Revive (Storm MC #3) (24 page)

Read Revive (Storm MC #3) Online

Authors: Nina Levine

Tags: #biker romance, #mc, #motorcycle romance, #Love Story, #biker, #sexy, #biker erotica

BOOK: Revive (Storm MC #3)
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But, fuck it, I had to be at Mum’s house in twenty minutes to do some jobs for her.  And that wouldn’t leave me enough time to take Velvet the number of ways I wanted her.  I wasn’t sure there’d be enough time during the rest of my life to get my fill of her.

Guilt hit me when I thought of the way I’d treated her last night.  Thank fuck she’d let me explain myself, and had a heart as big as she did to accept me and my faults.  I’d really fucking meant it when I told her I was a lucky man.  I wasn’t sure there were many other women out there as good as her.

My thoughts were interrupted by a text message.

Gabriella: I need to see you.

Me: No.

Gabriella: Fuck Nash we need to talk.

Me: I’ve got nothing to say to you.

Gabriella: Well I’ve got shit to say to you and I’m coming there.


My chest tightened at the thought of seeing her.  I had to put a stop to this so I dialled her number.

“Nash,” she answered in her breathy voice.  My heart thumped in my chest at the sound of it.  Christ, even after all these years, she was able to affect me; able to bring out the anger in me fast.

“Don’t fuckin’ come here, Gabriella.  I’m warning you, if you do, you won’t like what you find,” I threatened.

“Have you dealt with this, Nash?”

My anger exploded out of me.  “I fuckin’ deal with this shit every goddamn day of my life.  Don’t fuckin’ ask me that crap.”

She was silent for a moment.  “I meant, have you found a way to move on, to be able to live with it.”

Sweat broke out on my forehead, even though it was freezing today.  I realised what she was asking me, but she was the last person on Earth I wanted to be having this conversation with.  “I’m not getting into this with you.  Don’t come here.”  My words were delivered furiously, and I stabbed at my phone to hang up. 


Over the last couple of weeks, I’d felt like I was moving towards a place where I’d be able to finally work through the shit in my head.  Having Velvet in my life was helping me with that; she calmed me.  But the thought of Gabriella turning up, the day before the anniversary, fucking blew it all to pieces. 

I heard the shower turn off, and decided I needed to get out of here.  I had to put some distance between me and Velvet while I processed this, otherwise I knew I’d fuck up all the good we had going now.  My temper was walking a tightrope today, and I didn’t want to take it out on her.

“Baby, I’ve gotta head over to Mum’s now,” I yelled out as I put my boots on.

“Wait, don’t go just yet.  I need to kiss you goodbye,” she called out.

My dick jerked.  Christ, when Velvet did sweet, my whole body responded.  I joined her in the bathroom a moment later, sucking in a breath at the sight of her naked in front of the mirror.  I moved behind her, pressing my hard dick against her ass, and slid my hand around her waist.  My lips brushed her shoulder as I made eye contact with her in the mirror.  The room was still steamy from her shower so I reached out to wipe the mirror so I could see her clearly. 

“Jesus, woman, you’re fuckin’ glorious.  And if I had the time, I’d fuck you and show you exactly what you do to me.”

Her head fell back against me, and she moaned, “Baby, it wouldn’t take you long to make me come.  I’m permanently wet for you.”  As she said it, she took my hand from her waist and guided it down to her pussy.  “Let me borrow your fingers, just for a minute,” she added, and almost made me blow in my pants.

I breathed into her ear, “You fuckin’ own my fingers, sweet thing.  I hope you know that.” 

She wasn’t lying when she said she was wet, and I easily slid two fingers in.  I reached deep, and was rewarded with another sweet moan from her lips.  All the shit I was dealing with was momentarily forgotten as I lost myself in her.  Giving her pleasure could become my full-time job as far as I was concerned.  I’d become a fucking workaholic.

“Nash!” she screamed when I moved my free hand to her breast and began tweaking her nipple. 

I bent a little and worked harder on her pussy, giving her clit some special attention.  My cock was screaming to get inside her, and although I had intended on just making her come with my fingers, I knew I was going to fuck her now.  “Change of plans, babe,” I murmured, and pulled away from her so I could get a condom.

Her eyes met mine in the mirror and she hit me with her sexy smile that would always bring me to my knees.  Her tongue flicked out to lick her lips, and she said, “I hope those plans involve your cock.”

