Rescue Me (7 page)

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Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult

BOOK: Rescue Me
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“I need to taste you when you come for the first time, sweetheart,” Adam requests as he lays me down on his bed. I look up at him shyly and bite down on my lower lip.

“I….no one has ever done that to me before, Adam.” 

“What? Are you telling me that no one has had their mouth on what I know has got to be the sweetest tasting pussy in this entire world?” I can see the look of astonishment written all over his face. “Oh, baby. I am about ready to rock your fucking world,” he continues happily.

He reaches down and trails a hand down my smooth stomach and when he reaches the top of my jeans, he flicks open the button. I close my eyes.

“Don’t close your eyes, baby. Look at me.”

When I open my eyes, a single tear runs down my face. I am looking at the most beautiful man I have ever seen in the world, but I am undone when I see pain in his eyes.

“Tell me what’s wrong?” he asks, taking his hand and brushing the tear away.

“I feel so foolish for telling you this. I am twenty-seven years old and I have no clue what the hell I am doing when it comes to sex or oral sex, Adam. I was married to a selfish man who didn’t give two flying fucks about me or whether he pleased me or not. I just don’t want to disappoint you. I care for you too much to.”

“Erin, stop. I am not even going to let you finish nor do I ever want you to bring up or to ever think about your past again. I have waited my entire life for you and for as long as I can, I am going to put you first. I would never make you do anything that you don’t feel comfortable doing, so for tonight let me just hold you.”

“Okay,” I say gently. God, I am such a fool. He makes me want to feel and every time I think I am going to let him in just a little more my past seems to come back and slap me right in the face. I can’t do this anymore. My feelings are so strong for him, so why? Why can’t I let it go?

Chapter Seven



A few minutes after locking up the house, I enter my bedroom with Erin’s shirt and bra in my hand only to find her in my bed already under the covers. It takes every bit of restraint I have not to rip those covers off of her and show her just how much I know I can please her, but in her emotional state I know  the best thing to do right now is to hold her. I drop her shirt to the floor because there is no way in hell I want it back on her. I need to feel her skin against mine. I need to touch and caress her.

I lift my shirt over my head and take my jeans off, letting them drop to the floor. Erin’s eyes roam up and down my body and her breathing instantly quickens. Climbing into my bed, I pull her close and start to run my fingers through her soft hair. Motherfucking hell, she feels so damn good in my arms.

“You doing okay there, sweet cheeks?”

She giggles. She actually fucking giggles.

“What in the hell is so damn funny, woman?”

She is laughing so uncontrollably right now that she starts snorting.

“Oh shit. I am so sorry,” she wheezes through her laughing fit.

I can’t help myself. I start laughing with her and I have no fucking clue what the hell I am even laughing at. Gradually our laughter starts to die down and her voice becomes more serious as she speaks.

“I have no clue what just came over me and I am so embarrassed I just don’t know what to think of all this, Adam. The thought of someone like you, a man who is so picture perfect and who is every woman’s dream, wants to be with me. It’s all too overwhelming and it scares the living shit out of me. I just don’t know how to act or what to do. I want so badly to let you in.”

I turn so we are face to face. She is so breathtakingly beautiful.

“Erin, I am not used to someone saying what you just said to me, either. And although I’m not quite sure I am every woman’s dream man or even close to perfect, hearing those words come from you- that’s a step in the right direction, sweetheart. It’s a small step and a sign you are letting me in.”

Suddenly, it’s like she has some sort of epiphany. I don’t know if it’s from the words I just said or what, but when she leans up and lightly strokes the stubble on my chin and then kisses the spot where her hand just was, it’s as if I have the same brave Erin back from just a few moments ago.

“You know, I have dreamt so many times about being in this bed with you and just having you hold me and wonder what it would feel like to have you touch me.” She pauses and continues. “Dreams do come true.”

She has a spark in her eyes and a smile spreads across her face as she speaks. I need to do everything I can to keep it there, so I place a soft kiss on both of her cheeks. I pull her over to lie across my chest so I can feel her just as much as I know she wants to feel me.

