Rock Hard Love (10 page)

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Authors: D. H. Cameron

BOOK: Rock Hard Love
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“Hopefully he’ll call and straighten this all out,” Josie offered.
I hoped she was right but I didn’t feel like talking about it. Josie was sweet, telling me everything would be OK, offering to get me dinner and telling me she could cover the rent until I found another job. I wasn’t hungry, but I appreciated the offer. Honestly, I was ready to go back to Idaho and get the hell away from here. We watched television all night and it helped to keep my mind off of everything. However, as soon as I went to bed, I lay awake as my imagination ran wild.

Why wasn’t James calling me?
Was Victoria telling the truth? Was James avoiding me now because he got what he wanted, a night in the sack and a favorable contract? I didn’t want to think that, but as more time passed without hearing from him, I couldn’t help but wonder. I fell asleep sometime after two in the morning but I didn’t sleep well and at seven, Josie talking to someone roused me.

I got up and found her at the front door, “She’s sleeping.
I don’t know if I should let you in. I‘m not sure she wants to see you.” It was James and my heart was suddenly in my throat.

“It’s OK, Josie,” I told her.
I was afraid of what he might say, but I needed know. Josie let James in. He looked tired.

“Get dressed, we need to settle this,” he demanded.
I expected a hug or an explanation, not an order.

“Tell me what’s going on,” I replied but he refused to talk.
He only told me to get dressed and come with him and then his eyes looked at Josie. I assumed he didn’t want to talk in front of her. I went to do as he asked and Josie followed me to my room.

“Are you sure?
What if that bitch was telling the truth?” Josie asked.

“I trust him.
I have too. I’ll be fine, thanks,” I told Josie and hugged her. She stayed with me protectively as I threw on a comfortable jogging outfit and tennis shoes. I brushed my hair and then went to leave with James. Josie followed me to the door and watched me leave. She was a good friend and I felt bad about thinking she had broken her promise. I followed James out to the parking lot. He didn’t have his truck, instead driving a mid-sized rental car. Something was up but I was at a loss to see it.

James was quiet on the way to wherever he was taking me.
I asked him what was going on and all he said was, “You’ll see.” He wasn’t helping to ease my conspiracy theories but I tried to reserve judgment. Traffic was hell and it was slow going but I could tell we were headed downtown. After nearly an hour, we got off the freeway and drove directly to the Roland Talent Agency. James parked in the loading zone in front of the building, apparently his favorite spot to park, and then James got out of the car, came around to gather me and tugged me by the hand towards the front doors.

“What are we doing?
I was fi…,” I began to say but James looked back at me as we hurried into the lobby.

“Trust me,” was all he said.




Up the
elevator we went and James was still quiet but his hand held mine fiercely. I still wondered what his role in this was but I was getting the feeling he was pissed off and not at me. The vein above his temple twitched as it did the day I met him. The elevator opened and we walked briskly through the reception area, past the vapid receptionist as she asked, “May I help you?” We left her behind and then walked through the offices. Peter caught sight of us and I could see the puzzled look on his face as James and I walked by. I looked at him and shrugged.

James led me into Victoria’s
outer office and he stopped in front of her secretary and asked, “Is the Fraulein in?”

“If you’re referring to Ms. Roland, she’s in but occupied,” the woman answered giving the standard
response. James turned and pulled me with him as the secretary called after us, “You can’t go in there!”

We burst into Victoria’s office and found her on the phone, her long legs and high heels propped on her glass and metal desk.
“I need to go,” was all she said and hung up the phone. “So, my little fib has been exposed. Oh well, it doesn’t matter,” she said. I expected James to go off on her, blow up and lose his mind. I half expected him to wring her neck. As much as I hated to admit it, I would have liked to see that. Instead, he calmly approached her desk.

“I suppose it doesn’t.
Vicky, you’re fired,” James said. I looked back and found Peter and a couple of other employees standing in Victoria’s outer office watching and waiting to see what might happen.

