Return to Love (5 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hubbard

BOOK: Return to Love
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“You’re cold.” He accused taking both her hands in his hands and rubbing them gently. It had gotten much colder after dark, but the shivers that ran down her spine were not from the weather. Joanie, seeing Kate and Marc waiting impatiently for them, slowly pulled her hand free. She gave Eric a warm smile as she turned and headed over to Kate, to see what she had planned next.

She heard a crunch and groaned as she stepped into a large pile of spilt popcorn. At least it wasn’t gum she thought as she came up to Kate. Eric was so close she could feel his warm breath on her neck.

Kate smiled at her friend with a twinkle in her eye. “What do you guys wanna do next?”
“I don’t care as long as it’s on the ground.” Joanie said. She still felt kind of wobbly after the last ride.
“How about the Fright House?” Eric suggested.
“Let’s go!”

Joanie was about to object, but Kate grabbed her hand as they headed over to the other side of the park. It’s not that she was afraid of the ride she just wasn’t too sure about being that close to Eric in the dark. They reached the snaking line and added to it. “Must be a popular ride.” Joanie muttered.

“Must be.” Eric agreed. The deep rumble of his voice seemed to warm her. She shifted her feet restlessly as they waited in the slowly moving line. Unlike the Ferris wheel, this was a continuous ride, where the carnies shuffled people in and out none stop. You could hear eerie organ music mixed in with diabolical laughter and screams coming from speakers inside the amusement. Every once in a while you could make out a real scream from some poor soul.

“How’s it feel to be back home?” Eric asked, trying to start up a conversation.

She turned and looked up at him. Way up. She took a slight step backward, so that she wouldn’t strain her neck before replying. “It’s wonderful; I truly did miss this place. Especially my mom.”

“How about Brad?”
“Alright, I guess I missed him too. And of course Kate.” Joanie added smiling.
“I’m glad you came back.” Eric whispered leaning down close to her ear.

Joanie was unable to reply; they had finally made it to the loading platform. Joanie looked over at the small metal carts sitting on the tracks. The tracks ran through several trailers bolted together. There where heavy black tarps covering the seams to block out all outside light. Joanie tentatively climbed into the car, and Eric climbed in next to her. The safety bar barely went over his knees as he crammed his large frame into the small seat. The cart took off with surprising speed and Joanie let out a squeal of surprise. She heard Eric chuckle next to her as they swooshed around a curve into complete darkness. Joanie felt Eric pull his arm out, where it was trapped between them, and wrap it around her shoulders.

“That’s much better.” He said, and Joanie thought the same thing.

Grotesque goblins were popping out of the walls, and strobe lights would flash, to illuminate the area. Black lights blinked on here and there and Eric’s t-shirt glowed a ghostly white shade. Joanie felt spider webs brushing over her, and she unconsciously moved closer to Eric. He leaned his head towards hers and rested his cheek against her hair. Joanie thrilled in the feelings that coursed through her. She had never been this close to a boy before.

Wow, she thought, I wonder what Kate’s doing? Then all too soon they were flung back outside to unload. The lights from the carnival momentarily blinded her. She blinked away the spots, as Eric climbed out first and helped her to her feet. They waited on the platform until Kate and Marc popped out a few seconds later. Kate was laughing, and Joanie was happy for her friend.

“That was great! What’s next?” Marc asked.

“We passed the Himalaya on the way over here. That’s always been my favorite.” Eric said.

The couples headed through the growing crowd of people. Joanie inhaled deeply and was rewarded by the sweet smell of cotton candy and fresh baked pretzels. She felt her stomach rumble with hunger.

The Himalaya loomed in front of them. It was a large round wheel with cars on them that had four rows of seats per car. The wheel swirled up and down on the tilted track getting faster and faster. Then depending on the carnies whim he sometimes sent you around backwards. Joanie liked this ride too. She loved feeling the wind in her face, and the excitement was catchy.

“So how old are you?” Joanie blurted out suddenly.

Eric raised one eyebrow at the question. He was worried about her thinking he was too old for her. “Nineteen.” He replied, finally, better to get it out in the open. “You’re Chad’s age, right? Sixteen?”

