Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9) (63 page)

BOOK: Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9)
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“Maybe it was all the sex she
saw every day,” Ethan suggested.

“I think we need to dig into her life,” Elizabeth said, calling for her agent. When he popped his head in,
she gave him his instructions. “I want to know everything about her sex life and all the other details that you can find. Leave no stone unturned.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he stated.

“How about we head out of here
?” Ethan suggested. “We might have enough time to grab some lunch and eat it before autopsy.”

Charlie didn't make her queasy in autopsy and kept her calm, that sounded like a good idea. “That works for me. You two are buying. Charlie and I accept your lunch date offer.”

Heading out, Ethan was working on two things. Toni Michelle’s death, and his birthday surprise for Elizabeth.

Both were equally important to him.

all the death, they’d need to celebrate the living.




                                *     *     *




He watched her leave.

Oh, he knew where they were heading. It was either back to the sheriff’s station, or that little cabin they called their base. In the bowels and dark recesses of his mind, he knew that there would only be one shot.

One bullet.

One chance.

He couldn’t sneak in to get her, so he’d spin the wheel, take the chance, and go for it.

What’s the worst that could happen?

He might get to kill the Fed playing bodyguard.

It really wouldn’t matter.

His heart pounded as he followed them. Once they got to where they were going, he’d hide the vehicle, gather his courage and just do it.

God would give him strength.

This wouldn’t fail.

When it came down to it, he was getting his revenge for screwing around with his plans. All his victims were meant to stay buried for years.

It was how it was supposed to be.

Then, and only then, they were to be unearthed, giving him credit for being God’s angel.

Well, the Almighty had other plans. For now, he’d follow and not question it.

How could he?

He was simply the messenger to the highest power.

Now, he’d be delivering one to the FBI.

They weren’t safe.

No one who broke God’s law was.





                                *     *     *




Devil’s Lake might be small, but they certainly had quite a few places to eat.

Finally, Elizabeth, no make that Charlie, decided on a place
which served burgers. Since she was starving and skipped breakfast, Elizabeth was going to fill up the tank.

She had a feeling it was going to be one hell of a long night.

Sitting there, she rested between the two men. When Callen got a phone call from Chief Molala, he excused himself from the table. In his absence, Elizabeth dropped her voice to discuss something important with Ethan.

“I want something for my birthday, but I couldn’t bring it up in front of Callen.”

He looked over, surprised. They had a no secret rule, and it wasn’t like Elizabeth to break it. This had to be big.

“Okay, lay it on me, baby. If I can pull it off, it’s yours.”

“I want to change my name.”

He stared at her.
Ethan wasn’t sure where she was going with this. “Uh, to what?”

“Callen mentioned earlier that he would have loved to give me his last name, but can’t. I’d like to fix that. I’d also like to make sure the children I have with him feel like they’re part of me.”

“You want to drop Blackhawk?” His stomach flipped. Never did he think he’d be hearing this from her. She was the epitome of their family. She was the protective raven.

In fact, she deserved the Blackhawk name more than him.

“No, handsome,” she said, stroking his cheek. “I could never not be Elizabeth Blackhawk. You’re my husband, and I’d never give up your name. All I’m asking is to squeeze Whitefox in there, and maybe toss in a hyphen. So Cat, EJ and Callen know they’re part of us. I hurt when I think they’ll grow up and ask
‘why does mommy have a different last name’

Now he understood
, and as always, her love for their children gave him so much peace.

I was thinking that maybe Elizabeth Whitefox-Blackhawk would be a perfect fit. At work, it would remain the same, but for Callen and our kids, they would know that we’re one cohesive unit.”

In all honesty, Ethan never thought about this. Now, he understood what she wanted and wasn’t surprised. While his wife was tough on the outside, she was soft and mushy in the middle. Of course she was going to ache for her babies. It’s one of the things that made him love her that much more.

“Are you okay with it, Ethan? If not, I won’t bring it up ever again. That’s why I waited to do this in private. I wouldn’t want you to think that I don’t love the gift you gave me of your name. It means everything. The day I married you, you offered me your family and heritage. I’m beyond grateful.”

He softened. “Oh, baby, how can I be mad or upset? They’re my kids too, and I never saw it as a problem.
Since you picked up on it, we’ll fix it. I want Cat and EJ to know they’re part of this. We’re all one family, and if Callen’s name, plus a little hyphen will show them how much we love them, so be it.”

“Really? You’re not upset?

“Hell no, baby. If anything, I’m more in love with you. Our kids and Callen are so lucky. You are the one who will protect them the rest of their lives. Granddad was right turning this family over to you. He chose well, just like I did.”

Elizabeth moved closer into his body
, holding onto the lapel of his suit. “You know, I’m glad you’re back in your grotesquely overpriced suits. While entertaining to see you dressed down, I think I like you all spiffy and boss-like. It’s a big turn on.”

is it now, Elizabeth?” he asked, his lips finding hers. Although they were in a public place, he still kissed his wife. As his hand traversed lower, it came to rest over their little one, growing in her body.

