Redeemed In Shadows (11 page)

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Authors: Tigris Eden

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Redeemed In Shadows
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None so far and it was starting to bother him. They should have found something else. Something that would set them on the right track. Either the piece didn’t really exist, or it was already in the wrong hands and the idiots just hadn’t figured out what its use was.

“No, I’ve asked Grey and his brothers for more help. Maybe Eremiel will actually show himself and give us the exact location.”

Eremiel was fickle and only showed when he wanted to show, and most every time he did, it was to
bad shit. He was a dick and his so-called unveiling tactics were muddy and diluted with un-truths. For all it was worth, the Angel of Unveiling could easily be leading them down the rabbit hole and straight to hell.

“You know as well as I do that could be a dead end.” The Captain said, leaning back in his chair and propping his feet on the table. “I want the relic found before those bastards in RSO get to it.”

RSO was the new acronym for the punk ass bitches in the Red Sun Organization. They’d been popping up everywhere, and now they had some sort of signature calling card. Red Hand prints were found at the scene of most all immortal related crimes now. The fuckers were trying to make a statement and were causing unrest throughout the community. Either immortals agreed with the RSO or they were completely against them. Those that opposed the RHO were now suffering. Just last week the body of a Vampiri has been found strung up at one of the local blood banks. It was a Reg and the poor girl had newly transitioned. It was becoming a serious problem. The RSO believed they were the purists of the immortal community and that humans were beneath them. They felt it was their duty to remind them of this by total eradication. What whack jobs. It was only a matter of time before the Elite stepped in and then it was lights out Earth realm and hello chaos.
Can’t we all just get along?

“I’m with you on that Stefan. I’m missing something, like it’s right under our noses and poking us in the face. I think the team needs to go the Temple Philae, the original site near Aswan as well as Agilkia Island where the temples have been moved. We may find something there that will lead us in the right direction.”

“I can’t send Jes, she’s with child, and Draven won’t want to leave her. What about the twins and Belinda?”

Yeah, that would work; maybe Sam may even be of use.

“What if we also had Sam and Cyrian accompany them? A day or two at the most, I’m sure the twins could find something.”

“Not Cyrian. Sam can go. I need Cy here with us, following up on his leads. I’ll get everyone together so we can get them up to speed. They can head out first thing in the morning. You and Xee get logistics together; I’ll have Draven at least contact the Shadow Unit facilities down in Egypt so they know we’re sniffing around in their backyard. D can be exit/entry as always and the rest of us will remain here. Find out as much information as we can and crack this bitch wide open.”

Gabe left the office feeling better about one problem, but still annoyed at the other. He’d watch the elusive Blossom the next couple of days and see if she reciprocated the same feelings he had. No, not feelings, urges.


Chapter 8


Xee worked into the night with Gabe, both of them looking into the logistics for the team’s upcoming mission to Egypt. When they’d finally parted ways it had been well past dinner. Dietrich true to his words took her to Jo’s where they ate good food and listened to good music. Cracking open her eyes, she yawned. She was warm, too warm because there was a body lying next to her.

“What the fuck!” Xee sat up quickly and looked around. This wasn’t her room; how the hell had she ended up in a stranger’s room? Last night was just dinner and music with D, they hadn’t done anything. She was on the far end of the left side of a huge ass bed. In the middle was a blond and a brunette smashed together and directly next to the brunette was Dietrich.
Holy fuckbucket!
Apparently, she’d done more than good food and music.

“Honey Xee, D, and I worked those girls over like it was nobody’s business. You helped a little.”
Micah said to her, a sleepy yawn attached to his tired voice. She couldn’t remember a damn thing about last night, except for the music and the food. Both girls were devoid of clothes. Dietrich’s chest was bare, mocha skin decorated in just as many tats as she had. His face was buried in a silk pillow and he looked peaceful. Xee looked down and sighed. Her boy shorts and sports bra were still attached to her body, that was at least something.

“I don’t remember any of this Micah.”

