Rock Hard Love (6 page)

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Authors: D. H. Cameron

BOOK: Rock Hard Love
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“What do you mean?” I asked.
I’d just given him what he wanted and now that I wanted it too, he wasn’t going to oblige me. I felt a twinge of regret in letting him have me but as he explained, that feeling faded.

“I told you you’d beg me.
Maybe you were about to,” he said and he was probably right. I did want James inside me. “I don’t want you to beg me when you’re all hot and bothered. I don’t want you to regret it tomorrow. I want you to do it with a clear head and after considering all the possibilities. You will though, and when you do, I’m going to fuck you as no man ever has. I can’t wait to feel you from the inside and come in that beautiful pussy,” he said and growled in frustration.

I was shaking as much from the intensity of the orgasms as
from the depth of his words. I wanted James more than I’d ever wanted anything. Not despite his personality, but because of it. He was rough and abrasive on the outside, but inside he was so much more. I felt special that he chose to show me the part of him his fans probably had no idea even existed. I wanted desperately to pleasure James.

“What about you
?” I asked wanting to see his hard cock, feel it as he just promised.

“I can wait. I’ve been waiting for you my whole life,” James said cryptically and kissed me again as he pulled my bra back into place and then my blouse.
He broke the kiss and went to retrieve my skirt and panties.

“James, why me?
I’m nothing special. I’m not as pretty as a million other women you could have. I’m nothing more than a talent agent in training,” I asked suddenly feeling unworthy. Why would this man want me? James could have any woman he wanted but he was pursuing me. I just couldn’t understand it.

“Ask me again later.
Right now, we need to get back to work. Put your clothes on. You’re shameless,” James told me and I laughed at his little joke. I did as he said. If he could wait, so could I. I refused to let reality in just yet, however. I would have plenty of time to analyze this later and dissect my feelings. Right now, I just wanted to learn what I could about James and discover what made him tick. I wanted to know everything about him.




James and I spent the rest of the evening listening to Battery along with a few other heavy metal and hard rock bands that he enjoyed or that had inspired him. I was slowly gaining an appreciation for the genre, the feeling, the emotion and the raw anger. The music made me feel alive in ways my pop and contemporary music couldn’t. The similarity between the music and the way James ravished me was not lost on me. The men I’d been with before didn’t possess the passion James had and it showed. They didn’t make me feel much of anything but James made me feel everything and we hadn’t even really had sex. If he fucked like he ate my pussy, I was pretty sure I’d lose my mind.

I also spent time looking over the memorabilia and pictures about the room.
I could hardly believe the skinny boy in those pictures with the long reddish hair and thin mustache was James but the eyes were identical, full of intelligence and life. The wild boy had become a man, still wild but more focused and thoughtful. At least that’s how I felt looking at the young James. Pictures of him on stage and with friends, almost always with a bottle of beer or whiskey in his hand. I saw the angst and troubles in his youthful eyes, a quality James no longer had. Now he possessed a look that spoke of the hard-earned wisdom born of his wild and crazy youth.

After sharing the cheesecake we’d taken with us, I
ended the evening listening to James play his acoustic guitar for me, doing an unplugged version of “Destroyed”, the song we started the evening with that had grown from the words on the cocktail napkin on the wall. Again, I felt as if I was the woman the song referred to, especially as James sang the song just for me as he stared into my eyes. His impromptu version was even more mournful and haunting than the recorded version. I felt myself follow the man in the song to the depths of sadness and then as he was metaphorically reborn, I felt that too.

It was a special moment that I was grateful to share with James.
It was even more special than the sudden, intense encounter we had shared earlier. Around eleven that night, James took me back to the office to get my little car. He was off to San Francisco in the morning to do a charity concert with Battery on Saturday, the night after next, at a small club owned by a friend. I wouldn’t see him for a few days and I was thankful for the opportunity to consider my change of heart concerning James. Honestly, I couldn’t wait to tell Josie what had happened and get her opinion on the whole situation though I could guess what her reaction would be.

“I’m glad you came over tonight and took the time to get to know me and my music.
I’ll see you in a few days. See what you can do about those concert dates in the meantime. No more than thirty stops! If it’s more than that, it’ll be a year before we’re back in the studio recording a new album,” James told me. I was his agent, after all, and now it fell to me to straighten this out. I wasn’t sure I was up to the task but I was going to give it my all.

“I will.
Thank you for…you know,” I said. I wanted to do something to show him how much I appreciated not only his deft tongue, but also his patience with me. Impulsively, I lifted my ass off the seat of the truck, lifted my skirt and slid my panties down my long, silken legs. James cocked an eyebrow as I handed them to him. “Something to remember me by. You’re a rock star after all and it seems appropriate. I’m sure I’m not the first fan to throw my panties at you,” I told him.

James laughed and took my beige, satin thong panties and put them to his face and inhaled.
“I love the way you smell and taste, Simone,” James said and as I blushed, he hung the panties on his rear view mirror. Then he leaned across the center console, took a hand full of hair and pulled me close. His lips met mine and I wished I still had my panties on. My skirt was dry clean only and I knew it would need a trip to the cleaners after this. Our tongues danced in my mouth and his unruly goatee tickled my chin. I giggled as we parted, hot and shaky.

“Have a safe trip,” I told him as I opened my door.

“I will. I’ll see you soon. Naked underneath me, I hope,” he said and I blushed again, my cheeks burning. I stepped out of the truck and watched him go before getting into my Fiesta. I had to take a moment to compose myself before driving home. Two questions burned in my mind. What just happened and when would it happen again?


“No he didn’t!” Josie exclaimed after I got to the juicy part of my evening with James.

“Yes, he did,” I said.

