Rescue Me (6 page)

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Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult

BOOK: Rescue Me
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What. The. Fucking. Hell? In an instant I clench my fist and want to beat that asshole’s face in.

“You see,” she says softly, “I had a flashback last night when you lifted your hand to get something out of the back seat. All I saw was Joel’s hand coming at me.”

I snap my head up and look right at her. “Erin, I would never do anything to hurt you like that. You know that, right?”

“Of course I know that, Adam. It’s not about me being scared of you, because I’m not. It’s because of you that I want to be a better person. It’s because of you that I want to fight to be a stronger person. Everything you did for me last night was perfect. It’s just. I don’t even know how to explain myself or why I freaked out on you like I did. I just don’t want you to give up on me.”

I am on my feet and kneeling before her before I can even think. Cupping her face, the words spill out of my mouth like a freight train.

“I’m so sorry that you had to go through any of that. You didn’t deserve an asshole like that and he definitely didn’t deserve you. But I want you to know that I will be here for you always. These protective walls you have around your heart? I am going to be the one to break them down. And baby, when I do that, the life you are destined to live is going to be one of trust, and filled with so much passion. You are worth the risk, and as long as you still want to take that risk with me then I am staying right here. If you fall one hundred times then I want to be the one to pick you back up until you never fall again.”

Tears begin to slowly fall down her face and I wipe them away. “Don’t cry,” I murmur. “Not over him, and not over me. I can’t even begin to imagine the life you had to live, but Erin, you don’t have to live that life anymore. Let me be the one to rescue you, baby, and show you everything.”

So there on the bottom of the stairs, I bring my girl into my arms. As she lays her head on my chest, I stare at my punching bag imagining that instead of punching the hell out of it earlier, I was punching the hell out of a man who deserves to have the ever-loving shit beat out of him.

I follow Erin down the hall so we both can shower before leaving to go pick up Sierra and Lucy. A thought pops into my head and reacting on impulse, I stop dead in my tracks and turn around to face Erin, who runs right into me and nearly tumbles backwards.

“I told you I would catch you if you ever fell, pretty girl,” I say sarcastically. I stand there holding her in my arms as I wait for her response and when she bursts out laughing, I can’t help but laugh with her because the sound is so contagious. Her eyes are sparkling and her smell is intoxicating. The idea that I had pops back and I lean my head a little closer to hers as our moods shift and we both become more serious.

“I wanted our date to end the right way, with me kissing you goodnight.”

Her lips part and her breathing quickens, so I delicately touch my lips to hers. Just that small taste isn’t enough for me; I need to be consumed in her, so I part her lips and fuck, she tastes so damn good. All Erin.

I can’t be subtle with her anymore so I move us a few steps back, never taking my mouth from hers as I gently hold her up against the wall. We kiss for a period of time I know will have both of our lips swollen, and I don’t care. I need her to know she has already started to steal my soul. I want her to feel how desperate I am for her and that I will do anything to take away every bit of pain she has ever had.

She breaks our kiss first and as we both stand there panting and trying to catch our breath, I reach up and push a wayward strand of hair out of her face. I can see her chest rising and falling as she breathes heavily.

“That was the best kiss I have had in my entire life,” she finally gets out.

“Good, pretty girl, because you deserve nothing but the best,” I reply smugly.

“And he’s cocky, too?” she says with a grin on her face.

“Oh, sweetheart. Don’t even get me started on cocky.”

“We need to get showered and pick up the girls in an hour,” she says, ducking under my arm as she lifts it out of her way. “We told them yesterday we would take them to breakfast. So move your cocky ass along, Lord knows I need a shower and I am a complete mess.”

“You’re a mess all right, Erin. A damn
mess,” I counter back, but when I wait for her response all I hear is her shower starting. I walk into my own bathroom and lower my head and close my eyes as visions of Erin standing in the shower naked right across the hall enter my mind.

Adjusting the shower temp and ridding myself of my shorts, I step into the shower. Leaning back, I can’t seem to get Erin out of my mind. The way she talks, her striking blue eyes, her long legs. Everything about her screams perfection to me.

