Return to Love (7 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hubbard

BOOK: Return to Love
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Joanie sighed, “Brad kind of freaked out, and he won’t let me drive his car anymore. I‘m never going to be able to learn how to drive.” Joanie said gloomily.

“I’m sure I could teach you, you can use my car, automatics are much easier to drive than stick shifts.” Eric said.

Joanie looked at him flabbergasted. “I can’t drive this car, it’s way too nice I’m sure I would ruin it. I almost ruined Brad’s and his is a pile of rust.”

“It’ll be okay I know you can do it, ‘sides I’ll be here right next to you.” Eric said smiling as he started the car up to drive Joanie home.

“Ok.” Joanie sat back in a slight daze; she couldn’t wait to call Kate!

They came up to her apartment building and again Eric grabbed the two heaviest bags. She hesitated outside. “I live on the third floor.” She told him apologetically.

“Well I guess it’s a good thing I came along.” He said following her up the stairs.

They came to her door, and she put her bag down to find her key. She unlocked the door and led the way to the kitchen. Eric stepped in and shut the door behind him locking it. He carried his bags into the kitchen and set them down on the counter. He stood next to the petite girl and looked down watching her intently as she started unloading the bags. He saw her struggling to put the flour on a high shelf, and walked over to assist her. His hand covered hers as he took the sack and pushed it into its spot on the shelf.

Giggling she turned around to thank him. She was surprised at how close he was to her. She held her breath as he picked up a lock of her hair and gently pulled its silky length through his fingers. Her breathing increased and not from the recent exercise. She closed her eyes and waited in anticipation as he leaned down to kiss her.

“What’s going on here?” Brad bellowed in a demanding voice as he came into the house.

The spell was broken, and they moved apart uneasily.

Joanie felt anger wash over her. He had some nerve! “What do you think is going on? You never showed up to help me with the groceries, so Eric offered to assist me.” Joanie said getting angrier by the minute. Dang his timing.

“I just bet he did.” Brad said sarcastically. “Well you can go now she’s home.” He said watching Eric closely.

“How dare you!” Joanie yelled coming up to stand in front of Brad. She stretched herself to her full height of five feet two. “If you were so concerned about my well-being, you would have picked me up an hour ago, like you told mom you would. I think it’s a little late for you to start worrying about me. Eric is my guest. You have no right to talk to him that way. I will not allow it!”

“Hate to burst your bubble little sister, but I doubt that Eric volunteered his time out of the goodness of his heart. I’m sure he expected more in payment for his services, and I don’t mean green stamps. Ain’t that right Eric?”

Eric took a step closer to Brad. The two men stared at each other until Brad finally stepped away. He went over to the door, and held it open.

Eric looked over at Joanie apologetically. “I‘m sorry Joanie I‘d better go.”
“You don’t have to leave. I’m sorry about Brad. He was born that way.”
“It’s alright Joanie, if you are still interested in lessons I can pick you up after school Wednesday.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Joanie called after him as he headed for the door “Thanks for your help.”
Eric tilted an imaginary hat to her and said “Anytime.” as he left.
Brad slammed the door and locked it. He turned to Joanie whose face was red with anger.
“What do you think you’re doing?” They both yelled at the same time.
“I thought you were friends with Eric. He was just helping me.” Joanie argued.
“We are friends. I know Eric Phillips very well, and I know what he’s after.” Brad said.

“Really? Well maybe you don’t know him as well as you think. He’s never been anything but nice to me. This is more than I can say for a lot of guys around here.” Joanie retorted.

“Just stay away from him.” Brad said. As Joanie headed over to the kitchen to finish unloading. Angrily she turned around and stomped over to her brother.

“I didn’t ask for your advice, and I don’t want it. If you were at the grocery store at 4:00 like you were supposed to be we wouldn’t be having this conversation. This is my life, not yours, stay out of it!” Frustrated she headed for her room and slammed the door shut.

