Remember the Night: a Heroes of the Night military romance novel (8 page)

BOOK: Remember the Night: a Heroes of the Night military romance novel
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Morning descended with ominous dark clouds hiding the sun. Evelyn padded out to the kitchen for some much needed caffeine. Everyone but Cody was milling around the kitchen area, drinking coffee or eating breakfast. The kids were lined up on the couch engrossed in a video game, evidence of what remained of their breakfast crumbles on paper plates. Looks like Aunt Mel gave them donuts again. Evelyn really needed to talk to her about that bad habit.

"Morning, Sunshine."

She shot her sister a glare and offered a fake smile. "Morning."

"You stay up late?" Mel's singsong voice atypical for her in the morning. Must be the fresh air, vacation, or being in love. Either way, the same formula wasn't working for Evelyn.

"Later than all you party poopers who went to bed almost before the moon came out. You missed a beautiful night."

Daniel's arms encircled her sister, and he kissed her on the neck. "I dunno, my night was pretty perfect."

"Ugh, not before I've had my coffee." She poured a large mugful and sipped some of the dark brew.

"We're all going into town today since the weather isn't beach friendly. You want to come?" Melodie moved away from Daniel's embrace and finished packing the to-go bag with snacks and drinks.

"Can I have a pass? I'd really enjoy some downtime and a chance to read some of those books you recommended before legal briefs comprise my reading time again." Truthfully, though she and Cody had made a tentative decision about their relationship, secret and secluded, she didn't want to put those boundaries to the test with a big audience of family and friends.

Melodie handed the bag she'd just packed to Sam. "This is the last one. We'll be ready to go in about fifteen."

"We'll take the kids with us since you watched them yesterday." Melodie paused, "If that's okay."

No kids and all by herself, this might be the best day yet. She turned to her three charges still totally focused on the video games. "You three want to go into town with the others?"

Jason jumped up first. "Yay! Can I sit by Annie on the ride into town?"

Michael and Natalia turned off the electronics. "Jason, that's up to Auntie Mel. You behave and listen to her and Uncle Daniel."

He rolled his eyes. "I know."

Great, he'd finally picked up on Annie's habit. "Natalia, will you grab the backpacks and make sure they have everything you three will need, please?"

The young woman smiled. "Sure thing, Ms. Alexander. Mike, will you help me?"

Michael sported the same goofy grin he'd worn most of the time in Natalia's presence. "Sure thing."

Evelyn grinned. Mike? Nat? She was glad the older kids were getting along so well. While they headed to their respective rooms, she grabbed Jason and gave him a big hug. "You'll have lots of aunts and uncles to watch you today. Uncle Cody and Uncle Sam." She chuckled and looked at Daniel, mouth open, about to say something. She cut him off. "Did you and Cody ever tease him about the prospect of being Uncle Sam?"

Daniel laughed. "Sadly, we never thought of it while we were serving. What an opportunity lost. Cody…"

Melodie interrupted. "Must be outside helping Uncle Sam pack the van. Everyone ready?"

Okay, her sister was acting weird. Or maybe she just needed some more caffeine.

She hadn't slept well thinking about Cody last night. She kissed Jason on the top of the head. "I love you, kiddo."

"Mom…" he drew her name out to last almost five seconds.

Evelyn smiled. "Sorry. I forgot. I love you, brave knight."

He grinned wide. "Love you too."

She reached into her purse and handed Melodie some money. "In case the kids want or need anything."

Melodie gave her a hug. "Enjoy your day. Make the most of it. We'll be home around dinnertime probably."

The thunder cracked loudly, and a bolt of lightning lit up the dark sky. "Be careful."

"We will." The entire entourage chorused. A few minutes later, quiet settled over the house once again. A beautiful sound. She refilled her mug and grabbed her ereader. The recliner in front of the bay windows overlooking the ocean made a perfect place to catch up on some reading.

She'd just settled in and started to read when she heard shuffling feet in the kitchen. They couldn't be back already. "What did you forget?" She called out loud enough so they could hear her.

"To set my alarm apparently."

The coffee she'd just put in her mouth threatened to be spit out, but she quickly swallowed. "Cody?"

"Who else would it be?"

What the hell?
She returned the recliner to an upright position and set her things aside. Wrapping her robe a little tighter around her body, she made her way into the kitchen. Her mouth went dry at the sight of Cody in his low-slung pajama pants pouring himself a cup of coffee. All the muscles she'd tried so hard to forget were carved out perfectly right in front of her.

If she took a few steps forward, she could touch them. Oh, how she wanted to touch them. "I thought…"

His face scrunched slightly as he turned to look at her, the sleep still evident in his eyes. He looked like he hadn't fared much better than her last night. "Thought what?"

"Thought you'd gone into town with the others. I assumed when I didn't see you this morning you were outside helping pack up."

He put the cup down and closed the distance between them. So, so close. She clenched her fingers into a fist to keep them from reaching out to him.

He apparently didn't possess the same restraint. He traced his index finger down her cheek and under her chin, lifting it for a quick kiss. "You know what happens when you assume, Counselor."

