Ride to Redemption (3 page)

Read Ride to Redemption Online

Authors: D. J. Wilson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Suspense, #Action, #Adventure

BOOK: Ride to Redemption
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got back to the lake before noon and went straight to the job site of my latest
renovation. Thankfully, this project should finish up before the trip. My
current customer, R.J. Ayers, is a country music mogul from Nashville, who
built an 8,000-square-foot home here about 8 years ago. His goal at the time
was to watch his children grow up with him, far away from his hectic schedule
and musical lifestyle, even if it was only on the weekends. His kids are grown
now and he’s changing things to suit himself.

own obligations with children were quite different, than R.J’s. Thinking back,
I, at least had the privilege to get my military obligation behind me before
the births of my kids. After spending six years in the Air Force, assigned to
Special Ops, I was more than ready to settle down and start a family. Even
though I traveled, I always managed to be at every event, every activity, and
every game that my kids were involved in growing up. Sadly, even that was not
enough to prevent their eventual distance and disappointment in me because of
the long and drawn out divorce. Alas, even now, I’m still sorting through those
raw emotions and trying to find the elusive silver lining, if there was one to
be found.

Mr. Ayer’s case, his children are grown and are moving on in their lives, R. J.
now loans his home out, almost weekly to his clients and their families. And,
as I’ve come to realize over the last three months, many of his clients take
advantage of his generosity by coming mid-week, accompanied not with family, but
beneficial friends. It’s another fine example of out-of-sight, out-of-mind.

the layout and fashion of the humble abode, make it more inviting for its
latter inhabitants. There are few windows for the world to see in, making
almost a retreat, within a retreat. It amazes me how people go to all the
trouble to locate and buy the perfect site, specifically for its beautiful
outdoor location and then build a home with extensive solid walls and just a
few ornate windows, to take advantage of the awe-inspiring views. My life’s
mission through the years, has been to bring the inside living space outdoors,
while capitalizing on the surroundings that brought the client here to begin
with. Not everyone, however, shares my views.

Ayers built his home overlooking the Irons Creek area of Dale Hollow. He is
blessed with a 270-degree view of the main channel and the unblemished
mountains that surround it. Additionally, Mr. Ayers has a nesting pair of bald
eagles just one hundred yards away. We are entertained daily with their
courtship rituals and fishing skills. Who would ever want to be indoors with
scenes like this changing by the moment just six walled inches away? Therefore,
the renovation project I’ve taken on has its roots in removing the confinement
in the current living space and offering a whole new expansion of openness.

the last ninety days, I’ve knocked out exterior walls and replaced them with
sliding glass panels that disappear from view at the touch of a button. Air
curtains are then installed along the entire glass wall length to optimize
outdoor usage, from early spring to late fall.

outdoor living area I created here, boasts 5000 square feet of Tennessee Crab
Orchard stone flooring cut 1 inch thick, trimmed and edged with Philippine teak
wood. One-half of the area is under roof, boasting 14-foot high ceilings to
match the home in architecture and shingle, while the other 50 percent is open.
Thermostatically controlled Aqua Misters, installed along the ceilings interior
perimeter, effectively reduce the outside air temperatures by 10 to 15 degrees
on excessively hot days.

rest of the house sported all sorts of state-of-the-art technology, coupled
with the artistry created in wood accents, from local artisans nearby. He
spared no expense with his safety issues, as well.

from his elaborate alarm systems, one of my favorite amendments to the home was
a highly apportioned, safe room.

encourage most of my clients to install one of these 4’x6’ safes, which I build
into a false wall, away from prying eyes. Safes, designed to hold not only
valuables, but to act as a temporary safe room or storm shelter in the event of
an emergency. Some clients have even created larger safe rooms equipped with
shelving for personal belongings and pictures. The expanded room made for a
much safer and more comfortable location during storms. Extra ventilation and
digital hook-ups for TV, phone, and surveillance cameras only enhanced the
whole project. As a final benefit to the safe’s special features, I installed a
“back door” Trojan access known only to me. I could never fathom being
responsible for one of my customers smothering to death while in my safe. If,
during the course of a catastrophic event, the air supply is interrupted, the
inhabitants are able to dial the emergency phone number I provide, with only
one number programmed into it … mine.

back, I may err too much on the side of caution. I’ve only had to access one
safe through the back door and it was not to keep our clients out of harm’s
way. Or come to think of it, maybe it was. Some pieces of that puzzle, which
for now, remain to be seen.

as I finished my final walk-through and visual appreciation of my trade, Candi
called. “Hi, baby. I was thinking. We really need to get my leathers and my hat
for our trip. Would it be okay with you to come up after work Friday?”

course, darlin’, we could go shopping Saturday morning and catch some lunch on
the town. Would you be up for a moonlit dinner cruise tomorrow night?
I just thought it might be a nice way to
wind-down for the night.”

baby, I’m up for anything as long as it’s with you!”

enthusiasm was contagious. “Great, darlin,’ that’s all I wanted to hear.”

ahead, I asked, “Candi will you bring with you what you plan on wearing for our
two weeks on the bike? I’m shipping clothes ahead at different locations so we
can travel light. It’s a little complicated, ensuring we have all the warm and
cold clothes we might need in advance. We can hash it out together.”

Candi replied. “How many bags can I bring with me on the bike?”

one,” I hesitantly answered. “About the size of a large backpack.”

