Read Relic (The Brethren Series) Online

Authors: Deena Remiel

Tags: #A Brethren Novel

Relic (The Brethren Series) (32 page)

BOOK: Relic (The Brethren Series)
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“No, Serena, I promise. In fact they kinda look like tattoos. It’s pretty damn cool in my opinion.”

“Okay. Let’s get me hitched!” She hooked her arm in Callie’s, and they walked out the front door to the waiting limousine.




“Is she here yet?” Raphael asked Kemuel nervously, his palms cold and clammy. He may have been Mr. Calm, Cool, and Collected earlier, but right now he felt anything but.

“I don’t see the limo yet, brother. Don’t worry. She’ll be here.”

“Is Fred where I told you to put him?”

“For the hundredth time, yes. Now relax would you? You’re driving me crazy!”

“Excuse me, gentlemen, it’s time to take your places. The limousine has arrived.” Father Vasquez pointed to the open door of the church.

“Oh Lord! Here we go!” Raphael ran to hide behind a curtain.
I feel utterly ridiculous, but I wouldn’t miss Serena’s reaction for the world
. He watched as she entered the chapel with Callie. She stood there alone, a vision, an angel in her own right, and Raphael found it difficult to hold himself back from exposing his plans just so he could touch her. She epitomized the meaning of her name in that one solitary moment, serenity, and he knew he’d finally found his when he’d asked her to marry him.



Serena floated in on a cloud to the chapel’s foyer and whispered breathlessly to Callie, “This is it, my friend. What I’ve dreamed of all my life.”

“I’m so glad I could be here with you for this. Enjoy every moment. Savor it. Because this is forever, girlfriend.” Callie gave her a kiss on her cheek and entered the chapel.

No truer words have ever been spoken

“Where’s my father?” Serena asked no one in particular. She looked around the foyer for a wheelchair, but saw nothing. Had Kemuel forgotten to pick him up?
Absurd. Where is he
The bathroom, perhaps
? She didn’t know, and she’d had enough of guessing.

“Where is my father?” she fumed. She twirled around, stricken by a memory of watching her father shaving in the morning. The scent of Old Spice tickled and teased her nose.

“What’s all the squawking about? I’m right here, sweet pea.”

Serena turned toward the sound of a voice from the past. A voice she’d been aching to hear for the longest time. And there, stepping out of the shadows and walking toward her, she thought was the ghost of a man she’d loved as a child and lost.

“Daddy?” she whispered. “It can’t be.” Serena stood paralyzed, her flowers dropped and forgotten on the floor. She blinked. The ghost moved closer.

“Daddy,” her voice quavered, “is it really you?”

“Yes, Serena darling.” Tears welled in his eyes. “It’s me.”

Serena couldn’t move; her feet refused to listen to her heart screaming for them to run, run into her father’s arms.

“Daddy? I…I can’t move,” she whispered and gasped for air. But her arms could, and opened wide in invitation. When her father reached her, he picked her up, and she clung to him as only a daughter could a father.

“Daddy, I’ve missed you so!” she cried out through her sobs of joy. “But how…I mean…nobody thought you would….” She held his face in her hands, searching his eyes for an answer to this miracle, and in their reflection, they told her everything she needed to know.

“Raphael,” she whispered. She leaned her forehead against her father’s and closed her eyes briefly. Her secret prayers had been answered, and by her own angel no less.

“Yes, sweetheart. Guilty as charged.” Raphael came out from his hiding place and approached the two who were now arm in arm. “How could we have a wedding without your father standing by your side? I couldn’t bear it, knowing what I’m capable of doing. And your dad has promised me he would join the land of the living, start over, appreciate all he has, and not grieve over what he’s lost. Isn’t that right, Dad?”

“Absolutely, son.” Serena’s father smiled broadly, and then frowned. “Serena, I’m so sorry. When your mother left us, I know I left you, too. Emotionally, I abandoned you and your brother. I know it’s too late for Jared and me, may he rest in peace, but it’s not too late for us. I’m going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you, starting with today. I’d like to walk you down the aisle, if you’ll have me. What do you say?”

“I say I couldn’t imagine a more perfect day or moment as this. It’s what I’ve dreamed of and prayed for,” she gushed. She turned to Raphael. “Thank you.”

“Hey, what’s the holdup? Sere…. Oh, my God!” Callie exclaimed as she came out of the chapel with Kemuel tagging behind. “Mr. Sikes! Is that you? Serena, your…your father is standing! He’s actually standing! It’s a miracle!”

“Yes, and I’m walking and talking, too,” he joked, and extended his hand. She shook it vigorously. “You must be Callie. Serena’s spoken of you so often during her visits. Thank you for being such a dear friend to her.”

“Well, you see, Mr. Sikes, Serena’s more like a sister to me.” Callie’s voice broke with emotion. She coughed and continued. “Now before we dissolve into total sappy land, what do you say we get these two fine people hitched? We can all cry as much as we want later. Kemuel, help your friend here find his spot, will you?”

