Rise of the Fae (10 page)

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Authors: Rebekah R. Ganiere

BOOK: Rise of the Fae
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He blinked twice and smiled. “They’re on the house tonight.”

She nodded. So simple.

The wooden bar bit into her shoulder blades as she leaned back on it, surveying the club. A mariachi band complete with bright puffy-sleeved shirts and tight pants played on a stage opposite her. Out on the floor, couples danced and shimmied together, twirling in a sensual rhythm.

Man it was good to be back.

She looked for anyone who might be vampyr or Vampire that she could use to get what she needed.

A male vamp sidled up next to her. “Hey beautiful, can I buy you a drink?”

His graying skin and sour scent made her wrinkle her nose. “No thanks. I already have one coming.”

“What’s a fine human like yourself doing in here?” His gaze raked her up and down.

. Why did they all keep asking her that? It was getting old fast. Couldn’t she just go out and have some fun without everyone wondering why she was there? Neeman’s words played in her head. It was becoming apparent he was right. Humans really were out of place.

“My master will be here soon,” she said. “And I don’t think he’d take too kindly to me talking to someone else.” She turned to the bar.

“Come on sweetie, don’t be like that.” He put his arm around her shoulders. “I’m just being friendly. You have the most amazing purple eyes.”

Rage flared through her. She whipped around on him and hit him square in the chest. “
.” Pain.

The vamp let out a scream then doubled over and crumpled to the floor, writhing and convulsing. A female vamp ran over and knelt by his side. She looked up at Seraphine.

“What the hell did you do to him?”

“Stop. Let him go!”

Seraphine shook her head. “He hit on me. I didn’t appreciate it.”

A group of vamps gathered around. The female stood and came nose to nose with her.

“Listen, you bitch, my boyfriend would never hit on a painted-up Vampire whore like you.”

The flames of rage heated Seraphine’s blood. She stared at the female hard, and the female’s eyes went wide and she backed away.

“Now you listen to me, you vamp scum. I am no one’s whore and your boyfriend did hit on me. I suggest you take him and leave, before I really lose my patience.”

The female backed into her boyfriend on the ground. Her eyes never leaving Seraphine’s face, she bent down and grabbed him by the arm, trying to lift him off the floor. All he could do was writhe and moan.

Seraphine closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “

The moaning stopped and the couple scrambled away, just as the bartender showed up with her drink.

Seraphine stared at the greenish yellow drink that arrived for her, her mood to party gone. Her hand quaked and she breathed in deep, trying to take in the now-diminished buzz in the air. She downed the drink so quickly her back teeth ached and her throat burned.

Hurting the vamp had felt good. Too good. She needed to stay in control. She couldn’t afford an incident. Not here. It wasn’t safe.

The bartender walked by again.

“Tequila,” she said without looking up.

* * * *

Neeman’s fist cracked across Rex’s nose for the fifth time.

Rex laughed and spit out blood. “You do realize that tickles, right?”

Neeman punched him again. He didn’t like this part, but he needed information. “Tell me what you’re doing here on this plane.”

“Didn’t you see? I was bathing in blood. It’s my favorite pastime and I don’t get to do it enough, so when I was given the opportunity to take advantage of a timeshare here in Chicago, I jumped at the chance.”

Neeman cocked his fist back to punch him again. “How did you get through?”

Rex laughed, his broken nose dripping blood onto his bare chest.

Neeman’s phone buzzed. Anger coursed through him. The only person who was going to get anything out of this POS was Mason.

He pressed the button on his Bluetooth. “Neeman.”

“It’s Jonah from The Pink Gypsy.”

“I’m a bit busy at the moment.”

“I’m sorry to bother you, but I thought you might want to know your slave is here and she’s causing a bit of a stir.”

“My slave?”

“Yeah. Human, black hair, purple eyes. She’s driving your Ferrari.”

“She’s driving my—” Neeman cursed so loud the glass windows rattled. Could that woman be any more of a pain in his ass? He looked over at Rex. “I’ll be right there. Make sure she doesn’t leave. Wait. Did you say her eyes were purple?”


