Redeemed In Shadows (13 page)

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Authors: Tigris Eden

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Redeemed In Shadows
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“It is Isaiah and his brothers’ duty to see to those that thrive in the darkness.”

The Seraph’s did their jobs and they did it quite well, but he could feel it in his bones, they hadn’t seen this particular brand of evil. The demon was building an army and had taken his brother’s lover captive so that he could breed her to replenish his ranks. The demon was trying to claim the Earth as his to kingdom. It was his way of showing The Elite his power.

There was movement in the sky above and Jibrīl looked up to see his other brothers circling above.

“Show offs!” Mikhail called up into the color-filled sky.

Samil landed first shaking out his long-winded hair. His leathers perfectly in place and his daggers at the straps on his chest. Abaddon and Azrael landed at the same time. Abaddon in a long grey cloak, golden scythe at his side. He stood almost nine feet tall. The scar at his cheek ran white against his red skin. The youngest of them Azrael was dressed in his warrior regalia, his broadsword and hammer at this back. Mortal remains hung at his neck. These were his kin, his family, and no matter that their job was to kill indiscriminately; they tried to do so with a modicum of respect. Each of them charged with escorting souls to their rightful place. Whereas he collected souls, his brothers killed souls, started wars in the case of his eldest brother.

“We came to report in.” Azrael said.

Samil said nothing but folded his arms across his chest in dismay.

“Jibrīl and I were discussing whether one should commit acts of wrong doing or stay on the path or righteousness.”

“Cock it all. Who cares? Death, that’s all you need to worry about brother. If their times up, you deliver them.”

“Don’t you remember what it used to be like? Your horn, the chariots? Those were days to remember.”

“Let’s close this conversation down, report in and then back to work.” Mikhail instructed, trying to gather them all back into a semblance of order. Everyone reported in and everyone went to their appointed destinations. Everyone but him. Instead he took a different route, bypassed Earth’s realm altogether and went straight into the Daemonia realm, somewhere that was forbidden to him.

Gabe woke starring around the dark room. It had been ages since he dreamt of that night. . He would see his brothers again, could already start to feel their presence as he came back into his powers. Because he was locked on Earth’s realm, his powers were subdued, but now that it was coming close to his ascension, his powers were strengthening. He began to feel things that could only be coming from his brothers. He wondered as he hit the shower if they would be receptive of his homecoming. Would they welcome him with open arms?

The intercom in his room went off just as he was pulling off his boxers.

“Gabe, the Captain requests your presence.”

“Alright Ellie, I’ll be down in twenty.”

A temporary reprieve from his thoughts, Gabe quickly showered and dressed. He made his way down to the conference room where the others were gathered, Xee included.

“Just in time Angel boy,” Jes said in a mocking tone.

“Thought we were meeting in another hour?”

Royce stood up, a large smile on his face. It was heartfelt and happy.

Ronin sat with Belinda in his lap, his hand possessively grabbing her belly while she too smiled big.

“Going away party?” Gabe asked.

“Hell no man. My baby is having our babies.” Royce said pride strong in his tone.

“Congrats to you guys.” He was really happy for them. Truly.

“Thank you.” Belinda responded shyly. Ronin hadn’t said a word. He just cradled Belinda in his arms.

“This my friend is a fucking celebration and we need to get some shit straight.” Royce pinned him with a menacing glare. Not two seconds ago the twin was smiling wide, clearly happy. Now he just looked pissed. The room went silent. All around, he was able to feel what wasn’t being said. The twins were worried about going on the mission with Belinda. Gabe was about to have his ass handed to him.

“One fuck up, one wrong turn, and I swear, Death Angel or not, I’ll fuck you up in ways that make what Ronin did to Oliver look like a wild ride at Disneyland.”

“Handsome, I told you I would stay behind.” Belinda protested soothingly.

“No deal Deva,” Ronin said turning her in his arms and pulling her face close to his. Their moment intimate as he whispered against her lips about keeping her safe and that the only way to do so was to keep her with them.

Xee spoke up, surprising the hell out of everyone.

