Redeemed In Shadows (14 page)

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Authors: Tigris Eden

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Redeemed In Shadows
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“I’m going to possess every inch of you, embed myself so deep inside, we’re going to be stuck. After I’m done, I’m going to do it all over again, only harder, faster, maybe then I’ll be able to get you out of my head.”

The last was said more to himself than her.

“A lot less talking, Angel boy, and more doing.”

His tongue did something phenomenal to her neck and ear and she had no way to respond. Her vocal cords were heavy, unable to form words. Sounds left her mouth instead. Needy sounds she never thought possible. She’d heard other woman make those noises while she coaxed them from their body, but never from her. She’d always remained aloof; detached from those she took to her bed. They could latch onto her, but never the other way around.

A vibration from Gabe rumbled through his body, inside his chest and vocalized through his mouth in the sound of a tortured growl. He moved his hands lower, until they were hooked into her sweats, and swear to God, her body shook with unchecked lust. She shook not from fear, but from anticipation. All of these feelings were new to her, too new and she feared she’d shut down from over stimulation. She was glad Micah had chosen to remain quiet during this moment; otherwise, the commentary in her head alone would be enough to kill the mood.

Somewhere between her moaning and her thoughts, her sweats were completely removed. She missed it, and how could she have missed something so significant as his hands on her thighs. Thighs that still held his bruises from his punishing grip. Xee hissed when the stubble of his jaw tickled her skin.

“I like seeing my mark on your flesh. He kissed one thigh, then the other. Hot air fanned between her legs and she opened her eyes wider, ensuring this time she wouldn’t miss a thing. He was on his knees now, but still, he was tall. A formidable advisory to her raging libido. His hands went to her waist, pulling her closer so that he could bury his face in her belly. Once she was completely naked, he lifted her, carrying her over to his huge bed. She was shaking and knew it was because of him and not the coolness of the room.

“Um, Angel Boy, before things get out of control, I need to say something.”

“Say it Blossom,” he said against her skin.

“I’m not a punk or anything, but I don’t like pain.”

“Got it covered, this is only about the pleasure. No pain here.” His champagne eyes darkened with lust before laying her flat against the bed, his large body poised over her smaller frame.

“Yeah, but only after the painful part.”

That got his attention. His eyes cleared of lust and concerned replaced it. He sat up on his knees pulling Xee up with him. Raking a hand through his hair, she watched fascinated with the powerful display of muscles as they contracted underneath his form-fitting tee. His wings that she barely noticed anymore shuttered.

“Are we doing this or not Angel boy?”

“Just give me a second to regroup.”

Regroup for what? Sex wasn’t complicated. She was ready to get down to business.
Well then, you should have kept your mouth shut.
She scolded herself.

Xee knew all about taking control of a sexual situation. It was what she was used to. Not playing a man, but being the aggressor.

What did men want? What could she do to get him to pick up where they left off? Her breasts, small as they were, were perky and firm. They were on display but wasn’t her greatest asset. What would do it for him and make him surrender and attack.

“Gabriel,” Xee crooned seductively. He looked over his shoulder, his eyes dimming the light gold now blazing with passion. “Watch.”

She slid her hand slowly down her stomach and cupped her sex. Closing her eyes, she pictured the shower scene and dipped two fingers inside to coat her fingers with her juices. She moaned, heard his breath hitch and as she finger-fucked herself. She opened her eyes and locked gazes with golden ones. His lust was back in full force.

“Lose your clothes, Angel Boy.”

He didn’t hesitate; his clothes were gone in record time. He watched as she touched herself and she loved every minute of it. His muscles flexed with each heavy intake of his breath, his wings arching forward, and then back as he took in the sight of her. She circled her clit, her hips arching off the bed as she quickened her fingers rotation. Dipping her fingers back inside thrusting over and over until she was sure she was going to explode, but stopped herself at the last moment. Anticipation was everything. Her fingers coated with her juice she painted her lips, and inhaled. She was ready, so ready for him.

Gabe’s eyes darkened further and she watched, as his skin seemed to tighten further over muscle and bone. She wanted to taunt him, the way he’d taunted her the day he was in the shower stroking himself to completion.