D, that will just about hold my makeup and blow dryer … and oh … maybe my

worries, darlin’.”

she continued, “I understand the guy thing, D, really I do, but I
will not
wear the same clothes for longer than two days.

will be fine, I assure you.
done this many times. We won’t be wearing the same undies for more than two
days in a row!” My flirtatious chuckle seemed to calm her to some degree.
“There are ways around packing all your goodies.”

better be sure on this one, Captain Courageous. I don’t travel light!”

good, Candi, that’s why I’m shipping stuff ahead. There will be room for some
finer things. I travel light, but classy, K?”

trust you. You’ll make it happen.”

thing Candi, Could you find a sun dress in your wardrobe?”

suuuure,” she chided. “I can just see me in a sundress on the bike with it
blowing up and over my hat and showing my backside to the world. I’d be on You
Tube by nightfall.”

baby. It’s for this weekend. I’d love to see you in a colorful sun dress, while
you’re at the lake.”

then in that case, I’ll see if I can dig up a few,” she announced, already
mentally rummaging through her closets.

yeah,” I continued. “It’s called a helmet, not a hat. We ride in helmets that
will totally flatten down your hair between stops. That’s what your makeup case
is for.” I was getting a little frustrated with the wardrobe chitchat, so I
changed the subject and reminded her of the lovely evening lake trip, I had
planned for Friday night.

afternoon finally arrived and Candi texted she was on her way to the lake.
Visions of sharing the beauty of Dale Hollow while learning more about her
inspired me. Just what did she see in me? I pondered. How did I get so lucky to
keep her coming back for more?

down from the clouds, reality set in and the thoughts of just where our relationship
was heading startled me. After only two fleeting encounters, I worried about
the speed of our rushed rendezvous. We had become masters of stretching time
and finding ways to make our encounters special. How could it move this far,
this fast, in such a short time? Candi and I met quite by accidental avoidance,
I could say. We bonded almost immediately. Our second rendezvous was primarily
just lust, plain and simple. Now, on the cusp of our third outing, I
contemplated just how to handle myself, during our time together. I was quite
certain that our old friend, Mr. Lust, would be tagging along for the
adventure, but I honestly hoped we could delve into getting to know one another
in a more genuine way. I wanted to show her that my kindness and caring for her
was not a show for her favors. Granted, being male, I loved every ounce of her
wares, but I wanted this get-together to be special on all accords. I longed
for Candi to get to know me, for me. Though sexual to the other side of the Big
Bang, I embrace a woman I care about, with every fiber of my being, trying to
shower her with kindness, appreciation and eventually, love. Some men might
call that butt kissing, but I chalk it up to true heartfelt appreciation. If a
woman is giving in and of herself, she deserves happiness and all the attention
a man can offer. It’s a two way street … and like my last marriage attests, one
way traffic, along a dead end road, in a marriage leads to disaster and doom.
‘Nuff said.’

enhance our weekend togetherness, just before she arrived, I picked fragrant
rose blossoms from the red Double Knock Out roses, blooming off my front porch.
I lined the staircase and hallway with petals all the way to the bedroom.
There, I made a large, red heart out of the petals on the bed and placed a
plate of freshly made brownies in the center. I also made a large smiley face
on the floor using three chocolate covered strawberries for the eyes and nose.
I trailed petals three feet away, ending with a well-placed upright bottle of
champagne. I hope that this should propagate a soon-to-be very happy me.

felt that this last maneuver would take care of the lust portion of our first
evening together. I now could focus on the discovery phase of our weekend.

chose to thaw some magnificent beef tenderloins from the freezer. Marinated and
grilled on the boat along with some seasoned veggies, I suspected, would
provide a splendid meal. Toss in some more chocolate-covered strawberries and
two bottles of Pinot Noir and that should be about enough, to ease her
inhibitions and loosen her tongue. Perhaps then, we can both learn a little
more about one another, while the waves of Dale Hollow lap against the gunwale,
as the sun sets slowly behind the horizon. I really need to discover just what
she hopes to find in me. I’m not a toy to be played with, and then just
discarded, when the fun runs out. Huff!!!! Sounds like a woman’s complaint,
I’ve heard too many times before. Go figure.

arrived at the main gate shortly after 6 p.m. Our full-time guard gave her an
approving smile and motioned her through the gate and pointed her towards our
humble retreat in the wilds, overlooking the waterfalls. I remotely opened my
personal gate from the house phone using a six-digit code. Technology and
innovation are so impressive. I sometimes laugh at society’s mindset, though.
Even myself; I vigorously exercise each morning to stay in shape, but fail to
want to saunter up the drive to manually open the gate. The developer in me
loves those little household toys, though. I’m the big kid in the new-gismo
house! Count me in for the next new thing that makes life easier, I’m in.

was the first to greet her, and Candi was well prepared this time. “Hi Major,
give me a hug!” She patted both hands to her chest. In an instant, Major jumped
up and placed both paws on her tatas, while looking back at me for approval.

jealous,” I shouted over the roar of the waterfalls. “I should get first dibs!”

get your fair share before the weekend is over, lover boy!”

between her smile and her humor, they just melt me. What a catch!

into the house, Candi immediately noticed the trail of rose petals leading up
the stairs. “Just where does this lovely trail lead, D?” She asked, fully
knowing the answer to her own question.

lead to dessert later this evening … as defined by the subliminal message that
I hope you’ll be able to figure out. Lead the way baby, I’ll follow along in a
second with your overnight bag, that is, if I can find a dolly. Dang girl,
you’ve packed enough for a month, judging by the weight of this bag.”

to the fridge, I grabbed a glass of already-poured milk and carried it
carefully in one hand, while lugging her bag up the stairs with the other. To
my delight, I found Candi propped up on my bed, eating a brownie with a twinkle
in her eye. “I got your message loud and clear, baby. Mr. Smiley face has a
problem that I would love to take care of, anyplace, anytime, anywhere.”

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