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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (57 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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Faith's eyes popped open when Reece abruptly sat up. She lifted herself on one shaky elbow and saw her lover struggling to remove her briefs. Faith quickly unwrapped her legs and sat up, yanking the material away from Reece's waist, tugging forcefully, dying to see and touch what was underneath.

The tall woman knelt up and pulled her underwear off. She stayed there, her chest heaving, body tight as a bow. Her eyes narrowed to slits at what lay naked and open before her and how desperately Faith was reaching for her, lips swollen and eyes burning with need. She reached out, took Faith's hands and pulled her up. "I want you," Reece told her as she lifted her up over her shoulder and carried her up the stairs to their bed.

"Oh god, yes, Reece."

With Faith still in her arm, the club owner reached down and opened the drawer on her nightstand. She dropped Faith on the bed and climbed over her, straddling her. She let one of her breasts fall into her lover's waiting mouth and flinched when her nipple was sucked and nipped roughly. Faith was as hot as she was and that was just perfect.

Reece gathered Faith's hands, held them over her head with one hand and reached beside her with the other.

Faith groaned into Reece's breast as she felt the stiff leather wrap around first one wrist and then the other. She clasped her hands together in anticipation, swallowing hard at the new sound of the metal rings clinking together as she did. She had envisioned using their new toys in a much different, less frantic way, but she had trust in her lover. She whimpered in anticipation.

Reece moved away and Faith's mouth was suddenly empty. She arched her chest up when she felt her lover's nipples brush against hers. She moaned as hot lips covered her mouth and she was kissed hungrily. The actress thrust her tongue deeply inside Reece's mouth when she felt the cool leather straps glide up her arms.

Reece began tying Faith's wrists, securing her to the headboard, never breaking the contact of their mouths. She grinned inwardly as her lover tugged her hands reflexively. Reece detoured her lips to an ear and licked it. She glanced to the side and made sure what she was holding was right and sucked the salty skin of Faith's neck into her mouth, roaming all over, marking her, distracting her.

"Reece!" she pulled at her bound wrists again, desperately wanting to grab Reece's head and hold it in one place.

The club owner maneuvered herself into the harness and when she felt it was securely in place she sat back on her heels, displaying her intentions to her writhing lover.

Faith strained her neck when Reece broke body contact. She gasped when she realized what just happened and what was still to come.

Reece smiled a half smirk, half sneer and leaned over Faith again, capturing her nipple ring in her teeth. The club owner chuckled at the hiss that escaped Faith's lips. Reece leaned over slightly, licked her lover's arm from shoulder to wrist and then sucked her fingers. She repeated her actions on the other arm, watching Faith squirm and writhe made her want to climb up and take full advantage of her lover's open mouth.
she shivered at the thought of Faith's tongue.

Nudging Faith's legs apart with her knees, Reece positioned herself appropriately and teased with faint thrusts.

"Oh please..." the actress begged, bending her knees and opening her legs wide.

The club owner bit back a growl at the display. She licked a path to Faith's nipple and sucked it deeply into her mouth at the same time she entered her completely.

The actress screamed, yanking on her arms, wanting so badly to grab onto her lover. Reece pulled back and thrust again, putting her grinning lips to her screaming lover's ear, "Merry Christmas, Faith."

*  *  *


Reece stirred and drifted to wakefulness with a smile on her lips. As she became more conscious, she was aware of the goose pimples that covered her body.
I'm not cold. In fact...

She shifted her weight and found that she was quite aroused. Before she had time to wonder how she had gotten to this point, a hot breath blew across her nipple and she stifled a groan.
How does she always wind up in that position?

Reece grinned as she shivered with even more goose bumps. Lifting her head, she peered down at her lover, sleeping peacefully with her arm thrown across her ribs, her hand cradling the club owner's breast, fingers splayed across the mound and brushing her hard nipple each time the tall woman inhaled. Faith's head was was nestled between Reece's shoulder and left breast, her cheek resting comfortably on the fleshy pillow, her lips barely touching the other painfully hard nipple. Her leg was not really thrown over, but rested on Reece's long one.

Reece shifted again, acutely aware of the tingling in her groin. She very much wanted to wake up her slumbering lover and make love, but Faith had had one hell of a night.
Which is probably why I'm in such a condition now,
Reece thought with a smirk.

The tall woman looked down at her breast and the sleeping face which rested on it as hot breaths drifted across her sensitive nipple, barely teasing the other. She grimaced as some wetness seeped out, tickling her.
God, she's driving me insane!
she thought, growing more frustrated. Reece replayed last night in her mind, how Faith had looked underneath her, arms tied, her neck muscles straining as she threw her head back and screamed. The club owner made love to her repeatedly this way, but never quite satisfied her own burning within herself. Every orgasm she'd had, she purposely cut short, waiting for that glorious moment when she'd straddle Faith's face, feeling her exquisite tongue inside. When her exhausted lover begged for mercy, Reece untied her and held her. Within seconds, she was snoring, completely comatose.

Reece groaned at her stupid idea to bring up those images at a time like this. She was
aroused now, painfully so. Unfortunately, Faith was apparently still out cold, breathing deeply, teasingly, driving Reece crazy with need.

