Rescue Me (8 page)

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Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult

BOOK: Rescue Me
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The sound of the girls’ giggles brings me back to reality.

“I’m good, Uncle Adam,” chirps Lucy. “My daddy is home early, too.”

“Well, I would say you’re both lucky girls,” I pipe in because right now I need to hold my baby girl.

“Mommy!” Sierra says happily as she jumps into my arms. “I love you so much.”

Standing there holding the most important person in my life, I try to hold back the tears that want to fall, but somehow one lonely tear rolls down my cheek. I close my eyes and vow to keep her away from Joel at all cost.

“Girls, let’s see if you have any homework and I will help you get it done,” Shayne says softly.
Thank God Sierra didn’t notice I am an absolute mess
, I think as I set her back down. Both of the girls pick up their backpacks and follow Shayne into the kitchen.

Adam and I turn to Luke, who tells us the phone Joel used was disposable, so they can’t track it. Antonio has called mall security but they won’t let anyone see the tapes because technically no crime was committed. I soak up all this information, determined not to cave in. I am not going to shed another tear for that asshole, whatever his reasons might be for being here. I have to keep reminding myself I am stronger than I was all those years ago because it’s the only way I am going to get through this.

About an hour later, Shayne, Lucy, and Luke leave and the three of us make a quick dinner. Afterwards, Sierra takes her bath and once I have her ready for bed, I climb in beside her.

Opening my eyes hours later, I realize I must have fallen asleep as I laid next to my baby praying to God that Joel wouldn’t get his hands on her. I would take a thousand beatings from that selfish prick before I would ever let him see her. I made that vow to my daughter years ago and I intend to keep it.

After the initial shock from the phone call wore off, I came to the conclusion that I am not as weak as I thought I was, and part of that reason has to do with the man I can’t find right now. The house is eerily quiet and completely dark as I roam around trying to find Adam. Finally, I see a small light coming from the back porch. I peer outside and notice him sitting in a chair with his longs legs stretched out in front of him as music plays softly from his phone.

I stand there for several minutes taking in his strong features. He is definitely a sight for sore eyes. I could just stand here and watch him all night, but something pulls me toward him. I slowly open the door and no sooner than I close it behind me, he is up out of his chair lifting me into his arms.

God help me
, I think as he buries his face into my neck.
I never want him to let me go

Chapter Nine



I lay my head back on the chair out on my deck, thinking back over today’s events. This morning when I woke up with Erin curled up next to me sleeping peacefully, things finally felt like they were heading in the right direction for the two of us. When I got to work, the guys picked up quickly on my good mood.

I smile as I recall Trevor’s words first thing this morning.

“What’s got you in such a good mood today, boss man?” my right hand guy Trevor asked me as we started to set the trusses on the house we’re building. “Did Erin finally come to her senses and tell you she wants your ass as bad as you want her?”

“Something like that, but I ain’t telling you motherfuckers shit. I see the way you all look at her anyway,” I say, but I know all my guys have been pulling for Erin and me to get together ever since she started working in the office. I told all of them she is off limits.

“Oh, shit. Man, you can’t expect us to keep our eyes off of her, too?” Mark replies.

“Fuck yeah, I can. She’s mine, bitches. Now, one of you get your ass on that crane so we can set these damn things. I want to get home to my girls.”

“Fucking hell, dude! You’re pussy whipped already. Holy shit,” Trevor teases.

Everyone starts laughing including me as I start to climb the ladder.

“Assholes,” I mumble to myself as I shake my head. The thought that my friends were just as excited as I was that Erin and I had finally started to work towards building a relationship had me fucking wanting to scream ‘HELL YES’ at the top of my lungs as I stood up and looked out into the surrounding woods.

The guys dicked around with me all morning. A few hours later we were taking a quick break, and that’s when my phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my back pocket and looked at the screen. Luke.

“Hey, man. What’s up?” I asked casually, but it all went to shit from there.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I screamed into the phone after Luke told me about the phone call Erin received. I fucking freaked the hell out. How dare that son of a bitch contact her after everything he has done to her? What in the hell could he possibly want? I suddenly become panicked.

“Where is she? On my way... and, Luke? Thanks, man.”


I am going to lose it. I knew I had to get myself under control for Erin before I saw her. The first thing I wanted to do was get home as fast as I could. How in the hell did he find her, let alone get her phone number?

