Ride (7 page)

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Authors: Cat Johnson

Tags: #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Western, #Historical, #Fiction

BOOK: Ride
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Chase caught him shaking his head and staring in the direction of the refreshment table. He followed the path of Garret’s gaze and saw Leesa still there. He felt relief that she appeared really to be waiting for him to finish. For a moment he’d feared she wouldn’t.

He saw Leesa tear into a bag of pretzels as if she hadn’t eaten in days, all while her gaze kept sweeping the room, in particular the entrances. There was definitely something strange going on, but at least now she was coming upstairs with him. He’d figure it—and her—out eventually. He didn’t intend to leave Vegas until he did.

A woman began holding a long conversation with the rider next to him, in Portuguese no less, and caused a lull in the procession of fans to Chase’s table. As the rest of the fans waited behind her, Chase used the break to estimate how many more people there were in line and how soon he could get the hell out of there and upstairs with Leesa.

During his perusal of the crowd, he spied a girl with plenty of boobs and skin showing. Leesa may be his type, and he was still amazed Garret had nailed that one on the head, but this chick was definitely Garret’s type. This time, it was Chase who did the prodding.

He elbowed Garret and nodded toward the girl in line. “Hey. Let’s invite her upstairs.”

“Why? You need two women all for yourself?” Garret scowled.

“Not for me. For you, silly.” Chase wanted Garret occupied so he’d stay out of his and Leesa’s hair. Hopefully out of their shared room too, if he could manage it. Maybe he could get them to hang in Skeeter’s room. Or out in the hallway. Chase didn’t care, as long as he had some time with Leesa to talk. Okay, talk and maybe a few other things too.

Garret looked moderately happier at the thought of having this girl for himself. “Okay. Cool. I’ll invite her though. You keep your mouth shut on this one, Romeo.”

Fine with him. Chase nodded. “No problem.”

Glancing one more time and seeing Leesa still there loitering in the corner by the refreshments, Chase couldn’t help but smile. Tonight had the potential to be a very good night.

Chapter Six

“Ready to go upstairs?” The cowboy had snuck up on her.

She hadn’t noticed him while she was staring at the door. She needed to make sure Bruno and company hadn’t wiggled their way inside without a ticket, or hadn’t somehow bought or perhaps procured a ticket by less-than-honorable means the way she had.

Chase’s eyes crinkled with the smile he sent in her direction. The same smile she’d seen last night when he’d asked her out just moments after cleaning himself up after what she’d done with him. Seeing him here was a really strange coincidence. One that was working in her favor so she accepted it gladly.

Leesa had discovered during her time in Vegas, that for a huge city, it could be a very small world. Her running into the same guy she’d danced for was a bit of a long shot, yes, but things like that had happened to her before. At least this was a not an unpleasant coincidence. Of all the men she met at the club nightly, this guy was probably the one she’d be most likely to trust to help her, no questions asked. No quid pro quo either. He may hope for a repeat of last night, but he wouldn’t force it on her. She’d felt that vibe from him at the club. He was a man, and yes, he was interested, but he was also a gentleman and would respect the word no…if she could bring herself to tell him no. The way he’d made her feel, she wasn’t so sure she was capable of saying the word.

What was strange was she wasn’t exactly sure if he recognized her or not. She was dressed differently enough there was no reason for him to make the connection. She’d thought she’d seen a flash of recognition in his face, but he didn’t say anything or act like he remembered her from last night. He did invite her upstairs, but she wasn’t sure he wouldn’t have invited a total stranger. Leesa had noticed a few other cowboys talking to girls who it appeared they’d just met, and some of them were likely going up to this party too. Cowboys were apparently popular with the ladies.

Was her sweet innocent cowboy really a player? Glancing at him again, she realized if he was she’d have to deal with it all later. Right now it was most important she get out of the public area before she was spotted.

Forcing a smile, she nodded in response to his last question. “I’m ready.”

Her answer was met by an even wider grin that showed his strong, white teeth. This guy could be the poster boy for good, clean country living.

“Good.” Cutie that he was, he grabbed her hand and laced his fingers through hers, like they were middle-schoolers on their first date. She had to admit she liked it. His strong hand holding hers made her feel safe, but the direction he was leading them didn’t. As he pulled her toward the main doors, she planted her sneakers firmly and tugged against his grasp.