So he wanted to play, did he? She lifted her arms to circle his neck. Screw restraint, this was vacation. "Why don't you tell me, Soldier?"

His head moved forward. Close but not touching. Peppermint and coffee mingled with their breaths. Was he going to kiss her? Did he want her to kiss him? She hated being unsure. No wonder divorced people struggled with dating. Since she and Nathan had dated from their senior year of high school all through college and had been married for what felt like always, the rules of engagement in this type of scenario were no longer clear.

Cody's body, melded to hers, affected her ability and confidence.
This is ridiculous.
She wanted to kiss him, and she would. Just as she leaned forward, he executed a quick maneuver and planted a chaste kiss on her cheek. Missed that target, Solider.

"It means we get to go on our second date."

She sighed. Oh wait. Dating and going slow had been
idea. Brilliant. It would give them a chance to get to know each other a little better. Moving around him, she picked up his coffee cup and handed it to him. "Sounds like fun. Any ideas for what we should do?"

His eyes darkened and flashed momentarily, and she fought the urge to grin. He wanted to do exactly what she wanted to do. Forget dating, and spend the day in bed together.

Cody recovered quickly, though, and grabbed a box of donuts from the counter. "I say we start with breakfast and a movie in bed."

Her nerves skyrocketed to high alert at the thought of being next to Cody in bed. Add to that consuming refined sugar, and the whole idea resonated with trouble. "That doesn't sound like second date material."

He plied her with the smile she couldn't resist. Well, hadn't been able to resist so far anyway. "We'll get dressed. I'll make the bed. You pick the movie. Hell, in true second date fashion, it can even be a chick flick. I know it's been a while since you've dated, but I intend to at least get to second base on this date."

She laughed and started toward her bedroom to get changed. "I'll meet you in a few, and we'll see about second base."

She closed the door behind her and leaned heavily against the solid wood. It had been too long since she'd dated as she didn't even know what qualified as second base these days. She shook her head and laughed quietly to herself. Like it mattered. They both knew if he wanted to score a homerun, she'd throw him the easy pitch.



Cody smoothed the colorful spread over the full-size bed. Not quite as precise as he'd made his bunk but still respectable. The television had been moved to a proper angle for movie watching and the pillows stacked along the headboard to give them some cushioning. His heart thudded when Evelyn walked into the room. Though she'd been pretty sexy in her robe, the denim cutoff shorts and royal blue button-up blouse, styled hair, and perfect makeup made her ready for an impromptu session with the paparazzi rather than cuddling with him on a rainy afternoon. "Wow."

She chuckled. "We've made it almost all the way to the end of the alphabet. From ma'am to stunning to wow. Looks like your vocabulary is far more impressive than I'd given you credit for."

He wished now he'd taken a few more minutes to tidy himself rather than the room. His gym shorts and tank top would have to do. "I wasn't sure what would be appropriate dress code for our second date, but I know compliments are in order, no matter what the number." He moved across the room and took her hand, lifting it to kiss the back. "You are, by far, the most amazing woman I've ever met. I'm going to try to find an adjective for each letter of the alphabet to share with you on each one of our dates to prove how charming I can be."

She moved away and handed him the movie before sliding onto the right side of the bed. "Pretty confident you're going to make it through twenty-three or so more dates, are you?"

He dragged his eyes away from her long legs to study the DVD cover. "
The Breakfast Club
, seriously? Does that even count as a chick flick?"

She moved her legs to cross them at her ankles. He really needed to focus on something else, or he'd never make it past the opening scene without forgetting about dating and skipping right to wedding night activities.

"It was that or
Dirty Dancing

Cody slipped the disc into the player and grabbed the remote. Sliding in beside her, he took her hand. "At least Johnny got to sleep with Baby in the movie."

"Yes, and look how that turned out. Her father suffered immense disappointment, and Johnny lost his job."


"Exactly. Notice they never share what happens when they return to reality. Tell me honestly. Do you think Johnny and Frances lived happily ever after?"

Cody's gaze snapped to hers. She squared her shoulders, a challenge in her eyes. Was there a double meaning in her words? She didn't blink, and her expression remained consistent. She must truly believe the theory she'd outlined.

Breaking the spell, he turned toward the television but didn't release his hold on her hand. "
The Breakfast Club
it is then. If I remember correctly, the ending is barely a happy for now, so you should feel right at home with the realism in the fiction."

He felt her stare but kept his eyes trained on the screen. Her life was complicated, but damn it all to hell if his wasn't growing more difficult by the minute. Between Evelyn's alternating hot and cold fronts and the growing trouble with his sister and the demands of his parents, he'd be lucky to unwrap this web he'd tangled himself in by the end of the year. Never mind the stress over the hearing and, lest he ever try to forget, the way his heart pounded and he sweated bullets each time a fire cracker went off or a car backfired. Fourth of July had been hell this year.

