Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (11 page)

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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This outfit
provides protection. No skin shows on my body except from the neck up and the wrists down. Of course my wrists were covered in his cuffs. My clothing choice is my armor. This way, if I’m touched, it won’t be on my skin. I will allow Master Ez to touch anywhere and anyhow he pleases. He’s earned the honor as my master, and for some odd reason, I don’t freak out with him. That’s the main reason I long to play this game with him- he makes me feel things that have long lain dormant.

Not that saying no is an option with Master Ez. It doesn’t really matter,
because even if I said no, he’d do it anyway- strong arming bastard that he is.

Standing as
still as a statue, I endure my master’s touches. I’ve never known how to allow someone to touch me without me touching them in return. It’s an unnerving sensation to stand here while being pawed. It’s way out of my comfort zone. Sensing my discomfort, Master Ez cups my neck in his big palms and strokes soothing circles on my skin. I relax and respond to his caresses. My lips part on a moan and my eyelids flutter beneath the mask, from the pleasure of his touch.

“Ah, Kitten, no fear,
I won’t hurt you… much.” His breath cascades over my face, tickling my nose- minty. I catalogue minty on the Master Ez list.

Master Ez
gently places something in my hair. Hardness slides down the sides of my head to rest behind my ears. Automatically, I lift my hand to feel it out.

“Seriously?” I scowl at him and pout.

“Do you always insult your gifts?” His voice sounds amused. Amused goes onto the Master Ez is Ezra Zeitler list. Gift giving diabolical bastard from Hell goes onto Master Ez’s list.

“Your gifts scare me
,” I grumble. “They’re never for my benefit.” That earns me a chuckle.

“What fun
are your toys if you don’t trick them out?” He straightens my ‘gift’.

Master Ez’s
toy is tricked out with a pair of kitty cat ears attached to a headband. The Boss has me thinking in third person already. Not a good sign.

Beware… your toys may play back,” I threaten him, and mock-hiss to bare my fangs.

“Oh, I’ve no doubt about that, Kitty Kat.”
His voice drops deep and I know he’s dreaming of me fighting back.

Hands on my shoulders push me back into the chair. Master Ez stands behind me with his hands on my shoulders, fingers inching towards my breasts. Under no command of mine, my breathing picks up
, causing my chest to rapidly rise and fall. You’d think that my breasts were trying to meet his hands halfway.

“Pet, come
meet your Mistress.” Master Ez commands the unknown person in the room as his hands tighten on my shoulders, leaving me completely immobile.

Ez leans
down and whispers in my ear, “This was the first gift I gave you. Your restraint is remarkable to resist this temptation.”

I mumble.

A loud sigh flutters the hair on the top of my head. “I’m introducing your sub to you, Katya. Really, even you can’t be that daft,” he snaps.
Impatient goes onto the Master Ez list.

“Shouldn’t I get to choose? Forget that, you didn’t let me ch
oose my master either,” I petulantly whine. Controlling also goes onto the Master Ez list.

“Do you trust me?” His fingers clench
on my shoulders, awaiting my response.

“Yes, dam
mit,” I yell, and then I say softly, “Fuck if I know why, though.”

“Trust me on this. I knew who to pick for you. She’s perfect, exactly what will please you.” Pride and pleasure infuse his voice.

“Come, pet, introduce yourself.” Master Ez coaxes.

“Wait!” I fling my hand in front of me to ward off the girl. My body starts to tremble as fear screams through me. “No touch!”

“Hmm, we will break you of this eventually.” Master Ez’s hands slide down my chest and take a handful of my large breasts. His grip tightens and releases, causing my breasts to jiggle. It’s so annoyingly distracting that I forget my fears.

“Casual touch is fine, yes?”  He preens into my ear a
s he palms my breasts. I relax into his touch, body beginning to experience the first stirrings of lust.

“Pet and I have already discussed limits. K
atya, we will push those limits,” he warns in a slippery smooth tone. His hands painfully squeeze my breasts to accentuate his point.

