Reeve (The Phoenix Boys #3) (10 page)

BOOK: Reeve (The Phoenix Boys #3)
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“Demi, Cariad, do you want to have a nap before we watch the movie?” I ask her. Reeve sets her on the couch and heads to the kitchen.

“No, I want to watch Frozen with you and Uncle Reeve,” she says yawning. Yeah, I give her ten minutes tops before she is out like a light. I set the movie up and cwtch back onto the couch with Demi lying with her head on my lap. Reeve comes back into the living room with three bowls of ice cream. He sets them on the coffee table and sits at Demi’s feet. I smile at him and he winks at me. I smile before turning back to watch the movie.

Demi lasted longer than I thought; she ate her ice cream and then crashed on Reeve’s lap. It’s such a sweet photo op that I have to snap a picture on my phone. Love it. Once we know that Demi is sleeping, Reeve carries her to her bedroom and tucks her in. I turn the movie off and set Netflix up. While flicking through, Reeve plops his sexy arse down next to me and puts his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into his side.

“So Lipsy, what are we watching? But I’m sure we can find something better to do that watch TV.” He winks at me again. Why the hell does winking make a guy’s sex-o-meter go sky high?

“I’m sure we can, but can you imagine what your brother would say about us having sex on his couch, knowing his daughter is just down the hall, there?” I flick my head in Demi’s direction.

“Who said anything about having sex? God, what do you take me for? I am not that kind of boy, Leah Adams.” He places his hand over his heart and tries to look innocent. Not happening boyo. I move to straddle his hips and kiss his neck. He moans and grips my hips tighter; he rocks me back and forth over his growing erection and now it’s my time to moan into his mouth.

“Kisses only, babe. Demi could wake and I don’t fancy her catching us and us trying to explain what we were doing.” He laughs into my mouth and I pull back.

“Ok, fair enough. But I think we should stop now, because once you start rubbing this perfect little body all over me, baby I won’t be able to.” I nod and climb off and cwtch into his side again. Reeve’s phone pings and he digs it out of his jeans pocket. He smiles when he reads the text and he replies.

“Lipsy, Skeet wants us to take you out on a date this weekend. We don’t have a gig, so we are good to go if you want to.” A small blush creeps up his face.

“That sounds like a plan; it will be weird going on a date with two blokes but hey, you only live once, right?”

“Yolo, baby, Yolo.”





Chapter 10



I still can’t believe that Lipsy agreed to go on a date with both of us. She shocked the shit out of me when she said yes. I know that she is still a bit freaked out about being with both of us, even though we have had one night already. It was beautiful seeing her beneath me and her taking Skeet in her mouth and vice versa. She looks like heaven when she comes down from her orgasmic high. I am used to sharing with Skeet and even though it was hot watching them together, something clicked inside me and I am not sure that I can share her full time. I know that Skeet has brought it up before when we have talked but it’s hitting home more now.  I am sure that Skeet will understand, sometimes I think he knows me better than I know myself or my brothers know me. He has said that he has his eyes on Quinn, Letty’s best friend; she is pretty and very much Skeet’s type.

When we spent the day looking after Demi, feelings were surfacing inside me. Feelings I never thought I would be feeling yet or at all. I could picture Leah, carrying our baby, and us spending time with our kids at the playground. It made my heart swell with overwhelming feelings for my Lipsy. And when she said that she wasn’t going back to Wales, well fuck me. That alone made my heart skip one, two, three fuck knows how many beats. But it felt good hearing those words.

Skeet and I are taking Lipsy to a full on American diner for our date; she told me that she doesn’t like fuss or fancy. But she does ‘flove’– her word not mine– American food. Skeet is driving and we decided that if things went well, then we would spend the night at his place. He has a loft apartment that he bought just a few weeks ago. We all helped him move in and decorate. Maisey and Gunner come out of their room and join me in the kitchen. Gunner grabs us a beer and Maisey starts making them a sub.

“You nervous about the date, dude?” Gunner asks, as he hands me the bottle and sits at the table.

“Nope.” I say and take a pull of my beer, smiling around the top of the bottle.

“You had better not hurt her, Reeve. Lucy will kick that tight ass of yours; hell, all of us girls will. We love Leah and we don’t want to her to leave, so don’t give her a reason to” she warns me.

