Relinquish: Book II of the Rising Trilogy (24 page)

BOOK: Relinquish: Book II of the Rising Trilogy
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I press back my shoulders as Drakon flings himself to the ground in an act of humiliation. “No, my king. Never!”

“Malek.” The seven-foot-tall guard jogs forward, his body armor clanking together. “Remove Drakon from my sight. See to it that he learns how to mind his tongue.”

Drakon’s pleas for mercy turn to wailing cries as Malek grabs Drakon by the scruff of his neck and drags him from the room, kicking and shouting. Aloysius turns his back on the scene and clasps my hands in his. “Are you sure you want him?”

I nod, feeling my curls bounce about my cheeks. “His eyes look honest,” I say, turning to search the young man for any sign of deceit. “I believe we can trust him with my life. He is the one I choose, if you are willing.”

A kind smile spreads across Aloysius’s face as he leans in and places a kiss upon my cheek. “Then let this prisoner be my first gift to you.”

I grin as I tuck my arm into his, pleased with how proud he looks. Placing his hand over mine, he addresses the man. “What is your name?”

The wounded man hesitates, casting a wary glance between us. He pushes up to his feet, wincing as he holds his side. He wavers slightly on his feet but stands up tall. “Bastien, my… king.” His gaze shifts toward me and I feel heat rise from the bodice of my dress.

Bastien… I’m here!

“I promise I will give my life to protect my future queen,” the man announces boldly.

Aloysius dips his head. “And so you may, someday. For now, leave us. Alesta will see to it that you are cleaned
up properly.”

He struggles to offer a bow. Aloysius waves him off and ignores him as he returns his attention to me. He raises a hand and slowly trails a finger across my cheek, staring intently into my eyes. “You are even more beautiful than I imagined.”

His eyes dip low, lingering upon my chest. I can feel a blush rising into my cheeks.

What I wouldn’t give to knee him in the groin.

My smile wavers as he suddenly steps back. “How rude of me to keep you so long. I’m sure you are exhausted from your journey. Alesta will see to it that you have time to rest and freshen up. I would be honored if you would join me for a tour of the palace this evening.”

“Of course.” I smile, pleased that he is so attentive. I had hoped he would be.

“One last thing before you leave.” He tugs back on my hand as I start toward the door. I frown, sure that I have somehow displeased him, but when he dips his head and presses his lips against mine, I realize his intent. I slip my arms around his neck, drawing him close as I sink into his embrace. His arms tighten around me, unwilling to leave an inch of space between us.

Oh, gross! Get him off me!

“You taste like the sweetest honey,” he murmurs against my lips. His hands rise along my spine, pulling me closer as his lips explore my cheekbones and dip to my jaw

“I’m glad you find me pleasing.”

His hands splay across my back, his fingers digging into my flesh. I can feel a sense of urgency within him and laugh, pulling back from him. He frowns. “So much that I fear I may compromise our wedding night if you remain.”

I laugh and lean in to him. “It has been very nice meeting you,” I whisper and kiss him once more. “But I really would like a bath.”

“Of course.” He finally releases me and watches as I walk toward the exit. A guard pushes open the door for me. I turn back in the doorway and wave. Aloysius seems pleased as he waves back.

The instant the doors close behind me, I double over, feeling as if I’ve been punched in the gut. I gasp,
frantically wiping at my lips.

“My lady? Are you ill?” The guard rushes forward.

“No.” I shake my head, rising up as I fight to compose myself. I offer him what I hope to be a convincing smile. “I’m just tired from my journey. Could you please take me to my room?”

“I’ll take her,” a familiar voice calls out.

My knees nearly give way as Alesta appears, her hand sweeping gracefully over the curved staircase bannister as she descends from the floor above. “Let’s get you to bed, shall we?”

I nod, allowing Alesta to guide me down winding halls and past countless doors. This place seems to have no end. Just as I begin to fear I will never be alone, Alesta stops in front of a pair of hand-carved cherry-colored wooden doors. The engraving is exquisite, but I hardly have the heart to care as I pass through the archway.

Alesta releases me the moment I’m inside and turns to lock the doors. “Are you all right? I was so worried about you. When I heard all of the shouting, I feared the worst.”

