Reunion (3 page)

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Authors: JJ Harper

BOOK: Reunion
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“Yes Nico, I’m not a baby.” I hear his chuckle which makes me smile. “I just wanted to check that you’re okay. Please keep in touch, let me know how it goes with… well I won’t mention his name. But Nico, please let him know the real you. You are worthy of him.” Troy sighs sadly.

“Thank you, I promise I’ll give it my best shot. I mean, what have I got to lose? My heart was broken ten years ago. I don’t think it could shatter anymore.” I know when I say that it’s not true; my heart is undeniably able to fracture into tiny irreparable pieces over this, over his possible and likely rejection.

“Just keep in touch, I’m not ready to lose you too Nico,” Troy’s voice hitches in his throat.

“You won’t lose me Troy, I promise you that. I’ll call you soon.”

“Bring him back to meet me, Nico,” he whispers as he ends the call.

I throw the phone back on the seat of the car. I take another deep breath and smile. Maybe it will be okay. Troy knows something, perhaps it really will be fine.

The rest of the drive back is quiet and uneventful. Fuelled on caffeine I push on, driving through the day. It’s almost dark when I pull up at the Marriott Hotel in Grande Valley. I know I had taken one of the last few rooms and from the sound of the receptionist it was full of ex-students. I wonder who I will bump into first. I get to my room and grab a shower, it’s been a long drive to get back here and not just the miles travelled.

I decide to take a walk down the high street and grab a beer, when I get into the bar I see a few faces I vaguely recollect. Looks like it’s going to be a big reunion. I imagine most people have been to others but I always think of them as a way to just show off what you have achieved, to gloat over the less fortunate or successful than you. I only have a couple before the need to sleep off the long drive takes over, so after paying my tab I walk out.

“Oh look the pretty-boy faggot has come home.” The mock whisper aimed at me has my back stiffening.

I turn to look at who spoke, ah, Chip Palmer. Always the bully. High School Quarterback. Oh dear, it looks like his former muscular body has turned into fat. This makes me give out a small smug smile; I see his eyes narrow as he notices it.

“Chip Palmer, always the loudmouth. You haven’t changed much, well apart from getting fat.” Probably not the best thing to say but it gets a chuckle from a few people close by. I look at the other guys sitting with him. “Oh look you’ve still got your flunkies with you.” I lift my chin up to acknowledge the two men. “How you doing Todd, and you Davey?”

The sight of the two of them makes me laugh a bit louder this time. Todd doesn’t look too bad; he must workout, not much but enough. But Davey? Fuck he hasn’t seen the inside of a gym since high school by the look of him. He looks like a capital D. Jeez he’s only twenty eight!

“What are you doing back here
I didn’t see the red carpet out for you. Your type isn’t welcome here, queer boy.” Davey sneers at me as Chip goes to high five him.

“It’s good to see how much you’ve matured in the last ten years, shit you said the same thing to me then. Hasn’t your vocabulary increased yet Davey? But looking at you the only thing that’s increased is your waistband.” I’ve had enough of this crap so without saying anything else I walk away.

But of course Chip has to have the last word. “Hey guys, keep your backs to the wall now the gay boy is back!” 

I can hear his laughter along with his buddies but no-one else seems to laugh, maybe the town has grown up in the last ten years.

I have only gotten about fifty to sixty feet down the sidewalk before I hear footsteps and whispering behind me, but pay it no mind until I feel a punch in the side of my head. Fuck!

Chapter three - Ryan


“Nico,” I quietly call out his name and watch him turn towards my voice, he stops dead in his tracks and his eyes widen.

“Why are you still here Ryan? I thought you’d be long gone?” Just the sound of his deep voice sets my heart beating faster.

“Why wouldn’t I be? I needed to see that you’re okay.” Taking a step closer to him my skin begins to prickle, shit even after ten years my body still reacts to his.

“Oh yeah, I suppose it comes with the job doesn’t it; you checking up on people?” His face saddens and his eyes dull at his realization that I’m only here for my job.

