Reeve (The Phoenix Boys #3) (2 page)

BOOK: Reeve (The Phoenix Boys #3)
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“You want it all off, baby?” I point to Letty.

“All off, we need our Phoenix fix.” She winks and Ryder does a funky beat after her reply. The girls in the crowd scream for us to take our clothes off.

“We would love to take it all off but I don’t think Max would like to see all this.” I wave my hand up and down my body, which causes another wave of screams.

“Max isn’t the only one.” I try to see who said that when I see Lucy burst out laughing and turn to point at Leah; little Welsh pixie. I smirk at her and she returns a smirk of her own.

“Oh my little Lipsy, you couldn’t handle all this Phoenix; it takes a special kind of girl to handle one of us.” I point to Juicy and Letty, who smile at me. I wait for her reply as she casually takes a drink of her beer and she winks at Lucy and smiles at me.

“I can handle anything, babe. Believe me, I just don’t want to.” She turns back to the bar and calls Jax over to order another drink. I see Lucy look between Leah and me and give me a warning glare that tells me to be careful of what I say next. I can never back down but I see Lucy's face and hold my tongue.

“Ok ladies, let’s get this show back up and running so I can take my Snowflake home and give her a very private show of her own. I say we cover one of our fave tracks. Let’s have some Jovi boys,” Rafe says and Ryder starts to intro beat to ‘It’s My Life’ by Bon Jovi. Rafe and I join in and we sing our hearts out, it’s a belter and the crowd loves it. I look back to the bar and see that Lucy and Leah are missing so I turn to look at Rafe, who nods his head towards the door. Great, Lucy is going to bitch me out. We finish the song and we roll into another.

“More eargasms, ladies?” I ask everyone and we sing a few more songs, bringing our set to an end. We jump off stage and head to the bar, where I see that Lucy and Leah are still not back. Rafe walks up to Gunner and whispers in his ear. Gunner nods and Rafe heads over to the back door to find the girls. I go to follow but Maisy stops me by grabbing my arm. I shake her off and walk towards the back of the club. A few girls try to get my attention but I ignore them and open the back door. The smell of the ocean hits my senses and calms me some.

“I haven’t done anything to him though, I don’t get why he hates me so much. From the day he picked me up at the airport he has been a knob to me, talking to me like I’m shit, giving me attitude when I haven’t done anything. To be honest I’m over his shit, I love being here Luce, but maybe I need to cut my holiday short and fly home at an earlier date. I love you and everyone here but for him to be an arse to me for no good reason is too much. I’m not going to take his shit the whole time I’m here, chick. Sorry.” Her voice cracks and by fuck if that doesn’t do something to me. I push the door open and join them; Leah’s head snaps to me but she quickly looks away and swipes the tears away from her cheeks. Lucy is crying and Rafe is hugging her. Fuck. I have to make this right for Lucy; I know that she will be heartbroken if Leah goes back home early.

Suck it up, Phoenix.

“Can you guys leave us for a minute please, so I can have a chat with Lipsy?” I see Leah shake her head at me. She hates the nickname I have given her, but it suits her. Lucy leaves Rafe’s arms and comes at me, punching me in the stomach and knocking the wind out of me a little.

“I fucking warned you not to hurt her in any way, Reeve.” She barges past me angrily and walks through the door I just came through; Rafe follows but stops by my side.

“Make it right, bro. I won’t have Snowflake upset; it’s not good for her or the baby.” Fuck me sideways, playing the baby card. I nod and walk over to Leah’s side, who is looking out at the water, the moon casting a bright white line across the soft waves. The moonlight shines down on Leah, making her face light up. She is truly beautiful.

“Listen, Leah, it’s not that I hate you, ok? Because I don’t. You are a nice girl, I don’t know enough about you to hate you or even dislike you. I really do not want you to leave and go home early just because of me. That would upset Juicy and that in turn would piss off my brother and then he would hit me, and I have too much of a pretty face to take a hit,” I say, nudging her shoulder playfully. A ghost of a smile crosses her face and my own smile widens.

“So why?” Two words, two fucking words hit me square in the chest. Shit.

“Why what?” Yeah, I’m a dick to play the innocent card.

