Relinquish: Book II of the Rising Trilogy (25 page)

BOOK: Relinquish: Book II of the Rising Trilogy
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Staring down at my hand, I wonder how long my ring finger will remain barren. I suppose they exchange rings here. I realize with a start that I know nothing of their customs. Kyan always steered us away from that topic and now, when I need the information the most, I’m left clueless.

Alesta resumes her rapid pace. The sun has begun to set and I know the king must be waiting. “I feel like I’m
losing myself,” I whisper conspiratorially to her, but I know Bastien heard too.

“I’ll be with you.” Glancing back over her shoulder, she smiles at Bastien. He simply nods. “We’ll be with you.”

“Thank you.” My throat tightens as Alesta brings me to a halt before two sweeping glass doors, covered in beautiful white gossamer. I can see the palace grounds beyond, glowing with a nearly iridescent hue in the fading light.

Opening the doors, Alesta steps aside. “I’ll be here when you are done.”

I step through the doors, grateful that Bastien is right on my heels. He walks closer than he needs to, but I don’t tell him to back off. I feel more confident with him near me.

“You have a tear in the back of your dress,” he mutters under his breath.

I stiffen, horrified at the thought, but then I realize there is hardly any need. It’s not as if people can’t see everything already. “Why didn’t you tell me before we stepped outside?”

“I was going to… but then I started to enjoy the view.”

If there’d been a way to swat him without gaining the attention of peering eyes, I would have gladly done it. Instead, I force a smile onto my face and walk ahead. I put a little sway into my walk, enjoying the slight hitch in his breath.
I can play this game just as well as you can
, I inwardly gloat.

I spy Aloysius standing with his hands clasped behind his back and feel panic grip me. “Stay with me,” I whisper just before he turns and I feel myself fade away.

“My darling.” Aloysius hurries to my side, leaning in to place a kiss on both of my cheeks. “I was getting worried. You were delayed.”

Of course I was. Did you really think I would want to be near you?

“There is a tear in my dress.” Aloysius glances beside me at Bastien. He stands rigid several feet back, staring blankly at the water fountain. The image of a perfectly obedient servant. “I do apologize for keeping you waiting. I only wanted to look my best.”

I wish I could knock myself out!

“Of course.” He offers his arm and I take it. “My thanks to you, slave, but you may leave us. She will be perfectly safe in my company.”

Bastien bows low and spins on his heel, leaving me without a single glance back. His steps are wooden, forced.

No! Wait! Come back! Don’t leave me with him!

I smile up at Aloysius as he leads me from the stone garden and down a path leading away from the veranda. “It’s beautiful here,” I whisper, peering across the darkened lawn. Small pots of flame line the pathway, flickering in brilliant reds and purples. I stare at them in wonder, but Aloysius draws me past. “I feel as if I’m in a dream.”

“A good dream, I hope.”

“Oh yes,” I say breathlessly as he leads me toward a bench. It is low and smooth, made of the same veined stone as the palace walls. He allows me to sit before releasing my arm. He sinks down beside me, his hand resting against my back, his thumb brushing against my spine.

A shiver ripples through me and I laugh, leaning into his shoulder. “How can you live among such beauty and not be awestruck by it?”

“Perhaps”—he leans in close, brushing his lips against my cheekbone—“because I have seen something of far greater beauty.”

I flush and lean into his touch.

I’m going to be sick.

His lips are soft as they explore my neck. I laugh and pull away, rubbing at the spot where he touched the sensitive skin near my ear. “I thought we were taking a tour of your home.”

“There is time for that later.” His voice has deepened, growing hoarse. I can feel the pressure against my back increase as he leans in closer.

I hear a whinny from nearby and rise up. “Is that a horse? Do you have those here?”

Aloysius offers me a tight smile along with his hand. “I suppose a tour is what I promised. Let me show you.”

He leads me down a winding path through a dense patch of weeping trees. Nestled inside is a large white wooden building, filled with row after row of stalls. The animals within the stalls remind me of the horses I’ve seen back on Earth, but these animals look more like a fairytale creature.

Large, flowing wings unfold by their sides as they stomp their black hoofs into the ground. The shiny silver animal nearest to me has a mane as dark as night, braided with sparkling silver and purple threads. Its back is adorned with a beautiful hand-woven blanket. The rest of the animal is a match to a horse in every way.

“What are these animals called?” It nuzzles against my hand, sniffing in search of a treat.

Aloysius reaches into a bag that hangs from the stall door and hands me a bright-purple fruit, its skin glossy and cool to the touch. “This is an Inara. They are found only on Calisted and our surrounding moons. We have searched the stars and never come across another creature like these. I named my ship after them.” I turn to look at him, confused. “Pegasus, from Greek mythology.”

