Ride to Redemption (4 page)

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Authors: D. J. Wilson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Suspense, #Action, #Adventure

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to self: that worked.

would very much relish the opportunity for you to take care of that urgent
detail this second,” pointing at my now tented jeans, “but as much as I regret
saying this; I hope to hold out for later. Here,” I directed, pushing past my
lustful thoughts, “finish your milk and change into something casual, if you
please. The lake awaits us, baby doll, and dinner, too! We’re running out of
daylight, so hurry.”

back down the stairs, I was dumbstruck by the fact that I had just turned down
making love to a beautiful woman who was quite ready, willing, and able … while
totally sprawled out on my bed. Nevertheless, the truth is, if we suddenly get
tongue tied and twisted up in the sheets, we may never make it to the lake and
all my preparation for discovery might get lost in this fog-shrouded urgency of
lust. Ordinarily, I would not fight this in this slightest, but I wanted to
stick to my agenda and really get to know this young lady, choosing to be by my
side today. It’s a matter of the utmost importance. It sure as heck ain’t easy,

just a few short minutes, Candi was down the stairs, dressed in a blue and
white striped nautical top over a pair of white Capri pants. Her cute pair of
Birkenstocks carried her to me. I could see adorning her ears, were diamond
stud solitaires, at least one carat in size. On her ankle was a solid-gold
bracelet with charms, while her arm sported a solid gold Cartier watch,
graciously completing her breathtaking ensemble.

do I look, D?”

look like you’re ready to board a luxurious forty-foot yacht in the Caribbean
somewhere. Stunning, is what I’m trying to say. My simple twenty-four foot
Boston Whaler will be flattered! But we’re in the mountains of Tennessee, baby,
so tonight we must forego the yacht club scene. We’ll just have to pretend, because
we’re roughing it up here.”

gave a little roundhouse spin with a courtesy. I swear she sparkled right there
in my foyer. For a moment I was transfixed on her and nothing more.

the matter, cutie?” she chuckled. “Cat got your tongue.”

I muttered. “Yep, in a manner of speaking.” She took my naughty reply with a
grain of salt and cocked her head toward the door. “Let’s ride, baby.”

10-minute drive to Willow Cove Marina was extraordinarily quiet. With few
words, we made our way down the serpentine road to the boat slip at the dock. I
don’t know if I insulted her by my over-the-top compliments of her clothes, or
maybe Candi thought I was just another sexually deprived male throwing her a
line of BS. Either way, she was lost, far away in thought … and further still,
from me. It was a slight change from her forward demeanor at the house, but I
let her conduct herself as she wished. No sense in this male trying to sort out
female feelings, wrapped up in the moment. Most men are helpless in that
department. We’re better off staying silent, waiting for opportunity to
respond, rather than pry where we’re not wanted.

eased into a parking space, and I exited the cab of the truck. As Candi was
gathering her things, I reached for her door to open it. Just as I did, she
pushed the door open, looking me squarely in the eyes. “I’m sorry, but it’s
been a long time since someone was so complimentary to me — you know
— doing so many nice things. I just worry about ulterior motives sometimes.”

baby,” I confessed. “I know I’m over-the-top. I know I might even be a bit
overwhelming. Honestly, I feel like a kid in a candy store with no chaperone. I
have handfuls of candy and don’t know what to do next.” I paused and let her
catch up. “Candi,” I finally exclaimed. “I’m trying very hard not to screw this
up. I want everything to be just right, and I might be over-doing and
over-saying everything. Please know I’m genuine in my attempts to woo you into
my life.” I hoped my humble countenance told my story from the heart.

broad smile appeared. “That’s all I wanted to know, D. All I care is that you
mean what you say — naughty or nice — however your silly words come

felt relieved in the moment. “Maybe I’ll just stick with naughty terms.”

had a playful joust retort; “Let’s make them naughty-cal at this moment.”

who I’d nearly forgotten, was already waiting by the boat, eagerly wagging his
tail. As we stepped onto the pier, Candi could tell what had caught Major’s
gaze. Earlier in the day, I had brought down the food and beverage coolers and
set up the grill, so that all we had to do was lower the boat-lift and cruise
off toward our sunset. My spoiled dog knew he’d get a perfect people-sized
steak, too, and made no bones about it.

aboard, my lady, the unspoiled beauty of Dale Hollow Lake is yours to behold.”

smiled and shook her head slightly. “You really are over-the-top, my captain.”

through the no wake zone gave Candi time to take in the vastness of Willow Cove
and the wide variety of boats moored here. On our right was an array of
cruisers, to the left a wide assortment of houseboats. To the front of the dock
were numerous ski boats and pontoons tucked away in their various covered

a diverse array of boats,” Candi breathed in a whisper. “Just like Tampa, I
mean, almost like home.”

to self: I don’t know what the immediate self-correction was about, but I will
have to follow up on that later.

out into the main channel, Candi could not get over how picturesque and still
the lake was at sunset. “I could never imagine anything this beautiful where
there are no houses or docks to scar the shoreline. It’s just trees, rocky
bluffs, blue water and nature out here!”

hundred and thirty-plus miles of undisturbed shoreline, to be exact,” I stated.
“Only a cherished few houses dot our lake shore’s. Those precious lots are not
traded on the open market, if you know what I’m saying … clout pays and plays,
even in this heavily protected environment. But for the most part, our lake is
our lake with virtually no personal property to be seen.”

destination for this evening was the Accordion Bluffs, where the water clarity
is at least 18 feet deep and the overall depth is well over 100 feet. Anchoring
just off the main channel, I found a comfortable spot to watch the sun set over
Pine Island. I turned on the grill and opened the first of our two,
well-traveled bottles of Pinot Noir. “Here, Darling,” I announced, as I handed
her the sparkling wine glass, almost full.