“Yeah, baby. Just having you in my arms right now is definitely a dream come true.”





I am woken by a voice I will never get tired of hearing.

“Mmm?” I rasp as I caress her soft skin. “What time is it?”

Glancing at the clock and seeing it’s two thirty in the morning, I lie my head back on the pillow but my eyes instantly pop open as I feel Erin’s hand run across my chest.

“I’m sorry to wake you but I can’t fall asleep. My mind is racing like some kind of lunatic, and I...” She stops speaking.

“You what, Erin?”

“Oh, hell. I can’t believe I am even thinking this,” she says with exasperation.

What the hell is she thinking? Whatever it is, it must be really hard for her to get out. I just lay there in silence and give her the time she needs to say whatever is keeping her from being able to sleep.

“I want you to do what you wanted to do earlier,” she finally says.

Her voice is so meek and so small when she makes her confession, but I am now doing a mental fist pump because, hell yes, my girl is letting me in.

I can’t control myself anymore. I sit up and look closely into her eyes for any sign she doesn’t mean what she says.

“Are you sure?” I ask intently. “Because Erin, I will wait as long as it takes. This thing between you and me is not about any type of sex, you know that, right?”

“I do, Adam, but trust me when I say I want this. I have been lying here for the past two hours just thinking and I, I
to be happy. And you’re my happy.” She looks deep into my eyes. “You make me want to
. With every ounce of my body I want to feel it all with you, Adam. I want so badly to just let everything go. Don’t ask me why, or what has made me all of a sudden have this change of heart. What I can tell you is that as I laid here in your arms tonight, for the first time in as long as I can remember I realized I am happy, and I want to continue to be that way. So, yes, Adam. I am more than ready.”

She takes a deep breath and as if she knows exactly what is running through my mind, she whispers, “Take my panties off and touch me please, Adam.”

Oh, Christ! She doesn’t have to ask me twice. I wanted to take my time with her but I can’t. I need to taste her so fucking bad I am practically drooling.

I raise myself up off of the bed and bring my hand to the waistband of her panties. She lifts her ass to help me as I slowly peel them down. Once I have them off I spread her legs, and fuck me, I can smell how damn sweet she is from here. I have waited a long damn time for this and I have never been so hungry in my entire fucking life.

“I am going to devour your sweet pussy, Erin, and I am not coming up for air until I have you begging me to stop. Even then, I am going to keep going baby, because this,” I say, cupping her naked flesh with my hand, “is all mine.”

I hear her gasp and then my mouth is right where I have wanted it since the first day my eyes landed on her. Sweet Jesus, she tastes so damn good. My cock is painfully hard right now but this isn’t about me, this is all about her. She whimpers as I lick and taste what I have wanted for so long and when she pushes herself into my face even more I about lose my shit.

“Oh, Adam!”

I start flicking her clit with my tongue as I take my finger and slowly spread her juices around her lips. When I shove my finger inside her tight channel, she grips it. Fuck me sideways, this is pure heaven.

I know she has to be close to coming, so I insert one more finger and pump them in and out of her as I tug on her clit. I can’t tell if I like the sounds coming out of her mouth or the sounds coming out of mine more as I bring her to the edge.

I feel her come all over my fingers. I release my hold on her clit and remove my hand as I assault her pussy again with my mouth, licking and sucking every bit my girl is giving. God I have never felt anything so good in all my life. Nothing makes me happier than knowing I am the first man to ever taste this pussy.

“Adam, please, don’t stop. Ahh! That feels so good,” she moans, gripping the sheets as I feel her pussy start to spasm again. I look up as she arches her back, and when she comes for the second time in my mouth, I lick every last drop.

I crawl back up her sinfully sexy body, kissing her smooth stomach and leaving trails of her juices all over until at last I am looking into her eyes. I consume her mouth with mine and let her taste how sweet she is.

Breaking apart from our kiss, I lean my forehead on hers.

“Don’t ever make dessert again, love, because there is nothing in this whole entire world that will ever be as sweet as your pussy.” I place a soft kiss on her lips. “Did you like the way you tasted on my mouth, Erin?”