I glance back at the animal. “I never heard of that before.”

“Really?” He reaches out and pets the animal as I feed it the fruit. Warm juices run over my fingers as it bites through half of it and the returns for the rest. “I suppose there is much I could tell you about Earth.”

I smile and twirl my fingers through the Inara’s hair. “I would like that.”

“Would you like to take a ride with me tomorrow? I know a perfect place that we could go.” His gaze shifts down the long row of stalls and he smiles as he takes my hand in his, ignoring the sticky residue of the fruit. “Pick any one and it is yours.”

“Really?” My eyes widen with wonder. “May I have this one, then?”

Boy, he sure knows how to lay it on thick.

My future husband laughs, nodding in consent. “I had thought she might be your first choice. Her name is Edana, which means fire. I think the two of you will get along just fine.”

“Hello, Edana,” I coo, pressing my hand to her nose. “I know we will be the best of friends.”

“Tomorrow we will meet after breakfast. You will love the beach. The oceans are quite spectacular and the view… Well, you’ll have to see it to understand.”


I arrive at the stables early, hoping to surprise Aloysius. Secretly, I want to spend some time by myself with Edana. She is beautiful in the sunlight, her coat sparkling like a multi-faceted precious stone.

She is soft as silk and warm beneath the dappled sunlight. The sound of hooves catches my attention, and I glance up to see Aloysius approaching, already in his saddle. His mount is strong and nearly a hand taller than Edana. Muscle ripples beneath a sheen of black. “He is beautiful, my king,” I gush, forgetting to use his name as I rush forward to stroke him.

Aloysius fondly pats his mount’s flank. “This is Eron. His name means mountain of strength.”

“I can see why,” I laugh, stepping away. “He suits you well, my king.”

“Darling, please call me Aloysius.”

I grimace, realizing my mistake. “I’m sorry. It just seems so informal and I barely know you.”

He reaches down and brushes his hand along my cheek. “You will know me better than any woman has before. Come. Let’s ride.”

I whoop with glee as I swing up into Edana’s saddle, amazed at how natural it feels. I gallop behind Aloysius, using what little instruction he gave me the night before to steer. In all fairness, Edana does all of the work. I’m merely along for the ride.

After ten minutes at a hard gallop, we reach the far wall. At the sound of our approach, the gate begins to swing open and we race through without slowing. Trees line the dirt path, blurring past as I feel the strength and agility of Edana between my legs. My dress billows around me, flapping wildly in the wind.

Edana moves with smooth, flawless strides. Her hooves dig into the ground, easily keeping pace with Eron.

I bet he’d throw a fit if he came in last. Do it! Let’s see if he does.

I urge Edana forward, grinning as she begins to take the lead. My hair escapes out of its clips, rippling behind me like a sail. I feel alive. I feel powerful.

My soul connects with this land, the wind, sun, and moons beyond. I can feel a stirring deep within me. Strange currents of electricity flow over my arms, lassoing about my waist. I feel invincible upon Edana’s back.

An opening in the trees up ahead reveals our destination, and I pull back on the reins as the beach comes into full view. It is breathtaking. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined such beauty.

A cover sits below us, the sand white and perfect. The ocean stretches out before us, appearing to fall off the horizon. Beyond that, a million twinkling lights hang in the sky.

“Why can I see stars?” I ask breathlessly as I slip down from Edana’s back. She dips her head and begins to hunt for food nearby. Aloysius dismounts and comes to my side.

“The atmosphere here is different. It doesn’t reflect light in the same way.” He lifts his hand to point to the sky. “All of those pinpricks of light are worlds waiting to be discovered. We can do it, you and I. Together we can conquer.”

Conquer? Is that supposed to be romantic? Please!

“And the planet?”

In the distance, I can see two of Calisted’s moons, but looming in the sky before me is a planet nearly three times the size of ours. It fills my vision, stretching from the sky and dipping low into the ocean. I can see spirals of clouds upon its surface.

“That is Andromesus. A sister planet.”

“Can we go there?” I ask eagerly.

Aloysius laughs, nodding. “Someday I’ll take you there. It is not nearly as populated as our planet but is just as beautiful.”

I lean forward to stare at the ocean. “Can we go down there?”

He grins and clasps my hand. We run with the wind in our hair and the horses happily grazing on the hill above us. The sand feels hot upon my feet, and Aloysius sweeps me up into his arms until we reach the water’s edge.

