Rise of the Fae (6 page)

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Authors: Rebekah R. Ganiere

BOOK: Rise of the Fae
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Neeman hit the button and waited for the elevator, trying to concentrate on going down and training the humans. He had little patience for the humans, at least when it came to training. They were slower, weaker, and more susceptible to pain than Vampires and vampyr. It had become an interesting battle within him.

He had to admit they were better trained than any humans or vamps on the planet. Their training was even better than most vampyr and Vampires ever learned. But he wasn’t sure how much that would do for them in an all-out war. And it still concerned him he’d taught them all of a vampyr’s and Vampire’s weaknesses.

Being made a vampyr was not something he’d asked for. And he hated being a bloodsucking night crawler who used humans for food. There wasn’t much worse.

But in working closely with the humans for the first time in over a decade, he’d realized how much he liked what being a vampyr did for him. The strength, speed, looks. All of it made him more than he’d been as a human. Except for happy. Happiness was not something he’d experienced since turning.

The elevator opened and he stepped in. The machine moved downward to the training floor. In an underground compound, with that elevator as one of the only two exits, Neeman wondered what would ever happen if there was an earthquake in Chicago.

He walked down the silent corridor to the end, pushed the door open and stepped up to the arena-viewing window. Riley had a human on the ground and was showing him how to get out of a hold.

Riley, though still a fairly new tracker, was a wonderful teacher for the humans. He had more patience than Neeman, as well as more compassion.

“What are you watching?”

Neeman whipped around to find Selene standing in the doorway. He crossed to her.

“I thought I told you to clean the other wing of rooms.”

“You did. But it’s already clean, so I decided to follow you instead.”

Neeman clenched his jaw. “Are you making bugging me your new hobby?”

She shrugged and flashed him a brilliant smile. “Why not? There’s nothing else to do.” She pushed past him to the observation window and looked below.

Neeman followed her. She leaned on the desk, her eyes tracking the simulated fight below. She was silent for several minutes before shaking her head.

“What?” he asked.

“Is that what you guys are teaching the humans to help them fight?”

“Is there a problem with it?”

She turned and crossed her arms under her chest, making her breast push out. “It won’t work.”

“And why is that?” He shifted his stance as his trousers became strangely uncomfortable.

“Because soon you will have to do more than just fight each other. Have you ever seen a demon?”

“I’ve seen Mason.”

“Did anything you tried work on him?”

Neeman worked his jaw several times. “You think you can do better?”

She laughed. “I know I can.”

“Oh really?” He gave her a hollow laugh. She really was a Miss Know-it-all. “Show me.”

“What?” Her brows knit together.

“If you’re so good. I challenge you.”

She rolled her eyes. “What, like to a duel?”

“Why not? Afraid you might break a nail?”

She held up her hands. “Have you seen my nails? I can’t grow these things to save my life.” She bit the inside of her cheek and her eyes flashed purple. “Okay. Let’s go.”

She pulled the door open.

Neeman watched her hips swish in her black camo pants as she stomped down to the arena. Below, the training had stopped and all eyes were on her. He massaged his forehead. What was he thinking? She was going to get herself hurt.

How did she keep getting him so riled up like this? He shook his head and followed her down the ramp.

* * * *

Selene smirked as she headed to the arena. Neeman had no idea what he was getting into.

“Clear the floor,” Neeman said.

The humans and trackers eyed her as they left through a back door, whispering amongst themselves. She waved to them and smiled.

Neeman stripped to his tank top, revealing pale skin stretched taut over bulging muscles. She sucked in a breath and wished for him to take off the tank as well so she could see his washboard abs.

“I’m not going to take it easy on you,” he said.

“Good.” Her voice came out strangled.

“This is going to be fun.”

“Shut up,” she muttered.

“What was that?”

“Nothing.” She waved him off, trying to gain control of herself.

Neeman advanced on her, crouched, and swept at her legs with his. She dropped to the ground, knocking the wind out of her. He jumped on top of her and pressed his forearm to her throat.

