Remember the Night: a Heroes of the Night military romance novel (9 page)

BOOK: Remember the Night: a Heroes of the Night military romance novel
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A loud, jarring noise woke Cody. He jerked hard, fear circling every nerve. His heart beat wildly, near the bursting point. His hand immediately went to his shoulder, the scar burning a hole in his soul.

"What the…?"

Evelyn's voice brought him out of the fear and back into the moment. He'd forgotten she was on the bed with him. After their…fight, argument, something, he'd retreated into his mind and shut down. A defense mechanism he'd always possessed but honed to perfection while serving overseas. Sometimes the only means of escape for the horrors he witnessed day after day.

"I'm sorry, Ev. The loud noise frightened me. I didn't mean to startle you."

Her hand covered the same area on his shoulder he'd sought after waking up. "Startled feels like an understatement. Just some thunder and lightning. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

She pressed her lips into thin lines and huffed. "You're anything but fine, but it's clear you have no intention of sharing anything with this moneygrubbing, power-hungry attorney, so I'll save the debate for another time against someone who will appreciate it."

She removed her hand and started to get off the bed.

He couldn't let her leave. Not like this. He grabbed her arm. "Wait. Please stay. I'm sorry. I was way out of line, and you were the unfortunate recipient of my bad behavior. Give me a chance to rescue this date?"

Though she didn't move back into his arms, she didn't get off the bed either. He took that as a positive sign.

"You've fallen asleep twice and berated my chosen profession. Oh, and lest we forget, refused to share the trouble in your life. You really are an optimist if you think this date is still salvageable."

He grinned. Challenge accepted. "Not only can I save it, but I can also make it memorable for you."

Evelyn arched her eyebrows. "I can't wait to see this."

He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "Finish watching the movie. The ending is the best anyway. I'll be back in a few."

Wanting her as comfortable as possible while he set about making things right again, he moved all the pillows back to their original position against the headboard and fluffed them with great flourish. "Ma'am, if you'll lean back. I've ensured your position will be comfortable."

That did the trick. She smiled. Well, she shook her head and smiled, but he'd put that in the positive column.

His stomach rumbled slightly, and he knew exactly what needed to be done to win his way back into her good graces. "Be back in a flash."

Once in the kitchen, he frantically searched the fridge and cabinets for what he needed. Thankfully, the villa had been well stocked for their arrival. Whether Daniel and Melodie did that or the people who owned the property, he wasn't sure. Didn't matter. Less than ten minutes later, he grabbed the tray and walked back in the room.

"Lunch in bed?"

He shook his head. "Not just lunch in bed. This is a full-service, spoil the beautiful lady rotten lunch in bed."

Her eyes narrowed, but she didn't tell him to go pound sand, so he set the tray next to her and eased his body onto the bed, careful to not knock over the contents. Lifting a grape to her mouth, he smiled. "Open up."

The blue in her eyes darkened. She remembered. "You can't be serious."

"Aren't you hungry?"

Before she could answer, her stomach growled and grumbled.

He put the fruit to her lips. "Eat."

She cut him a look but opened that beautiful mouth of hers to accept his first stab at a peace offering. Before she could offer any further resistance, he situated a slice of cheese on a wheat cracker. "Try this. It's Havarti cheese. I had some yesterday. So creamy, it will melt in your mouth."

Evelyn swallowed and accepted the next bite. Her eyes closed. "Mmm, this is good."

"Told ya." He tried to keep the satisfaction out of his voice but wasn't entirely sure he succeeded.

"You're occasionally right, but not always." She opened her eyes and looked at him. It was evident, as tough as she pretended to be…his words earlier hurt her.

"I'm sorry about the outburst and the rant on attorneys."

"Just as not all soldiers are created equal, neither are all attorneys. While we share a profession with others, ethics in that profession define and separate us."

Cody kept his hand from reaching for the bullet wound on his shoulder, the one responsible for his edginess of late. Being shot by the enemy was bad enough, friendly fire another thing entirely. He put another slice of cheese on a cracker and handed it to her. "Agreed. Some handle the pressure better than others."

She set the morsel he'd given her aside and reached for his hand. "You trusted me with the story about the gunshot wound to your leg. Will you trust me with the story about your shoulder?"

Why did this woman find just the right words every single time to set him on edge? He really didn't believe she did it on purpose, but damn, if she didn't have a way of doing it all the time. "Trust is a difficult thing and needs to be mutual. Why don't you trust me with the story of what happened with you and your ex?"

"That's different."

He popped a cracker and cheese into his mouth. Not only did hunger factor in, but the need to slow his responses to edit for minimal damage. His last outburst hadn't ended well. "I tell you what. Let's consider a mutual sharing of our secrets material for our next date. This one already has enough problems. We'll feed each other the rest of this lunch and see if I can get you to second base."

"It sounds so romantic when you put it that way." Sarcasm dripped off her tongue. He couldn't see it, but he heard it. Damn, if this woman didn't get under his skin. Time to take the initiative.

He moved the tray to the table on the side of the bed, making sure the bowl of strawberries was within reach. Turning back to her, he cupped her cheek with his hand and pulled her mouth to his. She resisted but not enough to constitute an actual
I don't want to do this
stance. Kissing the corner of her mouth and then the other, he slowly increased the pressure until he felt her resolve soften.

Moving forward a little, he angled his head and slid his lips over the fullness of her mouth. Her slight murmur of pleasure music to his ears.

"I'm sorry," he whispered against her cheek as he began to rain kisses along her jawline and the sensitive spot behind her ear. His left hand moved lower, caressing the length of her arm and coming to rest on her waist.