“Adam, what the hell is going on?” Trevor asked with a look of dread on his face. Tossing my tool belt on the ground I explain to the guys what had happened and I took off for my truck as quickly as I could.

“Motherfucker!” I yelled, slamming my hands down on the dash of my truck as I pulled out of the job site. If that son of a bitch thinks he can come here and fuck with my girls then he has another thing coming. I will fucking kill him if he ever lays his hands on Erin again. Or Sierra. I love that girl as if she were my own. Just because he donated the damn sperm does not make him her father. He has no idea who the hell he is dealing with here. Fucking worthless piece of shit! I need to calm down before I reach my house. Erin can’t see me like this. My girl needs me to be levelheaded here.

When I arrived at my house, Erin and Shayne were not back yet. I started pacing back and forth on the sidewalk until I finally heard them pull in. As soon as I turned around, my girl was running straight for me. Her long blonde hair was hanging halfway out of her ponytail and there were black streaks of make up all down her face but she still was a sight for sore eyes.

I had her in my arms right where she belongs and I felt like a helpless dick as she started bawling hysterically. We stood there for a few minutes until I felt her start to gain some sort of control.

Erin lightly taps on the window, bringing me out of my memories. What this woman doesn’t know is, I need her just as badly as she needs me. I am up and on my feet before she even takes a step toward me, and as I bring her into my arms and bury my head into her neck, I feel like I can breathe again.

“What are you doing out here so late? It’s after midnight.”

She sounds so worried and her voice is still so shaky. I place both of my hands in hers, take a few steps back, and pull her in closer to me.

“I didn’t want to disturb you and Sierra, so I came out here for a while and just lost track of time.” It takes me a couple of minutes before I even notice that I have us swaying to the beat of a slow rock song playing. “You’re safe with me, Erin McIntyre. I will do everything I can to keep my girls safe, honey. I need you to believe that,” I state as I press my forehead to hers.

“I am done being scared of him, Adam. A man like him doesn’t deserve my happiness, but a man like you does.”

She shocks the living hell out of me when she gently brings my head down with her hand and takes my mouth by surprise. Our tongues swirl against each other’s as I kiss her back with the deepest, most devastating hungry kiss that I have ever experienced. It’s as if I am pacing our kiss with the soft rhythm of the music we are swaying to. I feel her body start to relax when I take my mouth from hers.

“You’re such an incredibly loving and caring man. I am so sorry you are being dragged into all of this.”

Her eyes are moist with unshed tears and fuck, I don’t want her to feel like she has dragged me into anything.

“I am right where I want to be, so don’t ever think you have dragged me into anything.” I am pissed she would even think that way but I don’t let her know that.

“I’m scared of him, and there are so many things you don’t know about yet. I want so badly to tell you everything but I am not going to let him beat me down again, not when I have so much to look forward to with you.”

Oh, Christ! I have wanted to hear her say that for so damn long.

“That’s my girl. Together we will make it through this. We will find him and figure out exactly what the son of a bitch wants,” I say with every ounce of certainty I have.

“I want to show you something,” Erin says softly. My curiosity gets the better of me, so I let go of her, grab my phone, and lock up the house behind us as we enter. Erin heads for her bedroom and begins to rummage around in the closet. What the hell could possibly be in there?

“I want to show you a picture of Joel just in case he’s here so you know what he looks like,” she finally says, reading my mind.

“Are you sure you’re up to this?” I ask as she continues searching through her closet.

“Yes, I’m sure. Ah. Here it is.”

She hands me an envelope with ‘Joel’ written on it. She doesn’t wait for me to open it; instead, she walks out of the room completely. I pull the few photos out and seeing the smug look on his face as he sits with a beer in his hand, I instantly hate the son of a bitch even more than I did before.

“I will make you pay for what you have done, that’s a fucking promise,” I say to myself as I tuck the photo back in the envelope. I take it to my room and place it on top of the dresser.

I am met with silence in the kitchen, so I quickly search the house looking for Erin. I take a peek inside Sierra’s bedroom and the sight before me is one of the most picturesque I have ever seen as Erin lies beside her daughter. I can only imagine how scared she must feel right now.

We didn’t really have much time to talk about the situation as we both devoted our time to Sierra tonight. Erin had her daughter tucked close to her side while we watched a movie; she even kept her eyes glued to the bathroom door when my little butterfly went in for a shower. Call me a pussy and any other name in the book that you want to, but I wish I could take away every bit of pain and suffering this amazing woman is going through. I am so new to this relationship thing that I have no idea what the hell to do.