“I thought you were going to show me something.” He smiled.

The feel of his hard body pressed on top of hers made her tingle.

“I am.” She smiled and ran her hand down his chest to his abs. Eight packs, just like she’d thought.


Neeman flew backward and landed several feet away. She flipped to her feet at the same time he did. He ran at her, eyes glittering with anger. She darted sideways to the wall and jumped. Bouncing off it, she twirled in the air and landed behind him as he smacked into the wall. She reached out with her hands and placed them on his back, ready for another spell. He turned and struck out at her before she could speak. She bent and rolled out of the way and he barely missed.

The inner voice laughed.

He rushed her again and she kicked out with her legs, flipped backward, and hit him in the chest with her feet. She back-handspringed several times until they stood at opposite ends of the arena. Neeman breathed heavily.

“Can you do anything without using magick?” he yelled.

“Fae won’t hesitate to use theirs. Why shouldn’t I use mine?” She chuckled.

“I thought you said it was demons who were coming.”

Damn. “Well, yes. It is demons. They have magick, too, is what I mean.”

“All right. Then tell me how to beat them.”

She planted her hands on her hips. “Find their weakness.”

He strode toward her. “All right. What is their weakness?”

She shrugged. “Everyone has a different weakness. Like you.”

He stopped. “Really? What’s my weakness?”

.” Selene appeared directly in front of him, used his own foot swipe, and had him flat on his back in an instant. She climbed on top of him and straddled him.

“Your weakness is you don’t want to hurt me. You’re too kind to the fairer sex.”

He wrapped his legs around her torso and flipped her on her back before sitting on her hips and squeezing her throat. The pressure made her nether regions pulse with need. He squeezed just enough she could breathe but she couldn’t swallow or speak. He bent down close to her and put his ear to her lips.

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.” His cool, minty breath tickled her skin.

“Take him.”

Grabbing his head in her hands, she bit his ear softly and flicked out her tongue, licking the inner rim of it.

He reared back and roared. “What the hell?”

She placed her hand on his arm. “

Neeman’s eyes widened and he fell flat on his back, stiff and immovable. She climbed on top of him and ran her fingers under his tank top.

“What did you do to me?” he yelled.

She shrugged. “It’s an incapacitation spell. So you won’t move.” She lifted his tank top and took in the sight of his hard body.

“What are you doing?” His eyes held panic.

She leaned in close and gave her most seductive smile while running a finger down his throat.

“Whatever you want me to.” She dipped her head till her lips were an inch from his. Her warm skin cooled as her breasts smashed against his hard chest. Desire stirred within her.

“Let me go,” he said.

She pulled away. “What?”

“Let me go. You’ve proven your point. Now let me go.”

She sat up. His arousal pressed into her core, but his eyes remained cold and remote.

“Fine.” She sighed. “

As soon as he was loose, he bucked her off and hopped to his feet.

What was wrong with him? “You don’t like domination games?”

His eyes hardened and his voice was cold. “No.”

All desire washed out of her at his distress. She’d never had a male who didn’t like her to play games. They all enjoyed her sexy siren side. And when she’d tried her immobilization spell in the past they’d been enthralled and elated by it in bed. Why was this one so different? He didn’t like anything she did.

“If you want to stay here under my protection, you must promise to never do that again,” he said.

Her gut clenched and a sudden pang of guilt struck her. “Neeman, I’m sorry, I was just playing. I didn’t mean to—”

He advanced a step. “Promise.”

She swallowed and nodded. “I promise,” she whispered.

He brushed past her and started up the ramp. Emotions stirred and bubbled inside her. She definitely wasn’t used to this new world.

* * * *

Neeman’s phone buzzed in his pocket as he walked down the hall to the elevator.


“It’s Mason.”

Neeman tensed. “What can I do for you?”

“I called to see how it was going with Selene.”

“She hasn’t run away yet.” Unfortunately.

“That means she won’t. If she stayed the night, she’ll stay put.”

Neeman clenched his fists and ground his jaw together. He didn’t want to know how Mason knew that.