“Why are you a knob to me? I haven’t been here long and every time I walk into the room, you leave. Shit, I can be chatting with the girls and you will cut me off and change the subject. I came here to get my life sorted because of my dickhead of an ex-boyfriend cheating on me. I am sick of men thinking they can walk all over me, so I want to know what the fuck I have ever done to you, Reeve, for you to take a disliking to me from the get go?” She takes a breath and turns away from me. How can I tell her that I like her, like really like her, but I can’t make a move because I know I will hurt her and in turn hurt Lucy. Fuck, this can go two ways, I can make her hate me so she stays away or I can try my damned hardest to be a friend and fuck my feelings for her out of my system. What to do? The door swings open and two girls walk out and my eyes meet the cute blonde that was sucking face with Skeet earlier. Leah turns towards the girls and I see her body tense; is she jealous?

“Ladies,” I address them with my signature Phoenix smirk. I see Leah shake her head and head to the door, what the fuck? “Where are you going, Lipsy?

“Fuck off, Reeve. Let’s just stay out of each other’s way as much as possible. What the fuck was I thinking, that we could have a decent conversation and try to be friends?  Guess I was wrong.” She shakes her head and walks back through the door. Jesus Christ, she is infuriating. I really need to fix this shit with Leah, I like my balls firmly attached to my body. The girls who just walked out just stare at the door Leah walked through. Do I chase after her or not? Fuck if I know. Maybe I will let her cool off a little.

“Her loss but our gain, baby. We can take care of you and Skeet tonight. You game?” I force my head away from the door to look at the two hot blondes. They will do, I guess. Yes, I know, dickhead that’s me, get used to it.

“I’m always game, sweetheart. Let me get Skeet and we can get out of here and have a party of our own.” I wink and go inside to get Skeet, where I see Leah standing by the bar talking to a guy that I have seen around campus. Shit. Leah sees me coming and she closes the gap between her and the guy. He is a total ass; a fucking man-whore and yes, it’s the pot calling the kettle black but I have heard that he has habit of knocking around a few girls when he doesn’t get his way. I walk closer and Leah is now smiling at something he has said and my gut knots again; these fucking feelings are going to be the death of me one way or another.





Chapter 2



Steve is a funny guy; the way he is talking about his professors makes me wish that I had gone to college or university. He is enjoying life and making the most of his young years before he has to settle into a full time job and become an adult. Growing up is shit sometimes, but we have to do it. Steve is a good looking bloke, short blonde hair, with deep blue eyes. He says that he is on the school basketball team so yeah, he freaking towers over me even when I’m sitting on a bar stool. Again, being so short is shit sometimes. He leans forward to whisper in my ear.

“You want to get out of here?” He adds a soft, slow kiss to my neck just behind my ear. Shit, he smells good. I am about to tell him no when I see Mr.-Messing-With-My-Head making a beeline for us and he doesn’t look happy. Steve pulls back and follows my line of sight and straightens. “Anything I should know?” He nudges his head in Reeve’s direction. I shake my head no but I’m sure my face tells a different story as Steve pulls back just that little bit more.

“Lipsy, we are leaving, finish the drink. We are taking the party back to our place.” What the actual fuck?

“I’m fine right here, Reeve. I’m sure Steve can make sure I get back to Lucy’s place later.” I turn to Steve with a bright smile on my face. Given, it’s forced, but it’s there. “Right, Steve?” Praying that he agrees with me but Reeve doesn’t give him the chance to agree, he pulls me off the barstool and towards to back room. Steve just bloody stands there, watching the whole thing, dickhead. Even though I am mad as shit at Reeve, I can still feel the heat coming from the skin to skin contact from his hand wrapped around my arm. My mind goes into overdrive thinking things about Reeve. Why is he acting like an arse? Why should he care if I pull a guy or not?

I try to pull my arm out of his grasp, but it is no use with the firm grip he has on me. Bastard. I see everyone watching the interaction between us but no-one is helping me, Ryder and Rafe smirking like they are in on a little triplet secret. Well, I want in as well. I want to know why the hell Reeve is blowing hot and cold with me. I get that attraction between us, it has been there since my first night here but I also know that Lucy has warned him away from me, bless her heart. We enter the back room and Reeve slams the door shut behind us and locks it. I turn from him only to see Skeet sitting on the black leather couch.