To stop a further threat and assault from Master Ez, I decide to introduce myself.
“Nice to meet you… um?” I hold out my hand to shake and wait for her to fill in the blank.

A soft
, feminine hand settles into mine, slightly larger than my own. She doesn’t shake my hand. She just clasps our hands together and doesn’t say a word. Creepy.

isn’t to speak as you aren’t to see.” Ez’s voice is ominous in my ear.

“Ever?” A flash of fear strikes at the
thought of never seeing my Dom’s face or hearing my sub’s voice.

“You may see after
you’ve identified us both. It’s part of the game. We will still keep the mask for playtime. My instincts tell me that you may grow to love sensory deprivation. Pet’s lack of voice is part of the game as well.”

“I know her
don’t I?” I excitedly say. “That’s why I can’t see her or hear her voice. I’d recognize it and her. Why aren’t you nervous that I’ll recognize your voice, too?”

“Ah, I feared that at first. But I’m the Boss for a reason. My voice changes to match my mood.
My every day voice is not the same as my master voice. Pet’s voice, however, is very distinct.”

“I… um… what? Your voice changes pitch?” I stumble over my words as the implications of what he just admitted sink in, and it scares me. How the hell will I ever figure out who Master Ez is so I can take this mask off and see him with my own two eyes? He’s not playing fair, but then again, he’s the one who makes the rules.

“Enough talking, get acquainted.” His voice was firm, an order.

Pet kneels at my feet and leans against my knees. My hands move on my
Dom’s command, no thought needed. Velvet soft skin slides beneath my fingertips and palms as they roam up her neck and face. As a blind person does, I use my fingertips to see. Fingertips hesitantly stroke her creamy skin, imprinting her facial features into my mind’s eye. Her mouth opens on a moan as my fingers pass her pouty lips.

“Good girl,
” Master Ez praises. “She’d been very frustrated waiting on you. Isn’t she soft?” Master Ez’s voice is lulling.

“Yes, Master Ez,
” I dreamily reply. Relaxed, all feelings of panic and anxiety flee. But beneath the comfort, lust lies. 

Using my fingertips as eyes, I try to recognize her. Her silky hair is bound so I can’t ascertain length. Big eyes and a pouty mouth speed my pulse. I want to know what color her hair and skin are, the suspense is killing me. I bet that is part of Ez’s game.

My hand smoothes down her voluptuous curves. Ez was right. He knew exactly what I liked. My other hand rounds her bottom and discovers she’s bare to my touch. A breath shudders out of her mouth, catching my body on fire.

“So smooth,
” my hands glide over her body- luxuriating in the sensation of her flesh beneath mine. A spark of apprehension lights as I realize I’m stroking someone I don’t know and I’m not sure if it is wanted. I have no permission from her to touch. I instantly freeze up.

“Katya, she is yours… enjoy her.” Ez reassures me
, reading my apprehension.

...” I stammer. “I have to hear her accept, and I can’t see if she likes it or wants it. How can I observe her as a Domme if I can’t see her?” The reality of it is, I don’t want to do to her what was done to me. “This seems backwards to me.”

” Ez flattens my palm between her very large breasts. They engulf my hand in fleshy softness. “Her heart is racing for you, is it not?” He moves my hand in a small circle and she whimpers. “Hear her, she loves it. Unlike you, she knows who you are. She’s here because she needs to be.”

Gripping the cuffs on my wrists
, Master Ez moves my hands like a puppet on a string. Both hands are firmly settled upon her breasts. So luscious and full, they overflow my palms.

“Oh, fuck,
” I hiss as soon as I realize whose breasts are beneath my palm. Master Ez’s hold releases me, and with it, mine.

I unhin

I’m on her in a second. M
y hand fists the back of her hair and my fingers tangling with the tendrils. My other hand tightens on her tit. Her nipple etches my palm.

My m
outh fuses to hers and pries her lips apart. My tongue hungrily presses against hers, eating at her mouth, devouring her delectable taste. Animal noises rise from both of our throats as we sloppily kiss.