“No Nico, that’s not only why I’m here. Yes, I have to hand in a report but I’m here because I wanted to see you again. To make myself believe you are actually here.” I have to touch him, I can’t stop my hand from reaching out to touch his forearm. His eyes widen at my touch as goose bumps appear on his arm.

“Yeah, I had a real good welcome committee here.” His chin wobbles just slightly and my heart breaks for him.

The doctor walks out and smiles at me. “Good, you’re still here Ryan, Mr. Angeles has a mild concussion and he could do with someone to watch out for him. As much as he assures me he’s fine, I would be happier if he had someone looking after him.”

“I told you Dr. Milton, I really am fine. I don’t need a babysitter. I’m going to go back to my hotel and rest. I’ve driven a long way to get back here, I think I’m more tired than concussed.” His irritability makes me chuckle quietly, but he hears me. “Is something funny, Officer Connelly?” His eyebrow rises sardonically as he questions me.

“Only that you are still as stubborn as a mule Mr. Angeles.” I look back at the doctor. “It’s fine Logan, me and Mr. Angeles go way back, I promise I will keep an eye on him.”

“I’m sure you will Ryan. Goodbye Nico, take care of yourself please. I don’t want to have to patch you up again. Ryan, Nico has bruised but not broken ribs, but still he needs to rest and let them heal. He’ll need these too.” I’m handed a box with some strong painkillers inside.

We both watch the doc walk towards the doors and back through to the ER department. I notice Nico tense up then wince at the pain.

“Come on Nic, let’s go.” I reach to put my arm on his back to guide him out but he stops and looks hard at me.

“D’you know you are the only person to ever shorten my name?” He looks up at me, clearly surprised.

“Really? Oh okay, I’m sorry I’ll call you Nico from now on.” I feel my face heat as a blush appears.

“No, it’s okay. I like it. I was just surprised after ten years that you would still call me that.”

“Come on we can’t stand here all night let’s go and get your gear.” We head out to the front of the hospital. “I suppose we’d better find a cab, I don’t think you’re up to walking far.”

“We, as in you and me?” He gestures between us. “We don’t need to do anything. I, as in me, on my own am going to walk to the Marriott and sleep the day away. You Ryan, don’t need to do anything.”

“Oh for fucks sake Nico, you have had a serious beating, you need someone to help you. Plus we haven’t seen each other for ten years, stop being an ass and do as you’re told.” I’m itching to touch him again, I want to brush the dark hair from his face, to feel it slide softly through my fingers.

A cab is driving up the road so I put my hand up and it stops. After opening the door I look over at him and watch him sigh.

“Fine, but just for today, I’m going back to the hotel tomorrow.” He very gingerly bends and sits down on the back seat. I jog round the back of the cab and get in on the opposite side.

I give my address to the driver and see Nico’s eyebrows rise as he takes in where I live.

“What? What are you looking at me like that for?” I know why, I live in the expensive end of town. I actually live in one of the few gated streets in town.

“Nice address, whatcha do, win the lottery?” He smirks

“No, nothing as exciting as that, sorry. I came into some inheritance and decided to invest it in property.” I don’t want to elaborate about just how much I came into because it always raises the question as to why I still work. I don’t think the people in this town would understand just how much I hated receiving this money, and it’s not a topic of conversation I’m ever likely to divulge with them.

“Oh I’m sorry.” He looks apologetic so I just shrug.

“No worries, you weren’t to know.” I watch him turn to look out of the window making the rest of the drive a silent one.

The cab pulls up at the house and I quickly pay him. “Wait there Nico, I’ll help you out.” Jumping out to get to the door before he does, I see his eyes tighten and his body flinch as he twists to get out. “Come on Nic let me help you.” As I look down at him I see the acceptance in his eyes rather than waiting for him to speak.

After helping him out I put my arm around his waist. I feel him lean into me, the solid muscles along with the warmth of his body makes my heart jump again.