What was the deal with that? “Keep her there.”

“Will do.”

Neeman hung up the phone and pinched the bridge of his nose. He wasn’t sure which pissed him off more. The fact she’d left or the fact she had his car.

The car. Definitely the car.

“Seraphine’s a handful isn’t she?” Rex said.

Neeman looked up. “Seraphine?”

“Yeah, that’s her name. Well, not her full name—” Rex cut off suddenly.

“How do you know her?”

Rex opened his mouth and tried to speak but closed it. He tried again and ended up letting out a string of profanity. It was a strange sight. Like someone was physically holding Rex back from speaking.

“Everyone knows her.” Rex panted, his eyes glittering with mischief.

“From when she lived here?”

Rex shook his head, and his body arched and he convulsed.

A chill raced through Neeman. He was missing something, but he didn’t know what.

After a few seconds, Rex stopped moving and he laughed and panted at the same time.

“Oh baby, that girl, she does know where to hit a guy and make him hurt.”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Neeman asked.

Rex smiled. “Talk to your girlfriend.”

“She’s not my girlfriend.”

“Really? Because from what I saw of you two, I sure thought she was. I wouldn’t mind getting a piece of that for myself.”

Neeman punched him in the gut. He didn’t have time for games. He turned to leave and the scent of ozone hit him again.

* * * *

Neeman gritted his teeth at the sight of his yellow Ferrari.

“I’ll meet you back at the compound,” he told Stephos. “Make sure no one disturbs the demon till I return.”

Stephos nodded. “You got it.”

He stepped out of the car and walked to his baby. He ran his hand over it, making sure it was undamaged, and then looked in the window. What the—

There was no key in the ignition and the backseat was full of bags.

Neeman growled and walked to the entrance of the club. Jonah opened the door for him.

“She’s on the floor,” he said.

Neeman nodded. “Thanks.”

He didn’t have time for this crap. He had a demon in his compound and a dead human tracker to deal with. He pushed his way through the bar and scanned it. The smell of vamps, sweat, and alcohol filled him. He spotted her dancing alone. Desire washed over him at the sight of her short plum dress, which cut to the small of her back and clung to her form. There was a strange void around her where people steered clear.

In this club the patrons eyed Selene warily whereas in the last club she’d been surrounded by men.

The tight dress she wore barely covered her swishing rear. Her hips gyrated with the music in a sensual dance, making his imagination kick into overdrive. Why her? Of all the females he could be attracted to, why did it have to be her?

He stalked out to the middle of the floor and grabbed her by the arm. She turned, her eyes a blaze, but as soon as she recognized him her eyes softened and she smiled.

“Took you long enough, loverboy.”

“Let’s go.”

The other patrons looked on. She wobbled slightly.
She was drunk.

“No.” She wrenched her arm free. “We want to dance.” She swayed her hips and moved back and forth in front of him. He reached for her but she shimmied out of the way.

“We’re not dancing, we’re leaving.” She grabbed his hand and used it to twirl in a circle. He pulled her close and her back hit his chest. Rubbing her body up and down his, she made his arousal ratchet even higher, grinding her backside into his front as she bent at the waist. He gripped her by the hips and spun her to face him.

Selene threw her arms around his neck, continuing to writhe and wriggle. “You promised to take us out, but you lied.”

“In case you didn’t notice, I’m a little busy.” He removed her arms from his neck and she backed up a step, never missing a beat in the music. She kicked out her slender legs and raised her arms over her head, her hands in her hair.

It was one of the most erotic things Neeman had ever witnessed. She ground her hips in circles and turned from him once more. His arousal hit a fevered pitch watching her dress move higher and higher up her legs till the hem of her black panties became visible.

She glanced over her shoulder and his gut clenched. She knew exactly what she was doing when she gave him a seductive smile and stepped closer, beckoning him forward with her finger. He refused to play her game. Her smile widened and she sidled up to him and laid her palm in the middle of his chest. Tracing a soft circle through his shirt, she continued to dance and rub against him.

His muscles twitched and his fingers itched to hold her. She pressed her body into his, her soft curves melting into him.