I leave the two of them alone as I don’t want to pry or intrude on what Erin needs right now, so taking my phone out of my pocket, I take long strides down the hall and fade into the darkness of the fall sky as I slip out onto back porch and dial the one person who I know will be able to help me.

“Hey, brat.”

“Is everything okay?” Shayne answers groggily.

“Yeah. Erin is sleeping with Sierra and it was a quiet night, but I need your help. And yes, I know I woke you and I am sorry about that, but I just don’t have a damn clue what to do to for Erin to take away her pain and make this easier on her. On the outside she is trying so hard to be strong, Shayne, but I can see in her eyes that she is scared.”

“She has every right to be sacred. That man is a monster. I don’t know how much she has told you about some of the things he has done to her, but he broke her in more ways than I can even comprehend. So what kind of help do you need?” she demands.

Shit, my head is spinning. I have no idea if Erin has told Shayne about anything that has happened between us while she and Luke were gone, but knowing how close the two of them are I am going to go with ‘yes’ and just tell her what I need.

“Listen, I am sure you know everything that went on between Erin and me. Damn it, Shayne! I got her walls to start crumbling and now I am so damn scared that this jackass has put them back up. I am at a loss on what to do here.”

“Oh, Adam. I am just as scared as you are, and yes, she told me all about you two. I couldn’t be happier. But you’re talking to the wrong person. What you just said to me needs to be said to her.”

I nervously run my fingers through my hair as I look up into the starry sky.

“You know I don’t like seeing her distressed like this. I really care about her, Shayne.”

“I know you do. I have known for a while now, and if anyone can keep chipping away at her, it’s you. Now get off the phone with me and go get her. And, Adam? Just for the record, she cares a lot about you, too.”

Chapter Ten


Carefully positioning myself next to my daughter on her bed, I lay there and look at her small frame sleeping peacefully, knowing she doesn’t have a care in the world except to be a child. My love for this little girl is unconditional and I will do everything to keep her as happy as I possibly can. I never want her to be tainted by her vicious father and the things I know he is capable of. I shiver just thinking about him and the fact that he could actually get to her.

She never talks about her father. In fact, she has never asked about him at all. I dread the day when she finally does. I have no idea what I will even tell her, but one thing is for sure- I will not lie to her at all.

When I glance at the clock and see how late it is, I know I am not going to get any sleep tonight with the way my mind is still racing. I kiss my baby one last time and close her door behind me as I step out into the hall. The house is eerily quiet and dark as I cross over to my bedroom. I notice the light is on in Adam’s room so I quietly knock on his door. When he opens it, I find him wearing only a pair of loose shorts with his bare chest staring me right in the face. I want to lean into him and just lick it because I know he is going to taste like nothing I have ever experienced before.

“Get in here, sweet cheeks,” Adam says cockily as he puts his arms around my waist and pulls me into him.

Oh, hell. When my hands land on his smooth, powerful chest I feel an ache between my legs. My mind shouldn’t be thinking like this right now with everything that is happening, but the sexual chemistry between Adam and me has been building for months.

I lift my head and look at Adam, and the heated glaze I see in his eyes makes a wicked thought run through my mind, the kind I have only ever had about him. I am not experienced whatsoever when it comes to sex. The things I want to do him and the things I want him to do to me are so out of my comfort zone, it scares the living hell out of me. But I am falling so hard for him. I need him.

The event from today is the farthest thing from my mind when Adam places his hands around my butt and lifts me up. My legs instantly wrap around his waist and when he starts to kiss my neck in soft feather-like kisses, I fall apart. He is always the one who wants to make me feel good but I want to play the aggressor tonight.

“Take me to bed, Adam,” I moan.

“My pleasure, beautiful.”

When he sets me down gently on the floor next to his bed I have no idea what comes over me, but I become bold and reckless. I grip him and shove him down onto the mattress. He quirks his eyebrows up at me after I tell him exactly what I am about to do to him.

“You make me want to do things that I have never done before. Over the past few days you have done everything to please me. Now it’s my turn to please you.”

“Erin, you please me every day just by letting me be in your presence.”

“Shut up before I lose my nerve here. Now lay back and let me take matters into my own hands.”

