Redeemed In Shadows (30 page)

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Authors: Tigris Eden

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Redeemed In Shadows
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It was to be expected, hell even warranted that his friend be pissed, but the frothing at the mouth and showing his true demon was not what Gabe had expected.
But you should have.

The giant beast that was Dravaggio flew over the dais with such speed Gabe could barely track him. The other male hit the ground floor, his hooved feet digging into the dirt. The animal that used to be Dravaggio puffed out his chest and with a clawed hand gestured that Gabriel approach. Ascending back to the Black Veil was never meant to be easy. Redemption was the only way, and it always came with a price. Gabe stepped forward and waited to be struck down. It was the only thing he could offer. He was truly immortal and a deathblow did nothing to him, but hurt like hell.

“You are the reason my mother was tormented and my sister
sold into slavery.” Dravaggio’s words were barely audible due to the mouth full of extra teeth. It wasn’t a statement but a valid accusation. Gabe was the reason.

Head bowed, he spoke. “For my actions, I’m deeply sorry. Had I--”

A clawed hand ripped into his chest, “You don’t get to speak to me again. Ever!” Dravaggio roared, shaking the arena walls. Pillars toppled at the sound of his voice. There was a savageness none had ever seen of the voice incubus that he was now displaying. He attacked full force, ripping first Gabe’s wings, which to any Angel was a form of humiliation. The blunt force of his wings being ripped from his back was painful, and he almost went down. But Gabe was going to endure as much as his friend had to give until the all the fight was gone. The pain, he knew would be everlasting. His arms were pulled from their sockets, twisted, and mangled as the demon tried to tear Gabe limb from limb, all the while he took it. Unmoving, bearing the pain as great as it was. His only reaction was a wince here and there, and tears. Tears he should have cried centuries go. His good eye searched the dais for his teammates, all of them looking on. There was no sympathy from this crowd. He didn’t expect any.

Another blow landed to his head cracking his skull, warmth coated his forehead, and blood clouded his vising burning his eyes. Another blow to the head and his eardrums burst, causing his balance to falter. Gabe didn’t know how long his beating was going to last but for however long, he’d endure.


Chapter 25


A soft breeze kissed over Xee’s naked skin before the floor shook and a roar echoed off the walls covering her in a fine sheen of dust from the roof. The sound was enough to make her teeth grind together and her ears hurt. She felt around for her clothes and that’s when she noticed that Gabe wasn’t there.
Where did he go?
Why had he not woken her, Searching for her clothes, she found a black silk robe hanging on the back of a chair.

It was odd not hearing a peep out of Micah. There was only quiet. She could feel the presence of another, but that was it. Donning the robe, Xee made her way down the corridor following the sounds of an obvious ass beating. As she made her way down the hall, she saw the opening to what she knew was the arena and froze. There was a giant demon of some sort beating the life out of Gabriel. The team members and other’s all stood watching. No one, not one of them was helping.

“What the hell! Why are you all just standing there! Help him!” She screamed as she raced forward trying to get their attention.

“It’s between them. Dravaggio and Gabriel have to work that shit out on their own. They’ll be alright, once it’s over.’ Royce said clutching Bells closer to him. Her face was buried in his chest, which had angry claw marks that were slowly healing. Jes was wrapped tightly around Draven, black blood mixed with red blood stuck in her hair, she too watched, flinching every time Gabe was struck down by the Captain, who didn’t look like the Captain at all, but huge as scary demon of some sort.
I thought I wasn’t able to see their true forms anymore.
She could clearly see Gabe’s wings lying on the ground away from his body; the large feather’s twitching as if they itched to be reattached to their owners.

A man she’d not seen before walked up to her. His kind brown eyes warming as he approached her.

“You’re Kapua. Such a lovely name for a beauty such as yourself.” His voice was deep and lyrical as he spoke. Each word poetic as his long fingers reached out and smoothed over her cheek.

“Abaddon, don’t you touch her!” Came the voice of her lover. Even through his beating, he kept watch on her. She looked past the man with the poetic voice and saw Gabe starting at her with his one good eye. Blood covered his face and chest. The monster that was now watching her focused his penetrating gaze, icing over her soul.