Images of the night before flashed in her head from her friendly neighborhood Para-housed. He recounted last night’s extra-curricular activities down to the last moan and hair pull. Her between the legs of the blonde while the brunette rode D in a chair, then the two of them switching partners.
Talk about going at it.
They were both very voracious lovers it appeared, and luckily, Dietrich didn’t try to hit on her once during the night. This made her relax. A little.

One of the girls moaned and Xee looked over to see bright blue eyes smiling up at her.

“Hey there,” Blondie whispered.

“Ah, morning.” Xee said awkwardly. Wasn’t this the time where everyone got their clothes and parted ways amicably? She was all for a night of pleasure, but this sucked. It felt like she was in someone else’s body as she looked down at the blue-eyed girl.

“D said he’d take us home in the morning.”

Morning? Fuck, they had a meeting this morning. Early if she remembered what Gabe told her before they called it quits.

“Pipe down, it’s only a little after five. Wake up our partner in crime and let’s get these broads on their way.”

Pulling the sheet back, she nudged both girls before smacking Dietrich on the shoulder.

“D, we gotta get the broads home. Meeting at seven.”

He turned his eyes on her before reaching for his sunglasses. Damn, his eyes were completely white, no color what so ever.

“Right, you want breakfast before I take them?”

“Breakfast?” What the fuck was he going on about.

“Pussy.” He said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Never thought I’d enjoy partying with a woman who eats pussy better than me.” He grinned showing perfect white teeth.

Damn. He’d probably think this was an every night thing for her. It wasn’t.

“Practice makes perfect.” Xee assured by way of default. She didn’t want him to know how uncomfortable she was starting to feel.

“I’ll say. You had a brother feeling inadequate and shit. Both bitches were still saying your name when you were done.”

The blonde rolled over onto her stomach and spread her legs wide, while the brunette toyed with her breasts.

“Nope, don’t eat pussy for breakfast D. I’ll just head to my room.”

He pulled his jeans on and grabbed his shirt, pulling it quickly over his head before turning to face her.

“Not at the spot Xee,” he said cryptically. “We’re at the crash pad.”

So they couldn’t bring bed partners home. Good to know.


Pulling on her own jeans and throwing on her tank top, she took in the surroundings of his room. It was bare except for the large ass bed and two chairs. There was a small kitchen and a sink that looked unused and an even smaller bathroom just off to the right.

“Women, get dressed.” He slapped both on the ass as he tried to usher them out of bed. Within twenty minutes, they were all out the door.



Xee and Dietrich walked into the War Room three minutes before the start of the meeting. They were chummy, too chummy. Gabe’s room was across from hers and Dietrich’s was two doors down. Neither had come back to the facility last night. He wasn’t going to ponder what that meant. It wasn’t his business. He shouldn’t care, but deep down he knew he did. They probably just hung out like friends. It didn’t mean they were an item.
What if they are an item?

He looked both of them over, trying and failing to picture them as a couple. When the image would form in his head, his chest threatened to explode from the furious pace of his heart. Today she was wearing ripped jeans and a band tee-shirt that hung off her left shoulder, exposing a tat that went up the side of her neck. Her hair was brushed to one side, resting silky on her shoulders and her smile was radiant. She was happy this morning. Royce walked by, slapping him on his back to get his attention.

“Dude, you good?”

“Yeah man, worked late is all.”

“Riiighht.” Royce said slowly.

He didn’t care if the twin thought he knew what was going on. He’d taken care of that problem after their first meeting. The twins couldn’t read his thoughts for shit. Not unless there was a blood connection, which was the only reason Royce and Jesminda could communicate. Had she had Ronin’s blood instead it would have been just Ronin with the ability to read her mind. Right now only Royce could connect with her. Angels were immune to most anything, and physic links were one of them. He zeroed back in on the happy couple and still had a problem with the familiarity the two were sharing. He was starting to get ridiculous over his obsession with her. Why was it okay for Dietrich to get a shot at her?

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he groaned.

Dravaggio came in following Sam who had agreed to accompany the twins and Belinda.