“Yes. But now let me take care of you.”

“Not tonight. This is about you, not me. But rest assured, sweetheart, one of my dreams came true tonight and I have no doubt in my mind the rest of them will, too. When that time comes, baby, I will have no problem at all with you taking care of me.”

Even in the moonlight I can see she is blushing as she tries to catch her breath. I stare at those plump, juicy lips coated with her sweet juices and all I can think about is having them wrapped around my cock.

Damn it all to hell, I am falling for this woman, and by the way she is looking at me with her eyes gleaming in the moonlight, I know she is falling for me, too.

“I have no words to describe what that felt like,” Erin whispers a few minutes later as I tuck her into my side.

“Love, that was only the beginning of what it’s going to feel like between the two of us.”

I exhale, and when the woman I have been yearning to have for months sighs, I feel the warmth of her breath on my chest as she falls asleep. I am more bound and determined than ever to make her life better than any dream she has ever had.



Chapter Eight



Waking up in Adam’s arms this morning is giving me a sense of peace and hope that I have finally found someone who truly cares for me. No one has ever looked at me or talked to me the way he does. Despite my experience with Joel, I know there are good men out there. My mind keeps telling me to jump in headfirst but my heart is so frightened of being hurt. I just want to let it all go and be able to experience what everyone should be able to have at least once in their lifetime- unconditional love.

Lifting my head to look at the clock, I notice I still have about fifteen minutes before I have to get Sierra up for school, so I run my hand across Adam’s bottom lip. God, who would have thought his lips and tongue could bring me so much pleasure? Joel was one of those ‘wham-bam-thank you, ma’am’ type of guys and never once cared about what I wanted. Whenever he touched me my skin would crawl, and afterwards all I wanted to do was jump in the shower and wash every bit of his smell off of me. The thought of him right now leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. But with Adam I just want to stay here all day and not ever take a shower to erase his scent.

“Good morning,” he mumbles as he wakes.


“God, you feel so good in my arms.”

“You do, too,” I say shyly. “I never would have pegged you for a cuddler, Adam.”

“Well, I have never had a woman who I wanted to cuddle with before, but with you I don’t ever want to take my hands off of you.”

He flips me so I am lying on top of him and squeezes my butt cheeks. “As a matter of fact, I would love to have these hands permanently glued to this mighty fine, tight ass,” he says in his strong but still sleepy voice. “But unfortunately we need to get our little angel up for school and I need to get to work.”

“Yeah, I have so much paperwork to do in your office today, too,” I agree.

“Oh, hell no. You’re taking the day off today. Maybe even the whole week,” Adam declares.

I shoot straight up in bed with a look that could kill. “What? Like hell I am! I have a ton of work to do and you know it.”

Shrugging his shoulders, he gives me the most irresistible look I have ever seen. “You’re taking the day off and that’s final. Besides, you wouldn’t want to disappoint Shayne, now would you?”

“What do you mean by that?” I question.

Bringing himself up so we are face to face, he blows me the fuck away with his next words.

“You and Shayne are going shopping. She stated right before the wedding that she needed some new clothes, so I told her you would go with her and you’re going. You have not taken a day off since you started working for me and you deserve one. And before you try and get all badass about it, just remember I am your boss. So go and enjoy time with your friend, baby. You deserve it.”

I feel tears forming. I would really love to spend the day with Shayne, but I have so much work to do. “You’re impossible, you know that, right? And you know I have all those invoices to file?”

He simply shrugs. “I got it, Erin, so go and have fun.”

“Fine. You win this time, but only today. And leave my paperwork alone!” I say furiously as I climb out of bed and tread as fast as I can to go get my daughter ready for school. At that moment, Adam’s words from just a few minutes ago hit me like a ton of bricks. I stop dead in my tracks just outside of Sierra’s room with my mouth gaping open, and I let one stray tear of happiness fall down my face because he just called my little girl, “




“Oh, no he didn’t?” I screech, laughing hysterically with Shayne as we sit at the table in the food court at the mall.

