Renegade T.M. (28 page)

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Authors: Bernard Langley

BOOK: Renegade T.M.
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Pete awoke to find that he was on fire.


e screamed, clearly being on fire was not something he was enjoying.

Hang on
shouted Slip above his cries

this’ll work


Slip had grabbed a fortuitously positioned fire extinguisher, and aiming the nozzle at Pete’s burning body, then pulled hard on the trigger.


Pete screamed even louder, as he was suddenly showered with an assortment of deadly snakes, which then also set on fire and started biting him with flaming jaws.

Oh, the
extinguisher has some small print here
replied Slip apologetically

caution, may contain snakes

Help me
he yelled
, oblivious to Slip’s discovery.


At that instant, Crinkle appeared out of nowhere, wielding a large bucket of water, and without stopping to say hi, subsequently poured the bucket over Pete, putting him out with a large hiss of smoke.


Snakes, biting
said Pete, who was still obviously in an amount of pain.

Oh stop being such a big girl
she rep
lied, kicking the last few smoking
snakes away from his torso.

huffed Pete


Where did you get the water babes
sked Slip.

Oh, I was drowning in it when I awoke
she replied nonchalantly.

this place sucks
declared Slip

where are we anyway


At that moment, a previously unnoticed door flew dramatically open, and from it stepped Dinkle Mormid.


Where are we you ask
he began

of all the idiotic non-sequiturs to ask, you are the reason that we are here, and for the life of you, you have no idea where we are! You disgust me! You are nothing more than a bumbling oaf, who careens through his life, crashing into other people, causing them suffering and pain, while you go on your m
y way, oblivious to your trail of wanton destruction

Hey buddy
replied Slip, taking literally nothing to heart.

So where are we then Dink
sked Pete, who had recovered his wits enough to wonder where they all were.

We’re in prison
he answered

mind prison to be exact

Mind prison
queried Crinkle.

That’s right
he replied

well in fact we’re not really here at all, instead we’re
one of Spanks holding facilities, where we are all strapped up and plugged into the Sentencer.

The Sentencer
ueried Slip.

The Sentencer is how the guilty are punished. The idea behind it was to re-educate the prisoner in the most cost-effective way. What this ultimately boiled down to was, jacking every felon into a mighty super computer, where they then served out their sentence being virtually tortured, by anything nasty that the programmers devised

That explains the snakes
remarked Slip.

And my almost drowning
put in Crinkle.

Doesn’t explain the penguin though
said Pete pointing at a cute little penguin that had suddenly appeared in the doorway from which Dink had just stepped.

sked the penguin in a squeaky, childlike voice.

Everyone step away from the penguin
rdered Dink in a t
ified voice.

But he’s only a little fellow
Slip replied, taking a step toward the apparently harmless penguin.

it repeated, with big, innocent eyes.

I’m warning you
stressed Dink

that penguin wants nothing less than to harvest our souls for his dark penguin purpose

No fishy
queaked the penguin, with sadness breaking in its voice.

I’m sorry lil’
said Slip, bending down to tap the bird reassuringly on the head

we haven’t got any fish for you


The penguin looked confused for a moment, then distraught, then something seemed to occur to it all of a sudden.


elled the penguin, and suddenly lunging quite ferociously between Slip legs, then bit him.

Oh my
tated Crinkle, finding the whole affair difficult to watch
“it’s bitten Slip on the… “

Slip shouted in agony

arghhh! Help

I told you so
Dink told them so

should have listened to me shouldn’t you, but no, cute little harmless penguin, well now look at you, he’s bitten you on the…

Pete cut him short

that really isn’t helping matters! Okay hang on Slip, I’ve got an idea

What have you got in mind Pete
sked Crinkle.

Well you’ve heard of fighting fire with fire right, I reckon we fight evil penguin with deadly snakes
answered reaching for the fire extinguisher.

Okay, this may smart a little
he went on, aiming the extinguisher at the penguin and pulling the trigger.


Suddenly the penguin was showered in deadly snakes, and relinquishing its apparent fishy, then made a speedy exit back through the door from which it had entered.


Nice work dude
praised Slip who no longer had any animal attached to him.


Oh Pete
put in Crinkle

what about all the snakes

he remembered

well you’ve heard of fighting evil penguin with deadly snakes, I now propos
e we fight deadly snakes with…” h
e paused for a moment to gather his thoughts, before declaring
, “…
Run away


And that said Pete, Slip and Crinkle ran away.


Dinkle Mormid was left alone with the snakes, but after a few well selected foot stomps, he was soon the only thing
there left


Those idiotic fools
he began eerily to himself

I will have my revenge. First they cost me my hand, then my job,
then my girlfriend,
and now they think nothing of the fact that I’m sharing a jail
sentence with them! What am I?
A punch-bag? A faithful ass? Did they just wake up one morning and decide over breakfast that they would ruin my whole life?


He paused for a moment to vent his anger on some already-perished snakes that loitered about his feet. Then wiping reptile goo
from his shoes, went on.


As God is my witness, I make this promise today, that I will destroy this renegade gang! Even if it takes the rest of my life, even if I have to destroy everything else in the universe, even if I have to become the Co-leen Emperor himself to do it


Mormid then pulled out his hand, which he had conspicuously kept lodged in his pocket since waking up in the Sentencer. No longer did he possess a so-called fishing rod where his hand should have been, but instead, glistening black in the virtual light, was a handgun.


