Ride with Me (17 page)

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Authors: Ryan Michele,Chelsea Camaron

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He shook his head. “I love the kid, but the shit that comes out of his ass is disgusting.” I smirk. “Fuck. Shit, clean; shit, clean. Finally, I just hand him over to Angel. I’ll be glad when diaper days are over.”

I shake my head, remembering Cooper when he was that little. I didn’t mind changing him. I didn’t get to see him all the time, so I took whatever I had, even if it was changing his shit.

“Aw, are we having a heart to heart here?” Dagger strolls up, grabbing a chair, turning it around, and parking his ass on it.

“Shut the fuck up,” both GT and I say in unison as Tug and Rhys make their way over.

I lift my chin to them.

“What’s Dagger done now?” Rhys growls.

I swear all that man does is growl, even with him getting pussy regularly now.

I shake my head.

“Ah, I’m just givin’ ’em shit. So fucking happy I’m not doing that baby shit.” Dagger shakes his head.

“Blaze’s knocked up.” Tug throws us a curveball. “She’s not ready to tell people, but I am.”

“Congratulations, brother,” I tell him as the others join in.

“Looks like y’all are making the next generation of the Ravage family,” Pops says, walking up and slapping Tug on the shoulder.

Tug smiles. “Fuck yeah.”

“I already told Princess my girl is wearing a fucking chastity belt, and I’m killing any motherfucker who goes near her,” I warn.

Pops laughs. “I said that same shit, and look where it got me.” His eyes light up with humor at me.

Fuck me, I’m going to have my damn hands full, especially if my little girl is anything like Princess.

“Fuck,” I groan.

“I’m teaching her to fight,” GT says, and I raise my brow at him. “What? I taught my sister. Who better to teach my niece?”

I glare. “I don’t know, maybe her father.”

“Get the cob out of your ass,” GT says.

“All right, let’s get the fuck out of here and go home. It’s dinner time, and I’m fucking hungry,” Pops says.

We drink the last of our beers then head out the door.

I hop on my bike, wondering what the hell I will be walking into with my woman when I get there.



My body doesn’t feel like my own anymore. No, it’s consumed by two little beings who are totally taking over my life. Not that I’m upset about that in any way, but they are taking every bit of energy I have.

I have been working my ass off in the house, trying to get it ready, knowing at any time, these two are going to shut me down hard. The doctor told me to rest, but she doesn’t have Cooper to take care of and a baby room to get ready, including all the baby stuff.

Tomorrow is the baby shower that Casey, Blaze, Tanner, and Ma put together. I know we will get tons of shit. Of course, we need it, but I need to make sure the babies’ room is together enough to put everything inside of it and not scattered around the house.

Cruz has been great. I’m sure he thinks I’m going mental, even though I have explained things to him over and over again, but he’s a man. Sometimes, things don’t sink in the first seven times, and you need to do an eighth.

Ma picked Cooper up from school today so we can go to the doctors. At twenty-six weeks pregnant, I already feel like I’m ready to pop.

I’m not going to lie. I have been putting that stretch mark lotion on my belly. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work, but I’m willing to try anything. I have never been a vain person, but as I watch my body expand to epic proportions, I can’t help letting the nerves get the best of me. I will do anything for my babies—don’t get me wrong—but I want to come out on the other side of this looking like me.

I was really lucky my first few months not to have the throw-up shit like Casey did, but I do have the heartburn. I have to watch what I eat because I have no clue what sets it off. I talked to the doctor, and she thought maybe it was my gallbladder, considering the location of the pain. However, after tests, she says it’s only heartburn, and Tums is all I can take.

“You ready?” Cruz comes out of the bathroom, his hair wet from a shower, in jeans, a black shirt, and his leather. Fuck, he looks good. My libido picks up. “Babe?” he questions, raising his brow. He knows exactly what I want. “Fuck. Quick.”

I strip off my pants, ones that are way too big yet were the only ones I could find that fit around my belly.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful.” Cruz groans, and my clit pulses as wetness coats me.

I love that he sees me this way—carrying his children, large, but still beautiful to him. That is the best.

“Hands on the top of the couch.”

We have had to get seriously inventive with sex. No missionary, that was for damn sure. Lying on my back is a no-go, and Cruz on top of me just doesn’t fucking work.

I place my hands on the couch, shaking my ass in invitation. His hand slides up the inside of my thigh to my clit. “Fuck, I love how wet you are for me, but no time to play.” He rams his cock in my body, and I grip the couch as it moves a bit from the thrust.

Cruz isn’t gentle, and that is fine with me. He takes me hard and fast. Before I can even think, I’m coming hard, and Cruz is releasing inside of me.

He pulls out and his come leaks from my body. Shit.

“I’ve gotta clean up,” I tell him, moving quickly to the bathroom where I clean up, and then we are out the door in a shot.

We are late getting to the doctor’s office, but I don’t give a shit. I needed to come, and he obviously didn’t mind.

The doctor finishes with the ultrasound again. It’s awesome seeing my little babies up on the screen, and I love getting those little black and white pictures that you can barely tell what’s what. I can, though, and that’s all that matters.

“All right, we need to talk about a few things.”

My heart skips a beat as my eyes fly to Cruz. This can’t be good. Shit, what the hell is wrong?

“Your blood pressure is high. We need to watch that. If it stays high, you have a very high chance of developing preeclampsia, which is when the placenta doesn’t get enough blood flow, and that’s not good. With twins, the risk of it is higher because of all the stress going on with not a lot of room inside you.”

