Reservation (Preservation Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Reservation (Preservation Series)
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“Okay, am I missing something here?”

“When you had those girls naked and on their knees at the Henson event, was that you taking care of her? Is that how you protect the one you supposedly love? My best friend?” His cheeks went red with anger, the heat emanating off of him so strongly, my own face burned from the contact. “I can’t believe you have the nerve to show up here and ask
for information on Kate and this guy. She called me a few hours ago, right before I came in for my shift, and she was a bloody mess!”

The blood drained from my face, sending my stomach plummeting into my gut again. “The Henson event?” I whispered.

“Oh, you didn’t know?” Carter jabbed my shoulder a little too roughly. “Your dirty little secret’s out, Ryan. Photos were everywhere this morning. You know, I knew something was shady about that blonde chick who showed up at Sam’s that night, but I didn’t say anything. Like always, I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. Now the photos of you and these girls are out, and she has some very interesting things to say.”

Photos of the Henson event. Me and those naive, brazen girls...oh, God. “Fuck!” I jumped back, ripping my sunglasses off to stare at him, my hands shaking. “Carter, wait a minute. Hear me out, just listen.”

“I’m not sure I wanna know, Ryan,” he laughed, turning his head away from me in disgust.

“I haven’t messed around on Kate, Carter. That’s not what this is, you have to believe me! Those girls....those girls showed up at the party and cornered me in that room. I was kicking them out, I told them I wanted nothing to do with them. The photographers caught me just as I was leaving the room, I swear to God.” My voice rose to a panicked, loud volume at the end of my statement, and a market-goer stopped and stared at me for a moment before clutching her bag closer to her side and hurriedly moving away to the next table.

“Oh, that’s convenient. What about this Amy chick, huh? You still take her to those clubs of yours? I knew you had no moral code, messing with your students like that, but hell...I had no idea just how low you were.”

I squeezed my fists together in midair, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, calling on everything in me to speak calmly and evenly. I was losing my shit real quick, and I needed for Carter to hear me out. Causing a scene would ruin that chance. “I swear to you on everything I have, those pictures are not what you think. You were there with me that night, do you honestly think I’d pull that under the same roof and then hang out with you and Dean like nothing ever happened?”

“But you did hang out with us like nothing ever happened. You didn’t say a word about it to us, did you?”

“Of course I didn’t! I didn’t want you to think
of me, and besides, my publicist caught it all and had security confiscate the cameras. It was never supposed to see the light of day, because it was complete bullshit!” My own words smacked me full force then, the memory of that night hitting me square in the head. “Oh my God...Danny. Danny was there.”

“What are you saying?” Carter spat impatiently.

“You’re saying these pictures were just released today.”

“Yeah, so?”

“My publicist had access to those photos. Or he knew who did after he got rid of them. Damn it! Carter, listen, just last night I found out he was cheating on his wife. He threatened me not to say anything to her, but I did. I told her last night.”

“Still not seeing your point.”

“He screwed me. The son of bitch retaliated. He threatened me and said that he would if I didn’t tell him what he wanted to hear. Now the pictures are out, and Amy Mercer’s spilling her guts to the press. None of that is a coincidence, don’t you get it? Damn it, haven’t you gotten to know me at all? I know you love Kate. I know you thought less of me because of my past. I don’t deny any of it, alright? Whatever Amy said to the press, whatever you heard today, I’m sure there’s some truth to it, and I won’t deny it, okay? But I have not—not in the beginning, and not now—been unfaithful to Kate since I’ve been with her. I thought you’d think more of me now, after....everything. I thought we were friends.”

“Whether what you’re telling me right now is true or not, Ryan, Kate is the one you need to clear the air with, not me. If you have nothing to hide, then prove it to her. You owe her that. Until then, I’ve got nothing to say to you.” He stepped away and resumed slicing the pear, executing each cut with deep concentration, his arms rigid as he worked.