“Let’s get started, we have a lot to prepare for,” files were handed out to everyone as the Captain continued to speak. “You all have your files and what it is I need you to do. Sam has agreed to consult in Draven’s place as Jes is with child.”

Jes looked across at her mate and worried her bottom lip. She wasn’t happy.

“Ronin, Royce, you will be with Belinda and Sam. I need you all prepped and ready to go in two days. Originally, I wanted everyone leaving today, but with new information coming in, I think it’s best we be over prepped and not under.” Dravaggio pointed to the screen behind him on the wall depicting the two images of the Temple Philae. “The temple has to have something there. Something not easily seen but right in front of us. Gabe and Xee worked out drop zones as well as transportation. The Shadow Unit team there is ready to assist us with anything we may need to further our investigation. They’ve been given limited information for good reason. Sam will track and the three of you will follow. No fuck ups, and definitely no fucking on this mission. Get in, get out. I’m not running an Immortal Match dot com. So stow your dicks and keep it in your pants.”

Royce coughed and his twin glared.

“So the mission starts in two days?” Royce asked.

“Yeah, two days.” Gabe answered for Dravaggio.

“That leaves me forty-eight hours of mated bliss.” The amber-eyed twin wagged his brows suggestively at Belinda. She tried not to laugh but an involuntary giggle came out anyway, followed by a huge smile.

Ronin slapped his twin upside the head. “Knock it off. This is serious. We have two days to make sure Deva is trained properly. I’m not risking her life for the sake of satisfying our needs.

Royce grumbled and Belinda took hold of his hand in a comforting gesture.

“D, you have the honor of transportation arrangements. Drop off and pick up.”

“Looks like I won’t be home for dinner, little bit.” Dietrich announced to Xee as she snorted and punched him in the side of the shoulder.
So they are a couple.

Meticulously Gabe began planning the other man’s death. Different scenarios that all stared Dietrich.

“Shit, and I was going to serve your favorite.”

Everyone except Gabe found their banter cute.

“You want to pay attention.” Gabe snapped.

Her hazel eyes zeroed in on him and she flipped him the bird by way of scratching her chin. Royce didn’t miss the hand gestured and laughed.

“Sorry Angel boy, I’m all ears.” She commented dryly.

Dietrich kicked his chair out leaning back on its legs, which only pissed Gabe off more.

“Everyone knows the drill. We’ll have one last meeting the morning of.” Dravaggio dismissed everyone and Gabe quickly walked over to where Xee and Jesminda were talking quietly.

“Xee, can I have a word?”

She didn’t respond initially but kept talking to Jes before finally turning to look him in the eyes.

“Sure thing boss.”




Why did he need to talk to her?
“Because you flipped him off. You tested his man hood.”
Well he could keep his manhood. She hadn’t been here a full two days and already he was singling her out. The Angel of Death took over her personal space, taking the seat Dietrich was originally occupying. He stared at her a moment, seeming to pull his thoughts together. It was making her uncomfortable. Heat started to singe her cheeks. The pit of her stomach quivered as unbidden images of his shower pressed forward in her mind.

“You okay?” he asked. His voice softer, deeper than usual.

No. She wasn’t okay. She was fantasizing about a fucking man.

“Totally barf worthy if you ask me.”
Micah quipped.

So not cool in her book. His hand reached out to touch her cheek and she moved away not wanting him to touch her.

“You look feverish. You gonna be alright?”

Her breathing changed and she closed her eyes to gain composure. Maybe she should fake an illness. The twins were no longer in the room to call her out on it. When she opened her eyes, he was there, right in her line of site. He was all she could see.

“What are you doing Xee?”
Micah sounded panicked. Hell, she didn’t know what she was doing, but that smell always seemed to lure her in. It was strong and overpowering her good sense.

Micah pleaded.

“Shut up and go into hiding. I’m gonna see what this is like.”

There was nothing wrong with testing the waters. They were sitting so close now and Xee told herself she only wanted to take in the scent, inhale the intoxicating aroma that called to her. The Angel didn’t stop her. He was frozen in his seat. Her hand snagged the back of his neck gripping the nape of his hair.

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