He'd been up half the night talking with his sister, trying to work through her dilemma. No telling how long before the shit hit the fan. He'd deal with all of that soon. He didn't even want to think about his parents right now. Right here, right now, he wanted to focus on Evelyn. Not wanting to waste one moment, he slipped his arm around her shoulders and maneuvered them until she leaned more on him than the pillows. Inhaling deeply, a clean, fresh scent filled his senses. He wasn't surprised she hadn't put on any perfume. All of her complexity rested underneath the simple yet perfect shell the world witnessed at first glance. He continued the deep breaths, each exchange filling his troubled soul with a sense of calm and peace. Vaguely, he heard the voices of Molly Ringwald and her castmates as they embarked on another day in teenage life.

After serving in the war and returning home to fight a new set of battles, he longed for the relative simplicity of his high school years. If he'd only realized then how easy life had been, he would've treasured it far more.


*   *   *


Light snoring near her ear alerted Evelyn to the important detail that Cody had fallen asleep not even twenty minutes into the movie. If this was how he treated second dates… Using her index finger, she poked him in the ribs. "Hey."


She tried again. Two pokes this time. His breathing changed, and he adjusted his body slightly but offered no verbal confirmation her efforts had worked. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest kept her from panicking from his lack of response. Using her free hand, she slid the palm of her hand up and down his thigh as she whispered. "Cody? Are you all right?"

Her voice did the trick, and he stirred. They moved until she could look into his eyes.

She quirked her mouth into a half grin. "You make a habit of falling asleep on second dates?"

His sheepish grin erased any irritation that might have surfaced. "Sorry. Didn't sleep well last night."

"I know why I didn't. Why didn't you?"

Cody slid down on the bed and brought her with him. Her head now rested on his shoulder while her hand grabbed hold of his again. "There's a lot of stuff going on with my family, and this thing with my sister has really knocked her for a loop. We're very close, and so what affects her affects me."

Evelyn squeezed his hand as a small wave of relief ebbed through her body. A year ago, the guilt over the lack of closeness between her and Melodie would've pained her. Today, their relationship brought her a sense of pride at how far they'd come…even if she did have Daniel to thank, at least a little, for the change. "Tell me."

"It's a legal thing."

She grinned, even though he couldn't really see her face. "I happen to know a thing or two about the law."

He squeezed her gently. "I know you do, but I don't want to involve you. That's not an appropriate second date request."

Twisting her body, she propped herself on her side to look into his face. The dark circles and lines worried her. Either the legal situation really needed her help or something even worse was going on behind those beautiful, dark eyes of his. "We may officially be on our second date, though I think I could argue that we had at least one if not two dates in India. Regardless, you and I both know that our connection is already far deeper than random strangers who decide to watch a movie together."

He didn't answer, not verbally anyway. Instead, he slid his hand over her cheek and to the back of her neck, pulling her into a kiss. Not gentle. Not hard. Just the right amount of pressure. The silk of his lips sliding against hers weaving a web of pleasure from which she never wanted to escape.

He's distracting me.
Not this time.

She cupped his cheek with her hand and gently eased away from the kiss. "I may not know everything about you, but I know those beautiful eyes. They're worried, even far more than you're letting on."

He released her and lay back on the bed, his forearm resting over his temple. "She's being sued by some big firm for trademark infringement, copyright violation, or some other bullshit."

"What does your sister do?"

His bitter laugh dispelled any warm fuzzies growing in the room and sent them outside into the storm. "Besides working on our family farm, she teaches music at a small studio."

Evelyn's critical thinking kicked into high gear and transformed into full attorney mode. "Why would a law firm waste time and resources on her? She can't pose any real threat."

"Since when did what lawyers do have to make sense? They're only concerned with justifying their exorbitant fees and living high off the backs of innocent people who can't afford to defend themselves."

The venom in his words prompted her to put some distance between them. A familiar surge of heat and adrenaline pulsed through her. Oh sure,
her will to fight returned. She wanted to defend her profession. Hell, she needed to defend herself. Cody's clenched jaw and the pulsing vein in his neck forced her to stifle the urge.

She sought to keep her tone soft and nonjudgmental. "I'm sorry you feel that way. When you're ready for my help, all you need to do is ask."

His chest rose and fell several times. Deep breathing to calm him before he responded, she assumed. Sometimes words just got in the way. Since she'd said all she needed or should say at the moment, she snuggled in close again and rested her hand on his chest. The movie played on in the background. She'd seen it enough times to visualize it in her head just from hearing the actors' voices. Not even fifteen minutes later, Cody was asleep again.

Part of her envied his ability to deal with stress by sleeping. Though, if that were her body's preferred way of handling it, she'd sleep all night and most of the day. Instead, she calmed her racing thoughts by focusing on one person or problem. For today, both could be covered with the enigma resting next to her. Their conversation wasn't over—far from it, but she'd learned enough about people over the years to know when the timing wasn't right.

She fought a bitter laugh. She'd waited too long for the timing to be right to discuss the sad state of her marriage, and now she was divorced and starting all over again. Several times, she'd tried to focus on Nathan and what went wrong in their relationship. Each time she started to make progress, a fail-safe mechanism inside her brain triggered and stopped the line of thinking. Though the chances of her ever admitting it aloud were slim, a tiny voice hidden in a dark corner of her brain reminded her.
It had all been her fault

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