“Baby, Reeve knows all this already, everyone has warned him. But what you girls need to understand is that Leah is her own woman and she is feisty as hell. She can handle herself. Plus, I don’t think Reeve is stupid enough to hurt her while our girl is so close to having Baby Phoenix.” He winks at me. Fucker, if that wasn’t a coded warning, I don’t what it was.

“Monty, babe. I will never hurt her. She has changed me, made me feel things that I didn’t want to feel but Lipsy being Lipsy brought them out in me.”

“Well, knock me over with a feather; Reeve Phoenix is finding it,” she says, before turning to finish making their snack. Her words hit me deep; could it be possible? I know that Leah is provoking feelings in me but shit. I feel my palms getting sweaty and I rub them over the jean covered thighs. I look at Gunner and he gives me a knowing nod.

The front door swings open and Skeet walks in. He has a huge ass smile on his face, the kind of I’m-gonna-get-laid-tonight smile. Bastard. He is wearing a red plaid button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, black jeans and his black boots, laces open. I decided on my black biker boots, blue jeans with a white V-neck tee under my denim shirt. I added my Phoenix cuff and my watch.

“Yo,” he says as he enters the kitchen; he walks over to Maisey and kisses her head before taking a seat at the table.

“You want a beer before we go?” I ask my best friend. 

“Yeah, please. I need to calm the fuck down, man. I have been a pussy all day today, freaking out about what I am going to wear and shit.” He laughs.

“Skeet, honey you look calm as hell. And what do you have to be nervous about? She said yes and that’s the hardest part over with.”

“I am Captain Awesome, so I hide my shit well. And no Monty, Leah’s answer isn’t the hardest part… well, not yet anyways.” He winks at Maisy and we all burst out laughing. Gunner spits his mouthful of beer all over the table. Maisy is doubled over laughing her ass off and I almost fall off my chair from laughing. Only Skeet.

“Ok, Captain Awesome, let’s go and pick our date up and enjoy our evening.”

“Let’s go, dude our girl is waiting.” ‘Our?’ I mutter ‘mine’ under my breath. Gunner chuckles behind me and I wink at him and follow Skeet out the front door.


I knock on my brother’s apartment door and wait for Lipsy to answer, but she doesn’t. Rafe does and he has a face that our dad would be proud of. It’s the look he gave Tony Hargrove when he came to pick Ren up for their first date; boy that was a funny ass day. That boy was shaking in his sneakers.

“You gonna let a brother in, or is Lipsy coming out to us?” I ask Rafe. He doesn’t say anything; he just steps back and lets us pass him. Juicy is sitting on the couch, wrapped up in a knitted wrap with her Kindle in hand. I lean in and kiss her forehead and sit next to her. Skeet kisses her head and takes the loveseat by the window.

“How is my little niece doing today? Behaving, I hope.” I say rubbing her belly.

“Niece, huh? So what makes you think that it’s a girl?”

“Lipsy said that we were going to have a niece and I think girls know more about this shit that us men, so I am going with her gut instinct. So Miss Phoenix, be good to mommy,” I say, before laying a kiss to her round baby filled belly.

“Dude, get those whore lips off my girl’s stomach, and stop talking to my kid; he or she only needs to hear my voice, so back the fuck off,” he says, with a smile on his face. “Ok, now down to business, I know that Leah is a big girl and she can handle you two but I swear to fucking God, you hurt her and in turn hurt Snowflake, I will bring the pain. Do you both hear me?”

“What happened to bros before hoes? Shit man, I am actually blood. But you have nothing to worry about; I don’t plan on hurting Lipsy, ok?” He gives me a stern look and it somewhat softens when we hear Leah coming down the hallway. I hear Juicy clapping behind me all girly like, but I can’t seem to take my eyes off of Leah.

Jesus, she looks beautiful.

She has her hair down but it has a slightly wavy look to it and her makeup has a natural look, as if she isn’t wearing any at all. She isn’t the flashy type of girl. She is wearing a cream polka dot blouse, with a flowy black skirt the stops mid-thigh and a thick brown leather belt that she has matched with brown sandals; damn she looks good. Fucking beautiful. She smiles at me while biting her lip.