“Come and taste me,” and taste her he did. His mouth crashed into hers, pushing her back into the bed. His weight a delicious comfort as his body covered hers. Again his mouth conquered, his tongue plunging in and out of her mouth unleashing more wanton need. She tried to spread her legs as they kissed but he wouldn’t let her. The weight of his body pinning her to the bed.

“Slow,” he growled against her lips, skimming his lips down the side of her jaw, then her neck and back again along her jawline. He was languid in his movements, nibbling or sucking on her heated skin. His head moved so that he could nibble on her ear, and Xee swore that everything he was doing was attached to her clit’s bundle of nerves. His wings rested along his back and her hand involuntarily moved to stroke them. He shuddered when she did, so she did it again.

“Your wings.” She whispered.

“What about them,” he said against the side of her forehead.

“They’re beautiful.”

“They’re dangerous.”

She nodded once before Gabe placed his forehead on hers and closed his eyes. One minute his wings were there, the next, they were gone. She reached up smoothing her hand down his sculpted back. His muscles tightened beneath her fingers and with every touch, his breath increased. She wanted to memorize this moment in time and never forget what it felt like to be under such a powerful creature. Her fingers tunneled through his hair, and she grabbed him roughly bringing him back to her mouth.

“Less talking, more action. Times ticking.”

They stopped talking and set about worshiping each other’s body.

Because she was a virgin, he took that into consideration, she could tell by the way he handled her body. He kissed her until she was so worked up the moisture between her legs coated her thighs. Gabe coaxed her legs open by sliding his hand between their bodies. She was ready, had been ready since the start of their one time affair.

Expertly he made his way down her body, kissing parts she wasn’t aware could feel so good. He travelled south until he reached the apex of her thighs, then nibbled his way back up her stomach kissing each hip before returning to her soft spot. Maddening man was trying to kill her! She held her breath trying her hardest not to make a sound, but failing as Gabe explored her thighs with his teeth and lips. If she’d been holding his hair she’d have chunks of it between her fingers, but as it was she was grabbing on for dear life. Her nails digging into the sheets for purchase.

Gabe’s breath fanned her opening. She looked down to watch as he swiped his tongue through her folds. Her back bowed off the bed as a strangled
cry left her lips on a burst of air.

“There you are little one, open for me, let me feast on your pink flesh.”

No response or rebuttal to his request. He could feast away as long as he wanted. His mouth covered her heated core, sucking the flesh of her labia between his lips into his hot mouth. His thumb and forefinger holding her open as he continued to kiss her core. He added first one finger, and then another as he latched onto her clit. So many emotions spiraled to the surface, Xee couldn’t focus, couldn’t pin point the true source. Was it just him, or was it what his mouth and fingers were doing? He toyed with her for what seemed like hours making her vocalize her pleasure loudly. He sucked and licked until her legs began to shake from the force of her impending orgasm. Heat erupted low in her belly. Xee felt like she was seconds away from coming apart, Gabe grabbed her thighs and pushed them towards her chest opening her wider.

“Holy fuck,” she said between gritted teeth. Her orgasm had been building but was ready to detonate. His mouth covered her pussy, the sounds of her wet flesh being sucked between his lips repeatedly, almost made her pass out.

Stimulation overload at its best. Without warning, without so much as a quiet spark, she flew apart. Eyes screwed shut she tried not to break the sound barrier as she screamed her release.

”That’s it,” Gabe rumbled, the sound in his chest rough as he released her legs and used the head of his cock to stimulate her further by rubbing furiously over her clit, drawing out her release.

She kept her legs spread, bent at the knees as she could hardly keep them up. Xee wanted to see what he was doing, just as soon as she recovered. But Gabe didn’t allow her to come down softly. He reached over her legs, lifting her by her arms and pulling her on top, so that she was straddling his thighs. His hard length resting between them.

“You’re ready for me now. Can’t wait anymore.”

He lifted her with one hand and angled his cock with the other and then he was pulling her down, onto the hard flesh of shaft. Simultaneously, they both hissed. His was pleasures, and hers as ready as she was, still came from pain. Pain that quickly gave way to fullness.