“Come to me.” His eyes and mouth said.

Something deep inside compelled her to move forward. Someone’s arm landed on her shoulder. Dietrich. Even his hold didn’t stop her forward momentum toward the horned creature that was Stefan Dravaggio. Somewhere deep down she knew she should be terrified but she was unable to stop walking toward him. A tethered string connected them and each word he said pulled her further and further into the nightmare that he was creating.

“Yes, that’s right little one, come closer,” his voice beckoned

She caught sight of Gabriel from the corner of her eye as he tried to rise to his feet, but unable as he crumpled to the bloodied ground. Time stopped as Xee made her way to where Dravaggio stood. She could hear the women telling her to come back, but it was already too late. His clawed hand wrapped tightly around her neck. The tiny light of the soul she housed inside stirred and Xee knew this was it. This was her end, but it couldn’t be for the life she was holding onto. Remembering the words Cyrian had given her, Xee quickly repeated them, over and over for as long as she could until she felt the light fading, drawing away in search of its new Host. As the words washed over her, she remembered her grandmother had once said those words to her when she was younger. Xee hoped she wouldn’t get into too much trouble for her chosen replacement.

You can’t get in trouble silly. You’re about to die.

“I give you my will and strength. To house and hold those of your choosing.”
She hoped like hell that Faith would be a suitable replacement. Darkness ascended from all sides. The claws from the Captain's hands pierced the skin of her neck. Hot blood trickled down her now cold skin.
So this is what death feels like.
Xee thought to herself.

There was no light; there was only darkness and the biting chill that encompassed her entire being. She locked eyes with Gabe one last time. She wanted something beautiful to look at when the lights went completely out. Maybe she could take the image with her. Even though he was badly bruised and broken, she didn’t care. To her, he was still beautiful.




There was nothing Gabe could do, but watch as the light died out of Xee’s eyes. Her skin was pale and grey, her hair looked dull, too dull. But Dravaggio had broken her neck, she dangled from his grasp her head lolled to one side, her eyes lifeless and glazed over as death took her.

“You have taken from me, and now, I have taken from you.”

Dravaggio dropped Xee’s body to the ground like discarded rubble and walked away. He didn’t acknowledge anyone or anything as he left the arena. Gabe crawled toward the only woman he’d ever loved. The one he’d treated badly up until the very end. He should have never gotten involved with a person as fragile as she was. Her pink hair lay limp against her skull as he carefully stroked her chilled face. His fingers traced her lips, once plump and warm, now stiff and cold. Folding her into his arms, he rocked back and forth. Not for her comfort as she was dead, but for his.

Wetness scolded his skin and rolled down his cheeks. It collected at his chin and disappeared into her hair. Anger festered deep in his gut like a rotting wound. The rules of his accession were clear; he could not interfere with the victims rage. He never once thought that Xee would be a part of Dravaggio’s rage. He looked to the Elite council, then to their puppets, the warrior Angels and pleaded for Xee’s life.

“What can I do to get her life back?”

It was his brother Michael who stepped forward. Twice as big as he was with silver ripped wings that marked his status as a true Archangel. He was the bringer of retribution, he settled debts between those of the dead and the living. His brother was the one who led the battle that had ultimately separated the realms. Humans had a belief that it was Lucifer who’d revolted, but the betrayal ran deeper than that. It had been his brother that led the revolt. The youngest and vilest of his siblings, Azrael. Lucifer had only been the face, but not the brains behind the unrest among Heaven and Earth. Now there were multiple realms, multiple deities that laid claim to their stake in the thing humans called creation. An infinite amount of knowledge that would never be revealed to mortals. The one true realm was filled with only the purest of souls. Mostly children and those before the war.

“Brother, give her to me. There is nothing more you can do or could have done. You shall ascend and return to the Black Veil. Michael pried his arms from around the woman he loved. He hadn’t protected her, was unable to because of the rules. For that alone his request should be granted. He didn’t strike out at the monster Dravaggio had become. He understood the male’s pain and reasoning for ripping into his flesh. He even understood why the Captain had gone after Xee; he just never thought he’d do it. Michael enfolded her crumbled body into his arms taking her away. The two of them transforming into balls of light. Her light was bright and beautiful, a brilliant gold to his brothers equally brilliant silver. Her soul hovered over Gabe for a moment; she even went as far as to slide along his face. Souls in their true form couldn’t speak, but they could communicate, and that simple act of her touching his skin was her forgiveness of him. When she finally left him, he looked up to those on the dais.