us,” she exclaimed, and blew a kiss in my direction.

us,” I agreed. “And to discovery.”

on my marine-rated, compact gas grill is quick and efficient. It takes
relatively no time to heat up and can turn out three, 2-inch thick filets that
are medium rare in under 12 minutes. Grilling the asparagus can be done in less
than five minutes, but one must allow another five minutes to toss the spears
in balsamic vinegar and sprinkle them with freshly grated
Reggiano Stravecchio.

our meal was prepared and we were dining in 360-degree panoramic views.
“Delicious dinner captain,” complimented Candi, “Kudos to the chef!”

are most welcome, my lady,” I answered, while refilling her tall goblet. I
could tell the ambiance of the evening was beginning to work its magic. The sun
had set and the stars were filling the sky. Off to our east, the moon was
rising quickly. Halfway through her second glass, it was time to let the
discovery begin.

I started.


what do you see in me, really? If you don’t mind my asking, I’m 15 years older,
my hair is graying and I’m not in the best shape of my life. I have good
attributes I know, but you do realize you could have any number of guys
drooling at your feet. Right? So my question is, why me, why here, why now?”

taken aback by my forward questioning, thought for a moment before answering.
“There’s something special about you, D. I honestly can’t quite put my finger
on it, but it’s there. As I said earlier, you make me feel special, and I
appreciate someone who can do that and does it because he cares. I think you’re
real, D. Does that answer some of your questions?”

think so. I hope so. I'll take what I can get, at least for the this moment.”

continued. “You seem lonely, D, but you’re not alone. You exude integrity and
truth, yet I sense you’re intentionally hiding something. You genuinely care
much more for other people than I do. I’m a shade more self-centered and
protective of my privacy, than you are most of the time. That’s what sets you
apart from most. You really do make me feel special, like I’m the only girl in
town. Am I anywhere close to getting my point across?”

hard to be completely honest, when the past controls the present. Nevertheless,
Candi’s insight into me seems genuine. If only I could believe that what she
sees in me is something she could want to be a part of. Then, maybe I could let
down my walls. “You’re insightful, Candi. How you come to realize all this
about me in just a few short hours of togetherness, both honors and perplexes

continued, “Much of the mystery you see in me has more to do with all the
heartbreaks and disappointments I’ve experienced in my past … and in trying to
repair them while I still can. I’ve been blessed most of my life to have more
than I need. I’ve always given generously out of abundance, but have rarely
given generously when I was in need myself. This, I have learned as of late,
may very well be the very best time for me to give. Perhaps, when I have little
left to give, only then will I realize the sacrifice and cost — at least
in comparison to my past. My life has been a roller coaster, where I have
sometimes struggled to maintain a tight grasp. Other times, my ride has been
gentle slopes and calm tracks. I see in you some of the same ebbs and flows
I’ve experienced in my past. Being a part of these different roller coasters is
a bit scary for me, but I’m drawn to you like no one ever before.”

stood and paced the boat quietly, letting my words continually flow. “Not too
long ago I had much, much less than I do today. Had it not been for the
kindness and generosity of friends and others who continued to believe in me,
we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I’ve come to realize that life is far
more than just stuff. It’s those you have in your life that makes one wealthy,
not all the things you accumulate — just to die and leave behind for
someone else to dispose of.”

“Don’t get me wrong; you need essentials
to survive and thrive. Money does pay the bills, but it never guarantees
happiness. Sure, it gives you the finer things, more exotic trips, expensive
clothes and exotic cars; but they’re all just manmade things that eventually
wear out and must be replaced. Thankfully, as I’ve so aptly learned of late, by
investing in people, one is not always confronted by this problem, at least
until they flat out fail you. Therein lies my current roller-coaster ride.”

was the perfect listener. Maybe the wine was unwinding me instead of her!

on the other hand,” I continued, “if you’ve made money and invested it to
provide for your future and someone takes it away recklessly, that is another
story. Enough about me; tell me more about you.”

there’s not much to tell. I grew up not wanting for anything and leading a
protected life. My parents, for the most part, always chose my schools, my
classes and even my friends. That being said, D, no boy was ever deemed good
enough for me. Would you believe I went through all of high school without even
having a real date? If the truth were known, the boys were probably scared of
my mom and dad. That, too, is a long story for another time. We should compare
our stories, mine for yours or yours for mine. Whatever, baby … Will you remind
me what I just said, and however I said it, later? The wine is getting the best
of me.”

like we were heading for a deep, dark hole, I decided to lighten the mood.
“We’ve had enough drama for now, let’s go swimming.”

didn’t bring a swimsuit, baby.”

swimsuit needed,” I proudly stated, standing brazenly in the raw before her.
“We’re going skinny-dipping.”

could see the wheels spinning inside her head as she realized the simplicity of
my request. “Well, I’ve never done this at night. I guess it’s a good thing I
didn’t bring a bathing suit, huh, baby? I’d miss out on all the skinny
dipping!” She wobbled and swayed a little as she began to undress before my
I’ll need to remember that one glass of wine is enough to loosen her

into Dale Hollow Lake at night is both exhilarating and exciting, especially
when you have someone a la natural swimming beside you. Because of the lake’s
clarity, her tan lines were visible and highlighted all the beautiful private
parts covered up in daylight. There is just something magical about watching a
pair of magnificent ta-tas float in 80-degree water while they’re illuminated
by the moonlight.

“Come here, baby,” I called to Candi.
“Let’s climb the rocks and jump off the ledge on the bluff side.”

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