“He most certainly did,” she chuckles. “I was so damn embarrassed. I mean, who does that for God’s sake? The bellhop was just a kid, he couldn’t have been much more than eighteen years old and Luke went all caveman on the poor guy.”

“He loves you, Shayne. The idea of anyone else looking at you, especially at your ass, just pissed him off,” I joke.

“That’s exactly what he said, but still, the poor kid looked like he wanted to cry and Luke refused to apologize to the jerk.”

I am laughing so hard right now that I snort which makes everyone around us look our way. We can’t help but sit there in a fitful of giggles like a couple of schoolgirls.

After Adam was so persistent this morning about me taking the day off, I showered quickly and as Sierra and Adam were eating breakfast, I called Shayne to coordinate our shopping trip. We met at the mall after dropping the girls off at school. As of right now we have been shopping for several hours. I have gotten a few new pairs of shoes which I do not need; I am definitely what you would call a shoe whore. I also found a few pairs of new jeans that Shayne said make my ass look delish. Feeling a little self-conscious about the last store I want to go in, I feel my face start to flush.

I look up at Shayne and she has the biggest shit-eating grin on her face.

“What?” I question.

“You know, there is something different about you today.” Her expression makes me turn every shade of red as she leans back and crosses her arms. “You had sex with Adam, didn’t you?” she gasps.

Oh, hell’s bells.
“I did not,” I state matter-of-factly.

“Something happened, I can tell. Don’t just leave me hanging here. Tell me everything!” She pauses. “Well, maybe not everything. Oh, come on, spill it!”

Blustering up as much courage as I can, I tell her everything that happened between the two of us. I tell her about our date and that I slept in his bed last night and how good it felt to be held by a man all night for the first time in my life. I am so engrossed in my story that I am not even paying attention to the tears falling down Shayne’s face, but when she looks at me her face is filled with nothing short of joy.

Placing her hands over the top of mine on the table she exclaims,

“I am so happy for the two of you! You deserve this and so does Adam.” She wipes the tears from her face with the back of her hand and continues. “This is just remarkable. Sorry for being a blubbering mess here. It must be the pregnancy hormones. Let’s go finish shopping. I saw you eyeing the lingerie store earlier as we went by, so let’s go in there and pick out something for you to wear so mind-blowingly hot that when Adam sees you in it he will be begging you!”

“Oh, and one more thing,” she says as she stands and picks up our empty tray to leave. “I know I asked you to tell me everything, but this is Adam we’re talking about. Now that you two are giving this a try, I don’t want any of the details. As long as I continue to see this smile on your face, that is all I need to know.”




I mutter as I gape at myself in the mirror, running my hands over the softness of the green silk bra and panty set. A hint of lace encrusts the top edge of the bra, which makes my breasts look so much bigger than they already are. Just thinking about what Adam is going to say when I finally wear this for him has me standing here daydreaming in this dressing room.

“Erin, are you almost done in there? I need to make a few more stops before we go get the girls from school,” Shayne calls out anxiously.

“Yes, I’m so sorry! I’ll be right out.”

I guess I lost track of time while I was in here trying to decide what to get. Hell, I never once bought anything like this for Joel because the thought of him touching me made my skin crawl. I shiver just thinking about him as I pull my shirt over the top of my head. Picking up my purchases, I open the door and see Shayne paying for her things at the counter. I set my items down as I approach.

“And what did you find?” I ask as I pull open her bag and snoop inside.

“Oh, Shayne! Luke will love that.”

Sputtering she says, “He loves white lace, and when I saw this little see-through lace nightie I knew I had to get it. What did you get?”

I point to the bra set on the counter. “Oh, sexy momma!” she teases.

Making our way through the mall with our packages, we’re laughing and having one of the best girl days Shayne and I have had in a long time when I hear my phone start to ring inside my purse. When I pull it out, I notice it is a local number but I don’t recognize it. I slide my finger across the screen.


“I never did like black on you, Erin, but the way those jeans are hugging your ass and the way your hips sway…”

I drop the phone. NO! It CAN’T be him.

“Oh, fuck!” I scream as I fall to the floor.

