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Authors: Lynn Hubbard

Return to Love (6 page)

BOOK: Return to Love
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Eric smoothly pulled over to the curb and went around to Joanie’s side. She was surprised when he opened the door for her and helped her out. He leaned over and whispered in her ear “It was good seeing you again.”

Joanie nodded and thanked him for the nice evening.

“Are you guys gonna stand there all night or are you gonna help me out?” Kate yelled still trapped in the back seat.

Joanie quickly undid the seat latch and let her out of the car. Marc climbed out behind her, so he could move to the front. They all said bye as the two girls hurried down the darkened street to Kate’s house. Joanie glanced back when they climbed onto the porch and was surprised to see Eric leaning against his car watching them.

The girls greeted Kate’s parents and practically ran to Kate’s room giggling as they went.

“Wow could you have ever imagined....” Kate sighed as she flopped down on her bed backwards.

Joanie sat down on the floor and leaned back into the pile of stuffed animals Kate kept in the corner. “You and Marc seemed to hit it off.”

“Um he is such a dream. Pinch me!”
“Oww!” Kate cried as Joanie did just that. “I think Eric likes you too.”
“Are you nuts? After the April incident, he acted as if I had the plague.”

“That’s what boys do.” Kate insisted like she was an expert or something. “They play it cool until they know that you like them. Did you see the way he was watching you tonight? That was so cute! You do like him don’t you?”

Joanie blushed “He certainly was a lot nicer than I remembered. Though he made me feel...Oh I don’t know. I felt so stupid! Did you know that I tripped, and he had to drag me back up to my feet?”

“Oh he caught you! How romantic!” Kate squealed rolling over to her stomach she ducked as Joanie threw a brown bunny at her. That resulted in an all out pillow fight which ended when her dad banged on the door and told them to go to sleep. Reluctantly the girls changed and climbed into bed. They whispered for a while before they fell asleep.




Eric leaned against his car. He had pulled up his collar tightly around his neck to ward off the cold. He watched as the two girls scurried up the steps and into the house.

“Come on man, you coming?” Marc asked impatiently from the warm car.
Eric nodded, more to himself than to Marc, and went around the car to get in.
“What’s up with you? You have this sweet thing melting in your hands, and you turn cold?”

Eric shrugged, “Guess she‘s not for me. Chad was right, she‘s practically a baby. Heck they’d probably throw me in the pen just for looking at her.”

“She’s a babe, not a baby. Let’s go bank some balls or something may be that’ll cheer you up.”

Eric shook his head doubtfully as he started the engine and took off.




Monday morning Joanie was trying to open her locker. She kept putting in the right code, but it still would not open. It was stuck tight. She was about to give up when a shadow passed over her. She looked up wearily and found a boy standing next to her leaning against the adjoining locker. A very tall, muscular boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. She didn’t know his name, but she knew he was on the football team. Kate had pointed out him and his football buddies at lunch one day.

“Need a hand?” He asked, leaning closer to her.
“No thanks I’ll get it.” Joanie said. She jumped as he slammed his shoulder against the locker anyway and it popped open.
Joanie frowned at the small dent. Ms. Dune will nail her for that for sure!
Ignoring her earlier remark, he continued. “I’m Chris Harper captain of the football team. Your new here aren’t you.”

She had enough of his type at the boarding school dances. The arrogant ones who thought because they had a little money, or some talent, that they could get what they wanted just by giving you the honor of being seen with them. She sighed impatiently wishing the bell would ring soon.

She looked up at him, and thought he was almost as tall as Eric, but his shoulders weren‘t as wide. Why are you comparing him to Eric? She shook her head to clear it and smiled up at him “Thanks for fixing my locker, but I’m gonna be late for gym.” She put her books in her locker and slammed the door shut. Then she turned to head down the corridor when Chris grabbed her arm.

“Hey what’s the rush? We were just getting acquainted. Maybe we could go out sometime? How about the Soda Shoppe after school? I’ll see you there at three.”