The lavender waves lap over my toes, warm as bathwater and just as relaxing. The surface of the water is surprisingly calm, breaking farther offshore. In the distance, I can spot flashes of color as fish dart back and forth. I laugh as a wave crashes against a rock outcropping and sprays high into the air. I feel as if I have been here before.

“It is almost magical,” I whisper as I sink to the sand, spreading out my dress so I’m not burned, and then pull him down too. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

“I’m glad you like it.” He reaches out to tuck stray hairs behind my ear. “This is your beach. You’re welcome to come here whenever you like.”

“My beach?” I glance back at the ocean spread wide before me. “You own all of this?”

His laugh is deep and throaty. “I am the king, you know?”

I slap my forehead, feeling foolish. “Of course you are. It’s just hard to imagine sometimes.”

His arm slips around my shoulders as he draws me into his side. “Everything that is mine will soon be yours. This used to be my private beach, but now I want you to have it. It seems to please you.” He trails his finger down my nose.

“Thank you.” I hug him tightly to me, amazed at how lucky I am.

Really? Lucky? What is wrong with you? Wake up!

Aloysius draws back, his gaze soaking me in. “You look radiant in this light. It’s a shame we can’t have a beach wedding, but I’m afraid we’ll never fit all of our guests out here.”

I lower my gaze, flushing with pleasure. “You flatter me.”

He leans in and whispers in my ear, “I only speak the truth. You are even lovelier when you blush.”

Note to self: stop blushing!

Clasping his hand over mine, he looks at out the sea. “We need to speak of our wedding plans. If it’s all right with you, I don’t want to wait. Two days is all I need to throw the best wedding this planet has ever seen.”

“Two day?” I say breathlessly.

Two days? Is that all I have left?

“Does that bother you?”

I can see how important my answer is and smile warmly. “It is perfect.”

“And will you grant me one wish?” I sit up, waiting expectantly. “I know on Earth it is a tradition for the bride to wear white, but here on Calisted the royal color is purple. It would please me to have a dress made of the finest lavender fabric available. It will look lovely with your coloring.”

“The color doesn’t matter as long as it pleases you.” I smile, nearly bouncing with excitement. “I’m getting married,” I whisper with a smile.

I’m getting married
, the voice in my mind echoes sorrowfully.



Bastien is pacing in my room when I return. He looks at me expectantly, but his face falls with regret as I walk into his arms and bury my face in his neck, wrapping my arms under his to clasp his shoulders.

It is the same every time I return from being with Aloysius. Bastien holds me, not having to say a word. His presence is enough to wash away the feeling of being in Aloysius’s arms. That and a scalding shower.

I pull back and step away, unable to look at him as I speak. “We have two days.”

“‘Til what?”

‘Til the wedding.”

“So soon.” He hisses as he sucks in a breath. I can tell even without turning around that he is gritting his teeth. “You okay?”

“No,” I whisper, wrapping my arms about my waist.

Strong arms encircle me and I lean back into his grasp. He presses his lips against my neck, holding me. I can feel his anger and his helplessness. Being by my side, waiting for me to return, has meant more to me than he will ever know, but there is nothing he can do to stop this. My destiny is unfolding before my eyes and I’m powerless to stop it.

“I asked Alesta to have your food sent here tonight. She agreed that you need to rest. She muttered something about bags under your eyes when she left.”

He ushers me out of the sitting room and into my own, locking the door behind us. He waits as I go into the bathroom to tame my hair and clean the sand from my feet. When I return, I find him sitting on the edge of my bed, lacing and unlacing his fingers together. I sink down beside him, leaning into his shoulder. “Why the rush to get married? It’s not as if you’re fighting him?”

I sigh and lie back on the bed. “He is getting more anxious around me. I think he’s worried he won’t be able to restrain himself much longer.”

I dig my nails into the bed covers as he turns to look down at me. His face is shadowed in the dim light. I didn’t turn on any of the lights when I returned, but there is some
sunlight filtering around the curtains. “I promise I won’t let him touch you.”

“He already has.” I bite on my lower lip to stop its tremble. No matter how many times I wash out my mouth, I can still taste him on my lips, feel his hands sliding under my dress.

“Not like that. I would rather die than let him be with you on your wedding night.”

I close my eyes to the tears that come. He knows of my vision, knows that as my time draws near, so does his.

“I won’t let that happen,” I whisper, renewing my vow. I don’t know how I will save him, but I know I will. Even within the grip of Aloysius’s power, I still feel protective of him. I can only hope when the time comes I can break his spell once and for all. Sariana said that if anyone could do it, it would be me. I hope she is right.

“There’s something about this place, Bastien.” He lies down beside me, rolling his head to look at me. “I can’t explain it. It’s a connection. Have you felt it too?”