“I walk away for five minutes and already you two are going at it,” Callen said, sliding into the circular booth. When he took his place, immediately Elizabeth’s hand came to rest on his leg, joining them.

“Welcome back, Cal,” Ethan said, releasing her mouth. He couldn’t wait until later. He was going to be enjoying more kisses just like that one.

Blackhawk added her birthday wish to his list of things to handle. He’d get all the paperwork done and have her sign it. When his brother found out, he was going to shit himself.

“What’s going on?” Elizabeth asked, cuddling between the two men in the booth.

“The Natives are restless, that’s all. He wanted an update on if we’re any closer to wrapping this up. Apparently, you pissed them off
, and they want us to move along on our merry way.”

found that amusing. “Yeah, I can’t wait to get the hell out of here too. Unfortunately, we have a wackadoo who is still on the edge.”

Ethan agreed. “He’s not only escalating but evolving in his killing methods. At first, he was controlled and methodical. What he did to Toni Michelle showed that he’s losi
ng it.”

“Yeah, I noticed,” said Elizabeth
, as her lunch was placed in front of her. “This all makes me very wary.”

The men were with her on that.

“He’s getting sloppy. We might have a fighting chance on this one. I still get this feeling like we’re missing something so obvious, that it’s ready to bite me in the ass.”

Blackhawk had a suggestion. “We need to start pouring through all the small details and background information. There has to be a way to connect them all. Maybe we missed something small, and it will open up the door for us.”

God, she hoped so. In all honesty, Elizabeth wanted to get out of there and head home. Wyler and her children were her utmost concern.

“How are we on the housekeeper front?” she asked.

Ethan took a bite of his burger and pulled out his phone. “I have four potentials,” he stated. “Three women and one man.”

Callen choked on his soda. “Are you out of your mind?” he asked. “You’re going to bring a man into our home? Isn't there enough testosterone floating around?”

Elizabeth asked, “Is he Native?”


“Cross him off the list. What fun is that going to be? I only wanted to throw another Native into the mix to screw with you both. Now that won’t work.”

The men laughed.

“I’ll start the interviews once we’re back. I’ll be doing searches so deep, we’ll be assured that the next person isn't going to be dangerous or risk our children,” Ethan reassured.

“We can always get nanny cams,” suggested Callen. “And if
it records us having sex with our woman, we can watch it over and over again. I’ll even make the popcorn.”

“Bum chicka bum bum,” sang Blackhawk, in his cheesiest nineteen seventies twang.

She elbowed them both at the same time, thoroughly enjoying when they gasped. “Yeah, you do that.”

Callen spoke up, “When we get back, maybe we should give dad a break. He’s been going nonstop for almost three years.”

They agreed.

“Where would he want to go?” Ethan asked.

“Well, maybe he could go on singles cruise. You know, help him get out there again. What’s the worst that could happen?”  Callen added.

“Well, he could fall in love with a woman younger than us and bring her home,” stated Blackhawk.

“He could then marry her and we would have to call her mommy,” stated Elizabeth laughing.

Callen joined in. “That would be priceless.”

“We should do it.”

It was going to be their next plan.

Glancing down at her watch, she knew it was time. “We gave the tech team enough of a head start. We need to get there and see what they dug up. We three have a date with the whiteboard and some details tonight.”

“Yeah. Can we do it nekid?” Callen asked. “I’m off babysitting duty tonight. Ethan is riding solo at the other cabin.” When he wiggled his eyebrows lecherously, all three laughed.

“Here, I hoped you’d forget,” he stated.

“Yeah, why would I be thinking about getting our woman naked as I chase her around a cabin? That’s so out of character for me,” Callen teased.

This time, it was Elizabeth who choked.

What was she going to do with these two men?


Oh yeah. Keep them.




                  *     *     *




Tony got them back to the cabin and safely inside. Once there, he began making Jaxon something to eat. Where she’d been distant the other days, today, she was right by his side.

It was like a switch
had been flipped, and she was coming around.

There was no doubt in his mind
that it was a damn good thing. When this was all over, he’d begin working on keeping her with him. If she couldn’t stand the FBI, then Jaxon could live with him until she worked it all out.

Either way, she wasn’t leaving

Tony made them soup and sandwiches, she watched him. He was incredibly sexy. The way he moved around, did everything with precision, and just looked damn hot doing it, made her want to run her hands all over him.

“What are you t
hinking about, Jaxon?” he asked suddenly.

I’m trying to figure out why you want to be with me.”

He glanced over his shoulder at her
in surprise. If anything, her direct approach caught him off guard. Where he was a smart man, he was obviously missing something.

“You’re intelligent, incredibly handsome, and one hell of a catch. Why are
you trying so hard to have something so messy with me? You really could have any woman in the world.”

He wanted to laugh
at the irony of that statement. No, he couldn’t have just anyone. While sex was easy, love was turning out to be one hell of an uphill battle.

“I’m attracted to you. There’s something on a deep level that makes me want to be with you. You could call it the lure of something ingrained in us to find a mate and seek them out, or you could call it…”


Yes, he
was madly in love.

“Go on,” she said.

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