You’re tight.”

She tried to adjust, but Gabe held her in place with both hands at her waist. Compared to him she was small in every aspect.

“Just trying to get my bearings.” She half joked, smiling at him and hoping it didn’t look like a cringe.

His champagne gaze beamed down at her and his stare was intense. She didn’t know why but she allowed him this. He seemed to need it, and aside from the fullness, it really wasn’t that painful now. His eyes darkened and something she wasn’t familiar with passed through him. His aura somehow had changed, becoming more commanding. Firm.

“I run this. In this room, while I’m fucking you, I’m in control. I’m not a woman. I’m a man. I’ll give you your little stunt with the fingers, but next time wait on me to guide you. I’ll make it good benefitting us both greatly.” He took a deep breath before he continued and Xee couldn’t look away, couldn’t give him any back talk as his gaze held hers. “You’re sitting on my cock because I put you there. Not just for my pleasure but yours as well.”

Normally anyone telling her what to do would piss her off, but having him give direction in bed had her burning on the outside while melting on the inside like a marshmallow over an open flame.

“You’re the boss.”

He grunted, nodded once and pulled her up the thick shaft of his cock, then slowly pulled her back down. Gabe set a steady pace replacing her discomfort with sharp bites of ecstasy. With her hands at his shoulders she rested her head against his sweat slicken chest and inhaled deep, taking in his scent. A combination of fire and man, and the cloying scent of fresh rain clung to him. Almost as if she was flying through a lightning storm being pelted by water because her flesh was on fire. Instead of wondering how it was possible he smelled this way, she licked him. Saturated her tongue in the taste, committing it to memory. Her body shuddered violently as her pussy clenched around the thick stalk of his dick. His hands at her waist tightened as she tried to move faster, needing more of what he was giving her.

“Faster, Gabe…Please.”

He didn’t respond with words. Instead, both hands slid up her body, one hand tangling in her hair and the other hooked around the side of her neck, giving her the freedom to control her hips. His hand pulled at her hair positioning her face so that they were staring at one another.

“Now you can move faster,” he panted against her lips. Xee took over, lifting herself up and pushing herself down with such force they both were grunting. Delicious heat filled her body as she began to prepare for another orgasm.

“Yes! God Yes!” She said against his lips, her nails digging into his shoulders. Gabe thrust up, when she pushed down tearing his mouth from hers and pulling her close to his body so that there was nothing, not even the tiniest of slivers between them as he pounded up into her flesh repeatedly.

She bit his chest and his fingers tightened in her hair, pressing her teeth deeper into his skin. Her mind went blank as they continued to move in tandem plunging her into a state of awareness she’d never experienced before. Her body was floating, but not. She recognized it for what it was as she opened herself up to be taken over. Her body was accepting his soul just like it accepted lost souls. She didn’t know if Gabe was experiencing it too until he whispered against her forehead.

“Your soul is beautiful Blossom.”

With those words, Xee tumbled over into bliss, falling apart in all directions. Her mind, body, and soul shattering into a million pieces flooding her with an emotion so powerful she cried out in pleasure. Tears spilled down the sides of her cheeks. Her voice hoarse as she cried out his name.

Sweet merciful heaven. What was that?

Her body exhausted, she went limp. Gabe fell forward putting her on her back. His body covering hers once again as he savagely bucked harder, faster, going deeper than she thought possible. His movement trigged a third orgasm that came out of nowhere just as she felt him jerk violently inside her.

“Fuck,” he said into her sweat soaked shoulder. “Sweetest pussy I’ve ever had.”
Bone tired, she couldn’t respond to his comment. Darkness claimed her swiftly, hugging her tight to a beautiful oblivion she hadn’t ever expected to experience in the arms of a man.


Chapter 10


Jes walked the farmers market looking for fresh fruit. Belinda, Sam and the twins were on their way to Egypt. She’d always wanted to go there and would have loved to be a part of the mission. Draven opted to stay behind with Faith while she shopped, so there was no one to complain to. May and June two Lycans from his pack were with her, but she didn’t feel comfortable enough yet to talk so openly with them.

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