He stopped. “Did you forget something?”

“Um, no. It’s just there are so many people outside. Maybe we can leave through a back door?” She had already scoped out all the back exits.

Apparently Chase and these other guys were some sort of celebrities, though she wasn’t sure what kind. People had lined up to get Chase’s autograph, so maybe he’d be convinced to avoid a fan mob scene out in the hallway.

He paused and glanced at the entrance. Luckily there was a small group of people milling around out there. “I guess a few people didn’t get tickets. Sure. We can head out the back if you want. Though the way I’ve been riding most of this year, I’m not sure I’d be the one the fans would be hanging around waiting for.”

She nodded, not understanding his self-deprecating grin or why how he rode would dictate how many fans waited for him. Come to think of it, she wasn’t sure what he rode either. It must be horses, she guessed. Cowboys ride horses. Right?

It didn’t matter. Leesa was simply relieved they’d be going out the back way where she’d be less likely to be killed by Bruno and his hit squad.

Chase paused, settling his gaze on the bag hanging on her shoulder whose weight had her listing slightly to the left. “Do you want me to carry that for you? It looks pretty heavy.”

“Um, no. That’s okay. It’s not that heavy.”
. She’d have to explain the giant bag she was toting around. “I’m, uh, on my way out of town for a little vacation. I was just killing some time in the casino before my bus leaves.”

Killing some time. Trying not to get killed. Whatever.

“What time is that?”

His question took her by surprise. She was a horrid liar. “What?”

“Your bus. When do you have to leave?”

“Oh, I uh hadn’t made exact plans. I was just going to hop on a bus whenever I felt like it.”

He grinned wide. “A free spirit, huh?”

Leesa shrugged. “Yup, that’s me. I go wherever the wind blows me.”

He had no idea how funny that idea was. He should have seen her with her nose in a book studying twenty-four-seven back in college. She used to have every moment of every day scheduled and timed, right down to her meals and when she’d shower. Things had sure changed.

“I’m glad about that.” His smile that reached all the way to his eyes told her he truly was.

“Why?” Damn, she could really like this guy.

“Because maybe you being a free spirit means you’ll stick around for a bit.” In spite of Chase’s ever-present grin and good mood, he still seemed to search right down to her very soul when he stared deeply into her eyes.

Leesa swallowed hard. “Maybe.”

For what felt like a ridiculously long time, another one of those
passed between them. It didn’t matter the room was full of strangers and noise. Just like it had happened on stage at the club, it felt as if they were the only two people in the world.

She shook off the feeling. “Shall we go upstairs?”


The look on Chase’s face could only be categorized as gleeful. Then her hand was squeezed by his and she was being pulled toward the back door. She held her breath with fear as Chase reached out and pushed the door wide, then, gentleman that he was, waited for her to walk through first.

Peering into the hallway, left and then right, she looked for the faces she dreaded seeing. She pulled the hat a little lower over her forehead. Seeing the coast was clear for now, she asked, “Which way to the elevator?”

Chase tilted his head to the right. “It’s just up here a ways.”

Leesa nodded, hoping
just up here a ways
in cowboy-speak meant closer rather than farther.

, she thought. Soon they’d be upstairs in Chase’s room on a floor he’d said would be entirely filled with his fellow cowboys, and Bruno and his killer friends wouldn’t be able to find her. Besides, by now they should be following the cell phone in the poor unsuspecting family’s diaper bag.

Every step of her feet against the floor of the hall seemed to echo off the walls and through her head, like a metronome ticking off the time. Time she knew she didn’t have. Time she couldn’t waste if she wanted to survive. Then Leesa heard the familiar and oh-so-welcome ding that heralded an elevator nearby. She nearly cried at the sound.

Chase’s hand squeezed hers tightly as they stood in front of the closed brass doors. He pushed the button and smiled down at her. Eventually she’d have to deal with the way her heart fluttered every time she looked at him. Worse, how strongly her body reacted when he looked at her. She’d also have to figure out if he recognized her or not. But for now, just watching the elevator’s door slide open made her happy. Chase motioned for her to step inside before he followed one small step behind her.