“You’re right,” I said, tossing my sunglasses back on. “And I will.” I left him there cutting his fruit, and I beelined it for the Light Rail. I was going to set things right. I was also going to get to the bottom of this Kate and Will mystery.

It was time to get down to business.


The elevator bell rang when I reached the 15th floor. I quickly made my way inside, gesturing to the receptionist that I was headed toward the office. She was on the phone but waved me through with a smile, and I took full advantage, not bothering to knock when I reached the door.

“Neda, I was expecting Danny,” I said, finding her slouched over the desk, a box of tissues on standby. There was already a pile of them in the wastebasket, and by the look of her puffy, red-rimmed eyes, it seemed she was cried out. “I’m so sorry for my abrupt message last night. I wanted to tell you, but I’d been drinking, and I—”

“Please,” she held up a hand, a sad smile gracing her lips, “don’t think twice about it. I truly am glad you told me. What can I do for you? Sit.”

I walked toward her and took a seat, nervously eyeballing the desk. I failed to mention that Danny had banged Melanie right here in this room, right beneath her elbows. “Not sure if you’ve had the time to catch the news today, but apparently there are some less than nice things flying around out there about me right now.”

“Ah. The Henson event.”

My eyes narrowed as I worked to judge her reaction. Did she believe the gossip? Did she look at me differently now, too? Just as Carter did upon finding out the details of my past? “I’m almost positive Danny was behind this, Neda. Those pictures were supposed to be confiscated. He swore he’d take care of it and that they’d never see the light of day. And he’s been pressing me for details about my history with Amy Mercer. He threatened me last night, when I found him with—” I paused to swallow, “said he’d resort to extreme measures if I didn’t go to the Simon and Warden gala. And then there was the issue of him not wanting me to rat him out...”

“I understand.”

“You do?”

“Yes. And I believe you, so take a breath, Ryan. You don’t have to worry about that crap with me.”

“I did those things,” I admitted quietly. “Everything you probably heard in the news today. I’m guilty, Neda. But I haven’t been that man. Not for some time. And I haven’t been unfaithful to Kate.”

“You don’t have to prove yourself to me, honey.” She sniffled, bringing another tissue to her eyes.

“But I do. You don’t understand...what this career, this opportunity means to me. Your impression of my professionalism and loyalty is important to me. It’s one of my biggest priorities. After what’s happened between your husband and me, what I need to know is...will you stand behind me with all of this? Can I count on you when this is brought to Bob’s attention?”

She crumpled up the tissue and studied my face, that sad smile still curving her lips. “Oh, Ryan. You’re a good man. Kate is very lucky. I can assure you I will handle my husband’s indiscretions and I will do everything in my power to arrange for Simon and Warden’s attorney to speak with you regarding what he’s done, along with the slander brought upon your fiancée. I’ve been brought up to speed on that matter, too, so rest easy there. As for counting on me, you have my loyalties and I will defend you whenever and wherever possible. You have my word. This is my business. I brought Danny onto my team. I will inform Bob that he is no longer with my agency and that I will arrange for a replacement. I’ll take care of all the details. You just focus on your job, and I’ll be sure to take care of mine. Sound good?”

I sighed in relief and stood to leave, but I was still stricken with sadness for the pain this woman was so clearly working hard to contain. “Thank you so much, Neda. For everything. This career has proven to be a whole new world. I’ve been lost. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I leaned forward to shake her hand. “The best of luck to you. Again, I’m sorry for what you’re going through, but I promise you...where there is another sunrise, there is always a fresh start.”

“Thank you, honey. I’ll keep that in mind.” Her eyes lifted to mine and she inhaled deeply. “It’s a harsh world.” She winked. “Try not to let too much of it in, okay?”

I nodded and walked to the door, opening it quietly. I paused. “Oh, and Neda?”


“Get rid of your desk. Might be time to redecorate.”


My head and chest felt as if a weight had been lifted after speaking with Neda, but I wasn’t ignorant to the fact that the battle was far from over. I’d still yet to face the media after the pictures of the Henson event were released, and as for Amy Mercer running her mouth to the press, well, I didn’t even want to face that just yet.