Kemuel dutifully ushered Raphael into the chapel while Callie took her place before Serena and her father. As the music began, father and daughter looked at one another.

“I just came back,” he whispered, snagging Serena again in a fierce hug, “and now I have to let you go. I don’t know if I can do this after all.”

“Let’s take it one step at a time, Daddy. One step at a time,” Serena comforted, with all the assuredness one had when the path ahead was clear and right and true.




Out in the desert, under the starlit indigo sky, the coyotes howled at the moon, the crickets chimed in to complete the serenade, and Serena and Raphael drank in their fill of the earth and sky, and of each other.

“Say them again, Raphael,” she requested drowsily, making light circles with her fingers on his chest and stomach, raising goose bumps on his skin, and she felt him shiver.

“Say what again, sweetheart?” he responded, picking up those fingers and kissing each of their tips, one at a time. He shifted slightly in their sleeping bag, and she could see his face, glowing in the moon’s golden light. He kept her as close as a second skin. Some people had thought they were a little crazy to camp out as a honeymoon, but those who knew them well enough knew better how deeply connected to the land the two of them were.

“Say your vows again to me. They were so beautiful; I don’t think I’ll ever tire of hearing them.”

“Gee, sweetie, I don’t know if I remember them. It’s been so long since I’ve recited them. At the least, twelve hours ago.” She gave him a pinch. “Ow!” He laughed heartily. “Okay, okay! I’ll do it. But only because you’re so goddamn irresistible. And because I love you.”

“Thank you. And I love you, too,” Serena cooed and batted her eyes at him.

“Let’s see, how did I begin? Oh yes…. Serena, you are my forever love. I pledge to you my heart and soul, the very essence of who I am. I promise to cherish you, honor you, heal and comfort you always, until the end of time.” Raphael eyes glistened with tears as he leaned in to kiss her, skimming over her lips lightly like a whisper. Serena deepened the kiss, wanting—no, needing to not only feel his lips against hers, but to taste him. And by tasting him, knowing him as no other would.

“Oh, Raphael, I love you so very much,” she sighed against his mouth. “You know I’ve dreamed of having five kids, right?”

“Mm hmm.” He caressed her cheek while nibbling her bottom lip.

“And two dogs and two cats.” She raked her hands through his hair and pulled him impossibly closer.

“Uh huh.” He flipped her on her back and hovered, staring at her with all seriousness. “Don’t forget the parrot named Jim, sweetheart.”

Serena gaped at him.

“What?” he asked with innocence laced in his voice. “You know my thoughts and dreams; it’s only fair that I found out yours.”

“I’ll give you that. So, can you tell what I’m thinking right now?” she asked saucily.

“Oh honey, I think there are laws against saying out loud what you’re thinking right now. But I’m all for breaking them with you, over and over again.”






It was the mystique of Arizona’s history and landscape that called to Deena and catapulted her career as an author. When she’s not writing novels and poetry in the wee, small hours of the morning or in the deep, dark of night, Deena teaches language arts to middle school students. She currently lives in Gilbert with her husband and two children, but New Jersey will always tug at the heartstrings.


You can visit Deena at:




A Brethren Novel


One way or another, terror will reign tonight


School teacher and single mom, Emma Livingston, has been through hell—and back so she thinks. While dealing with the night terrors and active imagination of her five-year old daughter, Hannah, she attempts to lead a normal life. That is, until the demon from those nightmares pays her a visit, too, and threatens both of their lives. Desperate, she reaches out for help—and finds Michael waiting.

Michael D’Angelo is known to everyone in Prophet’s Point, Arizona, as their loving elementary school principal. But to The Brethren, he is the most powerful Protector. Immortal and angelic does not mean he’s without doubts or fears, as protecting Emma and Hannah from Evil tests his ability to fight his tortured past.

As the Trinity is formed, ancient secrets are revealed and faith is tested. When a prophecy is exposed, Hannah becomes the main target and Emma wonders if a normal life will ever be possible again. Hope is like an anchor, but can a mother, her daughter, and an angel overcome the evil determined to annihilate the world?




Ghost of a Chance

A 1Night Stand Story


Susannah’s married to her career. And she’s about ready for a divorce. Drowning in grief over the loss of her husband years ago, she initially immersed herself in a high-powered position at her marketing firm. But recently, she’s lost that loving feeling. Is she finally able to accept that her need for a man, for love in her life is stronger than her desire to bury it?

Remy, once a high-profile building magnate, is a ghost of a man, literally. Cursed by a vengeful ex-wife he neglected, he’s relegated to shadows of his former world. She meant for him to spend the rest of his life without the chance of normalcy ever again, and he believed she succeeded. But could there be a way out?

Susannah and Remy, two people ghosting through life, until they are brought together by a fateful One Night Stand. Both are seeking re-entry to the land of the living and loving. Can they fulfill each other’s deepest desires and learn what it means to live again?

Ghost of a Chance



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Seven


BOOK: Relic (The Brethren Series)
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