I place my hand on his already engorged cock. I am not sure where this new Erin is coming from, but from the sounds of pleasure coming out of Adam’s mouth as I stroke him, it sounds like he likes her just as much as I do. I climb onto the bed and straddle him just above his knees, leaning my head forward and kissing every inch of his bare chest that I can find. I don’t even realize what I am doing until I hear the deepest growl come out of Adam’s mouth.

Somehow I have inched my way close to...
holy hell!
I am staring at what I know has to be at least nine inches of pure masculine cock.

“Jesus Christ, woman. You’re killing me here.”

He is completely out of breath and oh, fuck! He isn’t wearing anything under his shorts. I reach in and grab hold of his thick shaft, startled once again as I run my hand over the tip of it. I look up at him, not realizing he can see the shocked expression on my face.

“I had that done in college. I lost a bet with a few college buddies. It’s a Prince Albert piercing.”

Placing his hand over the top of mine, we begin to diligently stroke his cock together. I thought I was being bold, but now? Hell, I don’t even know how to suck this thing. I am speechless here, but I’ll be damned if this doesn’t turn me on like crazy. Sweet, caring Adam has a piercing. Holy shit! I have heard so much about these things and what they can do for a woman while having sex that I swear I am about ready to come right here on the spot. Not only have I hit the jackpot with a giving and compassionate man, shit, I have hit the jackpot sexually, too.

But how the hell am I going to fit that in my mouth? He must sense my hesitation because we stop stroking and he places his hand under my chin and lifts it to look up at him.

“Come up here.” 

My uncertainty is undoubtedly back and he must be able to read my thoughts.

“We don’t have to do anything, Erin. Just having you in my bed and holding you is enough for me.”

“No.” I shake my head back and forth. “Just tell me what to do. This is another first for me, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

His eyes get large and he gulps. “Oh hell, woman. You really are a dream come true. There is no way you’re going to hurt me, so have at it. It’s all yours, baby.”

Holy hell’s bells, it’s all mine and this new Erin is about to take her man in her mouth for the first time. I lift myself back up and shove, and I mean shove, my hand back into his shorts. OH MY FUCKING GOD, he is absolutely huge. I hate comparing him to Joel, but he is the only man I have ever been with, and good Lord, his dick is like
compared to Adam’s. I know they say size doesn’t matter, it’s all about whether they know how to use it or not. Something tells me that Adam knows how to use every inch he has been blessed with. I actually lick my lips as I begin to drag his shorts down his legs.

“You are a dangerously sexy man, Adam Payne, and I am going to take this huge cock into my mouth right now,” I say shamelessly.

“Oh, fuck yeah, baby. Take it and make another one of my dreams come true. He has been dying for you to wrap that sweet little mouth of yours around him.”

After pulling his shorts completely off, I stare, no I gawk at what has to be the sexiest man alive. I have never acted this way before. I swear I can actually feel my heart skip a beat as I gape at his massive cock. Grasping hold of it, I bring my head down without any hesitation at all and swipe my tongue around the tip, licking off the pre-cum.

“Holy fuck! Do that again,” Adam groans.

My pleasure,
I think to myself.

Swiping it one more time, I take as much of him into my mouth as I can. I have never wanted to give a blow job as badly as I do right now. Being careful not to hurt him with his piercing, I start to bob my head. Knowing I can’t get all of him in my mouth, I grip his shaft and start pumping in perfect unison. I want him to know I can’t get enough of him. When I feel the need to take a breath, I slowly run the tip of my tongue over his piercing. I love it when he jerks in my hand. By the sounds coming out of Adam’s mouth, I can tell he loves it, too. I flip my tongue on the underside of the head and Adam lets loose a string of swear words.

“Erin, I am going to come. You need to stop, sweetheart.”

Shaking my head ‘no’, I continue to lick around the tip. I suck and pump until at last he swells in my mouth. He tastes so damn good. His cum is salty and slides easily down my throat.

“Please tell me I am not dreaming,” Adam says as I release him from my mouth and look up at him.

“Well, I have dreamt about you for months now, and I have got to say you have made almost all of my dreams come true.”

“Almost?” he questions.

Adam moves like lightning as he pushes me onto my back and lies gloriously naked in between my legs. I look away from him as all of my doubts creep back into my mind.

“Don’t,” he commands, pulling my face back toward his.

