Redeem Me: Oakville Series:Book Four (31 page)

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Authors: Kathy-Jo Reinhart

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Redeem Me: Oakville Series:Book Four
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oday’s the day. I can’t believe I’m sitting here almost nine months pregnant about to walk down the aisle. It’s safe to say Angel and I did this a little backwards, but does it really matter which path we chose to get here? The important thing is that we’re ready to commit to each other for the rest of our lives. Ready to start a family together.

Never in my life would I have pictured myself with someone like Angel. He didn’t come off at all like a family man. Hell, I didn’t think he could even stick with one woman. He turned out to be the total opposite of what I thought he was. He’s the love I always dreamed of finding, but never thought existed outside of movies and storybooks.

“What’s got you all doe eyed over here, pregs?” Holly asks. I look up and see her walking toward me in the mirror. I smile at her through my reflection.

“I’m a short time away from marrying the man of my dreams and I’m going to be a mom any day now. I’m happy,” I state. Holly bends down and wraps me in a hug from behind. The only thing that would make this day more perfect would be if my parents could be here. We planned this at the spur of the moment. My parents already had their vacation of a lifetime scheduled. They have always wanted to travel around Europe and they still had two weeks left on their trip. I didn’t have the heart to make them cut it short. When Paul and Kyle heard they weren’t coming, they both offered to walk me down the aisle. It was such a sweet gesture and seeing as I didn’t want to offend either of them, I asked if they would both do it. It may not be my dad giving me away like I’d always pictured, but I’m honored to have the two of them step in.

“I’m happy for you, too. Angel was sleep walking through his life until he me you. It’s almost as if he was going through the motions waiting for you to come along,” Holly tells me. “You look beautiful. You’re gonna knock his socks off.” She gives me a smile and walks away.

Amber helped me find this dress. I was so scared I wouldn’t find anything that didn’t make me look like a beached whale in lace. Then, we found this one. The perfect dress. It’s elegant, yet simple, just like our ceremony will be. The top is strapless with pearls sewn around the edge. The bottom is loose and flowy, perfectly accenting by immense belly. As cliché as it sounds, I feel like a princess in it.

Neither of us wanted a flashy, expensive wedding. We both just want to be husband and wife. The pomp and circumstance doesn’t matter. We decided to have a small ceremony at the lake. After all, it is a special place for us. Just a minister and our close friends. We let the girls plan a small reception at the bar afterward. Actually, we had no choice in the matter. They were pretty adamant about it. I’ve learned not to argue with either of them, it’s a battle I won’t win.

Amber walks into the room, grinning from ear to ear. “I just saw our men. All I can say is holy hotness. We are very lucky women,” she giggles. “Let’s get your shoes on. It’s time to go.”

This is really happening. Butterflies fill my stomach and I couldn’t wipe away my smile if I tried. I stand from the chair and whimper. A sharp pain shoots through my belly, causing me to double over. Holly and Amber are by my side in a second. The pain is gone almost as quickly as it started.

“Are you okay, pregs?” Amber questions, worry lacing her voice.

“I’m fine. I think I just stood up too fast and the babies didn’t like it,” I explain, brushing it off. It’s becoming cramped quarters for the babies lately and they tend to hurt me when they’re wiggling around. Amber has to put my shoes on for me because I can’t bend over to do it myself. It’s all kind of funny. I haven’t seen my feet in weeks. Once they’ve approved my appearance, we pile into the limo Angel insisted he get for me. “My girl is riding to our wedding in style,” he’d said the day he told me about it. I didn’t argue with him. It made me happy that he wanted to do that for me. Plus, I’ve never been in a limo before.

The ride to the lake is short. I’ve been feeling some discomfort and cramping, but I push it out of my mind and concentrate on becoming Mrs. Angel Walker. As we pull up, I can see all of our friends standing by the lakes’ edge. Paul and Kyle are closer to the dirt road, waiting for my arrival. The man that really catches my eye is Angel. He’s standing tall next to the minister in his black tux. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Happy tears fill my eyes and I’m reminded again of just how lucky I am to have this amazing man. I giggle when I look down and see he’s wearing his black combat boots. I knew Holly was delusional when she said she’d make him wear dress shoes. Personally, I like the boots better. They’re all Angel.

When the car comes to a stop, the butterflies in my stomach flutter into overdrive. I think it’s more out of excitement than nerves. If there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that marrying this man is the smartest choice I’ve ever made. Holly and Amber get out first, flowers in hand. Their men greet them with smiles and kisses. I stay put, giving them time to walk toward the lake. Once they’ve stopped opposite of Angel, I begin to make my way from the car. Thank God the guys are there to help me out. I couldn’t do it by myself—not with this belly.

When I’m out of the car and standing between Paul and Kyle, I look ahead at Angel. He’s wearing the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on his face. Even from this distance, I can see his love for me. My legs wobble a little from the emotions rushing through me.

“Don’t worry, babe. We got ya,” Paul whispers in my ear.

“We’ll get you to your guy. Just lean on us,” Kyle says in my other ear. The tears start welling up again. What would I do without all of these wonderful people in my life? They aren’t merely friends; they’re family. I’m so blessed to have them all around me. “Ready to go?” Kyle asks. I take a deep breath and nod. With my arms linked in theirs, they begin to lead me to my future, my eyes fixed on Angel’s the entire time.