“Whoa, that is amazing. And then what?” Josie asked excitedly. It felt good to tell someone. I told her the rest and Josie waited until the end to ask, “He didn’t fuck you?”

“No, he told me he wanted me to ask when my head was clear,” I told her.

“You’re going to ask, aren’t you?” she chided expectantly. Honestly, as the memory of the evening settled in, I wasn’t so sure anymore. I wanted it desperately after James took me on his sofa, but now it seemed a little scary and incredibly intense.

“I don’t know,” I answered honestly.
Maybe it was my inexperience. Maybe I was afraid of what might happen. Maybe I was afraid of how intense James could be and how easily I was laid bare before him.

“Shit, girl.
You don’t know? Whatever! You’re going to at least go up to San Fran and surprise him, aren’t you? I would,” she said. I hadn’t thought of that and it was an interesting idea. After a little more girl talk, I hit the sack. It was nearly one in the morning and I was spent, physically and mentally. It had been a roller coaster of a day.

I couldn’t sleep as the memory of the
night swirled around in my head. I found my hand between my legs petting my bare mound absently as it all came flooding back. Maybe Josie was right. Maybe I should go see James and surprise him. I was his agent and I should see him live, right? Heck, who was I kidding? I wanted to see James again and as I remembered the way he made me feel, nearly naked as he pleasured me, I wanted to beg him to fuck me silly. However, I had something to take care of first.

The next morning
, Friday, I headed straight for the coffee before I turned on the little radio in my cubicle. Some sugary pop song was playing and it sounded incredibly bland. I turned the dial and found a rock station instead. Not metal, but not pop either. Before I fell asleep, sometime around three in the morning, I’d decided that if I was going to be Battery’s agent, I was going to do it right. I sucked down one cup of coffee and then went to get another before heading to Human Resources.

“You aren’t authorized for
an expense account or credit card, Miss Navarro,” the woman told me.

“Well I am servicing the Battery account and I need an expense account.
I guess you could call Ms. Roland and ask. I doubt she’ll be too happy you apparently lost the authorization though,” I bluffed. The woman gave me a look of disdain.

“Fine, I’ll open an account and you’ll have a credit card delivered to your office this afternoon,” she said
begrudgingly, doing as I asked but I could tell she wanted to stay as far away from the Fraulein as possible. I giggled to myself as a realized I’d used James’ term for Victoria. “What office are you in?” she asked. I hadn’t thought of that until just then. There was an empty office near Peter’s and I decided to move in before my meeting with the record label.

“I’m right next door to Peter McMillan.
While you’re at it, please see someone comes up and puts my name on the door. Simone Navarro,” I said and for a moment, I thought I’d gone too far. Maybe I was letting all this power go to my head. However, the woman told me she would send a request to maintenance and I wondered if I’d been missing something all these years by not being more assertive.

I wasn’t painfully shy and I was confident in my abilities, but I wasn’t one to assert myself.
Until the meeting the other day, I was more of a listener, a wallflower. However, there was little doubt James was having an effect on me. I don’t know why or how to explain it but the more I was with him, the more lively I felt. By midmorning, I had moved into my new office though I was essentially a squatter. A few days ago, such a bold move wouldn’t have even been on my radar, much less gaming Human Resources to give me an expense account. I felt as if anyone who tried to kick me out of my new digs, including Fraulein Vicky, had better watch out.

And so
I went into the meeting I’d set up with Battery’s record label with a newfound sense of confidence. I’d been in meetings with the record company before but I doubt they remembered me, the lowly assistant. All they knew was I’d been named the new agent for Battery at the band’s request and we needed to hammer out the new contract terms ASAP. I faced three men at the record label’s offices, each in a suit and looking stern. I, on the other hand, had chosen my sheerest blouse, my shortest, but still professional, skirt and a pair of very uncomfortable stilettos that I usually only wore when I really dressed up.

The men couldn’t keep their eyes off of me but when I told them Battery’s demands, they stopped
staring at my body. For three hours, we went back and forth. I gave a little, taking some liberties I hoped James and the band wouldn’t mind, but I got what they wanted and more. I knew enough from reading the files, the meeting minutes and looking over the old contract to feel confident in what I’d given up to get what James wanted. I hoped he'd agree.

Back at the office, I found the draft contract waiting in my email as well as my name on my door.
I printed out the contract and tucked it into my briefcase, printed out my boarding pass and as I left, I peeked into Peter’s office.

“What are you doing, Simone?” he asked and I knew he was referring to my new office.

“Possibly going down in a ball of fire,” I said and Peter smiled.

“I taught you well, you’ll do OK,” he said.

“If not, at least I’ll have a nice office for a few days,” I replied.

“If it pisses off Victoria, then I’m fully supportive,” he said.

“Thanks, I have a plane to catch. I’ll see you when I get back,” I told him. I wanted to tell him everything, but I didn’t have time and I wasn’t sure that was the best plan. Peter was a good guy and I knew he was on my side, but the less he knew, the less chance he’d get in trouble if this all went south and there was a good chance it all might. Victoria could take offense at my presumptuousness or she could get angry that I had gone in the opposite direction dealing with the record company. In either case, she could make my life a living hell. I got the feeling she couldn’t fire me, probably because she couldn’t afford to lose the Battery account, but honestly, she could do much worse.




The next morning, Saturday, I awoke in San Francisco with a plan. It wasn’t hard to figure out where Battery was playing. The Saturday night show was all the buzz in San Francisco. Battery rarely did small venues outside of Southern California and so it was all over the papers and local news. Getting in to the show, on the other hand, was going to be harder. I decided just to go to the source. James mentioned a friend owned the club so I went there and talked to the owner, using my new title and the agency as leverage. It took a little while and some verification on his part but he was finally satisfied I wasn’t just some imaginative fan trying to get in the back door, so to speak.

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