I look up at Shayne who now has panic written all over her face. The last word that seeps out of my mouth before I start crying and my heart starts beating hysterically is,


Her eyes fly wide open. “Come on, Erin. Let’s get out of here!” she grits out as she helps me stand up.

My legs are so weak and there are people all around us asking if I am all right. I can hear Shayne speaking calmly as we walk past everyone and exit the mall. She helps me get into her car and as we drive off, the only thing I can think of is getting to my daughter.

“We have to go to the school and get Sierra. Oh my God, what if he finds her? We have to go get her now!”

“Erin, calm down sweetheart. Let me call Adam and Luke. You can’t go running into the school like this. Look at you; you’re shaking. I’m going to have Luke go pick up the girls from school and bring them to my house, okay?”

Shayne is right. I’m losing control, but as calming as her words are I can’t help but feel like I am going to fall to pieces if I don’t get my daughter in my arms right now.

I lay my head back on the headrest. I hear Shayne talking to someone on her phone who I assume is either Luke or Adam, but in my terror I can’t even make out the words. By the time we pull into my drive, Adam’s truck is already there. As soon as I see him standing on the front porch I am out the door and into his arms.

We stand there for a few minutes until I get myself under control. I feel so safe in his embrace but I won’t feel at ease until I have Sierra. When I finally lift my head and look into his green eyes, they mirror the confusion and concern I know are in mine as well. I feel myself start to lose control again but I hold it all in as he cups my face with his masculine hands.

“Everything is going to be all right, sweetheart.”

I start shaking my head back and forth. “No, it’s not. He knows where I am! I…I have to leave, I have to get away from him. He can’t come near Sierra. Oh, God! What if he takes her?” I start to cry again frantically.

“He won’t, Erin. Do you honestly think I am going to let him come near you?”

“He scares me, Adam. I can’t be near him. Oh, God!”

“Shh,” he says as he draws my body back into his. “You are one of the strongest women I have ever met, babe. Stay strong. He can’t hurt you anymore. Do you hear me?”

I know he believes what he is saying, but I have never been so afraid of anyone in my life. There is so much Joel has done to me and the only other person that knows what really happened the night I decided to leave him is Shelby. I have blocked so much of that night out of my mind and just when I am starting to finally feel like I am worth someone else’s love, he just shows up out of the blue.

Adam takes hold of my hand and leads us into the house where Shayne is sitting quietly on the couch. She hands me some tissue.

“Luke has the girls and should be here any minute,” she says to me comfortingly. “Why don’t you go take a shower before Sierra gets here? Then, if it’s all right with you, we can take her home with us.”

“No!” I burst out instinctively before I realize what I’ve done. I start again more calmly. “I want her home with me. I need to know she is safe and the only way I will rest is if she is here with me.”

“Okay,” she agrees. “But still, you need to go shower and try to pull yourself together for Sierra before she gets here.”

“I don’t know what I would do without you, Shayne and you’re both right. I am stronger than Joel, but the thought of him even looking at my daughter has me wanting to run as far away from here as I can get. It’s been four years...why is he even here? I just don’t understand.”

I hear the plea in my voice but I know these two don’t have the answers that I am looking for.

“You know the guys will find him, Erin. Luke has Big Neil trying to find out everything he can, and Antonio is, too. While we wait, go take that shower and pull yourself together,” Shayne commands.

I release Adam’s hand from my grip and make my way down the hall to the bathroom. I turn on the shower, strip off my clothes, and step in. As soon as the hot water hits me I fall to the floor in uncontrollable sobs, knowing I am about to relive my worst nightmare.

The shower does nothing for my nerves, but I dry myself off and pull on some clean clothes. As I exit my room, I hear Shayne telling Adam all about the phone call and at that exact moment Luke and the girls walk into the house.

“Adam, you’re home!” Sierra shouts and runs into his arms with Lucy right behind.

“I am, my little butterfly. And how’s my princess?” he asks, bending toward Lucy. I stand there and watch this incredible man who has no idea how much he really means to me talk to the girls and my heart does a little flip. I just hope he truly cares about me as much as he claims he does, because if I know Joel like I think I do, he is about to make our lives a living hell.

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