My cock has now grown instantly harder than it ever has before. I have never gotten myself off more than when I think of her. I am doing this almost daily. Grabbing hold of my cock, I start to stroke it as I close my eyes and dream that it is Erin who has her hands and her mouth all over me. As I think about how sweet her mouth tastes, I start to imagine how sweet her pussy is going to taste.

Oh, fuck.

I stroke faster and faster. It has been so long since I have had sex, let alone gone down on a woman. I love both, but ever since I went down to Texas to bring Erin here I have not had the desire to have anyone but her. Oh, Christ, Erin. What you do to me. I have never experienced these kinds of feelings before in my life. I stroke myself faster as I feel my release building and it doesn’t take long for me to feel the gentle and pleasurable penetration that floods through my cock as I spurt my release. How I want to make this woman mine in every way possible. I know she is not ready for that yet, but soon I will break through every wall she has because there is no way in hell I am letting her go.

Chapter Six



Hope. That is what I silently pray for as I throw on a loose fitting sweatshirt and my favorite pair of jeans. When I enter the living room, Adam is sitting on the couch flipping through the television channels.

“Ready?” I ask as I approach him and continue on into the kitchen to get my purse.

“Yup, and I am starving. Let’s go.” He advances towards me. “Damn, woman! You’re not wearing those jeans, are you? No fucking way.”

Bewildered and totally caught off guard by his statement, I stand there with my hands on my hips.

“What the hell are you talking about? There isn’t anything wrong with these jeans.”

“No there’s not, and that’s the problem. Your sweet, fine ass looks too good in those jeans. I don’t want to have to kick someone’s ass for checking you out, especially when I have the girls with me. Can you go put on a baggy pair of sweat pants or something?”

“What are you playing at, Adam?” I remove my hands from my hips and place one of them on his forehead. “Are you coming down with something?”

He gently pulls me into his rock hard body.

“Oh, sweet cheeks. I came down with something three months ago when I checked out that ass of yours when I was in Texas,” he says with humor and as low-key as he can be. “And I am not playing.” 

“You’re unbelievable,” I say, rolling my eyes.

Adam lifts me up onto counter and whispers in my ear words that leave a tingle of pure pleasure down my spine.

“Although I love every tantalizing, sexy curve of your body, I am most definitely an ass man, sweetheart. And this ass,” he says as he places his hands underneath me and gives my bottom a light squeeze, “Has been in my dreams for the past three months. I can’t wait until I can feel it uncovered because Erin, I am going to make you feel like you have never felt before.”

“Oh my God, Adam.” I can barely get out a word as I feel my throat tighten up and,
holy hotness
, this man is mentally seducing me and I love it.

“You feel it too, don’t you, Erin?” he speaks in a ragged, raspy voice as he trails soft kisses up my neck.

“I do,” I whimper.

“I want you so bad, Erin, but I want us first. When I know for sure you’re ready and that there
an us, I am going to take you to places you have never been before, but right now? I need to eat.”

He releases his hands from my ass and after he places one soft kiss on my temple, we lock up and I climb into his truck. I check out his fine ass. I have been looking at it for the past three months as well but I have just been too scared to say anything about it.

I fantasize and daydream the entire drive over to pick up the girls, only pulling myself out of my fantasies when Adam would ask me a question. Half the time I really had no clue what I was even saying. I sure hope I didn’t sound like I was losing my ever-loving mind but what he said to me before we left has my head spinning like I just got off some crazy roller coaster ride. I want so badly to know what it is Adam sees in me. I know him well enough to know it isn’t just about sex, although I have had many dreams about him over the last several months just as he said he has had of me. And yet I know it’s so much more than sex. He’s so good with Sierra. He listens to every word she says to him. He gives us both his undivided attention and most of all, I can tell he truly cares.

I sigh to myself when Adam stops the truck and opens his door to climb out. Watching him approach my side of the truck, I tell myself that someone like me does deserve someone like him.

“Are we going home now?” Sierra asks as Adam helps both girls into the truck and makes sure they are buckled in.