My hand glides
from her neck to her ass. I push her in a rhythm against my thigh. My lips travel down her neck, nipping with my fangs as I go. Oh, how she loves the bites. Finally, I do the one thing that has rendered me mindless. Using both hands I push her tits together and merge my face between them. Overcome with frenzy, I bite, lick, and suck like I’ve lost my mind.

“Master, may I call her by her name? Please,” I beg.

“Oh, God, you’re killing me,” Master Ez groans. “You prove me wrong, Kitty Kat. You can appreciate a gift that is given.” His voice is rough with lust.

I pant waiting to use her nam
e. If I say her name, it’s real- she’s mine. One more puzzle piece put into place. One more mystery solved. One more step closer to learning who Master Ez really is.

“Please,” I beg again
. I grab his hand, and quickly kneel on the floor.

Master Ez
releases a husky, masculine laugh. “Katya, I am so pleased. No, you may not use her name, yet. I know you think you know who we are. I’m not saying you’re right or wrong. But you need definitive proof. Prove it, and game over.”

“Fine.” I slink back into my chair and pout. “I’m not calling her Pet. It seems disrespectful.”

Teeth punishingly bite my bottom lip for their petulance. A soothing tongue stroke follows the pinch.

Pet is a cherished term of endearment, but call her anything you’re comfortable with, except the name you think she has.” Master Ez breathes across my mouth.

“Temptation, s
he breaches all of my control.” I don’t even think about it, it just erupts from my tongue.

A slightly evil snicker spills
from Master Ez’s lips, as if he knows exactly how badly she tempts me with her deliberate antics.

Temptation- apt. Alright, Kat, she’s all yours, and you’ve worked her into a tizzy. Temptation has been such a good girl, and deserves rewarded, not punishment.” When I don’t respond to Master Ez’s comment out of confusion, he adds, “Reward her.”

My eyes widen beneat
h my mask. He can’t mean that. Surely he doesn’t want me to do that in front of him.

Master Ez
clears his throat in warning. I guess he wants to watch.

“Temptation,” I call
, and she comes to my hand.

“You may touch me…” I think about it for a second checking my comfort level. “A little bit,” I add on. “You will not come until I tell you
, or I will punish you. Beware, I can be very creative.”

I reward my submissive. I can’t bring myself to admit her name in my head. I imprint Tem
ptation into my memory. I enjoy the feel of her creamy skin beneath my hands as I take her mouth with mine. I pull her onto my knees, straddling me. I widen my thighs to open her to my pleasure.

“Temptation,” I pur
r. “I love the feel of you beneath my fingertips, and your addictive taste in my mouth.” I slide my fingers over her velvety moist slit, and she eagerly thrusts against my hand.

“You’re so fucking soft and wet,” I groan
in shock.

I’m not a lesbian. I’m bisexual by ch
oice. By nature, I’m straight. But one hour of my life irrevocably changed my being. I haven’t been able to give or take pleasure from a man since that day. I needed a sexual outlet, and chose women that couldn’t harm me. I’m always in control, and I’ve never allowed them to touch me in return. I get my release through their pleasure. This behavior is what drew me to the lifestyle, and the need to find a man I wouldn’t freak out on- a man I could trust. I crave a Master who can take care of my needs and push me past my comfort zones. I need a Master who can make me forget about the past while I am under his care.

Is Master Ez that man? 

“That’s a girl,” I croon to Temptation
as she takes her reward by steadily rocking on my palm. Her juices coat my hand and slowly flow down my wrist. Her arousal brings mine. I set my caps into her skin. The points pressing into the delicate flesh of her throat as I hungrily suck, leaving a lasting mark behind. I mark Temptation as mine.

roughly squeeze her breast luxuriating in the sensation of her flesh giving beneath my fingers. My eyes roll back as a moan breaks past my lips. Her soft hand grips the back of my neck, squeezing, egging me on to suck harder on her neck, bite deeper. She pants and pulls my head closer.

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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