“Is there anything else you need?” he asked.

“Reports have come in that a monster of some kind has been spotted down south. I’d like you to go take a look.”


“Probably so.”

“Anything I should know?”

“Not much intel at this point. All I can tell you is it would be a lesser demon. A scout of sorts. You shouldn’t need more than a couple of men. The higher demons won’t show until they know for sure I’m here. So I can’t go myself and we need to keep them from coming any further north.”

“Got it.”

“I’ll send you the coordinates. This is a capture-only deal. I need him alive so we can question him.”

“We’ll bag him and bring him. It’s what we do.”

If the run was going to be easy, he should take a couple of the humans. It had been months since their training started, but they were still unable to take down more than a few Vampires at a time. If there were a real attack by demons, they’d be mostly useless.

No, they weren’t ready.

“You still there?” Mason asked.

“Yeah, you need anything else?”

“I just… About Selene…there are things about her. Things you don’t know. She means a lot to me and—”

“Don’t worry, Mason. I’m not going to tell anyone about your connection. But I suggest you tell your mate. I’ve known Danika a long time and if there’s one thing she likes worse than bad news, it’s finding out that that particular bad news was withheld from her.”

“I’m going to tell her, but with the Russians here and now the demons… I need to find the right moment. And this isn’t it.”

“The Russians?”

“Yeah. Distant cousins. They want an audience with her.”

“Well, tell her soon. I can’t keep Selene here forever. I’m not a babysitter.” Just thinking about Selene’s spell made his skin itch.

“Understood. I’ll send you the information as to where to go.”

Neeman shut off his phone and stepped into the elevator. He needed to get Selene out of his hair, if for nothing else, for his sanity. The woman was downright maddening. And dangerous as hell.

* * * *

Selene plopped on her bed, exhausted from her workout with Neeman. It had been decades since she’d sparred with someone. She looked over to find her cleaning bucket and supplies sitting by the closet door. She groaned. Cleaning was so beneath her. She had a degree from Yale in anthropological studies, a degree from Harvard in Art History, a degree from Northwestern in Musical Theater, and a degree from USC in History. Not to mention the various degrees she’d obtained from smaller colleges. As far as she knew, she could be the most highly educated person left in America. Yet she’d been reduced to cleaning toilets.

“Leave. Get out and party.”

“Shut up.” She pounded on her head. Her inner voice had been caged too long by the amulet her mother had given her. Now free of its cage, the voice’s ever-present commentary irritated Selene to the point of insanity.

She sat up. She needed a plan, something that would force Mason to keep her at Coven House.

“So we can go out and party, or shop or whatever. It’s obvious loverboy won’t pretend to be your master and take us out.”

Selene lay back, threw her pillow over her face, and screamed. She couldn’t take this much longer.

“Not used to being so bored, are you?”

She uncovered her head. In her doorway stood a handsome, young-faced Vampire. He had a large muscular build and short brown hair. She recognized him.

“You’re the one who drove me here from the club.”

“Yeah, I’m Riley.” He crossed to her in two strides and held out his hand. He sported the same black clothing Neeman and she wore. His face was boyishly handsome and he had a dimple on his left cheek.

“Selene.” She shook his hand and flashed him a smile.

His cheeks pinked ever so slightly.

“So is there anything else to do around here besides clean toilets?”

“Train and meditate and go on runs. Sometimes we get out and party to blow off steam. But mostly we’re supposed to be focusing on our training. Neeman goes out. He likes to go to Midnight. The club we picked you up at.”

“So you go out nightly?” She hoped he said yes.

“Not so much now that your kind are here. “

“My kind?” There were fae in the compound?

“Yeah, humans. You know. We found a huge cache of them in one of Lord Danika’s warehouses. They were being used as blood mules. So Danika freed them and is training them to be minions.”


His brows furrowed. “Where did you come from? I thought all humans knew the difference between slaves and minions.”

She smiled again. “Right, sorry. I thought you were talking about something else. I misunderstood.” She laid her hand on his arm and laughed.

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