RidingtheWaves (10 page)

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Authors: Jennifer LaRose

BOOK: RidingtheWaves
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“If I had things my way, Brent wouldn’t be participating in
this mission.”

Her lids popped open and she turned her head to gaze into
Brody’s eyes. “You’re not going?”

“No, I’m going home to visit the family while he’s gone.”
His brows furrowed. “Hasn’t he told you?”

Her heart skipped a beat from the amount of concern in his
tone. Now she too scrunched her brows. “Just that he’s leaving for an

“You need to talk him out of it, Annalee. I’ve tried but he
won’t listen.”

Her back stiffened. Not only had Brody addressed her
formally for the first time, but he appeared downright worried and it unnerved
her. “What’s going on?”

“I wish I could talk about it, but it needs to come from
Brent. I can’t defy him on this. I tried broaching the subject the other day at
dinner but he didn’t bite. Just take into consideration it’s serious enough
that my parents want to see him before he goes.” He paused and studied her
eyes. “Can we exchange phone numbers before I leave this morning?”

“Absolutely. And I promise I’ll talk to Brent, but if he
won’t confide in me, there’s nothing I can do.”

He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed the backside. “I
appreciate it.”

“Appreciate what?” Brent asked from somewhere close by.

Oh shit
Think fast.

Her heart pitter-pattered when he strode into the family
room and stood at the end of the couch. “Opening my home to you guys,” she

Impossibly he appeared more handsome than the day before. His
self-assured manner filled her with longing. Dressed all in black, he looked
incredibly dangerous and sexy. His hair hung past his shoulders and blended
with his unzipped leather. Even his eyes darkened to the mysterious shade of

He nodded once. “How you feeling?” He discovered her hand
tucked inside Brody’s. He studied it for a minute before his gaze traveled to
her eyes.

“I’m okay.”

“Bro, don’t you have something to do?” he asked.

That was either curt for Brody or short for brother, she
wasn’t sure, but it didn’t sound too nice.

Brody released his grip on her hand and stood. “Yeah. As a
matter of fact, I have to pack my clothes. We’ve got to be at the airport
within the hour. Be ready in fifteen minutes.” He walked as far as the hallway
then turned around, smiling cynically. “Oh by the way, sweetheart, the answer
is no.”

“No?” Dare she ask what he was talking about?

He winked. “We’ve never sammiched a woman.”

Good Lord.
She’d actually been brazen enough to ask
about their sexual escapades? “Sorry. On that note, I’m going to dress for

Chapter Seven


Annalee’s heart jumped to her throat when her cell phone
Who in the heck is calling so late?

She flew off the couch, charged into the kitchen and yanked
her phone off the table. “Hello?”

“Hello, dear.”

“Mom!” She didn’t sound upset or panicked but something was
up. She never called after nine. “Is everything all right? Is Grandma okay?
It’s past eleven o’clock,” she said, her voice quivering.

“Everything is fine. I just wanted to let you know I won the
thousand-dollar jackpot at bingo tonight.”

She sounded so excited, Annalee smiled despite her heartbeat
pounding the shit out of her chest. “Congratulations.” Mom didn’t need the
money, it was all about winning. She’d probably spent triple that amount over
time to play, but she wasn’t going to say anything to spoil Mom’s moment.
“That’s fantastic.”

“I might play tomorrow night too.”

“Oh a splurge. Good for you. Did you tell Daddy you won?”

“Of course, dear. He’s sitting here trying to figure out how
to spend the money.”

She envisioned her dad at the table, glasses resting on the
tip of his nose, counting each dollar. Smiling ear to ear and shaking her head,
Annalee glanced over her shoulder just as Brent walked into the family room
from the bathroom, dressed in a pair of jeans, naked from the waist up. His
hair hung past his shoulders and water dribbled from the tips onto his rippled
. She inhaled a vigorous breath. “Buy yourself something
nice, Mom.”

“Oh I will. Is there anything you need?”

“No thanks. Spend it on yourself, you deserve it.” Annalee
had been self-sufficient and financially stable since college. Whiltby &
Sons hired her directly out of high school and offered full tuition
reimbursement if she continued working for them after she’d earned her degree.
Fortunately she had no student loans to repay, nor had her parents been forced
to spend their life savings.

“I just wanted to share my good news, Annalee. I know you
have to work tomorrow, so I better let you go, dear. Oh by the way, I finished
my invitation list for the wedding. I’ll email it to you tomorrow.”

Oh boy.
She’d neglected to apprise her mom of that
situation. “That’s okay. You, um, you don’t have to do that.” She ran a hand
through her hair. “I won’t be needing it anymore.”

“Pardon me?”

Hopefully this wouldn’t take long. She pulled out a chair
and sat down just in case. “I broke the engagement. The wedding is off.” A
long, unnerving pause followed. “Mom?”

“I’m here. I’m just in a little state of shock. What happened?”