My pulse picks up.

“Right now, I’m just watching it. I want you to come back in two days and get your blood pressure checked again. If it’s high then, I’m going to admit you into the hospital for some tests. Chances are, if you rest, your babies and you will be just fine. But there is a risk of having severe preeclampsia. In that case, you will be admitted to the hospital and not let out until the babies are born.”

“I’ll do whatever I have to do,” is out of my lips before I have time to think about Cooper, Cruz, anyone other than me and the babies. I didn’t intend for it to be selfish, but the pit in my stomach feels like a rock. I hate that. I didn’t intend that. I just want to protect my babies.

“Doc, she won’t sit the fuck down. She’s running around like it’s the end of the fucking world if the babies’ room isn’t perfect, throwing out shit we don’t need from boxes that haven’t been touched since she moved in. She’s also at X, working when Cooper is at school. Unless you want me to duct tape her ass to the couch, you better give her some serious instructions, because I’m not fucking kidding.”

I glare at Cruz, and he raises his eyebrow in challenge.

I know he’s right, damn him, but from the stern look on the doctor’s face, I know I’m about ready to hear it.

“Do I need to put you on bed rest? And I’m talking about not getting up for anything except to pee. That’s where this is going, Harlow. That is the seriousness of the situation. This is why I’m having you come back in two days, not two weeks. You need to understand this for your babies and yourself.”

I feel like I’m a damn kid again being scolded by Ma.

“I get it.” This isn’t a blow-off answer, either. I really do. “I’ll do whatever needs to be done.”

“Good,” she says, and I can tell she gets me.

“The ol’ ladies are giving her a shower tomorrow,” Cruz says, not skipping a beat. “Should I have them cancel it?” He’s all business, but I expect nothing else from him, even if he’s being an overbearing jerkface.

“She can go. Make sure she sits comfortably without a lot of moving.”

“Got it.” Cruz pulls out his phone and starts texting.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Letting it be known what the doc said, making sure shit’s in place for tomorrow.” Taking care of business, he doesn’t say, but should have. “I’m not fucking around, Princess. If you don’t stop this shit, I’ll make it stop.”

Anger fills me. “I fucking get it, Cruz. I’m not going to fuck with our babies’ lives.” Each word comes through gritted teeth, and if I could have reached for his balls, I swear I would have twisted them to emphasize my fucking point. Ass. “Don’t treat me like a fucking child.”

“Then don’t fucking act like one,” he says, which only stirs the bubble inside.

“All right. Enough,” the doctor steps in, surprising us both. “This right here”—she points between Cruz and me—“isn’t happening. No fighting, no arguing. Right now, I can see in Harlow’s face her blood pressure’s rising. None of that is good.”

Cruz’s chest rises and falls like he’s taking in deep breaths. Subconsciously, I feel my body doing the same thing. Each muscle in my body that was so tight just a second ago begins to relax.

Cruz stands and comes to my side of the bed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he rests his lips on my head. “I just don’t want anything happening to you or the babies. We’ve got this. I just need you to listen to the doctor.”

“I know. I get it. Got it. I’ll rest more. I’ll talk to Blaze and get X situated and have Ma get the house together. I’ve got help. I’m just not used to asking for it,” I huff out. “I’ve always taken care of everything on my own, so this shit is hard for me, but I’m doing it, Cruz. Don’t worry,” I tell him, and he squeezes me before kissing me again then taking his seat.


I sit in the recliner in my living room, my feet up, a plate of food on the side table, and presents lining the damn room. Cruz, my wonderful man, moved the party from the clubhouse to our house. I had to breathe through that one since my first thought was,
I just cleaned the place
, but I let it go. He was coming from a place where he thought he was taking care of me. I know that, so I let him do it. It also helps that Ma, Casey, Blaze, and Tanner all said they would pick up the mess.

I went in the bedroom while they set up, and when I came out, the furniture was moved with folding chairs everywhere.

I’m extremely happy they didn’t go decorations happy. That shit’s just not me. Instead, everything is simple with lots of blues and pinks.

I knew the moment I saw the cake, it was Casey’s doing. I’m not going to lie; it’s weird, really weird: a woman from boobs to crotch with a huge belly in the middle. I’m not sure I get that, but it is what it is.

Presents are handed to me one after the other. It’s never ending, and I feel myself getting a bit run down. I’m sure we won’t have to buy a package of diapers or baby wipes for a year. Plus, pacifiers of every kind, clothes for boys and girls from newborn to a year, lotions, shampoos and body washes, toys, something called a diaper genie that I supposedly need. So much. Way too much. Everyone gave and gave. I’m sure we will use it all, but damn, it will be a lot to store.

“Mine!” Ma calls out, handing me a picture.

I look at it, seeing it’s of two solid oak wood cribs. The detail is very intricate and beautiful.

“Wow, Ma, they’re beautiful.”

“I had Bobbie build them for me.” GT had Bobbie build bassinet back when Deke was born. It was beautiful. She offered to let me use it, but with two babies, I know I won’t be able to use it for long.

“Thank you.”

Ma smiles. “And this!” She gives me a huge bag that I can barely get into. “Wait, let me help.” She pulls the bag back down then pulls out red and black fabric. She made me bedding, just like she did baby Deke. One set is red with little black motorcycles, and the other is black with little red motorcycles. Ravage colors.

I try really hard to hold the tears back that threaten to spill over my face.

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