As I hopped off the Light Rail to head back toward my place, thankfully avoiding the paparazzi, I knew that in the end, none of that really mattered compared to my relationship with Kate. The damage was done. Danny and Amy made sure of that. Whether Danny contacted Amy and encouraged her to talk to the press or whether Amy decided now was the opportune time all on her own, I really didn’t give a damn. It was irrelevant. Because all I cared about right at that moment was clearing the air with Kate and making sure I was the one to hold her while she dealt with the aftermath of the tabloid stories attacking her and her mother, and the accusations about Mark and Eric. My first order of business was rescheduling my missed flight and getting to St. Lucia as quickly as possible. I was in no condition to get on a plane the night before after my run-in with Danny and the things I’d seen on the news about Kate and Will, but now I was regretting not getting on that flight.

Time was of the essence.

I stepped through the front door and started scrolling through my phone for the airline’s number, my chest swelling with relief, then panic, when Kate’s number interrupted my search. My heart pounded hard against my chest, my palms turning shaky and sweaty. There was so much I had to say, and each word had to count.

“Oh, Kate, thank God. We need to talk.”

“Then talk.” Her voice was lifeless. Devoid of any and all emotion. I almost didn’t recognize it.

I started pacing, moving from the living room to the kitchen and back again. “Why are you sleeping in another man’s bed? And why did he answer your phone? Tell me what the hell is going on Kate, right now.”

No response.

“Answer me!”

“Don’t,” she hissed. Her tone made me stop in my tracks. “Don’t you
interrogate me and demand answers, as if I owe you a fucking explanation after the things you’ve done.”

“I deserve to know why another man is answering your goddamn phone, telling me you’re sleeping in his bed!”

“You have some nerve.”

“Listen to me, Kate. Those pictures were a set up. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, that’s all. These girls cornered me and the pictures were leaked. Nothing happened, I swear on my life...nothing. This thing with Will, on the other hand—”

“Is it all true?”

“Yes, nothing happened! Please, I can’t do this on the phone. Let me come to you. I’m booking a flight. I’m coming right now.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about, Ryan. I’m talking about the things you did with Amy Mercer.”

My blood went from cold to freezing, every hair on my arms standing straight up. “Yes,” I whispered. “It’s true. But this was all before you. You knew I had a past with my students, Kate. You knew this, and you said you’d accepted it.”

“This isn’t your past, Ryan!” Her voice finally sprang to life, causing me to wince. “These pictures are recent—you in a bedroom, with naked women. Don’t you
imply I don’t have a right to be upset. Amy Mercer came to dinner that night at Sam’s and you practically crawled out of your skin. She wasn’t just a one-time fling, she was your full-time fuck buddy! She called you her hunting partner.”

“Kate, don’t. Stop.”

“You picked up girls from the university and lured them to your favorite sex clubs. You used them and then tossed them out like trash!”

“I said, stop!” I couldn’t hear this. I couldn’t. Not from her.

“No! I heard it all, Ryan. You two were a team, you became a legend at The Chateau. You were known for bringing in fresh meat.” She broke into a sob, her voice raw. “I gave you a chance to talk to me about her, I told you we could talk about these things. But you didn’t. You didn’t tell me about the things you’ve done with her, and you didn’t tell me about these girls.”

“You haven’t told me everything about your exes, about your past. Talk about these things? You haven’t talked to me—really talked to me—since you were last in town, Kate! You’ve been short, evasive...I can feel you drifting away. I know this story about you and your mom hurt you, and what they’re saying about you and Mark is disgusting. You don’t deserve what the media is putting you through. And I know you’re still pissed at me about Carter. You’re dealing with a lot right now, but you’re the one pushing me out. And now you’re in someone else’s bed, being photographed with him on the beach...what the fuck, Kate? I’m not the only one keeping secrets, here!”

BOOK: Reservation (Preservation Series)
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