Fuck, she was killing me today.  I went in search of a condom, and quickly got it in place.  When I got back to her, she was bending forward, ass out, and staring at me in the mirror with a look that told me to hurry the fuck up. 

I stepped behind her, never taking my eyes off hers, and pulled her pussy back onto my dick.  My arm wrapped around her waist, and I thrust until I was balls deep.  “This is going to be really fuckin’ fast, Velvet.  You ready?”

She squeezed my dick with her pussy, and begged, “Hard, Nash.  Fuck me hard.”

I pulled out and then gave her what she wanted.  Who the fuck was I to argue?  I pounded into her, and the sounds of my balls slapping against her and our groans filled the room.  When she began rubbing her clit, it sent me over the edge.  I came on a hard thrust, losing myself for a moment to the sensations surging through me. 

Velvet’s pussy clenched around my dick a second later, and she orgasmed.  I watched her in the mirror as she came; she was fucking beautiful.  The way her eyes squeezed shut really turned me on, and I ran my teeth along her shoulder, gently biting every now and then.  Her eyes flew open, and she smiled at me. 

When I lifted my head, she moved her hand to force me back down.  I grinned at her.  “You like my teeth on you?” I asked, as I nipped her again.

“Yeah, baby, I love your teeth, your mouth, your hands, your cock.  I could go on, but I think you get the picture.”

I gently slapped her on the ass, and muttered, “I get the picture, babe.  Tonight, I think you should show me just how much you love my cock.”

I pulled out of her, dealt with the condom, and did my jeans up before coming back to her.  She’d turned around to face me, and I had to drag my gaze away from her body.  Her arms came up around my neck, and she whispered, “Have a good day, and I promise to show your whole body some love tonight.”

I pressed a kiss to her lips.  “You’re spending the day with Harlow and Madison, yeah?”

Her face lit up.  “Yeah, girl’s day out.”

I smacked her ass again.  “Okay, babe, I’ve gotta get out of here.  I’m already running late and if I stay here any longer, I might be tempted not to go at all.”

She pushed me towards the door.  “Go.  I don’t want your mother mad at me for keeping you.”

I shook my head.  “I don’t think it’s possible for her to be mad at you, darlin’.  She never fuckin’ shuts up about you.”

The smile that landed on Velvet’s lips was beautiful.  It was the kind of smile I hoped to put there for the rest of her life.



I arrived at Mum’s fifteen minutes later, and braced myself for her complaints about me being late.  But she didn’t give me any grief.  She simply asked, “How’s Velvet?”

“I’d say she’s having a great day,” I said, before asking her, “What’s wrong with your car?  Carla said it wasn’t working.”

We were in her kitchen and I could see her brain working overtime.  I really hadn’t wanted to come today because I knew she would bring up what was happening tomorrow.  But Carla had called and insisted I take a look at Mum’s car.  She hadn’t been specific as to what was wrong with it though, and I was fast getting the sense there was nothing wrong with it.

She pointed at the table.  “Sit.  I’ll make us a coffee before you have a look at it.”

I fought with the annoyance that consumed me.  “I don’t want coffee, Mum.  Just tell me what’s wrong and I’ll fix it.”

She gave me a pointed look, and then admitted, “There’s nothing wrong with my car, Nash.  I just wanted some time with you.”

I rubbed the back of my neck.  “Shit,” I muttered, but I didn’t sit down.  I had no intention of staying for the conversation I knew was coming.

She surprised the fuck out of me with her next words.  “Gabriella called me the other day.”

“What the hell?  What did she want?” 

“She wants to come and see you.  To talk about it.  I don’t think she’s coping, and I told her you weren’t either.”

The blinding rage I’d managed to keep at bay the last couple of weeks roared to life.  My ears pounded with it, and my vision blurred.  “
isn’t fuckin’ coping?  Fuck, if it wasn’t for her, none of this shit would have ever happened.  I’m not seeing her; I won’t.  And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t talk to her about me,” I thundered. 

Mum remained calm, but her voice took on the firm tone she hardly ever used.  “Nash, I’m worried about you.  Your anger is getting worse, and I’m worried you’re going to end up back where you were when you went to jail.”

“I’m dealing with this, okay?  And I’m not going back to jail.”