My hands tremble at my sides as they hang limply. Tears stream freely down my cheeks as I sink to the floor.

I feel dirty, used. If I close my eyes, I can still feel Aloysius’s hands upon my body, hear myself screaming in protest, locked within my own mind.

“It was horrible,” I whimper. Drawing my legs up into my chest, I wrap my arms about them, rocking ever so slightly. “I could hear myself talking, could feel everything, but I was helpless to stop it.”

Alesta eyes me warily. “Are you… you again?”

“Yes.” I nod. “I think so.”

“There’s only one way to be sure.” She steps past me and opens another set of double doors. Inside, the room is darker, the lights dimmer, but I can still make out a shape upon the bed. I can smell the metallic scent of blood.




I sink down beside Bastien, my hands quaking as I grip his hand. He groans but does not wake.

“He was like this when they brought him in. All they told me was to take care of him for you, but I didn’t understand what they meant.” Alesta chews on her lower lip, hovering just behind me. “Is this your friend?”

“Yes,” I whisper as I brush my fingertips across his swollen eye. “Drakon did this.”

Alesta stands silently beside me. I can feel her concern, but she doesn’t speak as I lean forward and place a kiss upon his forehead. His skin is clammy. “He needs medicine. I don’t have any here, but I can return to my home and get something for him.”

“No need.” Lifting Bastien’s hand to my lips, I close my eyes and concentrate. I can feel warmth beginning to spread along my limbs, rising to meet up with my heart. Behind closed eyelids, I can see the healing glow, hear Alesta’s gasp, but none of it matters. I focus on the beating of his heart, pushing the healing fires from my body into his.

I saved his life in much the same way a year ago, the day before we faced off with Drakon. In a surprise attack on our base, Bastien had been gravely wounded. I arrived in time to save him, but his healing came with a cost.


A hand reaches out to cup my face. I press my cheek into the palm of his hand, not caring that he can feel my tears. “I thought I lost you,” I whisper.

He blinks several times, obviously confused about his surroundings. He rolls his head to the side and smiles. “You look good.”

I laugh and wipe at my eyes. “It figures you would like the outfit.”

“Nah.” He grunts as he lifts himself into a sitting position. “I like what’s in it.”

Blushing furiously, I avert my gaze and realize Alesta stands behind me. “Oh, I’m sorry. Bastien, this is Alesta, my…” I pause, unsure of what exactly I should call

Alesta smiles and steps forward, her hand outstretched. “I’m her maid.”

He casts a wary glance at me. “Do you trust her?”

She stiffens and lowers her gaze. I reach out and take her hand, squeezing it once. “I do.”

Her cheeks flush with a pleasant rose color. “What will you do with him?” Alesta asks. Her gaze sweeps slowly over Bastien and I can feel my ire rising as she blushes.

“He’s my bodyguard. Is there somewhere he can stay?” I look around the room. The walls are lined with freshly picked flowers; an array of beautiful petals of different shapes and sizes adorn the shelves.

“Over here.” Alesta places her hand on a hidden panel. It opens to reveal a very masculine bedroom beyond. It holds a double bed with black covers, a writing desk, a wardrobe on the far wall, and a small functional bathroom. Certainly nothing like my own room, but it will do.

“It’s perfect. Do you mind if we have some privacy?”

Alesta smiles and motions that she is going to wait outside. The door closes behind her and I am instantly swept into Bastien’s arms. He presses his face into my neck, holding me tightly. “I thought I’d never see you again,” he breathes.

The memory of seeing him so badly beaten, lying helplessly on the floor, makes my stomach turn sour. I cling to him, trembling. “I saved you. I don’t know how, but I did.”

He leans back, staring deep into my eyes. “When you looked at me, I knew you didn’t really know me.”

“I know.” He reaches up to wipe away my tears. “It was like being trapped in a cell with no walls, no doors. I screamed and screamed, but I couldn’t stop what was happening. It was like a fog had fallen over my mind. I was confused, especially when I saw you. I knew you felt familiar. Oh, God!” I clasp my hand over my mouth as I sink down onto the bed.

“What’s wrong?”