“Gabe and I scouted the entire layout, Royce. I personally coordinated with the Unit in Egypt. All precautions are being considered. Dietrich will have a four-man team on you at all times.

Royce turned his attention to Xee.

“And when did you have time to do all this?”

“I work long hours. D and I went out for drinks and tail two nights ago and worked out air and ground support.

“Dietrich,” Ronin growled. Clearly, the other twin didn’t like the Walker. There was definitely bad blood there and it all had to do with the woman sitting in his lap.

“Yeah, shit for brains. My girl is crème of the crop like that. She knew you’d be concerned about Belinda.”

His girl?

The fuck did he mean his girl? Xee was definitely not Dietrich’s girl. They’d kissed. She wouldn’t kiss him if she were with Dietrich.
Would she?
Maybe that’s why she hadn’t said a word to him when he was training her.
She was feeling guilty.

“Well, now that that’s settled let’s celebrate and kick rocks, we got a relic to find and then I want to get back here and pick out cribs for my babies.”

There were cheers all around from the team members.

It was a heartfelt moment while at the same time somber. He knew the outcome of this mission and like a train going too fast on the tracks, he was unable to prevent the head on collision that was fast approaching.

Gabe caught Xee in the elevator on the way up to their rooms. The others were gearing up to go.

“Thanks for putting Royce at ease.”

Her only response was a slight nod of her head. She had on a pair of sweats and a half t-shirt that bared way too much of her midsection for his peace of mind. Her hair was up in a ball atop her head, the pink strands in obvious disarray. It gave her a warm sleepy look and all he wanted to do was crawl into bed and do very vile things to her body.

Fuck it.

He was just going to come right out and say what was on his mind. He’d been stewing on it since the kiss they shared two days ago. The kiss that was burned into his brain and not ever leaving. One night. That’s all he needed and then it was business as usual. They could both go back to work and carry on in a totally platonic and professional relationship. It was his only solution, selfish as he was, if he didn’t work her out of his system, he was going to bust open at the seams. Talking a deep breath, he reached across the elevator and pushed the stop button. He turned to face her, to approach their situation in a way that she would have no choice but to agree to the terms he was going to put forth.

“Obviously we like each other.” He cleared his throat.

She scrunched her brows while chewing on her bottom lip. As if the idea was unappealing to her. He wrestled with his emotions. This should have been easy, not hard.

“Fine, we don’t like each other, but we’re definitely attracted to each other.”

That didn’t exactly rest well with her either. He could see it in the way her eyes got wide for a second before narrowing. He noticed everything about her, and although her facial expressions blatantly denied the obvious. Her eyes said something totally different. There was genuine curiosity. She wanted to explore things with him just as bad as he did.

Gabe stepped closer as if to prove, not only to himself but also to her that something was brewing between them. She didn’t move but dared him to step closer. So he did. She was such a tiny thing, barely coming to mid-chest. She was perfect for all the things he had in mind.

“I’m asking for one night Blossom, one night of pleasure. I’m not asking for your heart little one, just your body.”

She lifted her head, her bright hazel eyes scanning his face, searching for an answer.

“My body, one night?”

He gave a tight nod of his head. He couldn’t get the words out because he was far too gone. She’d agreed that was all the answer he needed. Well at least he hoped she was agreeing.

“Give me the word.” He bit out, the lust in his veins seething to be set free.

“What word?”

He lifted her chin with his thumb and forefinger. His breathing erratic as he tried to clear his mind so that when she said the words he could lock down his primal emotions and not attack her like a fucking caveman.

“Say yes, Blossom. Give me the night.”

“Yes.” She hissed.

Gabe swooped down and seized her mouth in a deep searching kiss. She stumbled back, but grabbed his shirt so that she wouldn’t fall hard against the wall. She tasted like coconuts and candy. Her lips like delicate silk. He groaned and Xee pushed him back.

Reluctantly he stopped.

“What’s the problem?” Hadn’t she just agreed?
Oh shit! Dietrich.
“You’re with D aren’t you?”

Her breathing heavy she responded in a whisper, “no, Dietrich and I are just friends.”