She threw herself on her bed and grabbed her pillow throwing it against the door. She lay back seething; damning the tears she couldn’t hold back. He was about to kiss her! She had to talk to Kate. She threw some clothes in a bag and headed out ignoring Brad’s questions. She would stay the night over there.

Chapter 7
“He was going to kiss you?” Kate squealed excitedly.
Joanie sighed. “Well I guess I’ll never know. Thanks to Brad’s perfect timing.”
“That’s so cool! Eric’s like the toughest guy around. It’s kinda cute Brad being so protective and all.”
“Cute!” Joanie squealed. “He’s ruining my life.”

“Your brothers a doll! And Eric could crush him like a grape; he must actually care about you, to stand up to Eric that way.” Kate said.

“Whose side are you on?” Joanie asked.

“I’m on your side of course. I just think Brad’s kinda hot.”

“Great you can have him just keep him away from me!” Joanie said pulling the covers up over head and trying to fall asleep. It’s gonna be a long night.

The next morning Joanie was annoyed to find Chris waiting for her by her locker again. Taking a deep breath, she walked up to it, ignoring him.

“We had a date where were you?” He said as Joanie luckily opened her locker on the first try.

“No. You had a date I didn‘t.” Joanie said, exasperated. “You never gave me a chance to answer you. And the answer was no.” Joanie said leaving him standing there surprised as she hurried off.

Chad came up to her in the gym, they were jogging again. Fortunately she was in decent shape from having to walk everywhere. She smiled as he fell in step beside her.

“Joining the girl’s class?” She asked.

“Is that an invitation?” Chad huffed. “If it is I accept. Actually, I saw Chris at your locker this morning. Is he still bothering you?”

Joanie pulled up beside the bleachers and sat down, Chad sat next to her gasping.
Joanie shrugged. “Not really. You know you should stop smoking, look at you!”
Chad nodded in agreement. “Well, if he is let me know and I’ll take care of him for you. Say, Eric said he saw you yesterday.”
Joanie perked up instantly. “He did? What did he say?” She asked, grabbing his arm.
“You like him don’t you?” Chad asked amused.
She hesitated a second before responding. “Of course I like him. He’s a friend of Brad’s.”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
“Alright. I guess he’s kinda appealing.” Joanie said blushing.
“He said you were cool.” Chad said grinning at her.

Chad nodded as he saw the Coach heading toward them; he excused himself as he headed back to his own class. The Coach seeing Chad leave returned to his chair. Joanie smiled as she got up to continue jogging. Cool. That’s not so bad.

After school, she went home and was surprised to see Brad there waiting for her. She stowed her things in her room and settled down on the sofa to rest. Brad came up to her.

“I’m sorry about yesterday. Maybe I over reacted.” Brad began.

Joanie looked at him coolly. “Yes you did.”

“Can I finish?” Brad asked irritated. Joanie nodded, and he continued. “You’ve changed so much since you’ve been gone. We’ve both changed, and I don’t know exactly how to handle it. Mom’s not here much, and Dad’s gone, and I was just trying to look out for you. Eric’s a good guy and all, but.” He paused “Hell, you’re my little sister! I just don’t want my friends looking at you, and talking about you, like we do about other girls.”

“I’m a big girl Brad. I’m old enough to make my own decisions. I know you care about me, but you have to trust me. I know how guys are, heck I’ve been around them all my life. I’ll be careful.”

Brad stuffed his hands in his pockets and nodded. He turned to leave the room when Joanie called him back.
“Brad! I love you too.” She said as she went up and hugged him.
“I’m glad your home brat.” Brad said as he hugged her back.
“Me too.”
The phone rang, and Joanie went to answer it. It was Jane.
“Hey I’m having a sleep over Friday night you have to come!” Jane said excitedly.
“Let me ask my mom, but I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Joanie said excitedly.
“I thought we could meet after school Friday and walk over together I live close to school. Too Close.” Jane added.
“Sure I’ll see you tomorrow!” Joanie said a sleep over sounded fun.