Hang on guys
he shouted
after the gang, stuffing his new
hand back into his pocket

wait for me




So he knows about the shears
began King Slip to his Queen
I’ll just have to make sure that this knowledge goes with him to Davy Jones locker

Oh come now Slip
she replied

surely it won’t be necessary to kill him, he has already been banished from the king-tank after all


King Slip and Queen Crinkle were alone in the palatial hall. The queen was currently at rest atop some exquisitely gilded algae, whilst the King swam back and forth across the hall like some
perpetual underwater yoyo. The King
was clearly ill at ease.


But if he knows about the shears
he went on

why hasn’t he come for them yet? If he knows of the power they possess, then surely his first reaction would be to possess them at literally any cost

now my King
she replied

if we are entirely honest, then we would have to say that we don’t even know anything about the power they possess, nor do we know what the Shears of Salamaloo actually do

he disagreed

why, the Shears of Salamaloo are the most powerful shears in the whole king-tank

They’re the only shears in the whole king-tank

Yes, but their power is obvious

Okay, what do they actually do then
he asked, not expecting an answer.

What do they do?
coffed the King

why what don’t they do

she replied under-whelmed

what don’t they do then

eclared the King, the very bastion of misplaced confidence.

Fine, prove it

he replied
at a loss

I would, except the palace gardens are already looking so lovely.

So you’re telling me that the sacred Shears of Salamaloo, do nothing more than merely prune shrubbery
he asked incredulously.

Of course not
he replied

that’s just one of the many wonderful things they can do, and perhaps the one thing most befitting their appearance

Okay, what else

The sacred Shears of Salamaloo can
replied the King, pausing for thought

on top of being very good at topiary, and general foliage maintenance
he added insistently

she int

What is it Crinkle
, I’m telling you all the amazing things the shears do

You don’t know do you


The King paused in his swimming to and fro, then holding her g
aze for a moment or so, replied:

No, not the fishiest

At last
she said, clearly relieved

so what exactly is so precious about them then

To be honest Crinks, I really don’t know
he replied.


The Queen looked suddenly puzzled, as though she had seen a ghost, and that ghost had then asked her what she thought about quantum theory and how that may relate to what she had for breakfast that morning.


That’s what you used to call me
she said at last
you used to call me Crinks

Did I
eplied the King, un-astonished by the news

well, what of it

Can’t you see, something is very wrong here, it’s as though none of this is how it should be!

Don’t be ridiculous, whatever are you on about?

The shears Slip
she appealed adamantly

it’s all because of the shears

But we don’t even know what they do


I do
said Fendel, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.


Fendel, where in the king-tank
have you been hiding
xclaimed King Slip, startled by his quite sudden appearance.

My King
he greeted them, bobbing down as he spoke

my Queen

Damn it
growled Slip, put out at his evasiveness

how much have you heard

Oh, I’ve heard everything sire
he answered candidly.

So you know about the shears too now

Oh I already knew all about them
he replied

more than both of you put together

aid the King

tell us then, or I’ll have your head

All in good time Slip
he replied casually, reaching beneath his cloak

all in good time

You dare to address your King in this way

Well it is your name after all
put in Crinkle, forgetting herself.

’s right Slip
agreed Fendel

you really should
to her more

How dare you
shouted the King outraged

both of you

Oh take a chill pill Groovy
Fendel went on
, pulling out a harpoon gun from a concealed inside pocket, the
same weapon he had used to murder his brother
earlier that morning.

Hey easy tiger
said Queen Crinkle, her eyes fixed rigidly on his trigger finger.

Now have I got your attention

she replied earnestly.

And how about you, King Ding-a-ling
he asked, pointing the gun at Slip.

Yes, yes
Slip replied quickly, his anger have long since changed to fear.

announced Fendel

now that I have your combined attention, there are a few matters that I think we need to discuss, before I kill you both

Just tell us what you want
growled Slip, dropping his regal airs.

I will
he replied

but before I do, I think it best that you both know that what I am doing, I am doing for your own good

Killing us for our own good huh
remarked Crinkle sarcastically.

he said

and I would kindly remind you that this harpoon gun is loaded, and also that I am an excellent marksman

You mean marksfish dufus
put in Slip.

I know what I mean
he replied unfazed.

Come on then Fendel mint cake
coaxed Crinkle, surprisingly unperturbed

tell us what you
you are doing

Well my queeny weeny
he began

it has of late, come to my quite remarkable attention, that existence has gone wrong. What first aroused my suspicion, was a rather impossible memory that I had never in fact learnt to swim. And by this, I do not mean to present some nature/nurture dilemma, but instead the raw fact that I cannot swim

the King

you’re a fish

But what if I’m not
he replied instantly

what if none of us are

rebuffed the King
“not fish,
I’ve never heard such nonsense! Why it’s borderline treason

Not treason Slip
but rather,

he paused as he imagined
a great detective might, before continuing, “reason.”

He’s got a point Slip
put in Crinkle

what if we aren’t fish and none of us are meant to be here? I mean I’ve always wanted to travel, and I can’t for the life of me recall whatever possessed me to marry you, no offence meant

None taken
squeaked Slip in a voice so tiny, even he barely heard it.

You see
Fendel excitedly

now you realize why both of you have to die

Erm back up a cycle Fends
said Crinkle uncomprehendingly

so let’s just say that you are right and that reality has gone wrong. You propose to fix this by shooting us both with your harpoon gun


And why exactly are you going to do this

Because reality is wrong

I think you’re skipping a wee bit there
she replied patiently

why would killing us make reality right again

Oh I see
he answered finally getting the point

good question, very good question

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