How original,” Victoria answered and then stood and walked around the desk towards me. She stopped and asked, “Who’s going to represent your horrid band now? This slut?” Victoria said and I suddenly felt Peter behind me. He obviously sensed something was about to go down and was there to support me or hold me back, I wasn’t sure which. I looked at him and he shook his head. Good thing because I was about this far from punching the Fraulein in the face.

Actually, yes. Simone is the band’s agent. I saw the contract she negotiated and she’s a hell of lot better than you ever were, Vicky. I asked you to assign her to the band for several reasons, not the least of which is that you suck as a talent agent, not to mention as a human being. Samuel’s agency died with him. This mess is all on you. You can take your piece of shit agency and shove it up your squeaky, tight ass, Vicky,” James said calmly but with force. I had no idea how he’d seen the contract but then I looked back at Peter and he nodded. I smiled at him.

“How dare you?
This agency is still the best in the industry. You’ll find out soon enough that Miss Navarro’s negotiating skills aren’t so effective without my name behind her. Good luck, Mr. Turner. I hope you and your girlfriend will be happy. It’s a good thing I’ve helped you become so wealthy. You’re going to need it because I’m going to ruin you and Miss Navarro,” Victoria said ominously. James came over to me and his hand found the small of my back.

“Bring it, Fraulein,” was all James said and we turned to leave but Peter stopped us before James could lead me away.

“Victoria, I happen to agree with James. You can take my job and shove it,” Peter said totally out of character. James and I laughed and Victoria tried hard to remain stoic, but I could tell she was beyond angry at losing control of the situation. Peter joined us as we walked out of the offices and made our way to the street.

“Breakfast is on me,” James announced
once we found ourselves outside. We all climbed into the rental car and James pulled into traffic.

Peter sat back and sighed deeply, “I know you don’t drink James, but I’m having a fucking bloody
mary. Did I really just quit my job?” I looked back, offered Peter my hand and smiled warmly as he took it.

“Thank you, Peter.
You’re a good friend and you have balls of steel,” I said. Peter laughed as James turned to regard him as we stopped at a red light.

“Pete, don’t worry.
I take care of mine. You’ll be fine,” James told Peter who thanked James for saying so. I could feel Peter’s hand shaking in mine. Peter wasn’t used to this kind of thing. Honestly, neither was I but I had a feeling that life with James would be full of moments like this. I had to admit that it was quite exhilarating if not a little frightening. I took James free hand and squeezed. He looked over at me.

“You were having bad thoughts about me, weren’t you,” James said and I looked away sheepishly.

“Yes, I’m sorry,” I answered and then looked back at him with fire in my eyes and said, “but not as bad as the thoughts I’m having right now.” James’ eyes flared and he squeezed my hand.

“Look, I’m happy for you two, but don’t forget I’m back here,” Peter remarked.
I laughed and blushed at my brazen behavior and James was smiling too. We simmered down and found a place to eat. It wasn’t nine o’clock yet, but Peter sucked down two bloody marys and I matched him cup for cup with coffee. James joined in with a virgin mary of his own. I sent Josie a text letting her know everything was fine and I’d tell her all about it when I saw her. After we ate, Peter insisted on taking a cab home.

He told
James and me we should be alone and we didn’t need a third wheel. He wasn’t looking forward to telling his wife about quitting, but James assured him again everything would be OK. Peter thanked him and gave me a big, drunken hug before climbing into his cab. James and I climbed into the rental and headed for his house in Malibu. I knew where I stood after James confronted Victoria, but I still had questions.

“What was all the cloak and dagger stuff about?” I asked referring to our nearly silent ride downtown.

“I like a little drama now and then,” James told me. I frowned.

“You could have said something.
I was so confused after Victoria fired me. I even wondered if what she said was true. I’m sorry for that,” I explained. James took my hand.