“No, but maybe it’s different for me.” He smiles at me as I yawn. Leaning forward, he presses a kiss against my forehead. “Get some rest. I’ll make sure no one bothers you for a few hours.”

The mattress shifts as he rises and moves to the door. “Bastien?” He turns back. “I’m really glad you’re here with me.”

He smiles. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”


I can’t place the exact reason why I wake with a start. Glancing toward the window, I realize night has fallen. An untouched tray of food sits on a side table. The door to Bastien’s room is closed and his light is off.

My room is dark, eerily so. I know I have no reason to fear with Bastien nearby, yet something feels off. I cling to my sheet as I slowly rise up in bed, peering into the shadows. I am not alone.

“Who is there?” I call out, my voice barely above a whisper. Bastien would never scare me like this. I glance toward my door and see the key lock is in place, so Alesta couldn’t have gotten in either. Bastien was adamant about not giving her the code, even when I protested on her behalf.

Over the past couple of days, I’ve grown fond of the young girl and that worries Bastien. He sees spies around every corner.

I wait in silence for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. The only light in the room is the moonlight streaming through the large window to the left of my bed. A warm breeze ruffles the edge of my sheet. A cold dread washes over me as I stare at the partially open window. I didn’t open that.

Just as I open my mouth to scream for Bastien, a hand clamps over my mouth. I thrust back my elbow, aiming for anything solid. He groans and I manage to wiggle free from his grasp. Leaping from the bed, I turn and crouch low in the bath of moonlight.

I watch as the intruder rises from the bed, his outline barely seen. I can tell he is a man by his height and the breadth of his shoulders. He raises a hand to stop me and I leap, throwing out my leg. He dives to the side, narrowly missing my attack. The instant he is on the floor, he turns and strikes out at me, knocking me off balance. An arm winds around my waist and I grunt as the full weight of my attacker settles onto me.

“Nice to see you too, Illyria.

My mouth gapes open and I stop fighting. I hardly recognize the sound of a door opening before the man above me is tackled and two shadows roll end over end, grunting. “Bastien, no!”

I hear the sound of punches being landed and rush forward, yanking on whoever is on top. “Stop,” I cry. “It’s Eamon!”

Bastien falls slack beneath my hand. “You’re sure?”

“Of course she’s sure, you idiot. Get off me!” Eamon grunts from below. “Wait a second… You know me? Why do you remember who I am, and what the heck is he doing in your bedroom at this time of the night?”

“Yep, that’s Eamon all right.” I watch as Bastien rolls off and rises swiftly to his feet. Eamon doesn’t move quite as fast. The instant he’s on his feet, I race into his arms, nearly knocking him over.

“Easy.” He laughs, wrapping his arms around me. I
bury my face into his chest and breathe in deep. He smells like home.

“What are you doing here?” Bastien asks. Realizing how awkward this must be for him, I step back a few paces and move to turn on the light. “No! Someone will see.”

Of course they will. Get it together, Illyria.

Bastien hurries toward the window and locks it, pushing a button beside it. A privacy screen lowers into place, casting the room into complete darkness.

“How did you get here?” Bastien asks, moving back toward his room. He switches on the light in the bathroom and closes the door partway.

Eamon shifts, crossing his arms over his chest. I call tell he is still ticked at finding Bastien here with me, but he leaps into his tale. “After Illyria went off with you, we received word that Drakon was on the move. Kyan knew we were in the area, so instead of heading straight back, we took a detour to a base about ten miles north. When we arrived, we found nothing. Even the buildings had been demolished. There was only one thing found in the rubble… a note.”

“What did it say?” I ask.

Eamon wipes a hand across his face. “I win.”

A shiver races down my spine as he continues. “I radioed back to Kyan and we headed home, only to arrive back to find a message from some girl named Niyah.”

Bastien stiffens. I shoot him a warning glance and he remains silent. “Kyan was agitated. He paced for nearly an hour straight. I’d never seen him so intense before. When he finally spoke, he ordered all of the Sky Ships to head to that base.”

“All of them?” I can’t believe he would risk our entire fleet for me.

“Yeah. It caused quite an uproar, but Kyan was adamant that we had to get there as fast as we could.” He pauses, scratching the back of his neck. “We arrived to find the base burning to the ground. The weird thing was that we couldn’t find many bodies. It was almost as if they set the fires themselves.”

“They did,” Bastien says, sinking down onto the edge of my bed. “It was an ambush and we walked right into it.”

“Yeah, we figured that out when we picked up that Niyah girl. Kyan was furious. He screamed at her for over an hour before he finally calmed down. She took it, though. No tears. Just nodded in agreement.”