Before Joanie could refuse, he was gone. She gritted her teeth as she watched him trot down the hallway as if he owned it. That’s what he thinks she thought as the bell rung and she had to run to class. She met up with Kate, Sally and Jane at lunch and told them about her morning.

“And you consider that a problem?” Sally asked incredulously.

“I wish I had problems like that.” Jane said popping a grape into her mouth.

“Well it wouldn’t be a problem except that Joanie yearns for another.” Kate said watching as Jane and Sally perked up. Joanie rolled her eyes at her.

“I’m NOT yearning for anyone. And if you know what’s good for you, you won’t mention it again.” Joanie said threatening as Kate literally rolled with laughter.

“Hello ladies.” Chris said coming up behind them with two of his friends. “Do you mind if we join you?”

Kate and Joanie said yes, and Sally and Jane said no, all at the same time. He chose the no answer. Chris squeezed his bulky self between Joanie and Kate and his friends sat next to Sally and Jane who were speechless.

“Joanie these are my friends Al and Tom.” Chris said putting his arm around her.
Joanie grabbed his wrist and disengaged it from her shoulder. “You’ve got some nerve. I don’t even know you.”
“Heard you didn’t know Eric Phillips either but you still went home with him.” Chris whispered in her ear so only she could hear.
Infuriated she jumped to her feet. “Maybe you shouldn’t believe everything you hear.”

“Is there a problem ladies?” Chad asked, coming up to the group. He had been watching them ever since Chris and his friends sat down. Where Joanie was, trouble usually followed.

“No problem.” Joanie said as she turned and walked off leaving Kate to scamper after her. Chad made sure that Chris didn’t try to follow. Chris eyed him warily and reluctantly sat back down. Chad scowled at him before returning to his table.

“I’ll see ya at three!” Chris yelled to the fleeing pair.

“Like hell he will.” Joanie muttered under her breath as she entered the building. Kate catching up to her grabbed her arm. “What did he say to you?” Kate asked breathlessly.

Joanie hesitated a second before telling her what Chris had said.
“I can’t believe the nerve of him! I wonder who told him that?” Kate said.
Joanie laughed. “I’ll give you one guess.”
“April.” They said together.
“I’ll take care of her for you.” Kate said heading toward April’s locker.

Joanie grabbed her friend and pulled her back. “No you won’t, I don’t know for sure it was her besides I don’t care what other people think. I can’t afford to get kicked out of another school especially over something stupid.”


The warning bell rang.


“Alright” Kate conceded, “but meet me after school, and we’ll walk home.” She called as Joanie headed toward her class.

Joanie snuck in and slipped quietly into her seat as the last bell rang. Jane gave her a wink as she started to copy the assignments from the board. She inadvertently glanced over to April’s desk who was watching her with a scowl on her face. Joanie sighed inwardly as April leaned over to whisper to her.

“I saw you eating lunch with Chris today. Stay away from him, he’s mine.” She threatened.

‘You can have him.’ Joanie thought to herself. How long was this class anyway? After an eternity, the day finally ended. She had started having cramps and wanted nothing more than to head home and crawl into bed.

“Rough day?” Kate greeted her as they headed out of the building.

Joanie rolled her eyes. “You can say that again. I think it was April, but I think her little trick backfired. She likes Chris.”

Kate laughed. “That’s brilliant they deserve each other. Well I think he’s gonna be pretty disappointed when you don’t show up at the Soda Shoppe. Maybe she could comfort him.”

Joanie laughed as she felt the tension in her body slowly dissipating. As they came up to Kate’s house, she invited her in. “Not today all I wanna do is go home and crash.”

“Well I’ll see you tomorrow!” Kate called shutting the door behind her.

Joanie was physically and mentally exhausted as she trudged up the steps to her apartment she unlocked the door and called out. “I’m home.” She wasn’t surprised, but she was a bit disappointed to find out that she was alone as usual. She found a note and a grocery list on the kitchen table.

“Sweetheart, I was called into work early today. Here’s some money, please pick up some groceries. Brad said he would meet you there by four to pick you up. Love, Mom.”