“I understand.
The Fraulein has that effect on people. I hope you trust me, really trust me, now,” James said and looked at me meaningfully.

“I do,” I replied and then asked, “So, how did you know what happened.
I didn’t say anything in my phone message.”

“Swami Turner knows all,” James joked theatric
ally wiggling his fingers at me but I refused to laugh and just glared at him. I could only play mad for so long, however, before cracking a smile. James explained, “No dice, huh? OK, Pete left me a message but I didn’t get it until late last night. I called him and he explained the whole deal and then sent me a copy of the contract. I guess he stole it off your computer after you left. I never got your message I was so upset. I couldn’t get a flight so I rented a car and drove here overnight.”

Thank you. I meant to show you the draft contract in San Francisco but I forgot after the concert and all that,” I told him and then asked, “Do you like it?”

“You did good, little girl.
Twenty-four stops? That’s fucking awesome. That will give the band more than enough time to work on the new album and I can spend the rest with you. I could give a crap about the pittance you gave up to get that. I knew you’d make a great agent,” James told me and I blushed. Then he asked, “All that? That’s how you refer to the other night when you fucked my brains out?”

but I seem to remember you fucked my brains out, Mr. Turner,” I replied using the formal term he so hated.

“Yeah, you were pretty submissive.
I like that. But I like it when you get fired up too. I’ll have to figure out how to get you to take the reins and fuck me silly,” James said. I blushed again, something I did quite often around James, but the idea was appealing.

“Take me home and I’ll show you what I’m capable of,” I said calling his bluff but James only sighed.

“I can’t. I’m so tired. How about you let me grab a nap first? You can take the truck, go home and get some things. I’ll feel better when you get back,” James suggested.

“I’m not moving in,” I replied even though he hadn’t asked.
I didn’t want him to misinterpret anything.

“I know, but seeing as you’re unemployed
and all I figured you could spend a few days hanging out. I’ll take things slow. I know this is all a little too much right now,” he clarified.

“I can do that,” I said.
James looked over and smiled. “You sure you trust me driving that beast of a pickup?” I teased him.

“You’re from Idaho.
Didn’t your daddy have one?” he shot back.

“Yeah, but not like
yours. I’ll try really hard not scratch the paint,” I joked and James grimaced dramatically making me laugh. When we finally made it to Malibu, James called the rental car company to pick up the car, one of the perks of being a famous rock star, I suppose. Afterwards, I tucked him into bed and told him I’d wake him up when I got back.

drove home, showered and packed for a few days. I left Josie a note telling her I’d fill her in when I got home and not to worry about me. I knew it would kill her not to know all the details immediately, but she could wait and it would probably do her good. She told me she hadn’t spilled the beans about James and I and I believed her. However, I still figured the less people who knew the better. I still couldn’t figure out how Victoria had found out about James and me. Was she spying on me or did someone else tell her? Maybe she just assumed as she had about James staying with the agency. I guess it didn’t matter.

That was all over now and everything seemed to have worked out
for the best. I guess I was Battery’s new agent and Peter was going to be taken care of, but I wasn’t clear on the details. James wasn’t using me and Victoria was still a raving bitch but at least the Fraulein had gotten a taste of her own medicine. I remembered her last words to us. She’d promised to ruin us, but what could she do? James could probably buy Roland outright and still have money left over. James was right too. Roland wasn’t the same agency it was when Samuel was running it. I’d heard that so many times and seeing the way Victoria operated, I knew it was true.

Victoria was a self-aggrandizing
egomaniac. It wasn’t in her nature to listen to others or do as her clients requested and when the goodwill Samuel had engendered ran out, she’d find herself bankrupt. It was sad to think of her ruining her father’s legacy, but she deserved whatever she got. Maybe something would change that probable future, but I doubted it. She was too stubborn to listen to anyone and her ego wouldn’t allow her to change. Too bad but that was my past now and I had a great future to look forward to, even though it wasn’t anything like I’d imagined.

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