Reece shifted her weight again and breathed in sharply as her wet thighs brushed together.
No, this will never do.
She bit her lip and slid her hand between her legs, all the while watching Faith's lips.
Just to take the edge off, just until she wakes up...

The club owner moved her free leg and gave herself more room. She again considered waking Faith the second her fingers fell into her drenched sex. She used a slow, steady movement, clear away from her clit; she swore she was just going to touch herself until Faith woke up.

Reece sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and tried not to move. She was so very wet and so turned on as a result of denying herself total pleasure earlier that morning.

Blue eyes, focused on the parted lips, as long as they could before drifting shut. The feeling of Faith's fingers and her moist breath were killing her little by little. She worked slowly, methodically. Her fingers circled and teased the most sensitive part of her sex, although it begged to be touched. She warred with herself that if she just rubbed it a little and stopped, she'd be okay. She got closer to it, hovered over it for a few seconds and it twitched in anticipation; so, she touched it. Immersed in a moment of bliss, Reece unknowingly groaned in pleasure.

The deep rumbling sound under her ear caused the actress to stir. She became aware of the heart beating loudly beneath her cheek and lay silently, still somewhat foggy from sleep. She waited. Her head rose and fell a bit too rapidly for her lover to be sleeping and the way her hair ruffled from her breaths, she was obviously upset. Faith was about to jump up in distress when she heard another very restrained and satisfied groan vibrate under her ear and she froze. Suddenly aware of her position, she immediately realized her lover's dilemma and she struggled to keep herself in check.
Poor baby, she got left out this morning and here I am, slobbering all over her tits.

Faith wondered how Reece could have gotten this far without waking her. Her lover wasn't known for her control.
Why didn't she wake me?
the actress questioned momentarily before she figured out that Reece had probably felt sorry for her. The hair on her head ceased to ruffle and she felt the muscles shift under her arm, head and leg. Knowing that her lover had turned her head, Faith opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was a tasty nipple standing rigidly before her lips. Stifling the urge to suck it into her mouth, she glanced down. Reece's fingers were buried between her legs. The sight was breathtaking. Her tall lover's body was at the edge of release and Faith wanted to see the result. She stuck her tongue out and swiped the hard flesh at her mouth.

Reece sucked in a breath through her teeth and stilled her fingers.

"Y... you're awake?" the club owner gasped.

"For some time now, Sexy," Faith sat up and covered the nipple entirely with her lips.

Reece wrapped her hand around Faith's head and pressed her closer. "God, Faith, I'm so fucking horny," she groaned again, even as she spoke.

Faith nodded and slid her hand from the other breast down under her lover's, between her legs. She smiled against the flesh surrounding her face at the eager way Reece's pelvis lifted at the contact. The hand at the back of her neck tightened its grip.

"Faith, no," she grabbed the smaller hand and moved it away quickly.

The actress sat up. "What is it, baby?" she asked with confusion.

"I need your mouth," Reece put pressure on the back of Faith's neck. "Please," she pled.

"What do you want my mouth to do, Sexy?" Faith drawled huskily, bringing their wet fingers to her lips and treating Reece's exactly like she would be treating something else in a second.

"Shit, baby... God! That... with your tongue." Reece pushed Faith's head down and the actress wasted no time burying her face.

Faith was amazed at how her stomach clenched upon tasting her lover. Reece's scent was strong after their early morning's activities. The tangy wetness was abundant, it tasted different and made the smaller woman drool for more.

Reece held on to Faith's head with both hands. While she wanted this feeling to go on forever, the fire in her sex told her it was not to be.

Faith knit her eyebrows together in disappointment when she felt her tall lover's hips begin to move erratically.
I just got here!
she complained to herself.

"Oh, Faith, don't stop... don't..." Reece begged through moans.

Of course, that was the furthest thing from the redhead's mind and to prove her point, she suddenly buried three fingers up inside her lover.

Reece made a barrage of noises, none of which Faith could define, not that she had the chance, since her head was captured tightly between Reece's thighs, while her lover was bucking powerfully up into her mouth. Her fingers were in a vice grip of suction, held deeply inside. Faith grunted excitedly as she sucked Reece's clit strongly into her mouth, thrusting her fingers mightily into her, setting off another loud yelling fit from her quaking lover.

Faith stopped thrusting and pulled out her fingers, but never took her mouth away from lapping up all the fruits of her labors. Reece tugged at her head, but Faith held her ground until she felt the strong thighs slacken and Reece's legs splayed open bonelessly. She lay there a while, letting Reece come back to earth and then rested her head on her lover's abdomen.

Reece felt rejuvenated, even after such a mind blowing orgasm. She lay there, catching her breath and thought about how easily she could find comfort in this extremely vulnerable position with Faith. She smiled at her luck.

Faith smiled back at the look of love on Reece's face. "All better now?" she grinned.

Reece pretended to think about it. "I guess so, but hold that thought, okay?" she joked.

"I could think of much better things to hold," Faith swiped at Reece's overheated sex with her tongue.

"Whoa, don't start that again, I may have you there all day," Reece teased.

"Oh, yeah, torture me," Faith beamed back.

The club owner reached her hand down and ran her fingers through Faith's messy red hair, trying to smooth down all the twisted alfalfa's and cowlicks. "I don't understand how it looks like this every morning. You don't sleep like a maniac," she chuckled.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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