“What if I hadn’t stopped Drakon? You might be in
a prison somewhere right now, or worse. Oh, Bastien.” I cling to him, tugging at his torn shirt, needing his strength. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

His breath unsettles my hair as he presses his cheeks against my head. “You can. I’ve always had faith in you.” Placing his hand over my heart, he smiles. “Aloysius may have control over your mind, but he can’t touch this. Not your soul, not who you really are. Kyan said once you were near Aloysius, you would be his for good. And yet here we sit, normal and of free mind. Doesn’t that prove something?”

I listen to his words, wishing I could turn back time, or at least wipe away my memories. “You aren’t supposed to be here. My vision…”

“Can’t be changed,” he says, drawing back. “I had a lot of time to think after Drakon got done pounding on me, and do you want to know what I realized?” He pushes me back gently so he can look into my eyes. “I was right. You are worth dying for.”

“No.” I drop my head, feeling as if all is lost. “I won’t let this happen.”

He gently lifts my chin. His smile is sad but content. “I’m a tough guy to kill. Haven’t you figure that out by now?”

I laugh and nod. “You do seem to get lucky a lot.”

“Luck.” He scoffs. “When are you going to learn that I’m awesome?”

I glance away, feeling my throat constrict. “I never forgot.”


I stare down at the crimson dress that Alesta has laid out for me and sigh. Same design. Same painfully sheer top. “What is it with guys and breasts?” I mutter.

“I heard that,” Bastien calls from the other side of the door. We haven’t spoken all afternoon, not after my little reminder of topics that neither of us are comfortable discussing at the moment. Despite Bastien revealing that he’s still in love with me, neither of us have spoken about it since then. I simply don’t know what I can say that will make any of this less painful. Having him here with me is the complete opposite of what I wanted, yet I couldn’t
imagine going through this without him. “And to answer your question, breasts are beautiful.”


“I’m not strictly speaking about yours… not that there is anything wrong with yours,” he rushes to add. I can hear him pacing in his room. “Yours are, wow, totally perfect, but… I just… aw, crap…” He finally trails off. “Never mind. I’m an idiot.”

“No.” I smile at myself in the mirror. Red actually suits me rather well. “It’s kinda sweet.”

“Sweet?” He stops pacing. “Sweet as in brotherly affection sort of sweet or sweet as in you want to rip my clothes off and thank me for the compliment?”

I laugh and slip the top over my shoulders. The black lace that trims the bottom falls just over my ribs, making the curve of my waist look more slender than normal. Alesta has a good eye for fashion. “Which would you prefer?”

“Honestly.” He blows out a breath. I peek around the door to see him sink onto the bed and run his hand through his hair. He falls back and stares up at the ceiling. “I don’t know.”

I hide my smile as I push open the door, standing timidly in the doorway. I clear my throat. He rolls his head to the side, his eyes widening. “Definitely the clothes-ripping one.”

I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the door. “I feel so exposed in this.”

“Well…” He clears his throat and averts his gaze. “There’s, uh… there’s not a whole lot left for the imagination.”

I grab a pillow off the side chair and hurl it at him. “Hey! What was that for?”

“For stating the obvious.” I turn and exit his room. He quickly follows after and I can’t help but wonder if he is staring at my backside as I flee.

“What did you want me to say? It’s the truth.”

“I know.” I close my eyes, sighing. “I’m sorry. It’s not your fault I have to wear this stupid dress.”

He steps closer, hesitantly resting his hand upon my shoulder. “Would it help if I stripped down to just my pants? It would be a bit more fair.”

“I’m not sure that would be a good idea,” I say, looking at him from over my shoulder.

“Why is that?” he asks, clearing his throat. I watch as his gaze dips to my mouth and then jerks back up to focus on my eyes. It’s hard not to notice how stunning he looks in his new uniform. It stretches tightly over his well-defined stomach and arms. His hair is still damp from his shower, his face cleanly shaven. I ache to touch his chin now that the stubble has been removed, but I resist.

“Because I think Alesta might enjoy it a bit too much.”

His brows dip in confusion. “Alesta…” He smirks as I crack a smile. He shakes his head, snorting. “Yeah. Wouldn’t want to get the help all hot and bothered. Good point.”