“Well, I don’t know, butterfly. What did you have in mind?” Adam answers.

I love it when he calls her butterfly and she loves it too, but she loves to tease him about it and the constant going back and forth between the two of them is something I love to listen to.

“Adam! My name’s not butterfly, how many times do I have to tell you that?” Sierra giggles.

“Oh, I don’t know? A million times, maybe?” Adam responds as he starts to tickle her.

“I am only seven years old. I can’t count to a million.”

“Well, we’re going to have to see what we can do about that then, huh? Because my little butterfly needs to learn to count that high,” he says with enthusiasm. I can hear both Lucy and her just giggling away as I climb into the front seat of the truck and the sound of their innocent laughter is music to my ears. Those two little girls have him so wrapped around their fingers.

“Uncle Adam?” Lucy chimes in.

“Yes, my little princess Lucy,” he says.

“We want to ask you something, so stop tickling her.”

“Yes, ma’am. And what do you little munchkins want to ask me?”

“Well...Lucy and I want to go to the park. Will you take us pleeeeeeeeeease?” Sierra begs. I am turned around by this time watching the three of them and I think to myself, ‘Yup, you’re a sucker, Adam.

“To the park? What is there to do at the park?” he teases.

“Adam, please!” Sierra begs.

“Oh, all right, butterfly. We can go to the park, but only if you two push me on the swing.”

“You’re too big for us to push, but I bet Mommy could!” Sierra turns and looks at me. “You can push him, can’t you mommy?”

“Um. Yeah, I can push him.”

Oh dear Lord, that is not the kind of pushing that just ran through my head. Adam looks up and winks and I blush from the ‘oh yeah, mommy can push me all right’ stare he is giving me. I turn around and buckle myself in as the girls and Adam finish up their conversation and damn it, I know my face is as red as the pair of red panties I have on.




At this very moment, there isn’t anything better than watching Adam playing with the girls. He is so good with them, and they both simply worship the ground that he walks on. As Adam stands at the bottom of the slide to catch the girls, I take a chance and glance at just how handsome and sexy he truly is. His dirty blond hair is all over the place from running around chasing the kids and God, he looks so incredible in his jeans and t-shirt. I imagine myself licking every single rock solid inch of him.

“Mommy, it’s your turn to go down the slide!” Sierra squeals, pulling me back to reality.

“Yeah, come on Erin, Uncle Adam will catch you too!” shrieks Lucy.

Adam lifts his brows and with a shit eating grin on his handsome face says, “I told you I would always catch you, so get on up there and let me.”

“Oh, great.” I mutter. I know I have a mortified look on my face as I climb the small stairs to the top of the slide and sit my butt down.

“Go! Go! Go!” both of the girls cry out at the same time. With a little extra push of my arms to give myself some speed, I glide down with ease. When I get to the bottom Adam swiftly lifts me up and twirls me around as our eyes lock.

I hear the girls laughing and screaming, ‘Yay!’ but nothing else seems to matter in this moment because the way this man is looking at me right now is making me feel more alive than I have felt in my entire life.




“It’s so quiet in here,” I express to Adam later on in the evening after Luke and Shayne have picked Lucy up and Sierra is in bed.

“It sure is. I really don’t know how you and Shayne raised those girls by yourselves all these years and worked full time,” Adam proclaims.

“It really wasn’t all that bad. With Shayne and me living next to each other, we helped each other out so much. Thank God Shayne isn’t working and she talked me into moving up here, or I have no idea what I would do,” I admit as I continue on into the kitchen to get two beers out of the fridge. I stroll back into the living room where Adam is sitting on the couch and hand him his beer, then I turn to go sit in the chair but he reaches out and takes hold of my hand.

“I don’t think so, sweet cheeks. Your fine little self needs to sit right here next to me,” he says earnestly.

“Oh, really?” I tease.

“Yes, really.” He tenderly pulls me down onto his lap where I lay my head on the arm of the couch and stretch my legs out in front of me. Adam takes my beer from my hand and sets both of them onto the table. When our eyes connect, I search deep to try and read what his eyes and his expression are telling me. His eyes are smiling back at me with so much warmth and as we continue to stare at each other without speaking a word at all, I see Adam’s desire for me as he moves his gaze to my mouth.