Well, Jared came home with whip marks all over his body
after fucking Willow.
“Jared was having an affair.”

“Oh no! Why would he do that?”

Maybe because I was a boring lover.
“I guess I
couldn’t give him,” okay, she had to drop the bomb sooner or later, “what
Willow could.”

“Willow! Oh dear God! How could they do that to my baby? Are
you all right?”

“Yes, Mom, I really am.”

“Oh Annalee, I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?”

“Someone from my past has reappeared, and I’m much happier
now. His name is Brent Delaney.”

Her mom sighed through the phone. “I don’t recall that

“We worked together on occasion.”
And he’s the man I
fantasized about for nearly a year.

“I don’t know whether to smile or cry.”

“I assure you, Mom, you can smile yourself to sleep. I
promise you’ll love him as much as or more than you loved Jared.” That was a
little presumptuous, not knowing how far her relationship with Brent would go,
but she needed to say something to prevent her mom from worrying. “I’m going to
go now because I need some sleep. I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, dear. Call me if you need anything.”

“I will. Good night.”

Whew. That was finally done.

Annalee laid the phone on the table. She then removed a
bottle of wine from the fridge for Brent and a glass from the cupboard.
Unfortunately, not knowing the extent of what she’d said to the
she decided to give up alcohol completely. While she’d dressed
for work that morning, many opportunities to ask Brent presented themselves,
but she’d let them go. Sometimes it was better not knowing to what extreme
she’d shot off her mouth. What she’d supposedly asked was just…eek.

Holy cow, her feet were freezing. She should’ve thrown on a
pair of slippers when she climbed out of the shower forty minutes ago, but she
hadn’t formed a rational thought since Brent returned from Seattle.

It was sort of lonely without Brody lounging in the family
room in front of the television. She didn’t doubt he’d intentionally stayed
home to provide her and Brent time alone during their last night together.
Bless his great big heart.

To warm her toes, she moved quickly into the family room and
buried them in the carpet. Brent now sat on the couch, an elbow propped on the
armrest and a hand fisted at his temple while he watched Morton linger at his
ankles. She sucked in a deep breath at the exhilarating picture. During the
past five days Brent weaseled beneath her skin and became a piece of her

“How are your parents?” he asked.

“They’re great. Mom won a thousand dollars at bingo tonight,
so she’s pretty excited.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Are you okay?” His jaws were tense and frown lines crinkled
the skin between his brows. “Brent?”

Without taking his eyes off the cat, he nodded. “I’m fine,

Damn, he was sexier than hell. Even his feet.

Sexy feet? Really?

She sauntered to the coffee table and set the bottle and
glass down, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. “What are you thinking
about?” After filling his tumbler, she sat beside him, folding her legs at the
knee. “You look upset. Can I help with something?” Was he as worried about the
mission as Brody? Had someone at home upset him?

“I’m just glancing at tomorrow.”

She didn’t want to look that far ahead. It was too
depressing. In less than ten hours he’d be leaving. Damn she hated to see him
go. “Anything interesting?”

His left brow rose and he removed his eyes from Morton to
capture her gaze. “Could be, depending on your schedule.”

“Well, let’s see,” she said, pausing to tap her lips with
the pad of her index finger. “I have to work. How’s that for excitement?” She
reached forward and tucked cool strands of hair behind his ear. She then
caressed his cheek with the backside of her fingers. Stiff, masculine whiskers
tickled her skin.


Morton jumped on Brent’s lap and padded two furry paws into
his thighs. There wasn’t a mushy spot on those rock-hard limbs to lie down.
Poor kitty.

“Morton, get down.” She tried shooing him to the floor, but
Brent picked him up beneath the front legs and rubbed noses with the persistent

“He’s fine. He just wants a little attention.”

Unbelievable. The cat never acted that friendly or content
around any other human being. “What have you done to my cat, Brent?”

He snickered while replacing Morton on his lap. He petted
the cat behind the ears before running his hand along its back. The Persian
arched into his palm then plopped down dead center on Brent’s crotch.

Nope, no soft spot there either. At least Morton used good
judgment when choosing a bed. The little fur-ball had better willingly give it
up when it was her turn though, or there’d be a fight.

“He purrs like his mama. My entire lap is vibrating.”

Brent’s gentle petting to the underside of Morton’s chin
touched her heart. “He only lies on someone’s lap when he senses an upset. Would
you like to talk about what
bothering you now?”

“It’s nothing, baby.” He reached sideways and ran the back
of his hand along her face. “I’m fine.”

“Morton doesn’t lie.”

For a long time, she stared into his eyes. They weren’t the
normal piercing charcoal shade, nor were they calm, but they expressed either
confusion or pain. Something definitely sat heavily on his shoulders.
“This is our last night together. I think it only fair for you to
be honest with me.”

“Annalee.” He lifted Morton and placed him on the floor. The
feline plopped down on his feet. Brent pulled her onto his lap, tucking her
into his arms. “I shouldn’t have come back.”