After another minute or so, she began to respond more actively. She caressed his arms, shoulders, and chest before moving lower to loosely hold his waist. He wanted more—needed more. Gently, he guided her until they were more reclined on the bed rather than sitting. Lifting his head, he looked at the mesmerizing sight she presented. Her blonde hair fanned over the pillows in careless disarray. The blouse, crumpled and twisted, boasted buttons calling out to him with their siren song.

With incredible slowness, he moved his hand to rest his fingers on the top button. It took a couple of tries, but he managed to undo first one and then a second button. When the third button gave way, his blood heated.
A black lace bra.
One just like she'd been wearing their first and only night together. He traced the scalloped edge, enjoying the way her breath hitched at his touch. Looking up, he smiled. "I think I have the rest of this set."

She slid her foot along his leg and grinned. "You still have those? I've replaced the ones you stole from me."

He slid his hand under the material of her blouse and cupped her breast. Her sharp gasp breathing heat into his body, begging him for more. "That's not how I remember it. I recall an even exchange being made. One T-shirt for one black, lacy undergarment. A deal is a deal, Counselor."

Not waiting for her agreement, he lowered his head and kissed her again as he made the best use of the placement of his hand. Leaving her luscious lips, he trailed kisses lower. Following the long line of her neck, he lavished attention on her entire upper body. The softness of her breasts provided the perfect target for attention.

The arch of her body in response brought a quick smile to his face. He traced his tongue along the same lacy path his finger had traversed earlier. Before he could move lower, her hand cupped his cheek and forced him to look up into her smoky eyes.

"I think you've achieved second base. Mission accomplished."

He kissed the gentle swells again before returning to her gaze. "Does that mean I can't advance to third?"

She pulled him into a kiss and he knew, without a doubt, he was addicted to this woman. His hand moved higher to cup her breast again and squeezed gently. Addicted to all her curves and edges.

When she broke the kiss, she smiled. "I just learned about second base. We need to save something for all those other dates you keep talking about."

Reluctantly, he released his hold on her body. At least this date had been rescued. Reaching for a strawberry, he traced it along her well-kissed lips before holding it above her mouth for a bite. Every ounce of blood in his body surged below the waistband of his shorts when her tongue slid out to circle the fruit before she lifted her head and bit the berry in half.

"Good God, woman. That's not playing fair."

She chewed and swallowed before snagging the rest of the berry and eating it. She tried to feign an innocent look, but he wasn't buying it for a second. "I didn't realize we were playing a game."

He reached for her hand and pulled her into a sitting position. "You better button your blouse right now, or I can't be responsible for not stealing all the bases and heading straight for home," he growled before grabbing a few strawberries and popping them into his mouth. He needed to busy himself with sampling the food while she got herself back in order.

Evelyn reached across his body to grab more cheese off the plate. When he turned to look at her, she was sitting cross-legged on the bed, still smiling. "So, do you play baseball? You've been making a lot of references today."

Following her lead, he grabbed the plate of the food and sat it between them before propping himself against the headboard. He thought about trying to sit cross-legged but, considering the width and musculature of his legs, that would definitely end in disaster. In other words, Evelyn laughing at him. "Played in little league when I was a kid but not good enough for high school. My body type suits football better than other sports. How about you?"

Her grin widened. "Cheerleader."

He laughed. "I should've known. Captain, I'm sure."

"Damn straight."

They ate a little more before he found the courage to say what he wanted to say. "I truly am sorry I ruined the greater part of our date. If the storm lets up, let me take you for a late night walk on the beach. We'll talk more, share secrets, and figure out where to go from there. Deal?"

"Deal. Now, please tell me there's more of that Havarti cheese in the fridge."

He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Coming right up."

When he returned, disappointment followed him from the kitchen. Only one slice of Havarti remained, and Evelyn was no longer on the bed. Instead, she'd busied herself with straightening the covers from his earlier nap and their make-out session. He held the cheese prize in front of him. "Only one slice left. Guess I'll have to be a gentleman and share it with you.

Before he could react, which meant this last bullet had affected him mentally more than he cared to admit, she closed the distance between them and grabbed the precious slice from his grip.

A dime-sized portion remained clasped in his fingers. "Hey! That's not a fair division of the cheese."

"To the winner goes the spoils." She lifted the slice to her mouth.

Oh, two could play at this game. With a smile and a leap, he set his sights on the cheese resting between her delicate fingers. She squealed with delight as she evaded him. What a beautiful sound. Evelyn unguarded, uncensored, and uninhibited. Yes, this Evelyn he remembered.

"We'll see about that," he laughed as he continued to follow her around the room. Thankfully, the smaller space, filled with obstacles, gave him a reasonable shot at catching her. After two circuits of the bed, he dove straight across it, sliding over the comforter to grab her waist and pull her down with him. Yeah, she loved being chased. He remembered that too.

"Not fair!" She laughed. "You broke the rules of engagement."

Evelyn managed to get one more bite before he grabbed her wrist, lifting her hand to his mouth and covering the cheese along with a good deal of her finger. She tasted sweeter and smoother than the Havarti. Her labored breathing continued as the laughter died. She moved some wayward strands of hair from her face. He decided to be a gentleman and help her with the task.

Offering a quick kiss on her lips, he whispered, "I love chasing you."

She framed his face with her hands, pulling him in for a kiss. Not featherlight nor bruising as their earlier kisses had been. This kiss provided the perfect balance between the two. Yes, he could kiss her for forever and never tire of the sweet taste. Far too quickly, she ended the connection. "And I love being caught."

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