“I am going to kiss you now because I need to taste those phenomenal lips,” Adam says in a husky voice, and I let him. His words send warm, electrifying sensations through my entire body. This man has a way with words that makes me feel so incredibly special. He is going to make me fall head over heels in love with him and that frightens me more than anything.

I have never felt a kiss like this before, not even from him. Our lips and tongues are becoming more and more acquainted with each other’s and this kiss feels like a kiss of promise and a guarantee that everything Adam has told me over the past few days is true. I cave to him and give him everything I have as I hear him moan into my mouth. I completely lose all thoughts of rationality as I pull him closer to me.

I finally break away from our kiss only to have Adam lift up my legs. Before I even realize it, he is on top of me and devouring every part of my neck. Oh, fuck. It’s been so long since I have had a man’s touch. It has never felt this way before. I feel myself start to tremble and he pauses briefly.

“Are you okay?” he asks, out of breath.

“God, yes! Please don’t stop.”

“I am just getting started, my love. I don’t think I could stop even if I tried. I have waited what seems like a lifetime to see you underneath me, and sweetheart, I am about ready to make you fly.”

Oh sweet Jesus. I am about to come just from his words.

“You’re too good to be true,” I say honestly.

“No, honey. You’re the one who is too good to be true.”

And then he is right back where he left off, kissing and sucking and oh, I don’t even realize that I am pressing myself up against him until I feel his hard dick start to grind me back.

Holy shit! I have read so many times about how big some men are but damn, he is massive. I can feel it through our clothes.

“Touch me, Adam,” I pant. Not even recognizing my own voice.

“Touch you where, love? Here?” he questions as he lightly skims over my aching swelling breast.


I suck in a deep breath as he glides his hand underneath my shirt until he is rubbing his fingertips across my nipple through my lace bra.

I have imagined so many times what his touch would feel like, but nothing compares to the real thing. Having Adam’s hands on me right now has me aching so much that I can’t even see straight. I feel him unclasp the front of my bra and I shiver as his big hand cups my breast, gently at first but then suddenly he sits up on the couch and brings me right along with him until I am straddling him. We look intently at each other for a few moments and I have never seen anyone look at me the way he is looking at me right now. It’s so damn fucking HOT and carnal.

“Take your shirt off,” he demands. I have no idea what has come over me. I have never felt so desired. In the blink of an eye I have my shirt off and I toss it on the floor. My breasts are on full display for him and he lifts his hands and slowly peels my bra straps down my arms then tosses my bra on the floor right next to my shirt.

“You are absolutely perfect, Erin.”

He reaches up and cups both of my breasts in his hands. As he leans forward I watch him lick his lips, then he takes his tongue and swirls it around my nipple. It is the most excruciating feeling of pure bliss and as I lean my head back he reaches up and pulls my hair out of my ponytail. I moan as he keeps true to his promise of making me feel like I am the most beautiful woman in the world.

I have never wanted anything as bad in my entire life. He has no idea at all how much he is pleasing me as I sit here and listen to him moan while he sucks and nips on my breast. When he finally removes his mouth and hands from my body I want to beg him not to stop.

“I am going to show you just how much you mean to me tonight, Erin,” he says. I swallow a big lump of nerves that have quickly appeared and I don’t know what to say as I try to talk, but he continues on. “I am not going to do anything you don’t want me to, but baby, if I don’t taste more of this body that I know was made just for me, I am going to die here. I need to see you fall completely apart, Erin. Let go for once. Let me show you how good I can make you feel.”

Oh, hell. I am panting like a thirsty dog. He wants to make me feel good. I have all kinds of thoughts running through my head right now. “I... I want to make you feel good, too,” I finally manage to squeak out.

“Just you straddling me and watching you come undone as I touch you is all I need. This is all about you, love.” He lifts us both up and makes his way into his bedroom and oh, dear God, give me strength because I swear this man can make me come just by his words alone.

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