Joanie woke up and stretched. Her eyes opened wide as she realized it was finally Wednesday! Panicking she ran to her closet to pick out something lovely to wear. Cursing herself for not bringing more clothes with her when she moved back to her mom’s. She finally decided on a green sweater which matched her eyes and a black skirt. Satisfied she went and hopped in the shower. When she climbed out, the wonderful scent of bacon was in the air. Her stomach rumbling, she went into her room, to change quickly before breakfast.

Walking into the kitchen, she found her mom at the stove, sliding two eggs onto a plate and adding some bacon to go with it.

“Good morning Sunshine!” Her mom said smiling as she slid the plate in front of Joanie.

“Thank you Mom! But you know you didn’t have to go to all of this trouble. I know you just got in from work.” Joanie mumbled with her mouth full of the savory meal.

“I know honey, I just feel bad because I haven’t been able to spend much time with you lately.” Her mom said patting her arm.
“Well, you could let me drop out of school.” Joanie said hopefully.
Her mom frowned. “What’s going on at school?”

“Nothing mom, just kidding.” Joanie said forcing a smile. “I’m looking forward to school today. Eric, you know Brad’s friend, is going to show me how to drive. I mean if it’s okay with you.” Joanie added quickly realizing she had forgotten to ask for permission first.

Carol looked at her daughter’s hopeful expression and smiled back at her. “I think that would be fine. I’m sure that Brad will be relieved to hear it.”

Joanie laughed, “Um, yeah I guess you could say that.” Joanie helped her mom clean up the kitchen, and she headed out the door to school as her mom headed to bed.

She stepped out of her apartment building with an extra spring in her step. Meeting up with Kate, Joanie could not stop smiling; she was so excited to see Eric again.

“I am so happy for your! It’s just like a date! I would LOVE to drive that car!” Kate said squealing.
Joanie laughed, “It’s NOT a date. He probably just feels sorry for me ’cause I’m a retard and can’t drive a stick.”
“I’m sure that’s EXACTLY what he was thinking.” Kate said giggling.
“Do you wanna come along?” Joanie asked Kate not wanting her to feel left out.

Kate barked a short laugh. “You want me to come with you on your date? I don’t think so three’s a crowd. Besides I don’t have a death wish. I know what happened on your last attempt to drive.”

Joanie shoved her friend. “Thanks for the support!” She said as they ran into the school yard as the first bell rang.

Luckily her early classes passed quickly and before she knew it lunch was here. She grabbed her bag lunch from her locker and scampered out onto the grounds to find Kate. She wasn’t used to being forced outside to eat in the cold, but at least the sun was out, so it made it a little better.

She didn’t have to look too hard she was in their usual spot with Jane and Sally. She sat down with a cherry “Hi!”

Jane squealed, “Why didn’t you tell us you have a date!?”

Joanie tried to hide her blush as she fussed with her sandwich. Apparently Kate had already old them about her driving lesson with Eric. “It’s not a “Date” he’s just a friend of my brothers.”

“I don’t see why you would be interested in someone like that when Chris Harper keeps checking you out.” Sally said motioning with her head to the football table on the other side of the clearing. Joanie refused to look over, least he see her looking and think she WAS interested in him.

“Eric is way cooler than Chris.” Kate said sticking up for Joanie. Joanie smiled at her gratefully and finished her lunch. Frowning when the next bell rang everybody herded into the building to their next class.

Joanie was brain dead. She was so excited about seeing Eric again and finally learning how to drive she could not concentrate on her school work. The drone of the teacher’s voice did not help the situation and almost put her into a trance. She heard the class laughing and looked up to find her math teacher glaring at her.

“Miss Caldwell, are you with us today?” She asked.

“Um yes ma’am.” Joanie said forcing a smile and fumbling through her geometry book. Feeling her face getting red, she hid it behind the open book and slunk down in her chair. The final bell could not come soon enough.

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