“Yes, sweet sixteen and never been kissed.” Realizing what she had said, her eyes got large. “I’m sorry; I can’t believe I said that!” Joanie said blushing and covering her mouth.

Eric was about to make an impolite remark but stopped himself in time. “I won’t tell.” He whispered instead, and she grinned at him gratefully.

“Come on you two!” Kate yelled, and Joanie looked up surprised that the line had moved drastically. Another thing that Joanie liked about the Himalaya was that it held a load of people. She and Eric moved quickly to catch up and went to find a seat. This time they sat behind Kate and Marc. Eric climbed in first and then Joanie. There was a warning sign on each seat stating that the smaller rider must sit on the inside.

“Guess we need to switch places.”

“OK.” Joanie started to stand up, and was caught off guard when Eric grabbed her by the waist, and drug her over his lap as he scooted to the other side.

“Thanks, I guess.” Joanie replied sarcastically. She gave him a look which let him know that he had gone too far.

“Sorry.” He said trying desperately to hide his grin from Joanie's piercing green eyes. It didn’t work. She jabbed him in the arm, and he was surprised at the force behind it.

“You’ve got a pretty good right jab.”

“I don’t have an older brother for nothin’.” She replied.

The ride started up then, and the loud blaring music drowned out his comment. The Himalaya started out gliding up and down the hills in slow circles getting faster with every pass. By the third time around, Joanie was holding on desperately to the safety bar, as the centrifugal force pulled her closer and closer to the outer edge, and to Eric. By the next pass she couldn’t help but let go, the strain on her arms was too strong. She practically slid onto Eric's lap. He shifted a little, so she’d be more comfortable as she was squeezed into his side. Her head was starting to spin, and she screamed as her voice mixed with the other riders. She clung desperately to Eric until the ride started slowing down. Feeling a bit embarrassed, Joanie scooted over a little to give Eric some more space.

“Sorry.” She mumbled.
She was waiting for the ride to come to a halt when the carnie yelled “One more time!”

Joanie groaned as they picked up speed again. When the ride was over, Joanie was so anxious to get out of the seat, she practically stumbled. She was swept up in the descending crowd; she looked around frantically for Kate. When the crowd diminished slightly, she saw Eric was right next to her.

She smiled up at him shyly; until she heard someone clear their throat loudly from behind her. Joanie turned around expecting to see Kate and Marc laughing at them. Instead, she was annoyed to find it was April and her cohorts.

“Saw you two on the Himalaya. Getting kind of cozy weren’t you?” April said with a sneer.

Eric stepped forward menacingly, and Joanie saw a look of hesitation flash across the face of April and her two friends. She pulled him back; this was her battle, not his. Joanie stood as tall as she could, hanging her arms loosely by her side. She studied April’s body movements to try and gauge how far she wanted to take this. She was ready to go, as far as she had to go.

“Well April, too bad you don’t have anything better to do than to stand around and watch other people have fun.” Joanie said in a demeaning voice. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kate and Marc head over to join them.

“Ha! Is that what you call it? Fun? Most people I know call it sex.” April replied as her friends snickered.

Joanie smirked. “Well April if that’s what you call having sex maybe you’re not such a slut after all. I guess you’re just ignorant.”

Leaving April speechless she turned and walked away. With Eric, Kate and Marc following closely. Kate was laughing as she grabbed Joanie’s arm and pulled her around the corner of a building.

“You sure told her! Did you see her face? It looked like you slapped her.” Kate held her side as she laughed some more.

“I’d like to slap her.” Eric said under his breath. He was worried that his reputation would rub off on Joanie. What was he thinking? He didn’t deserve a girl like her. “Maybe we should take you two home.” He said as they all three turned to look at him as if he had grown another head.

's spirits fell. Maybe he was embarrassed to be seen with her. He was older than her; he was probably used to more sophisticated girls. Who could blame him; he could have any girl he wanted. She felt her eyes moisten. Get a grip on yourself girl, he ain’t yours and never will be. She was relieved when Kate spoke up.