“Why not?”

He squeezed her tighter. “Because you’re making it
impossible to leave.”

Wow, he knew the right thing to say, and it melted her tummy
and kick-started her heart. “Then don’t go.”

“It’s my job.”

She wiggled from his arms and turned, maneuvering her robe
from beneath her bottom, then straddled his thighs. Her naked pussy settled on
the bulge in his pants. His cock hardened instantly, brushing against her slit.
What a nice welcoming. “Ask Whiltby…” she rocked her hips, applying a smidgen
of pressure to his penis. A deep yearning flooded her insides and her vaginal
walls constricted. “For your Ohio job back. It’ll be like old times.”

“No.” He gasped as if in pain. “I can’t tolerate office

“A ship cabin isn’t confining?” she asked, cupping his neck
in her hands and planting a kiss on his nose.

“It’s worth the freedom at sea.”

She gently nipped his lips while applying additional
pressure to his erection. She was so damn hot, if his penis wasn’t confined in
his pants, she would’ve shoved it inside her drenched pussy. It’s amazing how
he affected her in so little time. “There isn’t much freedom when you’re
rescuing hostages from thieving pirates.” It was time to fish for information
about the assignment.

“Baby,” he sucked in a breath and rested his head on the
wall behind the couch, “it’s in my blood. I can’t help it.”

She bent forward and patted her mouth to the scar on his
shoulder. “Is this from a sea battle?”

His hands latched onto her hips. As he nodded, he guided her
crotch up and down the seam harboring his cock.

She didn’t need any help but took advantage of the
assistance because it relieved stress from her thighs. “And what about the
business you’re conducting in Miami?”

“The ass—Jesus, Annalee, I’m going to fuck you senseless in
a minute.” He clamped his teeth together. “The asshole who tortured the captain
escaped and is somewhere in that vicinity. I’ve been assigned to help weasel
him out of hiding.”

She stiffened to the point her back hurt at the arch. “Why
you? You’re not a bounty hunter.”

“The authorities believe he has a personal vendetta against

He tried maneuvering her hips back into rhythm but she
steeled her ass, refusing to move. “You’re not serious?”

“If he knows I’m in the area, they suspect it’ll draw him

“Revenge?” She sat poker straight. “From a man known to
torture and murder innocent people!” Now she understood Brody’s concern. Her
mouth dropped open. She snapped it shut. “That’s dangerous, Brent.” Like he
hadn’t already known that.

His gaze played over her face. “I’ve got to do what I can.
If he sets sail and hijacks more ships, we could be jeopardizing innocent

She slid her hands from his neck and placed them on his
shoulders. “If he escaped, why the vendetta against you? Why wouldn’t he just
flee the country or something?”

“It isn’t that easy, Annalee.” He took a deep breath. “My
crew wiped out half of his men.”

“Then he should take it as a warning and haul ass out of

“Men like him don’t work that way. They need to settle the
score, per se.”

“Let the authorities capture him, Brent. Why put your life
in jeopardy?”

“It’s the authorities asking for my help.” He ran his hands
up and down her thighs. “If I don’t assist them and he gets away and kills
again, I couldn’t live with myself, knowing I may have made a difference.” He
looked deeply into her eyes. “I have to do this, baby. Whether or not he’s
captured, at least it’ll give me peace knowing I tried.”

You need to talk him out of it, Annalee.
Brody’s plea
beat like a drum inside her head.

Dear Lord, how could she? What if Brent was right? She
couldn’t withstand being the cause of his guilt if she convinced him to stay
and more people lost their lives because of it.

It would take a hell of a lot of faith in God and trust in
Brent, but they had to let him do what he thought best.

Even if it slowly drained the life out of her heart.

I’m so sorry, Brody.
“Why hadn’t you told me this

His lids narrowed. “Would it have made a difference?”

In a sense, no, but it gave her reason to worry over a close
friend who’d still consumed her in a case of severe
. Which
theoretically made it harder to let him go. “No, I guess not.” But wow, it
started upsetting her tummy. If something happened… The color drained from her

“Are you okay?” he asked, his gaze peculiarly tracing her

Nothing a quick trip into the kitchen wouldn’t cure. A huge
lump settled in her throat and her eyes burned. “Yeah, but I’m going to get a
glass of water.” She kissed the tip of his nose. “Be right back.”

She dashed into the kitchen and blasted the cold water but
her stomach felt too queasy to take a sip. Instead she leaned over the sink and
splashed her face. Just as she turned around to grab the dish towel off the
stove handle, she bumped into Brent’s chest.

He lifted her chin and lowered his face. Instead of kissing
her as she’d expected, he licked the water from her cheeks. The heat from his
tongue traveled all the way to her toes.

In the breath of a second he lifted her by the waist,
causing her to squeal, and sat her on the counter. After he stepped in between
her thighs, he pushed the robe aside and spread her legs wide, exposing her to
his eyes.

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