She kept going, but her voice softened.  “I hope not, because I don’t want you to go through that again.  I don’t want any of our family to go through that again.  You don’t know what it’s like for us to watch you do this to yourself; what it was like for us to watch you go to prison.”  Her voice cracked, and then she continued, her eyes begging me to hear her, “Do you know how hard it is for a parent to watch their child go through what you did?  And then to watch their child spend the next ten years struggling with the weight of it?”

My heart pumped furiously in my chest.  I tried to control my temper.  Tried not to explode at my mother, but I couldn’t stop myself.  The pain took over.  “No, I wouldn’t know because I don’t have a fuckin’ child,” I spat at her.


My skin crawled with hurt, anger, pain.  The need to rip it all off was overwhelming, but I didn’t know how to do that.  I’d never worked it out.  The only things that eased it were fighting and fucking.  But even I knew that I’d come to a point where they weren’t working anymore.

She let me hurl my hurt at her.  She didn’t flinch; rather, she welcomed it.  “I know you don’t want to see Gabriella, and I understand that.  But I truly think it would be good for you.  It might start to give you some closure.”

I stood there, wearing my brokenness like an old, familiar coat, and I admitted one of my greatest fears to my mother.  “I can’t see her, can’t be in the same room as her.  If we got into this in person, I’m worried what I would do.”  I took a deep breath before I delivered the rest in a rough, distressed voice.  “I’m worried my anger would make me do something none of us could come back from.”

Mum’s hand flew to her throat as she gasped.  “You’re worried you would kill her?”

I nodded, the despair I’d been living with for ten years rising to the surface.  “Yes, a life for a life.” 

She was worried; I knew she was.  It almost made me wish I hadn’t told her, but a part of me felt relieved to get it out there.  “Nash - ” she began.

I cut her off.  “I’m not going to see her so there won’t be a problem.  And now that you know why, I’m hoping you’ll stop trying to push me.”

She nodded, and was about to say something when my phone buzzed with a text message. 

Scott: You and Kick free to meet with Blade today?

Me: When?

Scott: As soon as possible.

Me: Yeah, I’ll round Kick up. 

I eyed Mum.  “I’ve got club business to take care of.  You gonna be okay?”

She reached out to hug me, and then murmured, “I’ll never stop worrying about you, baby.  I just hope you can stop bottling this up.  Maybe Velvet can help you.”

I gave her a tight smile, and tried to reassure her.  “She’s helping.”

“Good.”  She shooed me with her hands.  “Go.  Take care of your work.  And talk to Velvet.  Promise me that at least.”

I couldn’t make promises I wasn’t sure I could keep.  “I’ll tell her you said hi.”

I left her to go in search of Kick.  The weight I’d been carrying felt a little lighter, and I contemplated talking to Velvet tonight; contemplated telling her what I hadn’t told her last night.  I’d finally be laying myself bare to her, and I wasn’t sure anymore if that scared the shit out of me or made me feel the kind of hope I hadn’t felt in a long time.



Blade met Kick and I at Scott’s house.  Scott had called in Griff and J for this meeting as well, and the mood was sombre.  We were fairly sure that Marcus was still spreading lies about Scott to other club members so there was a sense of urgency to this.

Blade listened silently while Kick shared with him what he’d already told Scott and I.  I watched Blade; his face was a blank mask.  He hid his emotions completely.  I’d never met someone as unreadable as him.  Griff came close, but perhaps because I’d gotten to know him, I could read him better than Blade.

When Kick finished talking, Blade asked, “Are you in with any cops up here?  To ask if they know anything about this.”

“Yeah, I spoke with some of them today, but they knew nothing.  Said they’d look into it for me, but I’m not holding my breath.”  Kick looked at Scott, and said, “I spoke with two of your older members today, the two who I know will keep this quiet.  They knew nothing either, although one of them said that in the year this happened, there was some club rivalry up here with Black Deeds.  And that Marcus had some cops in his pocket who helped him deal with any problems that came from that.  I don’t know if that ties in at all with the shit in Sydney, but if you’ve got anyway to look into it, that’d be helpful.”

Scott nodded.  “Yeah, brother.  We’ll take a look into it.”

Blade also agreed.  “I’ll get my guys onto it as well.”

Scott looked at Blade.  “Anything else come up about this guy Marcus is looking for?”

“Blue?  No, nothing yet,” Blade replied.

“Fuck,” Scott muttered.  “I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure that out, and haven’t come up with anything either.”

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