“No we aren‘t! You haven’t even fed us yet, and I‘m starving!” She complained, and Joanie couldn’t help but laugh. That was her Kate alright; she was never out of her element.

“As you wish, I saw a food stand right over there.” Marc grabbed Kate’s hand and led her toward ‘The Dog House’ where the main entree was hotdogs of course. Eric, without looking at Joanie, followed.

Joanie was disappointed she had hoped that Eric would want to hold her hand again. Sighing, she shoved them deep in her pockets to keep them warm.

Eric ordered two pops, two corn dogs and two candy apples. Joanie was starting to get annoyed with him. It wasn’t her fault that April Miller was a nuisance. When the food came Eric handed half of it to her without a word. “Thanks.” She mumbled as they headed over to a secluded spot by the woods.

She was let down again when Eric sat down next to Marc instead of her. Kate saw this and sent him a dirty look as she scooted closer to her pal. Joanie smiled gratefully. During their dinner Kate and Marc kept up most of the conversation but finally even they ran out of things to say.

“You girls got a ride?” Marc asked as they finished their drinks.

“As a matter of fact we don’t.” Kate answered hopefully.

She shot Joanie a ‘be quiet’ glance. Actually, all the girls had to do was call Kate’s dad, and he would have gladly picked them up.

“Well Eric can give you a ride home, won’t you Eric?”

Eric glanced up from eating his candy apple when he heard his name being called. Joanie had to grin when she saw the smudges of red on his chin from the candy coating. Realizing that she probably had similar smudges she quickly wiped her face with a napkin dismayed at seeing the red markings on it. Note to self, Joanie thought; never eat candy apples when boys are around. Then remembering that she wasn’t given a choice in the matter her eyes narrowed as she took another large bite.

Not paying attention, Eric quickly agreed to whatever Marc had proposed. They started cleaning up when they had finished. Joanie stood up and brushed the grass from her backside. She threw her papers away and again found herself next to Eric following Kate and Marc. Marc led the way through the dimly lit path between the carnival trailers towards the parking lot.

Deja vu, Joanie thought. She risked a quick glance over at Eric who was walking next to her. She was rewarded by a soft smile before he looked away. Suddenly she felt the toe of her shoe catch on one of the dozens of electrical cords zigzagging across the ground. Feeling herself fall she gasped and pulled her hands out of her pockets and put them in front of her to catch herself. All of a sudden, strong arms grabbed her around her waist and pulled her upright. She looked up embarrassed into her rescuers blue eyes.

“Are you alright? “ He whispered still holding on to her.

Unable to speak Joanie nodded dumbly and he gently released her. Joanie felt the coldness replace the warmth of his hands, and she regretfully headed towards the parking lot. She kept her head down to make sure she didn’t trip again. She had already made a fool of herself in front of him twice tonight, and she didn’t want to make it three. How could she be so clumsy? No wonder he didn’t want to sit next to her at dinner. He was probably afraid she would spill something on him, she was such a klutz.


Chapter 6

Before she knew it, she was standing next to Kate beside a sporty red Coup Deville. Nice car, she thought, I wonder if it’s Marc or Eric’s. Her question was soon answered as Eric came up and pulled his keys out of his front pocket. He opened the driver side door, and pushed the seat up, so Marc and Kate could get in the back. He then slide into his seat, as he leaned over to unlock the passenger side, for Joanie to get in. Joanie climbed into the front seat noticing the clean red interior. This must have cost a fortune she thought. I wonder how he can afford such a nice car.

“Where do you want me to drop you off?” Eric asked as he shifted into reverse and backed out of the parking space.

“I’m staying with Kate tonight. She lives off of Fairmont Rd.” Joanie told him quietly.

He shifted into drive, and they were on their way. Kate’s laughter filled the car as Marc whispered something that Joanie couldn't make out. At least one of us is having a good time, Joanie thought, wondering why she was so upset about Eric’s aloofness. She looked over at Eric, but he was watching the road. The trip home was quick, too quick.

They where soon on Kate’s block. Kate leaned over the front seat watching for her house. “Mine’s the one with the blue shutters on the right, but let us out at the corner, or my parents will freak.” Kate said pointing.

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