“Do not shy away from me. What you just did and what we just shared was better than any dream I have ever had of you, Erin. Trust me, I have had so many dreams about us, I have lost count. I love the fact that you were so turned on, you let loose and did something so unlike you. I never would have thought my sweet little Erin would have seduced me like that. You gave me one hell of a fucking blow job, one I hope you do again and again. Baby, this is just the beginning of everything exciting that is going to happen between you and me. Once I claim that sweet pussy of yours, I am going to fuck you into a stupor, and you are going to fuck me right back.”

“I can’t wait,” I whisper.

“I don’t want to wait either, love, but we will and it will be very soon. Now I want you naked when you sleep next to me.”

And naked I become as Adam removes all of my clothing. We climb under the covers and I lay my head on his warm, smooth chest. He pulls me close to him and I don’t feel an ounce of fear over the phone call from Joel.




I feel on top of the world as I wake up and stretch. I lay there for a few moments and think back on how unlike myself I was last night. There is something about Adam that just makes me want to lose all control. He makes me feel so alive and I feel so good about myself. Anxious to see Sierra this morning, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, totally forgetting about the fact that I am downright naked until I stand up and hear a low whistle from behind me.

“Nice. You scared the crap out of me,” I grumble.

“Don’t move,” Adam demands.

“What? Why not? I am standing here completely naked, for God’s sake.”

“Oh, I know you’re naked. And I said, don’t move.”

No way am I standing here while he gawks at my backside, so I bend over to grab my clothes. All of a sudden Adam reaches out and has his hands all over my ass.

“I love this,” he says huskily as he massages my cheeks. “This,” he says as he gives them a small squeeze, “should never be covered up. As a matter of fact, I think we should set a new rule.”

“And what would that be?” I pant heavily.

“When you’re in this bed, I never want this covered up. I want this entire sexy body waiting for me to worship it, because that’s what this body and you deserve.”

I yelp a little as he gives me a light slap on my butt.
Holy shit
. I am dripping wet and about ready to explode just from his words. When he pulls me back on top of him and I feel how hard he is already, I have to squeeze my legs together because the delicious ache I suddenly have between them is increasing by the second.

“I have something I want to talk to you about,” Adam quips, piquing my curiosity.

“Sure, what is it?”

“What you did to me last night was absolutely amazing. I know you haven’t been worshipped or taken care of like you should be.”

Where is he going with this, I wonder?

“I want to know everything about you, both inside and out. I want you to tell me your deepest, darkest sexual fantasies, baby. With you there are no boundaries. I want to worship this body and I want to be the one to fill every single one of those fantasies just as I want you to fulfill mine.”

Holy crap. How do I respond to that? “ want to fulfill my fantasies?” I ask nervously.

“Yes, I do, and I want you to complete mine, too. When we are in this bedroom I want you to let loose. After last night I believe there is a very naughty and very imaginative woman inside of my shy Erin, and I want to make sure she is very satisfied.”

He thrusts his hips up into my already seeping core. Hell, he
my fantasy; doesn’t he see that?

“I know you have a lot going through that head of yours right now, but one thing I know for sure is that I am falling for you, hard. I want to be the man you deserve and I want to make you happy in every way possible.”

One thing he is definitely right about is that I
have fantasies, but I am not sure how to respond or even how to tell him some of the stuff I have fantasized about. There are so many different things I would love to do and have done to me, but the shy and naïve woman in me doesn’t even know where to begin.

I exhale and when I make eye contact with Adam it’s as if he is reading my thoughts.

“We don’t have to divulge our fantasies right now. Just think about what I said. I want everything with you, sweet cheeks, and I mean everything.”

His voice turns serious as he continues.

“Now one more thing I wanted to talk to you about before we get Sierra up for school. Until we find where Joel is, I would feel so much better if you worked from home and not be out driving around and in the office all day by yourself.”

The thought of being stuck at home and the thought of Joel possibly being here makes me instantly sick to my stomach.

“I have no problem with working from home because there is so much work I need to catch up on, but like I told you last night, I am not going to let him have control over me anymore. I am scared to death of him, I won’t deny that, but I will not live my life inside of a bubble anymore because of him, Adam. I don’t even know what he wants. Or why the hell he is even contacting me after all these years.” I hesitate before continuing. “I am sure it has to do with Sierra. As a matter of fact, I am sure it does. But why? I have no clue. All I know is, I don’t want that man anywhere near my daughter.”

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