Hello hard-on.

Shit Ryder is right, he gets an instant hard on when Letty bites her lip and fuck me, Lipsy’s just done it to me. Skeet clears his throat and Leah laughs. Skeet makes the first move, as he walks over to Lipsy and kisses her softly on her glossed lips, and she smiles at him. Jealousy hits me and I want to drag him away from her. I know that Skeet would never get between us but shit, I really wanna high five him to the face with a metal chair. Hell, Maisey is rubbing off on me.

“You look beautiful,” I say, sounding breathy. Rafe chuckles behind me but all I can see is Leah Adams. My little Welsh Beauty. I make my way over to her and Skeet moves to the side so I am now standing toe to toe with her. “You look stunning, babe. Breathtaking.” I lean in and kiss her, tracing my tongue along her bottom lip. She opens for me and welcomes my tongue into her wet, hot mouth. I pull her flush against my body and a moan leaves her mouth, making my dick harder.

“Bro!” I hear Rafe say from behind me, I smile against Lipsy’s lips and kiss her again before pulling back to look her in the eyes.

“Hi!” I say, smiling.

“Hi, don’t you look dishy today. Not that you don’t look dishy every other day but you look extra hot today, babe,” she looks towards Skeet, “both of you.”

I take her hand and turn to my brother and Juicy. “We are gonna go and yes, Mom and Dad, I will have her home before midnight,” Skeet says, winking at Leah, who just giggles.

“Yeah, so not fucking happening. You will be lucky if you see her again in the next few days. We’re out. Don’t wait up. Juicy get some rest, baby mama.” I take Leah’s hand and follow Skeet down to his truck. Skeet jumps into the driver’s seat, while I help Leah into the back seat and I join her.

“Oh hell no, dude. You can’t taste our girl while I am driving; do you know how hard it is to drive with a raging hard-on? It is not pretty my friend, I tell you,” Skeet complains, while I start kissing down Leah’s neck and she moans. “Fucking shoot me now,” Skeet says from the front seat. Both Leah and I laugh.

I continue kissing Lipsy and she continues to moan and writhe beneath me. I slip my fingers up her bare thigh and touch her panties. My hand jolts from under her skirt and I pull back to look down at her. “Fucking hell, baby,” I say loudly. The car jerks a little.

“What, what has she done? Fuck Reeve, tell me.” Leah giggles and pushes me off her; she winks at me and climbs over the seat to sit next to Skeet, her skirt rising up and flashing her bare ass. Holy shit.

“She has no fucking panties on, dude,” I say, shifting forward between the two front seats.

“And here I was thinking you were a good girl, Leah Adams,” he says to her.

“You know what they say?” We both look at her and she laughs and she tells us, “Good girls are bad girls who haven’t been caught yet.” She winks at us.

Well fuck me sideways!


We arrive at the ‘Ted’s Diner’, the diner we chose to take Leah to tonight. I have been coming here for years with the boys and Mom and Dad. The owner, Ted, knew my parents when they were dating. The diner has the traditional black and white checkered floor with red and white booths and tables matching. The long counter that runs almost the full length of the diner has silver and black bar stools. The neon signs and vintage photos line the walls, showing all the famous people that have come here to eat, in most part thanks to my Dad. I place my hand on the small of Lipsy’s back and guide her into the diner. We stand and wait to be seated.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the famous Reeve Phoenix. Not seen you in a while, Son, how is everyone? Your mom doing ok? How’s Rafe’s little lady doing? Sandy said she didn’t have long left until the little bundle arrived.”

“Hey, Ted. Mom is good, working with Ren to sign a few new bands; always working, you know her. Lucy is doing ok, she had a little scare but Rafe is waiting on her hand and foot; he doesn’t let her do anything.” I smile at the older man that has known me since the day I was born. He turns to Leah and a huge shit-eating grin crosses his aged face.

“And I see that you brought me a gift, Oh Reeve my boy, you shouldn’t have,” he says, moving towards Lipsy.

“Hold on there old man, this one is mine. Well, ours,” I say shrugging. People know what Skeet and I are like and not many judge or if they do, they just don’t have the balls to say anything to us.

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