“We shall leave you now, go, and be at peace Gabriel. All is forgiven.” This came from Dacio who disappeared with the rest of the Elite returning to their place of dwelling in the White Veil. The Elder Council issued a final warning to Draven and Jesminda before departing back to their own realm back on Earth where they would once again blend in with humans. All that were left were his brothers, the brother’s grim, and his ex-team.

“That was quite entertaining,” the All Seeing Eye said. Laughter in her voice. “I really saw it going a lot differently, but one can never wager on freewill.”

Clapping her hands, two mummies appeared each holding wooden boxes. Confusion warped Gabe’s mind as the mummies approached him presenting him with both boxes.

“Choose wisely. Since your sacrifice was the purest, I will allow you the freedom to choose which box you wish to take. The other will go to Albanus and his team.”

Royce stood quickly, approaching the cloaked keeper of the Sixth Hour.

“The fuck you mean lady, you said truth would be the answer. Some bullshit like that. Now you’re saying Albanus will also receive something. We don’t want half the relic, or a piece of the relic. We want the whole damn thing.”

“Don’t.” Belinda said, placing a calm hand on his back. “This is the only way.”

Another woman Gabe had not realized was there stepped into view.

“In time you will come to understand why it was done in this fashion.”

Royce stood down while everyone else looked to Gabe.

“I don’t know what box to choose. Have one of them do it.” Gabe pointed to the men and women on the dais.

“They were not chosen, Assassin. You will choose, and you will do it now.”

Gabe sucked in a breath and grabbed his sides. His ribs were definitely broken.
Well, pick a box any box. Either way you’re helping the team.
He was helping, but what if he chose wrong? The thought pinged back and forth inside his head and then his hand slowly rose choosing the one on the right.

“Very well, now you are free to go. All of you.” The All Seeing Eye said as she disappeared, leaving them all there staring at one another. Castiel and Grey lifted Gabriel off the ground, while Isaiah assured the team they’d get a qualified replacement. Now that both he and Xee were gone, they’d need someone doing logistics.

“What about the Captain?” Royce asked the question that was on everyone’s mind. He’d taken off after he’d ended Xee’s life.

“Let us worry about that.” Isaiah said. He dismissed the others and focused his attention back on Gabe.

No one on the team said goodbye to him. They all turned to leave. The only one that looked him in the eye was Jesminda, the human in her feeling sorrow and pity. She mouthed the words, “sorry,” before disappearing down the hall with the others.

“You ready to go home?” Grey asked.

Where else was he going to go? Clubbing? Disco dancing?

Gabe didn’t answer the question. Not because he was anti-social, but because he was anti-stupid.

“He’s ready.” Castiel said.

One minute he was in the arena, and the next he was back in the Black Veil, completely healed and in his old quarters. Isaiah and his brothers gone, leaving Gabe with his own thoughts. There were trinkets laying in disarray that he’d long forgotten. His bed was pristine as if he was only gone for an afternoon. None of this made him feel comforted, the familiarity of it should have been comforting, was foreign to him now. Dropping to his knees, wings flared out behind him, Gabe clawed at his scalp as he cried for the woman he loved and lost.


Chapter 26

One Month Later

Everyone was gathered in the War Room discussing the piece of information they’d received thanks to Gabe’s choice. Jes hadn’t thought about him in weeks. Things were barely getting back to normal. Dravaggio had returned but only to resign, leaving Draven in charge. The twins and Bells were in a state of perpetual baby bliss, and that only made her more uncomfortable. She tried to be happy for them, but it was hard with the loss of her own unborn child. She still woke in the middle of the night screaming, holding her stomach, wishing her baby was still there. Faith was acting weird. She was in some strange imaginary friend stage where she talked constantly to someone that wasn’t there. She’d even asked Dietrich to make sure it really was nothing, but everyone kept assuring her all children had imaginary friends. Immortal children included.

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