“Please,” she said softly. “Dance with me. Just one dance.” At that moment, the smile fell and he saw nothing but sincerity. Her eyes were an alluring mix of green rimmed in purple.

The pleading in her voice pulled at his heart. For the first time, he saw a longing inside her. Loneliness and pain oozed off her.

Without thinking, he raised his hand and entwined his fingers in the hair at the base of her neck. “All right.”

She led him to the center of the floor and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close. Her body rubbed up against his and he slid his hands down her soft skin and rested them on the small of her back. Though the song was fast, their movements were a slow caress.

She stared up into his eyes and held his gaze. Her body swayed to the music, pulling him with her in perfect rhythm. Hip to hip, their bodies began their own intimate dance. Her tempting scent swirled around him and made his throat burn. As she inched impossibly closer her ample breasts smashed into his chest.

She was so beautiful, but infuriating, he reminded himself. A handful. A complication he didn’t need right now. And worst of all, her heart belonged to someone else.

Without warning, she reached up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. The taste of tequila lingered on her mouth. He couldn’t think straight. He wanted her.

Wrapping his hand around her neck, he coaxed her lips apart and his tongue mingled with hers. She let out a soft moan. He crushed his mouth on hers and his fangs grazed her lip. A thrill raced through him. The desire to bite her all but consumed him.

Her blood was sweet and salty, and warm on his tongue. Bloodlust plundered his body and mind, stronger than it had since he’d first turned. He needed more of her. All of her.

He grazed her lip again, on purpose, savoring the sweet taste of her blood. She grabbed his rear. His arousal rubbed against her and the friction made him almost explode. He couldn’t have this, he needed to regain control. Mustering all his training to keep his head straight, he pushed her away.

Her eyes glassy, she looked up at him, confusion playing on her features.

He couldn’t do this. The taste of her blood on his tongue made him want to attack her. Sure she was fae, but who was to say she couldn’t be turned if he accidentally lost control. He couldn’t risk it. He’d gone his entire vampyr life without biting anyone and he intended on keeping it that way.

“We should get you home.”


“No ‘but.’” Without another word, he dragged her off the dance floor and out the door.

* * * *

Selene rushed out into the cool night air and her head and vision cleared at a rapid pace. How had she gotten here? She looked around in panic. She was outside a bar being dragged along by Neeman. She wracked her brain for the answers and the memories flooded back in a rush.

It had happened again.

She processed the memories faster this time. Up to the last moment on the dance floor when she’d kissed Neeman. Oh crap! She’d kissed Neeman.

She slid into the Ferrari and glanced in the backseat. Double crap! She really had gotten all that stuff at the stores. She looked down at the tiny, tight dress and tried in vain to cover herself.

Selene tried to keep the shakes at bay and herself from succumbing to the tears threatening to flow. How had she let this happen? She needed to find a solution and fast. Her body hummed with magick. The electric sexual energy of the people in the bar had wound her up and filled her cup to the brim. She needed a release.

They drove in silence to the compound. Neeman had barely pulled the car into the warehouse when she jumped from it and headed for the elevator.


Mortified, she refused to turn, hitting the button at the elevator. The doors opened immediately. She stepped in and pushed the button before he could reach the door.

“What about all the stuff in the—” His words were cut off by the door closing.

“Return it!” she yelled.

Anger and shame boiled inside her. Her emotions were so mixed up she didn’t know what to do or think or feel. She’d come on to him and he’d rejected her, again. But this time it was different. She’d opened up to let him in, he’d pushed her away. Yet if she’d been in her right frame of mind, she never would have done that in the first place. What he must think of her. Of what she’d done.

Adrenaline coursed through her, making her head pound and her limbs shake.

“Oh, hell. Not now,” she moaned.

She needed help. A spell to keep herself from blacking out again. She needed her amulet. With her magick at full capacity, it was getting easier and easier for her to slip and for the voice in her head to take over.

The elevator doors opened and she stared into the hallway. With a whisper, she could level the entire floor and drain her powers.

“Yes, do that. That’ll be fun. Then we can watch the place burn.”

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