“You two took your damn time; I thought I was going to have to play with myself. This whole cat and mouse shit you two have going is getting old, already. Anyone can see there is something between you, so why not make it happen?” He winks at me and I blush, I fucking blush, I never blush. I know there is something there but I am scared to see where it goes; I have heard and even seen Reeve’s reputation first hand and my heart won’t be able to deal with that. I agree that the back and forth is annoying for people to see but hell, it is annoying to be living it.

Skeet reaches forward and pulls me into his lap and Reeve instantly sits next to us. The heat between the three of us is overwhelming and anyone walking into the room would feel it. I feel Skeet run his hand up my arm and around the back of my neck. He gently pulls me towards his face but stops short of our lips touching.

“Tell me to stop.” I can feel his warm breath on my lips; I instinctively lick my lips and see Skeet’s eyes follow the movement at the same time I feel more hands gently run up my leg. I turn to see Reeve watching us, his hand the moving further up my thigh. My body tingles as I look back to Skeet, who is now wearing a very seductive smile on his perfect plumps lips. He brings his head forward and his lips meet mine; they are soft and warm and by Christ he tastes good. I can taste the beer on his tongue as it enters my mouth, I moan from the intrusion and I hear a growl coming from next to us. I pull my lips from Skeet’s to see Reeve staring at us, his eyes almost black, and they are filled with lust. Fuck, that makes him look even sexier, knowing that it’s me kissing Skeet that’s put that look there. I can feel my knickers getting even more wet just by that look. Skeet now has his hand sliding up my inner thigh and I tense up but keep my eyes locked on Reeve’s.

“My turn,” he rasps out as he grabs the back of my neck and slams his mouth to mine. I gasp at the sudden force and he takes full advantage and plows his tongue into my mouth. Holy shit, he tastes better than Skeet and that is saying something. My mind is solely on Reeve and our kiss until I feel fingers sliding over the front on my very wet knickers. I jump from the touch, just as someone knocks on the door. That one knock brings me back to reality; this is so not what I fucking wanted. What the hell is wrong with me?

I clamber off Skeet’s lap and right my skirt and dart for the door. Another knock comes, causing my heart to jump into my throat. I close my eyes and slow my breathing down and turn to see that Reeve is still sitting on the couch but Skeet is now standing, adjusting his very noticeable bulge in his jeans. I can't read Reeve, he isn't showing any emotions. I take a deep breath and address them both.

“This can't happen. It too much for me. It’s not who I am, I’m sorry.” I open the door to find a very fake as shit blonde standing there. She looks me up and down and her lips curl up in disgust. She looks over my shoulder at the boys behind me.

“You finished with the boys? I want my turn.” I turn to Reeve and Skeet and I see Skeet go to say something but Reeve cuts him off.

“Yeah, doll, we are finished, come on in. Leah close the door behind you will you?” I see Skeet shoot daggers at him as Reeve dismisses me and he just smiles. I shake my head and fight the tears trying to escape.

“Lucky escape for me. See you around, Skeet.” He nods to me and I close the door behind me. I hear Reeve shout ‘fuck’ behind the door but I keep walking. This just proves that there will never be anything between us; there can't be anything between us. Marc hurt me when he cheated but the hurt quickly went away but what I feel for Reeve already is enough to destroy me if we take it further. What just happened in that back room is for the best. He will never change his ways for me and I wouldn’t expect him to. If he wants to change then he has to do it for him and not for the women in his life.


Three days later, I hit the mall with all the girls. Lucy is in full baby mode; she is already 31 weeks pregnant and baby Phoenix will be here before we know it. Lucy and Rafe are not letting on with baby sex and baby names which is sweet, they want to surprise everyone. I know that it is driving Maisey and Kenzi crazy and I have to laugh at them when they pick up cute little outfits and Lucy shoots them down.

“Oh come on dude, you have to tell us, it will be easier this way for everyone. You know you want to, pleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee?” Kenzie whines like a little child and we all laugh at her. She pouts and folds her arms across her chest. I see Letty and Demi make their way towards us, Demi straight to Lucy and kissing her big baby belly.

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