He pushed the button for his floor. It was one of the higher numbers. She tried not to panic. If she needed to escape down the stairs it would take her a while, longer with each level the elevator rose above ground. Would she ever feel safe again? Probably not. Even if she got away, she’d always be looking over her shoulder, wondering when they’d catch up to her. Not even knowing why they wanted her dead.

Leesa must have let out a sigh without realizing it. When she glanced up, Chase was looking at her with an expression of concern on his face. “You okay?”

She conjured a smile. “Yeah. Fine.”

He nodded, though he didn’t look totally convinced with her answer. Then the doors opened and the sudden noise and commotion pushed all else out of her mind. Leesa certainly hoped Chase’s friends occupied the entire floor because it was looking more like a frat party than a hotel at the moment, right down to the keg sitting in a large bucket filled with ice.

Chase didn’t let go of her hand, which she was grateful for, but he did practically drag her out of the elevator with a muttered, “What the hell?”

He stopped in front of the guy Leesa recognized as both the cowboy who’d been seated next to him today at the table, and last night in the club.

“Jeez, Garret. You said Aaron’s brother picked up some beer, not a keg. Don’t you think we’re pushing it a little?”

The guy Chase had called Garret shrugged. “What can they do? Throw us out?”

“Um, yeah. Actually they can.” Chase’s body tensed next to her. When he looked down at her again, it wasn’t with his usual smile.

She wasn’t so happy herself. If they got kicked out of here, then what would she do? She’d be right back where she’d been an hour ago. Maybe she could hop on a bus like she’d planned, but if Jerry and his brother had half a brain they would be watching all the buses leaving since they knew she’d been here.

A kid who looked barely out of high school came up to them, big red plastic cup in his hand. He took a big swallow of beer and then glanced from Chase to Garret. “What’s wrong with you two?”

“Ah, jeez. I forgot Skeeter’s not even old enough to drink. Do you know how much trouble we can get into for serving a minor?” Chase ran his free hand over his face.

Garret shook his head. “Okay, okay. Relax. I hear ya. I don’t know when you became such a stick in the mud, but I’ll handle it. Skeeter, you and the guys move the keg into my room.”

“Uh, no. Move it into one of the other rooms.” Chase glanced down at her then back to Garret.

Leesa noted Garret’s brows shoot up. He donned a cocky grin and nodded slowly. “Oh. All right. I get it.”

As Garret’s gaze moved to her, Chase shook his head. “Shut up, Garret.”

“What?” Garret’s wide-eyed innocence was too animated to be real. “I didn’t say anything.”

The snort Chase released told what he thought about that answer.

Maybe they both did recognize her from the club. And after what she’d done with him, perhaps they assumed Chase would be getting busy with her in that room. God, maybe they thought she’d service them all for the right price. Was that why they’d brought her up here?

She’d done this to herself by agreeing to do what she’d done last night for cash. Leesa shouldn’t care what Garret or anyone else thought of her. The reality was, she couldn’t care right now. She had to keep herself safe. She wondered what she’d have to do in order to keep herself that way.

“Come on.” Chase pulled her off to one of the rooms farther down the hall. She wasn’t so keen on getting there any longer. Chase was more in tune to her emotions than she imagined. He stopped mid-step.

“I’m sorry about Garret. He’s just an idiot. I usually ignore most of what he says.” When she only nodded but didn’t say anything, he continued. “Those guys are going to be drinking that keg until tomorrow morning. I for one was hoping to get to bed before sunrise since I have a bit of a drive to make tomorrow.”

“Yeah, good plan.” Once the fear and adrenaline left her body, there was a good chance she’d fall asleep standing up. God, she would love to get some sleep in the safety of Chase’s room tonight. She’d give anything for that luxury actually.

Chase stuck a keycard in the door. “You can put your bag here in my room where it’ll be safe. That way you won’t have to tote it around on your shoulder all night.”

Leesa kind of wanted to tote it around. Her entire life, what pitiful amount was left of it, was in that bag. Granted, it amounted to a toothbrush and deodorant, a few changes of clothes and a tattered wallet that housed all her money in the world since she’d emptied out her account at an ATM machine on her way to the casino.

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