“‘Course she did,” I mutter bitterly. Eamon casts a glance in my direction, but I wave him off.

“She smuggled one of the space transports before the whole place went up in flames. We all hopped aboard and came after you. Turns out Kyan knows this planet really well. He had some connections that helped us fly in under the radar. We’ve only just arrived a short while ago.”

“And you came straight here, of course,” Bastien mutters.

“Of course.” His response feels like a challenge, and I have no doubt it will be perceived as such by Bastien.

“What about Niyah?” I ask to divert their attention. Bastien stiffens, his hands clenching into fists upon his thighs.

“She came with us. Said she needed to make amends, whatever that means. She was pretty tightlipped on the way here. Refused to talk to anyone besides Kyan, and he wasn’t too forthcoming with information either.”

I look to Bastien, knowing I should get his permission before revealing anything to Eamon. He shrugs indifferently, but I’m not fooled. He is seething inside. Niyah had better stay far out of his way.

“Niyah is the reason we were captured. Her betrayal wasn’t because she was in league with Drakon,” I say, treading lightly. Bastien turns away. “She was jealous… of me. She thought if she handed me over to Drakon, he would let Bastien go.”

Eamon frowns. He tilts his head for a moment, thinking. I see the light of understanding brighten as he looks between us. A scowl settles onto his face. “Breaking hearts wherever you go, huh, Bastien?”

He is on his feet and in Eamon’s face before I can even react. I dive between them, pressing my hands on both of their chests but make little effect. “This isn’t the time, guys.” I push, my arms trembling as they lean in toward each other, going toe to toe. “Don’t make me force you,” I
grunt, sending tiny shocks through my hands to get their attention.

Bastien backs away first, but not because he wants to. I shove him back toward his room. Finally, he breaks off his staring match with Eamon to look down at me. “I need to talk to him… alone.”

His jaw clenches and for a moment I think he might protest. Instead, he dips his head in agreement, but not before tossing out a final threat. “If anything happens to her while I’m gone, I’ll hold you personally responsible.”

He leans forward and presses a kiss to my temple. “I’ll see if I can track down some food for you. I’m sure you’re hungry.”

“Thanks,” I reply awkwardly as he squeezes my shoulder and lets himself out. I wait to hear the security code keyed in from the opposite side of the door before I turn on Eamon. “Why do you two always have to be at each other’s throats?”

Eamon shrugs and sinks down into a chair. He looks tired. No, he looks exhausted. “He gets under my skin.”

I step into the light to close the door to Bastien’s room a bit more, and I hear Eamon gasp. “What are you wearing?”

I look down and groan, realizing I’m still wearing my darn dress. Crossing my arms over my chest, I turn and face him. “Don’t ask. This was
my idea.”

“You, uh… you do know that dress is see-through, right?”

“Oh my gosh! Really? You think I haven’t noticed that already?”

“Sorry.” He rises slowly from his chair and approaches. His steps are slow, measured. “I guess this has been really uncomfortable for you.”

“Uncomfortable?” I can hear the pitch of my voice rising as he stops before me. My back is to the light so I know he can only see the outline of my body, but I feel so exposed before him. First Bastien and now Eamon. Is there no ounce of privacy left for me? “I’ve had complete strangers eyeing me up since I got here, and Aloysius…” I shudder, not wanting to go there.

Eamon reaches out and grabs hold of my arms.
“Has he hurt you?”

“No,” I mutter. “He’s been… kind.”

“Kind?” He draws me near. “How kind?”

“Don’t worry. So far he’s focused all of his attention above the waist.”

Eamon’s hands grip me so hard I cry out, not from pain, but from surprise. “Bastien let him do that to you?”

I pull out of his grasp. “He didn’t
anything happen. He’s just as much a victim here as I am. Even if he were there watching, he wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop it.” I shudder at the thought, thankful that any private moments I’ve shared with Aloysius have been just that: private. I couldn’t bear for Bastien to be forced to watch.

Eamon begins to pace before me, no doubt angered by the fact that Bastien is the one here with me instead of him. Almost as if on cue, he turns and I see that his scowl has returned as I shift away from the light. “I bet Bastien’s been loving this outfit.”

A smack rings out in the silence of the room. My palm stings as I draw my hand back from his face. “Bastien has been a gentleman. I expect you to be the same.”

He looks hurt as he stumbles back. A myriad of emotions play across his face, finally settling on guilt. “I’m sorry.” He backs away, burying his head in his hands. “That was uncalled for. I know that he… that you would never do that. It’s just been a really long few days.”

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