‘No rest for the weary.’ Joanie thought as she crumpled up the note and looked at her watch, a Christmas present from her father. Normally she wouldn’t wear it because of that, but it was the only one she had. It was already three thirty. Groaning she grabbed the money and wearily headed back down the stairs. The grocery store was two blocks away, so that didn’t leave her much time.

Joanie set a new record. She was winded from hurrying and gratefully leaned on the buggy as she started going down the aisles. Quickly she scanned the shelves. She picked up the items on her list first, and then a treat or two since she had a little bit of money left over. As she checked out, she looked at her watch again. 4:15. Brad should be waiting for her.

“Need help with those?” The warm voice bringing her out of her thoughts. Joanie looked up at the bag boy. The tall, lanky teen smiled shyly at her. Joanie flashed him a smile and assured him that she could handle it.

He looked unsure but quickly helped her gather the bags in her arms. Carrying the three bags she awkwardly made her way outside. Not seeing Brad she headed over to the nearest bench and sat down with her load to wait. She passed the time watching her neighbors scurry here and there running errands.

It was terribly cold for the season, she stomped her feet to keep them warm, and rubbed her mittened hands together. She wouldn’t dare wear mittens to school, but who was going to see her here? ‘Sides she didn’t want get frost bite. She had watched a movie in geography class about hikers lost in the mountains. Their hands and feet had died, and turned black, and they had to have parts of them cut off. Thirty minutes later, and close to hypothermia, Joanie realized Brad wasn’t coming.

Cursing her brother, she picked up her heavy load and started the slow trek home. She couldn’t see the sidewalk well over the bags and had gone only a short way when the toe of her shoe got caught in an especially deep crack. She stumbled almost dropping one of the bags. A strong hand grabbed her arm steadying her first and then the precarious bags.

“Need some help?” A familiar voice asked her. She looked up astounded at seeing Eric Phillips who was still holding her arm. Without waiting for her to answer he scooped up two of the bags leaving her to carry the one containing the eggs, squished bread and cookies.

She smiled “Thanks, again. You must think I‘m clumsy as an ox. Every time I see you, I fall.”
He grinned, and it nearly took her breath away. “Maybe you’re falling for me.”
She blushed but thought to herself ‘Maybe.’
“My cars parked over there. How about if I give you a lift?” He said motioning behind him with his head.
She hesitated. She was cautious about who she rode with, especially if she was alone.
“I promise I’ll be nice.” Eric said reading her mind.

Joanie bit her lip worried that if she said no he would drop the groceries and leave her stranded again. “Um, sure if you don’t mind. I live a couple of blocks from here.” She answered making a decision. There was no way that she could make it home by herself, at least not with all of the groceries intact.

“I know where you live.” Eric said still watching her.

Of course he knows stupid! He is friends with Brad. He started walking next to her, and she felt tingles run up and down her spine every time their arms accidentally bumped together. Maybe this isn’t such a bad day after all. It sure was looking up!

Eric stopped next to his car and efficiently loaded her bags into the backseat. He then moved and held the door, so Joanie could climb into the front seat. Making sure she was settled in the seat he shut the door and walked around the car getting into the driver seat.

“This is really a nice car, is it yours?” Joanie asked.

Eric laughed, “Yep only fifty payments left, and it’ll be all mine.” He swung his long legs into the car, and Joanie’s eyes were drawn to the floor board as he shut the door. Eric raised an eyebrow at her as she leaned towards him gazing somewhere between his knees. He cleared his throat causing her to jump back in her seat.

Joanie blushed as she realized she was staring. “I’m sorry! Brad was trying to teach me how to drive, and his car has three pedals. I was just looking for your third pedal.” Joanie blurted out her face flaming.

Eric chuckled at her embarrassment. It was cute. “Well apparently Brad didn’t teach you too much about cars because this is an automatic. It only has two pedals, gas and break.” Eric explained. “When is your next lesson?” He asked, wanting to keep up the conversation, and cars were unquestionably something he could discuss.

BOOK: Return to Love
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