Read Reece's Faith Online

Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (58 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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"I wouldn't talk, Medusa," Faith pinched Reece's hip.

"And that's nice?" the tall woman teased before clasping the headboard with both hands and stretching.

Faith's head lifted with her lover's arch and she sat up quickly to admire the long naked body in a lengthy stretch.

"Aaarrgghhh..." Reece growled as she flexed all her muscles at once.

The actress drank in the sight with a look of pure delight. When the tall woman relaxed, she fell back down with a deep happy sigh. "Reece, you have no idea what you do to me."

The club owner's lips pulled back with a silent chuckle. Faith looked terribly adorable with her mouth hanging open and her hair sticking up all over the place.

Faith was sitting cross legged her knees touching Reece's left thigh. Reece was leaning up against the headboard, her long legs stretched out in front of her, crossed at the ankle. The club owner laughed to herself when Faith's arm came up to scratch her nose and her hand was completely lost in the long sleeve.

"How'd you wind up in my shirt again?" she asked Faith, running her hand up underneath the front of the too large garment. She let her fingertips tickle Faith's ribs for awhile, and then circled around her belly button, teasingly dipping her pinky down to ruffle the light blonde hair.

"Dunno," she shivered and took hold of Reece's wrist with both hands.

The club owner smiled playfully. "Oh, and that's really going to stop me?" she pursed her lips.

"Who said anything about stopping?" Faith smirked and brought Reece's hand up to cover her breast. "I'm just offering some assistance." she closed her eyes and dipped her head back as the large hand closed over and molded her flesh.

"I see," the club owner grinned. Reece continued to massage the pliant flesh. When Faith groaned and relocated her hand to the other breast, her own eyes drifted closed.

The actress let go of her lover's wrist with one hand and lifted the shirt up over her neck, draped across her shoulders. She looked up to see Reece's eyes closed, her mouth half open in an expression of pleasure. It thrilled the actress to know Reece was receiving that much pleasure from touching her.

Reece began moving her fingers, lightly pinching and caressing Faith's nipple, jiggling the silver hoop ever so slightly. She opened her eyes slowly, focusing on her lover's half-lidded eyes as they watched her hand intently. Reece pulled the hoop a little harder. Faith moaned. Inspired, the club owner reached over with her other hand and laid it on Faith's hip. She glanced from her own hand to her lover's idle hand and then to the green eyes watching her.

Faith followed the unspoken instructions and wrapped her fingers around Reece's wrist, guiding that hand to her other breast.

Reece was a little more enthusiastic by now and worked that breast with more determination. Both of her hands massaged firmly, her fingers occasionally tweaking and rubbing the pebble-hard nipples. Faith's soft moans and arching back were driving her crazy. Realizing that she was squeezing her legs together, she uncrossed her ankles and bent one knee up. She wanted her full attention to be focused on Faith's pleasure.

"Reece, yes," Faith whispered breathlessly.

"You have such beautiful breasts, Faith. I don't think I took the time to tell you how much I love them. They fit so perfectly in my hands."

"They were made for you," she groaned.

Reece twisted the ring and Faith yelped, digging her nails into the muscled forearm.

"Reece, yes," she breathed again. The actress didn't want it to end, but she was in desperate need of attention much lower.

The club owner narrowed her eyes as ten fingers closed around her right forearm and her hand began to slide down. She made eye contact with her lover and clenched her jaw at the need she encountered in those green eyes. When her fingertips encountered Faith's most sensitive flesh, the actress sat upon her knees and thrust her hips forward, simultaneously throwing her head back. The sight of that alone made Reece gasp. The feel of Faith's slick, hot skin and the sound of her long, low groan had her squirming.

Faith held Reece's hand between her legs up against her tightly and didn't move. She relished the feeling of the muscles twitching under her fingers, longing to delve inside and explore. She groaned in anticipation and swore she felt more arousal slide out between her lover's long fingers.

"God, Faith," Reece swallowed hard. "This is... you are so hot. Are you sure? I mean, is it okay?"

"I don't know, Reece, just don't move," Faith strained to talk from her position.

"Ok, but, please, I don't want to hurt you." The club owner let her eyes wander over her lover's body. Faith was arched so dramatically that the only thing keeping her from falling backwards was the death grip she had on her arm. Her nipples incredibly hard, pointing straight up to the ceiling, her thigh muscles completely taut, Reece desperately wanted to throw herself on top of Faith and ravish her, but the sight of her lover in this position was breathtaking.

Faith wiggled on Reece's hand carefully, testing her tolerance. It felt sore, but not too bad. She did it again and this time rubbed her oversensitive clit into contact with her lover's fingers.

Both women groaned loudly.

"It's okay?" Reece asked tentatively.

"Just go slow," Faith breathed and thrust a little more forcefully before realizing she'd probably break her neck, should she let go. Using Reece's arm as an anchor, she pulled slowly until she righted herself.

Faith's face was red and she was breathing heavily. She walked on her knees, holding Reece's hand in place and straddled her thighs, nodding at her stunned lover. "Touch me, Reece... gently."