I turn around, lowering my arms. There is no sense in hiding from him. I step toward him and take hold of his hand, watching as his gaze flickers but remains fixed on my face. “Look at me,” I whisper.

“Illyria, I don’t think—” I pull him toward me, cutting him off.

“Please. It’s bad enough I have to worry about what everyone else is thinking. I don’t want to wonder about you too.”

Bastien’s gaze is guarded as he stares at me, giving me the chance to change my mind. “You’re sure?”

I nod and step back. Although the lights overhead are dimmed, I know there is plenty of light to see every detail of my body. As Bastien slowly lowers his gaze, I know there will be little hidden from his eyes.

His gaze flits over my body, not pausing long on any one area. He doesn’t ogle me or make me feel dirty. Instead, he makes me feel appreciated. Finally, he tugs on my hand, drawing me back to him. Lifting my chin, he smiles. “You are just as beautiful as I imagined you would be.”

A blush warms my cheeks and his smile broadens. “I think you might need to figure out how to use that lock, though.”

“Why?” I look toward his door, confused.

He leans down and whispers into my ear, “I have a tendency to sleepwalk.”


Walking beside Alesta through the great halls of the palace, I can’t help but wonder where everyone is. Surely we’re not the only ones who live in this massive building, yet the only people I see are guards standing watch over doors sporadically placed throughout the palace. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to where they’re located.

I’m painfully aware of Bastien walking behind me, three steps back as Alesta informed him is required. My stomach is balled with nerves.
Will he stay with me while I’m on the tour with Aloysius? Will he be forced to endure silently alongside me?

I cast a glance back over my shoulder and he gives me a curt yet expressionless nod. A nod that any common stranger would offer.

There is a tension between us that we all sense. Me most of all. Alesta likes Bastien. It’s as obvious to me as the sun sinking below the distant tree line. What I find to be even more frustrating is the fact that Bastien noticed as well and did not turn away. Instead, he smiled back.

Bastien reaches out and touches my hand, and I motion for Alesta to lead the way. He draws up beside me, chin lifted high, eyes focused forward. “It’s not what you think,” he whispers, barely moving his lips.

“No, I get it.” I shrug. “She’s gorgeous. Why wouldn’t you check her out?”

A growl rumbles in his chest and I can see him fighting to conceal his frustrating. “When are you going to stop treating me like every other guy? I didn’t check you out when you stood before me in that… dress. Why would you think I would do that with her?”

“I saw you smirk.”

“Yeah.” He tugs on my arm and I slow my pace. Alesta frowns over her shoulder at us but moves on. “That’s because she reminded me of you. Of the way you used to look at me when we first met.”

“Oh.” I release a breath. “I see. Well, you don’t have to encourage her.”

Bastien places a hand upon my arm and increases
our speed. To a normal outsider, this might look completely innocent, but I know it isn’t. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re jealous.”

“Of course I am,” I hiss.

“Well, I won’t hold it against you.” He releases my arms as we draw closer to Alesta. “It’s impossible with you looking so hot.”

Rolling my eyes, I grit my teeth at the blush that I can feel rising to my cheeks. “Stop that. You know I hate it when you make me blush.”

“But you look so sexy when you do.” He hides a smile behind his hand as he pretends to cough. “I just can’t help myself.”

Alesta waits for us near the turn in the hall. I look beyond her for any sign of an exit but see none. I inwardly groan, wishing someone would let me walk barefoot instead of tottering on these ridiculous heels. She casts a glance over my shoulder at Bastien and draws me away. He falls back to allow us room to speak in private.

“I have heard rumors this afternoon,” she whispers. She reaches out and teases my hair almost as an afterthought. “The palace servants seem abuzz about wedding plans.”

My mouth suddenly seems very dry. “Wedding… wedding plans? So soon?”

Alesta’s hand tightens upon my arm. “King Aloysius is nothing if not motivated. Knowing him, you will be married within the week, if not sooner.”

I can tell by her gaze that she is saddened by this thought. Her illusions of a happy bride were burst the first moment she walked into my room. Bastien doesn’t trust her, but I choose to. It may be foolish of me, but I need to believe there are some good people here.

BOOK: Relinquish: Book II of the Rising Trilogy
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