“Come on babe, let’s get indoors.” The door swings open allowing me to lead him straight to the living room and more specifically the large sofa. Letting him lower himself down slowly trying to get comfortable, I step back and finally get a proper look at him. Fuck, even with the bruises he is beautiful, I can feel my hands clenching, forming into fists to stop me from reaching out to him again. I want to caress every contour; I want to explore every plane with my fingertips and with my tongue, to reacquaint myself with his long lost but never forgotten beautiful body.

“Thanks Ryan, I don’t think I could have coped with the cab drive for much longer. Do you think he chose the bumpiest way here on purpose?” His mouth breaks out in a wide smile that goes straight to my groin.

“Yeah, I think you may be onto something there. Can I get you anything? Something to drink?” I suddenly feel the need to get away from him before I do something stupid. Like kiss him.

“Yeah, some water would be good, or maybe some mouthwash?” He lets out a dry laugh, as he remembers what was last in his mouth, then he grimaces and I can see he’s about to gag.

Moving quickly I kneel in front of him to gently pull him into a soft hug. “Don’t think about it babe, it’s done and he’s away from you now.”

His shoulders shudder as he breaks down, I can feel his tears through my shirt. “Less than three hours back here Ry, three fucking hours and this happens. What the fuck is wrong with people?”

“It’s not normally like that here now, I promise you. You just happened to come across the worst kind of people we have here. Chip Palmer is an asshole as are his two cronies who are still too stupid to break away from his grasp. He’s always been a bully but at least we can stop him now. Please tell me you are going to go ahead and press charges.” I whisper all this to him while he continues to sob on my shoulder.

Lifting his head away from me, I watch him dry his eyes on his sleeve. “Yes, you’re damn right. I never thought I would be strong enough, brave enough to. But being back here now, where all the troubles in my life started, as a different man I can face my demons and beat them.”

“I’ll go and get you some water Nico, I’ll be right back.” He nods as I walk away but I turn before I get to the doorway. “If it means anything to you I’m glad you’re here. I never thought I would see you again.” His eyes widen and I can see the shimmer of more tears, but these don’t fall.

When I go back with the bottle of water his head is back against the sofa and his eyes are closed, I don’t think he’s asleep but he’s not far off. I look him up and down. His jeans fit tight around his thick thigh muscles, his black T-shirt is stretched tight across his pecs and abdomen. Both areas I have spent hours staring at in his magazine articles, letting my mind wander back to the time he was mine

“Come on Nico, you need to get to bed and sleep, I don’t know how far you’ve driven today.” I look down at my watch, “I suppose it was yesterday now, but after that and everything else I think you need to let your body shut down and heal.”

When his eyes open I hold out my hand for him and he grasps it tightly, letting me help him up from the sofa. We walk together up the wide staircase, I notice that he hasn’t let go of my hand, if anything his grip has tightened around mine. I show him into the guest room.

“The bathroom is through that door.” I point over to the right hand wall. “Everything you need is in there. I’m just down the hall on the other side, if you need me.” I see a spark of life in his eyes when I say that and it makes me draw breath. We both end up just staring at each other. “Get some sleep babe, we can talk again later today.”

“You keep calling me babe, do you realize that?” He questions me with his eyes blazing, but with what exactly? Anger? Confusion? Desire?

“No, I hadn’t. I’m sorry I’ll make sure I don’t again. Goodnight Nico.” As I leave, I hear him quietly speak again.

“Please don’t, I liked it.” His deep husky voice washes over me.

My feet still for just a fraction of a second before I walk across the hallway to my room, closing the door firmly behind me I lean against it, as I feel my heart pounding hard in my chest. I still love him, it isn’t just a memory I’ve been grasping and clutching onto, it’s real. I feel it, the raw emotion running through my blood and my mind. I take a quick shower before getting into my bed. As I lay still my mind races through the evening’s events, not believing that the love of my life has come back. Has he come back to me or is he just here for the reunion? I don’t even dare begin to imagine he is here for me, my heart is fighting to overrule my head. It seems to take me a long time to fall asleep now that he is so close to me, but the few feet between us might as well be a thousand miles.

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