Reece sat up quickly and wrapped her arm around Faith's waist. She leaned her cheek against Faith's abdomen and groaned as her fingers slipped effortlessly around. Tilting her face up she watched as the ecstasy played on the beautiful face above her. She circled her fingers around, then slid them back and forth. Gently moving her other hand up, she grasped the back of Faith's neck, making her look down.

"You are so swollen. Are you sure?" Reece marveled at how receptive Faith was.

"Yes, just go easy, okay?" Faith whimpered as Reece stroked her clit gently. "Yessss slow... oh... like that..."

"Faith, you are so fucking wet," Reece's mouth watered.

"Watching... you touch me."

The club owner caught the scent of Faith and lost it.

"OH!" Faith yelled as Reece slipped her tongue into her folds.

Reece groaned as Faith's muscles surrounded her tongue. She kept up the slow stroking with her thumb, spreading Faith's lips open with her fingers. Glancing up, she saw her lover's hooded eyes watching her every move. Reece groaned.

Faith rocked her hips in time to Reece's slow motions. Her tongue felt like velvet sliding slowly inside and just as slowly out again.

Reece's own sex was alive again, begging to be touched. She was so aroused by this whole scene that she was convinced she'd come by simply tasting her lover.

Faith rocked back and forth against Reece's tongue and torturously slow thumb. She wasn't sure that she could take it but she wanted more. "Reece, suck on it... gently," she whispered to her unusually patient lover.

Reece whimpered and then those glorious lips wrapped around her universe. Faith cried out and her knees threatened to give. She looked down to see the long body unfold and lay flat on her stomach, her long legs bent, resting against the headboard. Faith allowed herself to be pulled down onto her back by an insistent hand on her hip.

"Mmm," Reece mumbled as strong legs wrapped around her head. She fought to keep control as she waited for Faith to tell her what to do.

"Oh, baby... a little harder... suck a little harder."

Reece pressed into the bed with her hips; Faith's husky voice groaning her instructions turned her on so much. She bent her index finger and used the knuckle to tease Faith's opening.

"God, Reece... that feels so good," the actress gyrated her hips, groaning.

Reece was getting so aroused by all this that she felt the moisture pooling beneath her.

Your tongue... use your tongue." Faith whimpered and groaned again.

Reece obeyed and moved into a kneeling position. She slid her hand from Faith's stomach to between her own legs. She groaned as her fingers delved into her own wetness.

Faith knew that sound and forced herself up onto her elbows. Blue eyes peered back at her from between her legs, then rolled back and closed. "Oh, god," Faith whined.

"Mmm hmm," Reece agreed, slowing the motions of her hand on herself. She knew how Faith hated it when she
a perfectly good come when she could herself could have it. She gave her wet fingers to her lover as a peace offering.

Faith licked Reece's fingers, sucking on the fingertips until Reece was whimpering with need.

"It's okay..." the actress grabbed Reece's hand. "I want you to," she released the large hand and almost laughed at how fast it flew back between the tall woman's legs.

Faith saw the controlled movement of her lover's arm and moaned. "No,
do it, Reece," she said a little louder than she intended.

Blue eyes looked up, confused.

"Put your fingers inside. Do what you want to do to me."

Reece gazed hesitantly up from between Faith's legs, but never stopped moving her mouth.

"Please?" the actress begged.

Reece slid two fingers inside herself and groaned around Faith's clit.

Faith nearly swooned from the knowledge and the sensation. "Work them... just let it go."

Reece tried to pump her fingers but since that elbow was pretty much holding her up, she pumped her hips instead, causing a huge moan from her lover.

"Oh yeah, that is so hot..." the actress wished she were on the other side so she could watch her lover's ass in motion.

The club owner adjusted her legs so she could make contact with her clit. When she did, she accidentally forced her knuckle into her lover.

"Oh god! Almost there, baby..." Faith grunted.

Reece whined; she was so close. She doubled her attentions to Faith and was very pleased to hear the loud groan and feel her clit twitch in her mouth.

"Oh god... oh..."

Reece felt her own sex begin to ignite.
Please be now, please be now... oh fuck!
Reece started to come and there was nothing she could do about it.


The club owner grunted with her release, mashing her clit into her hand. Faith jerked around like she was electrocuted and her legs squeezed Reece's head so hard, the tall woman thought she'd suffocate. Reece stopped her own erratic grinding in order to concentrate on Faith's orgasm, continuing to work her tongue over her lover's clit.

"Oh, my god, Reece! Stop!"

The tall woman tore her mouth away from Faith and she instantly curled into a twitching, groaning ball.

Concerned, Reece immediately tried to wrap her arms around Faith, who pushed her away with a sob. "Oh, god, don't touch me," she moaned as she twitched violently.

"Faith! What's wrong?!" Reece was extremely alarmed.

"If you touch me, I'll die," she groaned and then chuckled.

Somewhat relieved, the club owner sat on her heels and leaned over her lover. She touched her back and pulled away as Faith twitched again.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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