Thanks the Gods!
Moving towards her again, she ducked past him and pushed the button on the elevator so that it would continue to move.

“First off, just because I said yes, doesn’t give you the right to attack me right here in the elevator. You still haven’t answered my question moron.”

Didn’t he though? What was her question, what was the fucking question? His brain wasn’t on what she was saying with her mouth, but what he wanted her mouth to do to his body.

My body? One night?

Right, she wanted to clarify the terms of their agreement.

“Yes, just your body and for the night. An entire night. Then it’s back to business as usual.”

“You always this sweet to the girls.”

He didn’t answer her but waited for her to continue talking. Women liked men who listened.

“If,” she looked him straight in the eye. “If we do this, I need you to understand something.”

Anything. He’d understand the reason for the cosmos if that were what it took to get her into bed.

“If all we’re doing is one night, then I’m down. But no strings attached, don’t try and mark your territory by pissing on me in front of the team. I don’t belong to you and you sure as hell don’t belong to me. I’m not looking for Mr. Angel, I’m looking for Mr. Right Now.”

“Agreed.” He said harshly.

“All right Angel boy,” She turned just as the door opened onto their floor. “Show me what you got.”

Gabe pushed her out of the elevator, turned her to face him, and lifted her by the ass. “Wrap your legs around my waist Blossom.”

Four long strides carried him to his room. He knew because those four steps took too motherfucking long to get him to his destination. Thank God she’d stopped talking. He couldn’t wait another minute.




“Seriously Honey Xee, you don’t have to do this.”
Micah hissed. His voice loud inside her head.

“Shut it. I’m doing this. We always do what you want. Tonight, I do what I want.”

“It’s still morning.”

“Even better.”

She didn’t need to explain herself to her Para-housed, but it was as if he was trying his best to make this moment as awkward as possible.

“You’re really going to do this?”

“Yes. It’s one time. I’m twenty-four years old and he’s hot. Like fire hot.”

“You’re going to regret this. He’s just trying to dip his stick before he returns back to his realm.”

“Shut up!” Xee said frustrated.

Gabe pulled back and looked at her like she was crazy. He didn’t realize the verbal battle that was going on in her head. “Sorry. Not you, Micah.”



Gabe kissed the corner of her mouth and smiled against her lips.

“He gonna participate?”

“Hell no.”

“Good to know.” Then he whispered in her ear, “Go away or I’ll take your soul.”

He squeezed her ass before sliding her down his body. She felt every ridge, every muscle. Hard to soft. Now she knew what the fuss was about, or what led up to the fussing. He was solid. Everywhere. She felt his steely muscles settle against her softness, cushioning his contours, allowing her to hug him closer.

When her feet finally hit the floor, Gabe wrapped her into a comforting embrace. She latched on and took a deep breath committing his scent to memory. She’d call it up when she wanted to remember what it was like to be with a man. The only man.

“I don’t know why, but you’ve been driving me crazy, since the day I took the last coffee cake.” He kissed the side of her neck marking her with his teeth, giving her a full body shiver.

“Well I’m still pissed about that Angel boy,” she replied offering more of her skin for him to taste. She felt him smile against her throat while his fingers hooked under her shirt and began lifting. This part was easy. She was comfortable in her own skin. Had no problem showing it to whomever wish to view it. She didn’t stop him when his fingers snapped at the strap of her sports bra, looking from her to the straps.


“You’re not making this easy,” Gabe whispered against her shoulder where the thick strap of fabric rested. With his mouth, he shredded first one strap then the other. How in the world-“She looked up and saw him smile wide, then she gasped. He had very sharp, very long canines.


“Well you seemed to have things figured something out and you owe me another sports bra. Angel boy.”

“Fair enough.”

Gabe kissed her shoulder, his lips dragging seductively against her skin. It felt good, too good. No one had ever paid this much attention to her before.

“I’m going to lick every single solitary inch of your skin. You taste better than Elder wine sweetened with black berries.”

Okay, that was a mouthful. But he kept talking and wouldn’t shut up.

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