he passed and dipping the digit right back between her legs.

She drew her thighs apart, giving him better access. “Exactly like that.” She let out a soft groan as his finger burrowed deeper inside her, then withdrew.

“Would a sweet man do this?”

Tori waited for his touch, but it never came. Curious, she turned her head to look at him.

Andrew’s finger was in his mouth, his eyes closed.

“Yes. If-if he wanted to know how a woman’s pussy tasted after she’d come three times in one night.”

“Delicious,” he proclaimed when he moved his hand.

“You know you could drink straight from the source?” She raised her ass in the air, holding her weight on her knees. Tori’s cheeks burned. Her blunt offer had her blushing crimson, but she didn’t care. Andrew had her so on edge, so needy, she’d do whatever it took to end his teasing.

He stared down at her ass, and once again his tongue touched his bottom lip. Hunger and appreciation were still evident in his darkened eyes, but so was something else. Something Tori couldn’t quite fathom. “Hey,” she whispered. “Are you okay?”

Andrew nodded, and his gaze found hers. “There’s something I need to know.”

“And that is?”

“I need to know you want
to drink from the source. Not Declan.”


“I’m okay with rebound sex, Tori. Okay with you doing this for no other reason than intense physical pleasure to help you feel better. But I need to be clear that you know who I am.” His forehead creased. “A few minutes ago you weren’t sure.”

“A few minutes ago I was half-asleep.”

“And you woke up thinking I was him.”

She smiled gently. “The cobwebs are gone, Andrew. I’m fully aware of whom I’m with.”

“And you’re sure I’m the one you want to be with?”

“One hundred percent. Know what else I’m sure of?”

He shook his head.

“If you were Declan, I wouldn’t be naked. Or wet. Or lying in bed begging for your touch. The only reason I’m here, horny and nude, is because it’s you.”

A glimmer of a smile tugged at his lips. “You are wet.”

“And horny.”

“And naked.”

She rolled her hips. “And I’d very much like you, Andrew Stafford, to tell me what my pussy tastes like when you drink from the source and how my ass feels wrapped around your dick.”

“Like heaven.”

She let out a low laugh. “You haven’t even tried them yet.”

“Don’t need to. A man knows these things.”

“I—” Tori had to clear her throat. “I need you to.” Her belly roiled with desire, and her breasts ached.

He looked straight into her eyes. “You really do, don’t you?”

She nodded furiously. “Now would be a good time.”

“Patience, Tor.”

She ground her nose into the pillow and let out a frustrated growl. God, would the man never stop talking? “Don’t have much of that left.”

The bed shifted again and two hands landed on her ass, one on each cheek. Tori almost wept at the touch.

Andrew pulled her buttocks apart, and hot air blew over her exposed flesh.

“Christ.” Another waft of warm air. “I can’t wait to fuck you here.”


And with that he licked her. From her pussy all the way up to her ass.

A violent shudder swept through her.

Andrew fixed his mouth to her pussy lips and kissed her. With tongue. He kissed her long and hard. And passionately. God, so passionately. The things he could do with that tongue of his…

While he kissed her, he dropped one hand to her clit and stroked the sensitive nub.


Tori wanted it to last, wanted it to go on forever and ever and ever. But she was powerless beneath his mouth and hand. Nothing but a mass of writhing sensation. Regardless of how long she wanted to stay there, suspended in paradise, lasting was just not an option. Not with this much pleasure raining down on her.

She came on a long, loud cry, grateful for the pillow muffling the sound. She came hard, Andrew extending her orgasm with every draw of his tongue, every stroke of his finger.

And when it was over, and she lay gasping for breath, he renewed his assault—but not just on her pussy. While his one hand remained on her clit, the other tugged at her ass cheek, opening her up wide, and he placed his mouth on that tight ring of muscle and kissed her there.

Though this kiss was more chaste than the last, more a gentle licking than a thorough tongue-fucking. His finger kept on stroking, rubbing, until a second orgasm built inside.

Only this time he didn’t see it through. This time, seconds before it hit, he pulled away, leaving her gasping in disbelief. And when she cried out—a cry of frustration—the pillow did not muffle the sound.

“Easy, sweetheart,” he soothed. His voice wasn’t as steady as she expected, telling her he was just as affected as she was.

The mattress shifted again, and though his hand remained on her ass, Andrew climbed off the bed. She stared at him, incredulous, then quickly made sense of his actions as he reached for the bedside table.

“I was right on one count.” Foil scrunched behind her as he spoke. “You taste like heaven. Now…need to…prove myself right on all counts.” He ran his finger over the seam of her ass, once, twice, then removed it. “You ready for this, Tor?”

She tried to answer, but all that came out was a muffled sob.

“Is that a yes?”

Helpless to talk with even a hint of coherence, she nodded vigorously.

“Thank fucking God.”

He climbed on the bed behind her, his thighs pressing in close. When he ran his finger over her a third time, it was cool and slick, a shocking contrast to how hot his tongue and breath had been, making Tori shiver.

“Cold?” he asked.

“Mmm.” But heating up rapidly.

“Ya know…” Andrew’s voice sounded like he’d just woken up, low and raspy and sexy. “When I first saw you in the car park, your behind not quite covered by those tiny shorts…” He made a funny noise in his throat. “I thought you had a great ass then. But this? Now? I didn’t know the half of it.”

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