Once we reach Angel, Paul and Kyle let go. They both kiss my cheek before stepping aside. I glance over at Holly and Amber and see them watching their men with eyes filled with love and admiration. Angel takes my hand in his, bringing my attention back to him. He places one of his hands on my belly and gently rubs it. Leaning into me, he whispers, “You are absolutely beautiful.”

“You don’t look so bad yourself. I really like the boots,” I tell him with a smile. He looks down at his feet and shrugs his shoulders.

“She wasn’t getting me in those shoes,” he chuckles.

“I’m glad. I like these better,” I say as we move in front of the minister. He begins the ceremony and I occasionally glance at him, but I mostly keep my eyes locked on Angel. When I focus on him, everyone and everything around us disappears.

“In sickness and in hea…” I stop as a twisting pain blasts through my stomach, almost knocking the air from my lungs. I squeeze my eyes shut until the pain subsides. Angel squeezes my hand and looks at me with concern. I take a deep breath, give him a reassuring smile, and continue reciting my vows. During his vows, another pain comes, and then another. This is more than just the babies moving around in their cramped environment. I try to keep a smile on my face, wanting to at least get through the ceremony.

“Do you, Angel, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife...” The minister’s voice fades out as the next contraction seizes my body. I double over, feeling like my insides are being ripped out.

“Sweet pea, are you okay?” Angel asks, panicked. I cannot believe they picked today to greet us. This is what I get for doing this all backwards.

“I’m pretty sure I’m in labor,” I tell him through gritted teeth. Angel pales at my words.

“Of course you are,” Holly laughs. “Padre, I think you better hurry this along,” she says to the minister, who’s all flustered now. He continues with a shaky voice.

“I do,” Angel states, and my heart melts. Now, it’s my turn. Before the minister can finish, there’s a whooshing sound and wetness running down my legs. Angel gasps and Holly laughs uncontrollably. Well, this will no doubt be a day we remember forever. I look at the minister and motion for him to hurry along. Thankfully, he does.

“I do,” I say, and give Angel the best smile I can muster through this pain.

“By the power vested in me by the state of Florida, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride,” the minister spits out quickly. Angel gives me a brief, but still panty-melting, kiss. He then scoops me up into his arms and bolts for the limo. Amber, Holly, Kyle, and Paul are right on our heels while everyone shouts ‘congrats’ and ‘good luck’ behind us.



s we speed to the hospital in the back of the limo, I’m a mess of emotions. She’s officially my wife and we are about to be parents. Everything I’ve ever dreamed of is happening all at once. It’s a lot to take in. Chelsie whimpers out in pain beside me and my heart squeezes. I wish I could take it all away from her.

“I’m right here, sweet pea. We’re almost to the hospital.” She smiles at me, trying to hide the pain, but I see it in her eyes. “You have made me the happiest man alive, Mrs. Walker,” I tell her, needing to take her mind off it. Paul and Kyle snicker at me, but I don’t give a flying fuck. They can laugh all they want. If I can keep my girl’s mind on me instead of the agony she’s feeling, I’ll gladly look pussy whipped in front of my friends.

“I like...the sound...of that,” she says, breathing out through her contraction. “I’m sorry we had to rush it.”

“Don’t be sorry. This just makes the day so much better. Not only did you become my wife, but we will get to meet our babies. It couldn’t be more perfect,” I tell her, kissing her clammy forehead. She snuggles up closer to me and I wrap her in my arms. I think back to the moment she stepped out of this limo earlier. She looked like an angel. This woman has saved me—pulled me straight out of the hell I’ve spent most of my life living in. She has given me love and made me feel like I’m finally worthy of it. She brought my sister back to me. And now she’s about to give me a son and daughter. This life I’m living feels like it should be for someone else. I never imagined any one person could possibly be this happy.

When we pull up to the hospital, Kyle jumps out of the car, ready to fetch a wheelchair. I offer my hand and help Chelsie out of the car. Kyle is back with a wheelchair before both her feet hit the ground. I quickly wheel her into the emergency room. It doesn’t take long for them to check her in and get us up to labor and delivery. The gang stays out in the waiting area as Chelsie and I are brought into her room.

“Good luck. We’ll be right here if you need anything,” Amber yells to us. I turn, mouth, “Thank you,” and smile. What would I do without this amazing group of friends we have? For years, they’ve been the only family I’ve had. Always there when you need them, and sometimes when you don’t. But that’s what family should be. The DNA doesn’t mean shit—at least, not to most.

Hours have passed and my poor girl is getting completely worn out. I can see the exhaustion in her eyes. Sitting in a chair next to the bed, I hold her hand, letting her lean on me when she needs to. She could break my fucking hand and I would gladly let her to ease the pain she’s going through. When the doctor comes in to examine her, I maneuver myself slightly, allowing him room to work. I’m anxious for this to be over—anxious to meet my babies and relieve her of the pain she’s in. I never really pictured myself as a parent; it’s not like I had the best role models growing up. I didn’t think I’d be any good at it. But, now, I can’t imagine anything else. I want to be a dad. A husband. And I want to be the best at both.

“Chelsie, it’s time to start pushing,” the doctor announces. I tense at his words, suddenly terrified. This is it. As she struggles to push, I watch in awe of this amazing woman that is my wife. I hold her hand and encourage her as much as I can. When the doctor announces he sees the head, I rush to get the first glimpse of my baby boy. As the goo covered little human emerges, my heart fills with love. So much so, it hurts. Tears of pure joy stream down my face when I hear him cry. It’s the most amazing sound I’ve ever heard.

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